Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Apr 1963, p. 11

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By THUMW The WA at St Pauls Church Forgusonvalc will hold In an nual Easter bazaar bake sale and April ham to 530 pm Mrs Drady returned by jel rum London England She en Joyed Wu week hallday wnh relative and Iyi dsn Mrs Evcnhuh is In Hospital name Mrs OHalloran Also gguenglherg Miss Brenda Henson Elm vale ls spending law days with her grandparents Mr and Mrs George wag Congratulation In Mr and Mrs Douglas Drysdale on Lht hlrth son mJltzlmzllamlmums lo Mr and Mn Ron Archer on the aman sun In Penctanl By MRS WRIGHT Rev Cnlhcart and Mrs Calhurl Hastings ware in lawn to allund the lunernl at Gordon Mr Ind Mrs Spence McCuL laugh at Richmond Hill called on relative Ind fiend in lawn unfinlnrday Rev Mr Ferguson Ottawa Ind Ferguson Toranlo VSA ilcd Mrs Palmer on Satur Mr and ML Allan llld led reinich Saturday Mr and Mrs Nelson Ere and Mr and Mrs men Human vixiled Mr and Mrs Elwood Sund Mn McCullough is pal lent In 5L Jasephl Hulpilll home Mrs Axar is patient In Slevenson Mnmnrinl Haspilal Alllslon Mr and Mn Earl Hooper and family of Orton visited Mrs 5HW99 SEP Mr and Mn When and Mrs Planon of Barrie called on rduuves And friend In uwn Sqlprda anhnnlel Stewan is plum In Stevenson Memorial Hospiul Alllslnn TLIIDAY muL Sunu mu Paul PIE mm mm um Ilcrcun Amol And Nm wmmx Ipuru Wllon Tum MIL 1mm Svaru Unllmfled CaunIry Jumlon mac Nu wmhu Spam Mn lukhm 1115 ml um 111 WIDNIIDAY APRIL II Hun In we rnlum lllduuy no man In Imlumr lllduuy loo Tho tumn AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY FEBGUSONVALE in niuu In New Wumr lvaru 1w manpm 1m Imm Good Manna 5mm Pm Nm numvu Imam ramu Pmy Noonflly mm Mom New 5m mu mud lmnflly mm mm yum mm um mums um um nun mmm Ilaml mm your nnl mlnd In plmo pha TELEVISION PROGRAMS And Cw Wlll In mnva You Hum THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICI BEETON DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCKS CFTO CHANNEL CKVR CHAN CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI English Bill McCullough vis in Tnmnln on PA 82433 Mlés Anna wnluuzhhy valiant Sn Stevenson Memnrill EggpunlLAflgwn M153 Cruwiherl Nnmla spenl lhe weakend wllh Mrs Cale Mrs Sully spent Wed dly with relativu In Toronto Gordan H11 of Mutual died his home March 23 Funeral Servlce were held In St Plull Anzllcun Church Burial wns In the hmlly plot Mnlly United Wk Beelon Skntlnl Club hed carnival March 29 in Eeelon mm large crnwd atkended Member of Beelon Womenl Institute who Illendtd the we clal meeting Allismn Wo mens Insdtul In their hall were Mrs Cecil Reynolds Mn Hooper Mrs Wright Mrs Bull Mrs Cole Mrs Ball Mrs Kellle Mrsfw Campfln Mrs Harvey Mrs 5mm and Mrs Lamb Neluhbars and memhcrs ol the hall leum galhmd at the Gran lel Cammnnlty Hall to honor Mr and Mn Arthur Danlels and lamlly whn have purchased farm In the Elmvnle dlstrlct and will be lenvlng thls community An address was read by Donnelly Mr and Mn Dnnlels were presenlcd wiu gills con sisllng of slnlnless sue flntwm sheen pillow cases and tank The chlldrenym given mk lnole board Making the presm unions were Vallon Scott Taylor Oakley Ind Sughcrland nucxma SESSION IEL Prize wmners It the euchra Friday evening were Alice Tron George Harris Reta Harris Jack Holmes Maurice Miller Ruhm Horner Donnie Park last par finger while wnrkinz in the shop IliNnrth gamma Easter Scmce all be huld Apr 14 pm HOME AND SCHOOL The régulnrHome and Scth usucialion meeting was held Pinezmve school wilh visitor molarunlu TV No mu spam Nun lvml nlunsnur APRIL ll 1000 1015 Tul Puma Good Morning san rm lel sums smouu Lonm You snow Thlr 5mm um Mun Rum 11 van Bur IHKhvuy IIlNX Null um spam cnmnn NIIL llnclty Shut Unllmflrd 31 squm cnc TV Nun We Spam Null Wooden Ham 1an HM 111 Ma Io ll mo luv no no 1an In no wanunu Ann no Klddo nu Domino mu Mornlnl Mu no no hulaat mo mr Ilauu noo Noumfly mum um Kiddo loo fluml no Nan Co mu zoo Chnnml Th anvtlrh vuIm Ilu Loo1M rmhuorl Ina ka ml mun null IIW lltm llulen our 166 on Nu mm mm In lltm 1mm mu Ann mm By MRS COLE Tn story or Tum Sun Ham llulon TORONTO no Mnmlnl Innm mum 0H llam Noondl lluldv mm m1 All pl In lnnllld lhlnnvl mm mum mm nu mu mm hmm In NU runm Gunmu Luth lull Jul Im now mm nun Nun lllflml llnnr GRENFEL BARRIE Hum Ivor and teacher present mm Edn hlll Drive Grenlel and 7th line 5ka Mrs Morril guidancueacher mm Ben1° North Collulm guest spuker She discus ed the verious ployam anil Ible or students entering high school UNITED CHURCH WOMEN United Church anen me Wednesday evening It um home of Mrs Tyson Smith Dewqu were led by Mn Haunt thsqn ad chamel It was decldcd hold ha um and bah sale at lha Plu ln May Next meellnl will be held May at th homl of Mn ChlrlesVCnle Conirllulalion in Mr Ind Mrs Dennis Slack on the hit on son Mr ml Mrs Charles Colo And Mrs Wifloushby Biltie viniled with Mr and Mrs lime On Sloniivflla Ind Mr and Mn 11 Bobbelle Villawdlle They Ilm visited wilh Mn Coles nephcw XL Bobbelte whu hid undean In operation in Tor unig Gang Hospital Mnand Mrs Money Sun dridge visiked in the ma Thursday Gusting wind Ind heluwireex in temperature did not deter nvzr two hundred indies and iew gentleman from ntlendlnu ten and reception held ll lha home of Mr and Mrs 11 Miler Highwny II in honour of Ellwood Madlll PC candidate for Dulier In Simcoe and Mrs MndilL Receiving and wclcominx lha guests will Mn Trotter were Mrs Alvin Webb Mr and Mrs Arthur Evans and Mr and Mrs Mndlll Miss Katherine Trailer daugh er of Mr and Mrs Trailer was junior hostess ninse assis llng by pouring nr serving during the nilernonn wer Mrs Peter Hylnnd Mrs William Wallace Mrs Cmmpinn Sr Mrs Emir Evans Mrs lra Baiemnn Mrs ll llnrvie Mrs Malhews Mrs Ednay Mrs Rowe Mrs Ewing Mrs By MRS CAMPBELL Openan leadRina hurls hnve previously refund to my mood lriend Endplny Chan lle No an who knew Churllo would seriously contend hat he was the best player in the world nnd In ad lhcre warn some no mnlnlalnul he was the wnrsI but think that many in In Inner Kroup were simply Jordan Chnrlhax Iklll in working out endplnyg He wns not good bidder mm lrcqucnlly an lhe up limlsllc Ilde Ind IL mu nmtr nhly bccnuxo ul lhlx lcndcncy In nvcrbld lhll he dcmopcd his llalr or nvln mminfly hop 1m mnlrnm miml xmple mm lmlnn or lypi at hand In DAILY CROSSWOBD Soth dcnlcr Bolh tide Juana nun 4Q Thu thlng South West Pu WEST 60 140 LA umm Wold an mum Mum It 8ch hldl 15 Ylllvwfll null 11 But mm bu JIM In haul 20 mu mu XL mum mu 914 NH hm ml MUIM IMIL Hml Momma urnml um MUCH clan to mum lbw Io nun mudl vdl ll Mun muwr la Chm Ill Ind culth bluMll bcueuu I1 untou bahnor mad um um Jim Pupil of um n14 101 iunu mpL STROUD CONTBHCT BRIDGE to Q1 Am mmm can mun MST 4101 10 1091 405 snmu Luann vulnerable Norm Immu um Idol mum mun Empl nunx Inw mun 3110 any 8y JAY BECKER Pan Pu no YEARS OLD The may iriands lmm this ml at iiirl Ruben Gnhuu Jamad ln upan hlnhday mumlulaiinnx and hesi wish on her 901i birthday Mm Gm ham hu lived in innisiil town ship ull her life and Ipent mmn yam in the vlilm Sh livcs with her dlufliifl Mrs Alvin Webb Painswick who held open house on mesdny unemnon im cinse friend and rgiaUVu elm nglnell Ind Mn day was flan tubule mlvnd mm Knock communlkv where she and her husband lumed or runny yem Flowers mm 3mm Contra Conservgllw sedation Mr Ind Mrs Arum Evm and ulemm mm um anllr cl Onllrlo John but were Iddcd la the numeb mu card Ind 11m unnu menu from native Ind fiends crud fihal All was pn xenled Wm comm am Mrs John Didwhaker wife at the Prune Minister lament lflnn not place It meeting Slggud Ilhulfsdayhlghg Mn Gnhm In Me rand dtlldml and 15 peak grind chlldren all whom Ilung with fiends mm SLmud Barrie Ind Thorntonjere meg Tom FIE Elmvale her only livinl hmlher Ind his wile gpem Ugg daywih Mrs an ham Mrs Graham wonder how hey will zelzbrate her 100th blnhday We just Join In saying may you hlva health mdslrenglh to be Imund lu Prior to lhe Progressive Con servative meeting at Slmnd Thursday evening Mr Ind Mrs Eilvnwd Mndiil Mr and William Wallace Ind Mrs Alvin Webb were dinner guests at the home Mr Ind Mrs Cnmpcil Elmer Holidays In almasl here and or our luders Club they will he busy time The girl the lhm club In this mu Ire lrylng to finish thcir garment in lhl Separates for Summer pro Incl so Ihoy cnn model them for the Womens lmlilulu member on he allemoon at April la II the regular WI meeting lmnd lo play lie was In six nudeslargely or change as mull of his parlncrs nverv hlds Looan all our hands it would seem that Charlle Wu dcslined to so dam on While the club finesse was on we diamund Ilncssc was not and it lhmlnre looked as lhnugh he would luvs to lose two diamond um and he contracL But he hmzcd through the play In Lyplcal lashlon and had the hand mada helm you could so much say Endplny Charlie He was In hls eltmcnl ln this kind hand and could vlsunlua the oulcnme practically as soon Ilflhe any the dummy ru lug oi heart and rushed the MN oi spade In rapid succession Thea liter cashinx he ace clubs he lmmpcd heart and iinessed hpjack oi chin 33 succeeded Charlies face In up like Juislmnl me It always did uhtn he was about exccula hls invorlle type play No lhcn cashed lho king or clubs and played I11 queen of hum mm dummy 0n lhe hurl he discarch me our ol diamonds cs 00 nq klnz but lhcn had In comch the ml nl he lrldu dlu mond rclurn would no right mm NO whllu hum return would permlt Charlie la rut In dummy he discarded the men diamond lrnm hll hand Tomamwl Compounalu Many a1 Bum 38 TenId In lull ll Iv1nde IL IIM of col mmclni now Hum I4 Ilpnc um IN WW mo vw MNT IT MKS DIN GEEK A2 n93 539 52 93 maxim EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL 1963 ll gm MnWmmfiigfgfivfigfiégfiw in WW MMT am AV 12mm m3 ALWAVG IMho E1

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