wv MSW haw mm at mml uwr and hunt inlv flmm Ilmlnl Im mllu mm mnwlothn II the WK RWIM TIHMJ MONTH 151 The On lulu Inumh he nnndlln Amulrnr Smmmln Aundnllun nnnounrnl Sunday In unpllcm Inn wlll ho ude on lnrlull Tnmfln In lmltl lho IMO Cnrw dlnn rhnmwnmhlm and 017m Ne Mall 111 mayon Ille lh new mm lmmlclpll WI In ln In UMan th all lnrlllllu Irrmlml or Olyva mm ANADIMI LOU LONDON lllmlun Cull munham 1mm nut dad or lhm unnll MumY nllhl In land rumhlned lum al lInllhh Ilnmy law In vklory am tho ncAr lrnm 1mm Nu Flahlrr Wlnl 1119 CM lcnm urn rlmmplunl nxrnpr mum Hu vanqu Tanmun military lrnml mun Iud lhm MI rcrrnrl mum In La Mun Inrk ll nn 1mm spud 13111 mllu an ham 5qu or In plarlni In HI ll lnr Iho hour tlmlc Juno ma II ur wu am of nlnu which brllmd flu olllclll mom mu mrh hlld by Amorlcnn PM HI Flu ol Mm wrre Ilnllnnvbulll anll Iwn wm Hrllllhbulll Allan Mullm nml an Wu lulln Mmrnll mnnnxrr Ken Oruory Announced Sumhy Inn an In betn nppolnled ll mln net of Ina lum aur AC Cohu ur whlrh will compel at Le Mans uhaur nu Jug 15L sign merely Inluud whw MI cnr uu of 1mm Gondmmd lmr In April In STARTS COMEBACK DONDON Mutant rllllh moLor rnclnx llll sllrllnl Han wlll make cnmtblck an In lnllrnnllnnll um It mm uer nu Anglo mulun learn La Mm only yur Imr rnclnu luldrnl nurly toil hlm his Niann Falls Neil ARM Monclon Wmdsor Sunny Result Mouton Windsor Todayl Glma Mention II Windmr nwx nuronn Providence Bulllln Wednudnyl Gum Buan It Prnvldencl ammun qunrlwllnll Hershey 012 Baltimura Hershey wins series 31 Eflllldlyl llqu Balllmore Hexthey Beslmmva uml1inal Weduemyl aunt Clevelnnd ll Henhey OIM Jnnlor Hubermen ï¬nal WLT Eulern Cunna MIMI cup Babelseven innll IMIMI MINT IIIEI IUHN Mll Endern Pmleuloul But live IamlIlnal Sudbm HullOllam 1Eudhury wlnl mlel lo Sunnifl Ruull Iudbury Hullyoltnwl American Luna Bumum umhflnnll Ll AH Buffalo II valdenu ll MANAGER COACH Sld Abel ol the Deï¬cit Red Wings hu mm kind word tar car In Alu Faulkner who broke $15301 SPORT HOCKEY mom An 030 All Fl AH I60 A50 nu TM HIM will he alum In IAUI bud nu mm lwlwrm hamplnn lmr MIli Tmmvin ml 41th Illaull Lrtllhvhlgr mm lll ML IIUN WALKER BUFFALO NY ANnu with Huey lulrhuk Lmnn lwoynr vmnn am 7001M lulw 1w Amulun raolbll rnnlrlcl Will In wllh Winnlpu tum gnmhm In um um 1m um rfmfloli hl m1 nnmï¬l RETAIN UH CUI WIIJHNOTON ml MP ï¬n Unlud 5m rcuhnd ha Umr mp Inmenn ludmlnlou lllll lllurdly nlahl drlullnl III Enllllh dulmur laur mulch lo Ihm Th Unmd Emu won In cup In M1 Ind dammed ll luccmlully mo 11 thlllnnn ll mad ovary lhm yu far Inln In hl hlp lloblmon II IXIlzd lo undeua ham lnluuln IraIman Ind II uv new In in hll lummllu In In or mMul oplncr In Dulrall Llnfharnl Ipcedmy Sunday lmly lnlurlu lhI driver Bobby Mnrvln year nld drlver ram CflluthI Ohlo dltd lhnul two hour In ha lu ndmmed lo hmpnll wllh vm bum ROBINSON MDELINBD CHARLESTON WVD AF LMulo WM Bax Floyd noblman thslr lending hlller yur buk la Chlulu 51b Mm ugllmenll Allnn Cup Saskatoon Winnipeg Saskatoon Icnd bcslomvcn weslem Hnal Hi Northern Onlulo Junlar North Bay Espanola Emnul Indn bulrolflvo roupllnu lnlemlllnnnl Luxua Muskczon Fan Way mm Wayne lends besid uven umlliunl IND San Franclxco Portland Fin game of hasntseven Southern Dllelon Ina Edmonton Scams Seattle Win best of hm glarlhem Dlvlslnn lendï¬nal Sundlyl new Niagara Fan Neil 11cm Wednwllyl Glme Niagara Falls at Nzll McNeil BAURDAY Inlemllonll have Fort Wayne Muxeran Beswheven semihm and Hi Mlnnalpolll Omnha Binotuveu mlmu lied Memanl Cup Edan Eilavm Pin pm butolvuven western semiHM SUNDAY II when he scored In 1h thini period agnlnst Chlcuu Black Hawk last man De troit wen on then to post 74 vidoryrnnd VF1 ulna In Ilonlml rnnumln Ill ulrhlnl lhl um rum hll hmpllll bad ml ullnnd vmlnn yak Ind nnml um ha ml Ih 11 no ununull rucllon In Illemrnl nny ula MI Iplrlll urlllr In lhl dly um HM vlny horny an Ir halnl rhlrhd by nl le Ilium lmn till who play wllh le York Mora lolnl In Man ul llll II In hol yllll with He In In lnlorvlew on cut uh villnn bclwnn wind lb lelh mlHull llml bflmeu Mum Illck le AM by Iran nrd Winn Balk In ltulnn or Honircull Im an Injurlux mml la Fonllrula In Cln Im arnnl llvn wlll uh cm you DETROIT UP Frlnk Sclk manallnl dlrulor ol Man Cunadlrnl hi NI Ilo why Lulun uld Eun dly him that Wurld duleuu mun um Fanllnnla wlll mm play hockey Mn Pnul Conlln in tho lonn Nell McNell ml nut an mu the second period Null McNeil cuplnln Andre Champagne he only playm loll from lha St Mlchull zlub at 106 and Nlngnrn Full do lcnccmnn Gary Dornhoeler were each liven live minor panama Dick Morln Gnry Hum Waan Muller Ind Darnhoelu mm for Mann NIL mum the Helm Toronto Junior League They easily won ï¬rst plm defeated Toronto Knob Hm In the bestobseven umHinnl Ind Tannin Mul bams in thl linnl NIHr Fall ended in am place In the OM pmvlnclll Ju nlnr league 1M year dmpgad the defending Memorlnl chumpion Hamilton Red Wlnu In an baudlover lulu mlï¬nal and Manual Junior Calnadlens In the Imus na The Mnroom manner to Toronto Michaexl College Majors who won the Memorial Cup two yen ago before drnp Aw of junior hockey Thu win Km Niagara Fall adn over Nell McNeil In the banalmen OntIla Hockv AI Inflon Junk plnyaul TORONTO CF Niagara Fail Eiyers won their eighth straight junior hockey piayoii game Sunday defeating Tor unin Nell McNeil Maroon 41 belore 6037 Maple In Garden ians in Chippy floppy and penaltniudded lama Louie Will Never Play AgainSeiko mutual urles our game In two Wing will now meet Tomato MaMo Leaf In 1h Hun mum Mpday In Toronto AP WIreyhoto mmnx NT Flyers Capture Eighth Straight Nu lnlvllll T1 hllnlnl The Annual Ill Iunlu Tm Mllluul Impro Iln muma Im Illnv munan lrnlro riï¬niéulvw HEATING BRUCE PEACOCK PETROLEUMS Cullmu run On run mum PEACOCK PETROlEUMS llnm Pucotk Annwmu In Fly hid lholr wlnu clipped hy lull Nam11 In ovurllmn Tnlml umd berth In lhn humn ll mm unlnu Vlncaum Canuclu tall by Sullhl Mob Bur low In only on mlnuu Ind mum at ovlrllmo Toumn lho wln Ind Ihl bulal nnm Glllu nalmrt brlllllnt In Flym ml lmpin lhu Talon mnlm lwo pnlodl th Don Edmanlon on be in luond Ind Ba Ellk my solflu Ihn Ihlrd fly on Balm numnldud In Thu Bun dmhbod Inn Frin chco III Sundn mm lo Ind In MW van Inl urlu ll CANADIAN PRES Forlllnd nutlurnon hld llllle lroublu wlnnl lhl Wellern Hock lanu aulhlrn DM Mon Illa lhll nan Ind my ny Imm to pllyau wln Alter golnrzï¬onu aver par on N03 Ind 11 to lose the lead be nllied with pal blrdle Only In Um 1m meuxlnnnl Golferl AloudHon dumplon IMP dld Nlcklm mulery or be other two ulann ol the lam mp Pla er won lhnt one Nlck lllll Us for third And Palmer tied for l7lh Shouldering uida ever in mnllnl pressure In tits on hen another competitor mnda Md Ind ell bank In the final round ol in Muiers Nicklnul damed the determination it allies to milk put tilm on HAG RALLIES with his victory in the 27 Masters taumamenl Sunday unll powerful nycarold sopho more pmlesslonal continued dnmlnnu other member of 011 mung trio Arnuld Palmer and Gary PlayerKn most at their malor meetings stamina will the Unlted Sllle Open last year In that Open he beat Palmer In playoff or the 1119 later he whipped Palmer and Playm In the Inaugural World Serial of 6011 when the trio me head ltrhead In whole match and MW ha liken Masters crown horn nu two karma Malian clumpinnn luck Nicklaus sandyhalted moneymlker with golf club hit tools learns Intent on re duclnl the gamal bl three la the be one Coach Abel and player Howe call those dmunhl yearn Iner Dclrolt palkhed off Clllcago Blnck Hawks 74 Sunday nlxht to win their basketseven urn lnal 12 Lula dlsposed Momma Canndlenn In ï¬ve name and have bun walllnz Ilnco Thursdly or Iheh oppo nent to Idenllly lhunselvuv Tho Wing did It In at 19 may but the leh our gqajxpk an lulng pair of numu uownnnm Cmplok lam Muomlflll Hun Ionu Mlll CINII omu III cum nun DETROIT CPISld Abel Ind Gard flows were on bl Dh rail line In 1941 and 1949 whrn Toronto Maple Lem cooled out the Red Wings in elgh consecu tlve gamesto wIn backwhack Manley Cup title Today Vtor tho ï¬rst Nma Ilnce the Leah and wins are an to aquaro of In mother nu Buckaroos Breeze To League Title Young Jack Nicklaus Triumphs Over Rulers Leafs Wings Ready ¥°Square10fl Again PA um ll CUMle IT N0 ml 700 MALL IA Hm Ind Edmnnlnn look hooking Emily WMII they were mon llldld Bob Sabourln lied lhu Acorn Portllnd more lhnn 9300 ml wen on hind lo we lhclr Bucklroal anIHy beat lhn Sulx Gerry no tr Blll Snundm lulu Ian wln Gordy Panha my Dill Smllh and Tom 0th ICOIM Inr Iha mm Len Duko Edmundmn Ind Lnrry McNIbb lnllled at tho Hull Palm I11 delendlni cham pion umed WEI In both the third Ind lounh rounds but never was Able to at one his amuing comeback drive really rolling closed with 71 or 291 Ind with Don Jnnunry lor nnlh plnpm No Canadilns sham In the rich wInneru pm Veteran 51m Leonard of Vancuuver tamed 31000 by clasan with 75 his worst mund the ourround cognpeuuan lo 194 Tamnlol Alvlo Thom son Cnnadlnn Proleuional Go 05 AmiHon champ wha II 111 hm In winlur tour carded 71 Sunday hll but mud to AIM wlgh 2M nod 1750 Boron playing with Nicklaus mo had 71 for an and Sand Ind 11 or Leonard was minusm Ed Thoman WI mum my ran NINTH Nicklnua aiman where ha Ian 01 Saturday extended his string of pan to In More £01m on our par on No was also am over on the and hill to link long putt to campllSh that But he mm this with birdie on the um and 16m holes or par72 11mm and am Lern nlnaed with Noun derpar 7a or 87 Ind Ink clutch threw put on the 13m lo win by ona shot 1mm Tony km and but Julllu Born and 11mm Sam Ema by two makes GOALIES LOOSE The goaltendinz wasnt Im presslvo Glenn Hall in the Chicago net and Detroit cu tadlnn Tex1y Snwchuk Allowed gnu lawn Wm lullllll be winger BubbÂ¥ Hull on the mt one In ho Nationnl Hockey Luxue figured In all Maul hll blended uume old pro Ind bunch puckhappy young Iconlarl whn up 41 ludln tho ucnfld period watched It dim tax the nglu Icored 1w ea in three mmulcs and then avervpnwarod them with Ihm ml In Ihe ll minum llmu on Chlcaun and Sun day nllb dolled all rllyol tn dlllon by plnylnl nose Im skaung and tameumu Wflld comes movu ha Hawk out ofllhgpklurg VOLKSWAGEN MLll AND SIRVICI II ROAD PA M35 YOU RECEIVE GRIATIR Playen who twlcgHEIinz he Lu Wukl Hudllno THIS MEANS PM REMWES HIST MISTEBITY TAX VOLKSWAGEN PRICES DOWN floom ON THE SAME GRIAT CAR TORONIY CP Bruno Kldd um In rout upacud but Jlm mm of Human Duh llnllhed dlunwlnllnz uvenlh In Ivamil mm ll Gllduam MMIUC Cluhl mnunl lmk meet allurdny Kidd nma mm In as minnlu and mandl no ylrdu thud of Dave Ell Toronto and more Hun mlnulo up on Gnry Jacklon Toronlo Damn edged Delrol In lake lhelr IamlIlnll wa Ilmu lo am Slnllnlonl clma lrom Paul Wlst Slavn Kanyo Ran Van Dykl and In Kltlss Scnrlnl or throll wm John Huï¬hu Don Gordon Ind Larry Kc In lhe opmer Lem look 42 deculun from Canudlem to wln he NHL Bunum min lemHllllIl two game to uni Bruca Tisher lhawcd 1h way with pnlr 01 marker with alnglca added by Dave Lea Ind Clare Hunll Cmdlanl markd Entn wm Bob omel Ind Join ox The umlilmil In tin Bud lord and District Minor Hociuy Anacllilan wen wnpwd up MI wezkend at lha Endlard Ann with two almu lapping he nhedulv Nickle picked up 320000 or his victory and that him on top or he PGA moneywinning list $36715 Player dm ped In Kecond with ma wl nn $21692 Lama climbed to third place 1mm nunh with Wm and Filmer all to mm 025 Nicidaus plans to mm the British Open again lhh yur well lhn 05 Open Ind the PGA chumplmlshlp With the miller tiny mnh up th grand slam prolesslonal tollm lever1 yum them Palmlrn ï¬nal round was tied with Snead and Maklaua or mp spat lin lshed will 70 and 239 putting ern no or llllh with Ed Farm and Dow Flmlerwld flown who elm out It with brulled um um lhm nuhu mom to wllhl mik ln mm lb 1141 1mm in labour Mnurlcl Nobrd who bud no How PM aw mm him than Emu hob Man at Cnnndiam and tbs Mg xllm wlmt ltlll hu law and mu Chlclio soil but couldnt Iln Ilcvhlndl ly but th Winn Ho umd hm all up Eric Nutrem or dis olher Ind plmd hi hurt out In loIlnI cum Normlu Ullmnu Inch MI pm me Mm mm with Detroit Icored twice and muted on to 0mm Park MIcDonnld Max 1k Lang Jamey Mex Dnlvmhla and 111 Quality 9er Ilium Leais Bruins Post Victories cmde of mulwu In The second mm will in 1113 ed In Tornnlo lhunday nix And tho Illird and iourlil bark hm next Sundly Ind hmdly if mm Ime ll new usury it will he played It Tar onlo nlursday April ll It min on he and ihil th lixth um wil bu played Daron Eundly April 11 Ind lhl uvenlh ll Taranio nm dny April Abel lald Iha Winn dr Ierved lo wln um Ierlcl Ind know mlyll put out Sun much If no man In the next mien Snwchuk we healgn again on hllh shot by Mumy Ballour In the third period but the puck h1¢ha pyt Hulll llm goal WA an ankle hlzh Icreamer from nu hlue Una HI Mrd goal elbow high wu noted mm nlmoxl the lame mt Naslerenkos goal another high drive mm mm um 15 eat out chflf 9N mom Conch Rudy Plloul cl lha Hawks aald the Wingl wen Jun um pullltnt H0 lhouxht lhay could llvu thq lunechampion lull ml bllllo wn ummalled by tough md Plum 1n the mom wind and name out of II with flvr Illlch cut Flomlns valved mm yenme minor or bondchum Mucumor llvnvmlmuu muur Iar Ulhllnl and Linminute mhconduct Mica Lrecejvqé gymJon Vern unfair 111194 11 rennin brlnllnl ho mlu out to out mom 07 TM old mark 01 in th nlxuma TaranlavChlmo llanl lug mm mannerconch Punch Imlach wu in Illndl Ind probubl thl lull Intelli gence he pcked up wll um the Wing can mu right nonl Ildq hll my and thnt Suw chuk up arcntly Is up or lot ph hots conunuu upmr In flu nmt that uw Ioml hiandlalllnl nll pluyod tho linnl minute with mum cu Inc blulnl Ihnl by How bounced all chant Ind imacked MI upper lip gummg nLqun COMPlETE rIRE ROTATI Also killed Saturday In vm lesnlonal bout 111 mu Queen Ilnd Auslrllla lawn of Gym ple was Norman Smith 25 flll HARM lXAMlNlIl MONDAY APRIL 1m CAREONDALE Pu MUA lvytarnld Amateur hnxer 1mm Puma Rica dled Eulurdny nlm lim helnz hunched an In the wand round uheduled lhreeround bout during bell It boxing show Ihe Carbon Anla tholic Centre The vlcllm Francesco Vel asquez never rtxnlned con Icinumeu alter helnfl knocked out by Earl Johnson Baxlnz olllclals aald probahla major brain damage occurred when Velasquez fell backward Ind 11 hand hit the ML Velasqun death broulhl tht total to Iva this year In ring around lha world TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA HIM Killed In Action More Boxers BARME NDRII LTD com If um GLENN ALL