Hlnh mrn rullm on lhe night were Slave Simona 738 Ilmky Colnnncln 71 Erlc Gnr Mr 720 An Hunt 15 and Harold uunn am On mm Ilde It was Pearl Dnvll 210 lam 21 Opllmlsll mfnuhy Dalln 26 cm 16 Mnndlnxu Hal Shots Com er Im Um 28 Rock 27 Chmim 27 llIomed Slrï¬ku ouu 24 Tom Lnl All 31 Terry Hnmnlon and Joan Good th shared high lripla with 556 Mb High Ilnxlc at the weak wcnl In Tony Hamilton wllh Addillnnnl and mom were re nlsimd by Lllly Webb 216 Lmhxluy 223 Jon Berry ZZZ Jnnn Goodchlxd and V1 Smlm 217 RM Ford 2117 Mum Cawnn Norma Cnhnn and Shlrlcy Shrnrd 201 math and VI Mllls and nul Webb 20 Irmfluni Plan Mixed nuwllnl Leuua oumor 51 EAST COLLIER STREET Good Friend Luxuu simulqu PlckAMlchs x07 Dornlhys Dolls 91 Glxnling Genius Hazel Nuts 11an In Burma rm Palsy 71 llap Emms was in town Salurday to take in the ï¬knling carnival Still the last one to predict too much for his Niagara Falls Flyers Emms dldnt ap 1103 too cheery about his clubs playing Nell McNeil laroons its still good bet to pick his club to play lhe west or the Memorial Cup JUST NOTES Maybe someone around town can tell me how Ehotogrnph took at Barrie Arena Tcouple of mont ago happens to be in the current issue of Hockey Pictorial The picture was taken on Saturday morning just prior to Minor Hockey Week Bradford and Midland lay in the sixth game of the Georgian Bay lntermed ate hockey finals tonight at Midland Swings smoothed out at range cut down the num ber of divots on the course Replacing turf is not Javoritc pastime of golfers Returtlng the place is headache of all greenskeepers Received letter last week mm Firman who describmhlmsel as an oidtimer and considers ice fishing hobby iie too is disturbed over the garb age left on the bay by unthinkables The top sport on today is the federal election For my pocketbooks sake lets get majority government It is indicative of the great gains the garlic is mak ing all across the hind New golf courses are sprln ing up all over Too few driving ranges are in ev dence But this one is certainly lllllng need its actually helping the golf courses Like the country roads satisfy the outdoorsmen and women like the main street and dont know how satisfies the younger set so does the driving range satisfy the golf bug The Sunnldalo Road estalr llshmentls the first can recall since coming to Bar rie about six and half years ago Just the same the hardy types not just males were there Even yours truly gave the lockers les son or two on how not to do it For the second Sunday in succession things were hopping at the golf driving range on Sunnidnle Road Its said that because of the wind business wasnt so brisk as it was week ago Then theres the fellow who can only be descrlbed as crazy as fisherman Hes out at the driving range hooking slicing and really sllclngl golf balls few souls usually ln the early teens are right on the golf courses lcoplc th notltlngrto do nowhere to go and lots ï¬t 135 are driving upand down the main streets of arm People with something to do and place to go are drlvlng the country roads watching the farm animals grazcvand explalnlng to thclr children that out here In the country ls where Me 15 the best BARBIE SPORTS ROBINSONS HARDWARE SPORTS TYPE Its just got to ho spring BOWLING SHUR SHOT SHELLS AT 325 por box Rugulnr Prch 6410 NOW $9950 REMINGTON MODEL 700 ADL 212 CIL $5865 Rogullr Prln 600 NOW $6495 Complain Llnl ol Rcmlnglon Nylon 66 76 22 fmm $5485 to 7930 REMINGTON PLASTIC SHOTOUN SHELLS Thy Novor Lon Thllr Pawn Now Clmdlln Prltu 95 Pm Box Driving Ranges Saye Goli Links By STEVE JONESCU FOR GUN FUN REMINGTON MODEL 876 12 GAUGE AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN IE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL 1568 Check These BRNO 573 21 CAL BOLT ACTION REMINGTON Thm dlsnslrr IlruLk In nlahl unme nualml New Yeti Ynnkm May 74 1051 Score wu hll om lha rim cychrow by llno drivn all ha but Gil MtDounnXd Shire WEI nul far um um Ind em dld nKlln arm Scum broke lnln the major lunxuu wllh Clnvulnnd lndlnm In 1955 when Im complied 1m mun nnd was named Amul cnn LcuRuu nooklu of tho Year No hll tho wxnmo vlclnry clr clo wllh Cleveland ln 105434 Ind llnslun llnd Sax nncn ollmd $1000000 lnr Scorn but wen lurncd dawn Scare announced mm dcclslon when ho was old by In Whllu So that ha was gain In be oplloned to ln dlnnnpolly pnw Hrrb Scare or Chicago Whlle Sax has qull proksslonnl baseball nflnr huslrnllnz le year comeback nlfcmApL Slmone 656 Maria Bantam 529 Dan Mngnnl 271 Southpaw Score Quits Baseball INQIMAPQLIS Amsouth PA 82431 PA 84892 In the National Dengue open or lodny Sun Franclxco Glnnla start defunct lhelr Icnxuo crown against Houston Colll Lo Angelo Angel play the Cub In Chlcnzo mlwnukw Brawn mcfl th Pimch In Pittsburgh and the Md help the Phlllle bcnln lhe Nixon in Ihllndclphin All anu will ba played In tho nflcmoon exccpl lor the nlghl opmer ln Phllndelphln nlghl opener Ibo Ms been Ichcdulcd In tho Amerlcan Another capacity crowd some 30000 lung was assured for tho Clnclnnnll Southan Jlm OTmln IND the Red and rlghlhnndcr Earl Francll or the Ptrntu wen tha scheduled hurleu 51mg AAlNSt icons President Kennedy had his right am all cranked up or the traditional iirsi loss at Washlnmnl DC Stadium Hemmer the piichln was in be in the hand of leii hunderl Don Rudolph llin oi the San Aiars and Steve Huber at he Orioles Some 17000 spec lalor were cxpccicd or the game The remaining clubs wll launch their pennant drives to day As has been the custom for sum llrne Washington Sena nrs In In American League and Cinclnnall Bed In the National not ham Jump on um olhcr clubs wllh game loday Balu mom Oriole were Iha Sena nrs rivals while Pittsburgh PI rnlca were tho Reds oppoz neuls at Crosley Field By JOE REICHLEE Alsoclllefl Pun Sport thr Four new managers our dozen new players and new strum zone help usher In lhu 19m major league baseball sea son today banquet at Ihe Central Uni ted Chunk on Saturday night with numerous trophies prcs Senators Reds Usher In New Baseball Term GorzprCH KEMPVIEW JUNIORS Ind All clvllnco II mul If lam mum lam null IIm NI nunmuy nunIn Coardlnllld Ha In hnndlcnhIl All mule 1w pinuni inlldul mt runM ImL mm In 1m Mm numb Elegancethe keynotfforEaster MEilKSlTOP ll humor Wm Tiiornlon Jerryl Sod Supply sullend ii iirsi ins oi the season when nipped by iioi innd Landing in lhe Bradford and District Minor Hockey Leu xun pinydowm he Brndiord Arena Jo Kcnrns Larry Human and non Preston thick or linllea la provido Landing with Kile margin oi victory Don Shar mon linniiy but Bill Cook with two minuios remaining in the am to spoil the zoniie limi Milwaukees Mack Jones had three ingles and drove In two runs on lwo arms by Ynnken ï¬rst baseman Joe Poplume An oiling pitcher New York Yanks Whlley Ford pm vldcd the only bright spot for the world champion us they closed the exhlblnon season Sunqny yllh an loss to Mll waukca Braves Ford out with an nchlng nrm recently gave up only two hits and an unearned nm In lhm Innings The Ynnkeu ruled power 110 favnme lo reglslcl their Immh stralghl American League pennant UlrcoIeam battle involving the Glanu Dodger and fled has been pm dined In the National League lodny with Boslan Red Sax engagan the Angel under lha light In In Anxeles New York Yankees wlll start pro ceedlngs agalnst the Alhlellcs in Kansas Clly Chlcngu While So play Lha Tigers In Dam and lhe Nlns wlll be host to Cleveland lndlnn ln Mlnnesola Washinglon and Balllmore will be idle Holland Landing Upsets Thornton Frank Lary Delmlt lecrl enled Team winners from Ian right are first row Smart Reid Susan Wood Greg Cowan hm Jamlcsnn and Ken Mumrs captain KEMPVIEWJUNIOR TEENAGETROPHY wmrï¬isw In other closan exhlbillan games he Orloles edged New York Men Wnshlnglon Sen ators dumped Plusburgn Pl mu Orlando Cepcdnl lhreerun homer brought San Francisco Glnnu 52 dedslon over Cleveland lndlnn ln lnnlngs Houston Coll edged Kansas Olly Illhlellca In lo lnnlngs Boston Red So nlpped Chlcuxo Cubs and the An xell blanked lha Dodlm 30 and lepI the mutant 14 Angelo Clly ucrlell quesllonmark opener worked live Innings In the Tim3 triumph over Mlnnesoh Mus He gave up three runs 31x Mu walked hm mndu wild pitch and hit butler Back mw Davled Wood Marl Lennnx captain Greg Rob erlmn Kern Martin Ind Peg IRobertson Examiner Pho Sperllfm Anyonc Aflrr lanlc of Walkerl Spcclal Old NIIAM WALKER IONI LiMIlEDmmmugnmcuvum mn um Youre SpaMM gum nle whrn you dmosc Ihc luxury whllly II popuhr pllct Wallrrl Sptclal Old Guml lute good Imuh nul whom have made Canadal lugrsl Idling pub prim wlxhky Nu llmc Imlc II point In In Mil5 on WHITEY FORD When it comés to whisky Im Dniy nid Lopo Sartcai mun Bflur and iniheriniaw ol Flush Elordo ui lino Phllippinel ha junior lightweight champion hnd oilercd Onil $60000 nnd Valllnnl Walinnked No by the WBA OFFERS 360009 We 11 sh ha best lighter um best yrlce at the best time Dnly lnld He made dw Ihnl was nlmusK certainly no going to be Lane Mï¬tm WEA Duly said body Len as an accused in at ducking him he dld Joe grown who last the crown tn Bill Daly advim tn OrlllY flew Into rage when mmlnded after the lab that tha World Boxlng Assoclallon has given the champion until June to defend against Lane Ioulh pay Irom Muskeg Mlph Drill barely worked up sweat more 000 homelown Inn on he dlsposcd of Volllanl who light out Miami Fla on technical knockout In 49 wounds flu 13m round was hlvsecon once of the Illapound cmwn om was guarantzed $50000 Valllnnl 500 The crowd paid about $110 SAN JUAN Puerlo Rico AP Lightweight boxing champion Carlo Ortiz turned back the challmge Cuban Doug Val loot wlth ease Sunday night Then looked to hls next world title delence and he looked over around and right post No contender Kenny Lune Auovr cnom were re clplenls lrdphm Awarded to Individual bowler or high avernze single and lrlplo Lightweight King Carlos Ortiz Looks Towards Next Defence PM the Icll The champion knockcd Val Ian down or count three In the first mund Alter that the Cuban seemed canlenl In clutch or retreat Orllz pressed the ï¬ght Ha drew blood mm VaIllAnll new in lhe sixth and from Ortlz was mobbed by jubilant Puerto Rlcans who had never beloro had the chnnco to no hlm IghL He said he planned lo move In his home Island from New York where he live now All we can get wflh Lane $4000 Duly snld Well make our own llghla Were the cham plan and let them try to strip Hie Ulla $5000 In Expenses lo duhan agnInsI Elorde In MnnIIa In May etc From leflto right mm row Mary Jane cap mn Suo Flame Man Lennox JoAnn Enhyck Lin da Roll Ind Linda Sprlng I77 WELLINGTON ST Fr Summlr Tunaup Fru MldWlnlar Impudion Fru 14Hr Emurgnnty Sorvlu For Furlhor lnformlflon Call BA HOME HEATING SERVICE INCLUDES AI FRANK BEMROSE IMqmmuu CANADIAN VI Hr In the final round on banged anllnn to the canvas wilh big right The Cuhan struggled up at nine and was promplly decked again The 28 yrnr old chnmplon weighed 134 pounds to Van lantl cut heslda hls left eye in the elghlh Back row Ray Symu Bar ry Love Greg Cownn Ken Mnscrs Jim Bowman Slum Reid and Ron Runertsun Exnmlner Photos we said some Manlllul cm weve got plan 1y more real slurp onu DANGERFI ELD MOTORS YESTERDAY 1050 PA 32307