my Dun lllur collmu uhlrh urn llvorlln with Inollurrn hmuuo pl cuyloure or qunllly wen ahawn rmluly Ultouxhwl 3h Ihow 0m flu m0an colon or ring WM mmkllrd In plnk 3nd whllo 1011mm lrotk fur lamd ol lhla popular cotton nnd modelled by Linda Hm nn dun fulured plnln how lrlm Indup mIIIr wuh pllln plvlnlv IN ulhmd Ikln bhu puny drain lullI rmlvroldmd wilh Ham mall on nu IHN And hodlu In Mm collar Ind wllh In and Mr mum HM mun Iran nr lummrr Ar lnl In 1nwn llny mum ll wu prim lull Ind 90 mm Though Inbrch ior lhe masl pnrl vigorously chtured Ihem surprises In store In Iha form eynlclx Ind sheen mod In smartly lnilmed styles um zlrln fashion mu Iprlnz In mlon Ihnt nu clear Ind pull Leading nomlor in while lighllnz up drones qu and tom Plnk and yrllaw via lor aver Ind hm In many quM Gray and when muka cw nculrnls 1mm VARIETY During ahuwln child rtnn IMMDIII at In Spring Fa Ihon Show upoan by lhn nrdzr lh Eastern 5m Hymn or the younuor not In xlmwn mm mm sleep wcnr lmhlan la lho popular chlnclm1ndrd IuIL Ann Campbell how rcd fund mu chrrk null all boxy lncm lenlurlnl pocku ddnll and Mlerpnn collar Th lnlh plrnlrd un ï¬lm Um young mm pIrnly or wnlhlng room and mnkrl It him null lar school or wrlnu war and mu In the lull Member he young set un ume their lndlvldunflty 1th xprlng In lashinnl that an flmmuxhly up to Lhe minute yet so widely varim Uul every personnl preference can be pleased Though Inbrch are most pnrl vigorously Ihem surprises ln Iha form eynlclx Ind smartly lnijqred From Mnms world loo an array 01 ï¬lm shimmy shapes Thll stylinz is seen In coal all dresses or he youngu Fur IMHIJ and convales onl pullmlu Exruflenl ntllllm lnr vrmlu nr lemlpvluln IM Ind mid In In mama mumn III Num In IUMIMI Like lhelr mothers mlIe girl this spring have warld luhlon to choosa from no dressand45cm returns the newnr idea 01 he dressand ml expcctcd to compete moneg for Inshlon allenlion In the In zlrln lashlon world AT OES PARADE mvnsn NURSING HOMI suvusn our MARSHALL liq PHONI Styles For Mom Suit Little Girls LASHIONMLDESIGNERS CATER To YOUNG TASTES ELM IMNIIICMIED MONT ML CWA Monk unl loan at lundlcnpped mn ml wu lormtd Snlunl pm 01 nnllnnnl nrlnnlnllon kang leglulnllon ll lhe lrd ml And provlntlnl luvell lo nhll he hmflcupped In buch nltIulllrlrnl nrnnlmllon II Ihn Nullnnnl anlly Anam llon or the lhyllully Illnd wed ullh headquarter In OHIWL Adult wardrobe nulslnnll were Mu Mynlo Held and Mn 0de Clown Mnkwp was in chm cl Mn Frnn Noxom Door prlm worn won by Mn Bury Mn Evlc Wllmn Mn Roland lhlmcr Mn Edwln Wlbon Mchw Jr Min EH DIy Mu lllldn Neely Mlu Jnnl Gilthllu Junlur wardrabo wero Mn Gordan Earl Cole MrL Charles MHII Lluhllnx Arrangement hymn June Dccnriilor mm Tiber Tund Plrlmmer Mn Arnold Spurn provided the musical accompaniment duran Um lnxhion plrade Mm Flewolllnz and Mrs Hnwnrd Crlwlord wen In charge of he kllchrn Tu Iahlu ware canvcned by Mn may mldwln and Mn Funk Lovorlnm Joanne SmIlh looked All ready or IprInz or Ensler In black Ind thIe check auIl wIIh knlle plcnlcd sklrt and boxy Inckel avallnble In six Io WM the sult Joanne Wm straw ullor hat In thIa wIIh uhIle glam and purse Juninr lnéhlons worn ghoivn lrom Zellcrs Limited the neck The plan plnk 511m mmpleud the cosumL £45m many Brandi Cole wnsnll ready or plnyzmund fun In hrrmm at with pink printed shout slave top with canlmsfln bow lrlm Dunlop Garden ilorim Mn Davh In that and Dan mumm wen busls by whlch ynu can start your Ilgurlng you need In know he nvcrnzo numhLr cl pound hclweon one sin and the next Slnlura make all creme In Wall llxcl lhm Is lupaund dlIfnrcncn In me dium sizes IZIM pound dil Imntn and In lam nlxu Ihcm nru In In 20 pounds tween engh size To cl um Iza pIclure clearly In mind4 yuu must understand Ihnl Him weight rnngu wlIhIn wlurh you can wear cnrlnln aim nl eran lo mlludyn vnnlty Um lums dross um 0n he Ilze qucsllnn ll 113ml posslblo Io any calexnrlcnlly that you can ha lull drew Ilze smaller ln cxnclly six weeks thlhcr you can or no dependy ol course on how ncnr ylou lo lhnl next smaller 11 27k hound up llml at whlch woman cnnl you In ynlny oundnvover your dullable welz you can lusuln your Inlhumsm or Illmmlnx by adopting near goal This gun can be anylhlng yuu choose10 pnunds all or one drm lulu smaller Furlhlrmme you focus on speciï¬c lonl you will ï¬nd the will to Achieve It Thu will to Ichleve ls Inuvllahly led In wllh meal on Thu wonderful organ lhe hnin Is non seeker So dieters tel not become en lhuslasllc About recan your self from lhe vexing pounds and your Hmmlnz can be an Idvenlure that make daym dny llvl muchnmoru Fxclllnn Slim Down With Determination Smaller Dress Size Is Goal TREAT FILES ï¬le MECCA wavi Whlla lhll may leem discour aging lclunlly Ixnl Tn begln wlllx here are no more pound between 511 eamlng dawn he cnlo lhun lhere were ulna up Also knnwlng the fuel about lzes cnn keep ynu lmm glvlnn up when your goal almon reached Lets ny you lllm down 12 pounds and sllll cannot get lnlo Imuller alu you know that with only more pounds all the smaller III will perfectly Vilh lhul know ledge you are unlllmly lo qult allmmlnx unlll you reach your dreamslze wear lbs 5le wllhoul allerl lions Such being Inc we the number pound In your next the depends on how close you an to tha nblnlule llmlt in your resent Ike you are Itnln ng he sums you will need In allm of all lhe pounds Iwccn the size and the nu smaller plus about mar pounds or perfect FINDS BURML GROUND SWIFT Sash GP Provincial nrchcnola list Dr Tom Kehou Innnunced Saturday he has uncovered mass lndlnn burial ground In TflESE TWO LITTLE lb er are all drmed up far party In their Idenllcll cos tume consistan dress Ind Jacket Thu onlllu feature dnssm with null floating skins and cummmunds at an waist The sleeveleu bod Why We Support HEBER SMITH YOURPROGRESSWECONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE IN SIMCOE NORTH HEBER SMITH hasneverbeen too busy to listen to the problems of the small businessman regardless of political affiliation He has always followed the problems through as far as need be to the solution Fuhlllhid by tho sum Md north at here Dr Kehne said he has uncovered skull at the slle Ilnnu with human bones No cnmplela skeleton Wm found bmldend In pgwdery tone urnlune blue Big Sister shown wearing her Jatkel It of comm satin with below elbow sleeves and pearl buuw closlnz cag Irodeluley kal ain ON APRIL VOTE TO REELECT TANK RENTAL ONLY l5 BAYHELD SIREET FLAT RATE ELECTRIC WATER HEATER BARRIE PUBLIC UTIlITIES COMMISSION Through the Industrial Development Bank the Conservative Govetnment has made money available for small businessmen to further their business All THE HOT WATER YOU NEED WITH GUARANTEED Auozmlon Progrmlvo Bullnmm llvo Bum Elodllcllly she was chrmened In the lormer Prubylerlan Church which stood near the Illa ol he pram Anglican Church Soon one this tho Iamlly moved In am II Amen Mills and was then Mrs Jacobs grew up and received her schwllnl On March 13 1898 she be The celebnnl was born on mm on the 14m Conceulon Innlalll tho elm chlld of Small Ind William Wilson who had travelled by nlllngwssel from Inland to eula In lhll area Mrs Donald Jncoba long time resident of Barrie NW hmed her mum blruldny an April Mn Jacob has lived her ma In or Inn Bmle Ind has wllnmzd many mum 01 course but me never ceases lo mlrvel at Ihe ludden ma mwu to city mun during the pm 15 yem com ed la he almost lmperoeptho growth the 50 year premdlnz um SMITH HEBER Resident 0f Barrie Since 1898 Celebrates Her29l1th Birthday DOWNTOWN CLAPPERTON ST We would urgo you to how your dry cleaning attended to bo loro the cleaner la overloodod at tho Easter season By so damn your clothes and sprlna clennlng will recelve tho extu cm Ind llma that they ulre NuServlce stall wlll have an opportunity to do their est work lot you HAVE YOU SPOT FORUS XAMINER MONDAY APRIL 1m NUSERVICE CLEANERS PHONE PA 82471 Mu Jacob has been mem ber and hm taken an active In lmsl In both the Wumenl Chrlsllnn Temperance UnJuI nnd the Women Inslxluw She In one the olden member ha Wamenn mum and also member of SL And IOVII Pnsbylerlan Church She was reccnlly honored at bullet supper the home her younger son Charles came he hrlda at Dnnnld Jac obs The couple moved Io Bnrrle and llved on Ann Elltn rtreel whldr later became June sired hon Inc present Codrlnglm slrcell Shn his three chlldrcn Wlllllm of Top onlo Reln Mrs Webb 01 Co haurz and Charles Barrier Tilers are grandchildren and seven ureagrandchlldren Her only remalnlng hmlhrr Edward Wllsan llves Raylleld Sl Barrie PA 61825 For Monlh PLANT l4 HIGH ST