Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Apr 1963, p. 4

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rem 51 14 no In Ian um not mm mm um um Im ma nuna nunm nu um um nu ummn 1m form In Cumu HumI Inc an doom Lat vmu Mo on ml mu Nu Illh Ailzrllllm lg udllldllI 10 II mm oyglmnmm nlnilfinrv Ir Knul mom mm mom Innm nuta Mum MORALITY THE ISSUE Flnnnclnl Posl Tho must dulnrnhlc suture of tho lllslnllralou the Canadian overn mcnl is this It la lmnkruplcy polb tlcnl mornllty lhu lolencc Issue wnl merely the final blow that brought llm government lnppllnfl Cunndn has not 1va llrm nnunllmcnln it made In lllc bllnlll Slam it Ilfll proloclor nnd Indlxpcnsnble pnrlucr nor has mi up to II cummllmrnlu to Hm NATO parlnm No Inmunt onlnrl AMMMVM m4 mu II rm on my lmnl Ou mm mm rolllll In mun Iumhn um Imulm Ilulmm mm mm WAIII um MUN IMmllI or IA IL wrmunn run Wlhflk nanv mum Mumm will unulll unnum um mmmequ strange chain of sympalhics has thus been orgmii Emperor Selassie has warm feelings towards Mr Thompson who is irlcmi or some klml of nssm clniu iii Caouclic who has and mum nrics nr Mussolini who once ovcrmn Ethiopia Emperor Selasslcs II ex pressed confidence Illa Mn Thompson wuuld continue to slrcn than Hen be twee min and Ethlop CHAIN OF SYMPATHY llinanclal Times iiniie Selassie Emperor of Ethiopia has recently sent letter to Robert Thompson leader or the Social Credit party in Canada expressing confidence Ihat Mr Thompson and his party have major role to piny In the future Canada Mr Thom son was senior trntor In lIlhfnla rqm 1943 lo 11 ducted presecutio mes was defended by To Hulse QC Aurora lawyer Directed by Allan Byers and Ian Wels manJBame Boy Scouts collected over 30 tons scrap paper one day Church ill United Church Young People won Simcoe Presbytery shield in drama restl val The entry Church Bells was dir ected by Mrs Frank Kell Barries Old Home Week committee reported plans for mammoth centennial parade on Aug ust Douglas OHara Joan Heltzner Michael hicLlnden and Penny Laurie top students in Easier exams at St Josephs High School St Michaels Majors heat Barrie Flyers 53 to even OllA Jun ior finalsi Goalle Ed Chadwick de fenceman Marc Rcaume and forwards Dick Duff and Bill Dineen starred for the irish Bob White Larry Thibault Foster on charge nslaughler against Walter Fines 18 defence player for Aurora Bears hockey team Charge laid following death of Robert Glllles 17 of Stayner player for Collingwood ¥1niors in game against Aurora hompso crqvlm attorney cpn Barrie ExéhaxneiApr113 1953 Pre fllmlnary hearing started in court at CollingAwood before Magistralchordon The system will not achieve its full eilecliveness until it is adopted by all provinces but in the meantime it will give Ontario workers freedom to move from one job to another within the pro ince without sacrificing pension rights l0YElIR5AGQ IN TOWN Premier John Robaris has announced that Ontario will lead the fest of Canada in establishing system of portable pen sivns to go into effect January 1965 heavy turnout is anticipated at the polls but onl the voterchan make it so hundxe per gent response wguld be Ideal but this is improbable due to The famlltarvote as you please but vote is trite butjtrue The election the only time the voter is supreme He decides what part shall take over the admlnistratlon nation Hls respon aihility therefore ls great indeed you have not cast yon ballot in the federal election today there 15 stllltlme The polls close at pm heavy turnout is anticipated at the Most people will glance at thls editor polls but onl the votersycan make it ml helms or shortly after their avenin so hundxe per gent response wguld meal Dld you vole not dash out an be Ideal but this is improbable due to cast it Start For Portable Pensions The Barrie Examiner There Is Still Time To Vote If You Have Ct Done So Yet Provision is made for reciprocal ar mm am mu MIm ms lullI nunm um um nu Walls Publisher martin Examiner OlHER EDITORS VIM DOWN MEMORY LArE Published by Canadian Newspapers Unified 16 Hayfield Strain Bame Ontario ndmlnls 1058 also cx her Brian SlalghtGerieralManager MONDAY APRIL ma mm nuvll chnngo Mos lumlamonlnl chungrs or im rrovcmcnln orl Innle In other oourcu nbor unions arm organlmuom wry menn groups or other rorlnlly consrloul Msoclallons Ono would lhlnk the maln lmpolun for hnprovcd law would come mm lho legal profession but ll Isnt 04 The legal prolmlon isnt Ilunn In MI How mnny major clnngu In he law have emnnnlnl from other prom alumni orgnnmuom such an medlan englneorlny 0ch LAWS CHANGE SLOWLY Vlmlsnr Slur Tlu leual prnfrsslon rmly ls rtspum uhle or major clung or hnprnvenwull In the lawn though occasionally In ln dlvlrlunl lnwyrr may prunmle much The federal members explnlucd tho clccllon would be over lnnl summer and here would not be anolhcr unlll 1900 Llhcrals were nnlcm about Ihls hecauso they were poslllvc lhuy worn gulug lo fiWlcp the day llul lnsl Junes nlecllon was dcml luuL an he pnrllcx are lnutl wllh federal olccllnn plus mullux gen oral clccllou ln Oulnrlo ln name lrlcln Inst Juneu lulcrnl campnl ll golr bled up llm money and cmplcd lhu trgnsuryh Now here Home panic about when the money Ix to he found to finance lwo clccllonl THEY POOLED FUNDS Windsor Star Before tho Inst federal general elcc llnn some lhc federal mcmbura up prnachcd provincial members and nug gcsl pooling of cnmpngn lunds enl srulrmin can bury the act that Cana has alled to do what it indicat ed it would do That is moral failure great many items are In the public dossier of complaint against the previous government There were too many promises of pie in the sky designed to catch bundles of votes This reckless ness with public money for party profit ls moral lnllure There has also been much recklessness with truth benrance and remarkable sellcontroll and Tony Poeta scored for Flyers all in first period Winners Canadian Order of Foresters rifle shoot at Harrie Armoury were Bill Lennox Harvey Peachman and Elwood Wynes CNR announced operation of special 100th anniversary Museum Train during sum mer including visit to Barries Centen nial Celebration OPP Constable Jock Shepherd returned from six weeks visit with parents in Scotland Jozo Welder of Collingwood addressed Barrie Lions Club on Cultivation of Better Things in Life Easter Lily Ballet was feature or Barrie Skating Clubs annual ice show directed by Mrs Muriel Whyte Members of ballet were Ann Marie Har greaves Sally Jones Marilyn Kerr Eliz abeth McVeigh Terry Paterson Mary Morren Margaret Watson at Elmvale Sheila More Lois Keast Mary lou Johns Barbara Garrick and Mrs Valeria Emms Barrie Flyer star goalie Bill Harrington injured in loss 64 of third game junior finals reEIaeed by juvenile goalie George Cucullc CAHA refused Coach Hap Emms request to replace Harrington with Charlie Hodge at Mon treal Rev Ernest Nullmeyer welcom ed by coniregation ot Collier Street Bap tlst lhnrn tls churci In announcing Premier Ito barts said The bill offers penslon ar rangements that are better adapted to world in which industry needs tobe flexible and labor needs to be mobile rlhe pensions that people gain will not be forfeited as so many are today an im pediment to the employment of Older workers will be lessened and as time goes by there will be more and bigger incomes at retirement rangements with other provinces if and when th ausimilar p1an Two mllllon ballots could mean the dlflerence between declslva result and stalemate Dont be one of the back sllders Your vote is lmportapl various reasons Including Illness of some voters total vote of no er cent as at the last election would eava almost twomllllon people who had not exer Vcised the franchise The IIrII me mtI Md mmlrr luH Addlxvn wnl In Iltwlnml IIan Irll the old IIqu hluh MImfll on Nah sum Iml wrnl In 0th lo wnrk In In nIIII MIII Ihav Um day hm by nlml rnr In Ilm erl 5th or Slum Innll nlul qul Iu rmHr II ha Iubllc 51mm mm Innnl mm yluylnl and hundl nlwnyn InIHnlnl In wrnl uwr In nu IM hear um bl drum pnmlml Gull KIIIIH Ind Imn nurllrvl Aumu III Iha mullrIIM Vlv Hmmnm Dunc IIMII Ind llmmy PM III Irum lluvla Whrn Ihly um IlnllhnI he comm nlkrd Ir hlml Vlv ml Ilnmml lem an lhu lml III mu Imprlud 11on in lymlml for III Keilh VIuvIchIII Cllnlll under Nrw uvl mum and won laurlu Unlled slnlu um II ClMdllu hInd They to making III III II lh Amul um my cum mu mm Huey Iln ImI mun mlnlm lnr mum mu ml 6mm of mugmi rn hltml mlnv hnl mulled me cupy lhcHxnmlntr will plclure of name Cillun and at Ian 50 yum niu AM on my not Ill them hm tlll Idcnllllnl Nu or lhnn mm um um um km ME my IM nnl ma alumni 1mm IllliNTll MEMBERS III populnflly riuhlcned them Since in arm wu mumlnl Inch Ilarmlnx mlh duhn ar 10 ll mmcd The thmnxlnz crnwd on he hillsldo was an we hnvo urn Ihxdy In column he alumina and he grichlrlck on lha unccrlnu and he lorrow Inn DuL Uley were all agreed an Al least one lnllhey had Icon lhz end Jun movu mcnl and 11ml wn preclscly 1m tho nulhuriliu had mcnnl IoJcéumlegll Those who lived lhmuxh he drama oi ihe dark and dreadiul happenings of the int Good Friday musi surely hava asked ihemsclves lhc nmc quzsiion is this he cnii oi the world And iha astonishing Ihinu about is Ihnt scarcely had it been naked than the church replied and coniinuu to reply No this is he dawn ii is in this sum hall the Cross is the meeting pince oi bolh dcicul Ind viciary DARK WlTil DEFEAT By REV SKELLY As Lenten devnllnnnl lenlure The Banlo Enm lner publllhe the Iddrnnu ennenuy helnx dellvered by ll mlnlller ul Calller Street Unlled Church nllhe IuI Ilny luncheon nrvlcfl Thin In the llllh addren dellv cred he lueldny In ur lel ol devollnnnl Iludlu In Tho Clollnu Scene ol Our Lorda ennth llle There story whleh I911 91 lwo man who had taken Irip lo the Pyrenees In older to vlcw me sunrlse As they walled lnr lhe event they were overlakon by violent nmrm Thelr on was blown away and none were dislodged around about them Crouchlng on tho around one asked the olhcr ls lhls the end the warldl No was Ihe reply ol the more cxperlenced lraveller lhlx ls how the day dawns an ha Pylenml EENTIZN DEVOTIONHL LETTERS To THE EDITOR Contrasts Itt Calvary Defeat find Victory W651 hlm Hench flyan Gen Del THE BITTER WITH THE SWEET lerlh rmv Ahlnnl Wlmlcn mum mm Ilolvloy Ic min Teflurd 5mm Carnot uvl Mirhull my mum Dkl llnmrwmd 7an ml Inl plus Emu Carr clmm lmm rllhl uml pinv Vmm lmly CAM MAMIMH Hrrnml Ill Mulrnmon lrnmlmnn Wlllrr lfimlm Alla Md Smllh plumln Jnhn Moll tlrlnrl Vlur rlnvlnel man Men win Illa Illm nrn lhou nlrl hurl Inndumen Iron law mm Ir Inlm Merritt lramlmne Jul lhldlrr Ilto hmn Teddy Hul dlll lmrllnn hnm Dirk Wnll rmlm hm horn on Klvhy llmmmrr Andy bl born Jan 1nd hullum Ind euuhnnlum milk 11th nrll ranlmmy Ilurue lo ullo mu Nm dmm Vh In Elmmonl Inln rnrnrl flund mnlcr Alldlmn Halt cl 1an AI Wolfrpdrnfyummfr Thnl hnnd plrlurl WM lnkrn Ill 50 yrnrl 5ng an my ml the old For nlllco now am duwn Vv Slmmum lhs torml wlnm hul Mr Dum mmcllnm rnmu up mm Mll Inn la help uul would fly ml Addhon Ind Gmruu Hmderlun wcm lhc him but lmmlmnlcn ever Iver had In llnlrlr picked up 1mm all uvtr 0n Inria Mnk Addlum wnmoril lnnlly 1mm llamlllon belan be wrnl to name Builfv MI the cum verse Alan true then In vlclorln In whkh men In In iii encm had done lhrir work well Thin was deioni ul tcr Ind iznnminious Whatuiher word will come in our nrim bloodless lips as we view Ihl some oi dcsoinliun And yd doubt we have dimmed lhal dcicnl and viciory are rclallvo lcrmx and we have 10qu lo our Iurmw lhnt here are theoretical victories which ultimnlciy prma to be practical dcieuu For in Ilnncc we may or Man triumph over lhe impouibliily doing Iwo menl wark but at tho nnme lime in our blind Ilu Id iy we may lurrcnder iic times hcuilh Thin wu the kind oi ihlmz whirh cnnud iyrrhus when ha hm conqumd nl Ah tuium lo cry Anolhcr lucil vigluryunngi we an ion tarry ple lure Yonder on the branch 01 lonely lrcn donglcs he Ille lcss body ol one of is mulled lrlends And here In the dark corner courlynrd In another convulscd wllh Ipasm re mom on he brood upon lhe hldnnusncs or his disloynlly to One who loved hlm so wall And all Ill olhcr lollowero hove ch like handful of dull lcnlternd In the wlnd So much or he mull Illellmel work Douwonx WELL The on our dragged by with lenden net Ind then at last he lagged In denlh It wan an hnur black deleal when daydream were spllnlmd In thuysand fragmgnu proportions it must be dealt wilh immediately Systematic ally they set ubnut the task oi llis destruction HI moonstruck followers must be shown that be neath Ihe aura ol rnmauce that bewitchcd their eyes He was but flash and blood So step by step they pursued thzlr relent less inexorable purpose llll gulnst the sky on Cnivaryl hill there Itood Cross for men Al uI nnl In In word ntllh In touul bill In and and In humL John ma Much In mid nhnul are which In only hypocrisy our nplril and mr deeds ml or Iruo Men wld It II the end ol the world but God unld ll lbs Mm mld ll dc bu God sold It vlclnry The mural ls lhnl lln alone can Ive the vision Um dellvm us from pnnlcslrlcken mulch and rnnblcs us to sea not only the tragedy but also lha lump Every cross we are culled In hour The mm and lul Id drru enlllled Delh Ind LHI will be delivered ll IM Lunch llnur Srrvlce Inmnr row ll 30 1250 Yell In lnvlltd lo Illend The movement was not do myed The lmervenlng centur Ics tell proud tuhs hamlc and sacrlllctal adventure The ulth has bean borne Into the ar thest and darkest camera of the earth The words at Jesus hnva bceu translated Into mora than thousand languages and dlnlccts Hls followersare numbered In hundreds mlllions The church has wlcldcd an Inculcuuble In fluence In map world hlslory and human destiny And every where Chrlsllans have planner ed the grant movements or the splrllual mental and physical betterment munklnd Andtha Cross Christ has been the ln ijrstlonpl it all gnaw THOUGETT ooked as though the lam oi evil imi wrought most terrible deieaL as though they had wrecked or ever the great unioldinn purpose oi God But llwa standing in our vantage point and looking back Aaron the centuries we see how wring that conclusion was than xalned then by lhe lame taken there are seeming defeats In which more Is gained than lasts In the Pynhh para doxical fashion that the Cross ls both delefatnnd vlclpry COFFEE SHOP OPEN DAILY to II pm Burries Newest And Most Modem ON INENTAL INN LIGHT LUNCHES SMALL DINNER BREAKFAST COFFEE BREAKS EVENING SNACKS Dunlap St Jun Over Tho 400 Highway Now Open Drop Out Today To The The fur the amdal couula Inlly ol Ihe vqu to al Hated on IUD pnper Inside each hallnl boxl III by lhu cnnslllucncy returning ol llcer and may he no earlier than the week alter the else llon It may not begin until the lrmld urva vole II Added In the civilian counl In Incl ullhough lhm In about 10 recnunls nach elecllon none has revcmd the nfflclnl relumlnz officer count or many years candidnlu may appear ho are Judge and tank or re ll also Intended to dlxcoun age lndlscrlmlnlle and Ian etched recounls Far example ll ls generally conceded Illa pnlnlless la have recount It Inc wlnnlng candldala has murzln 01 more lhan 500 voles The Ice ls securlly for the court costs of the candidate or lglnnlly declared winner mm deluled candldate In Illa Aprll general clemlon wlll have In my 3250 he wanlx Illa mum re counted dont nave lettersfrom read crs accept lhem mildew Us and It want to keep one cut of Ihe name and Address win pair of scissors cant forward your lemr to he motherbu anyway can print or all parenl who an wonled hlrlhmnrks sllhu mam mole and on Some these marks Ida spontaneously Some are better Alone until child 11 older He aid that by time she ls le year old thu mark would vanmrl She L9 no qulla llve now and It ll mmpletely gone no learn orqny alzn W0 are elemnlly mleful In tha derma tologlsll Perhapsyou can lor ward mylemr la the mother if you hnva her name In your lllu or II not lust prlnl my message lar parent with slmllar problem an lhal they will know romelhlng can be done about uzly hlnhmarks MRS You are rlght Something can bedane about ugly birthmarks an always name thing because It depend an lhn case It Costs $250 For Recount We took her to dermatolo gm He gave her xray treat menll for two years ll wn deucrlbed as th ex nclly like my daughter lrawbtrry nevus wllh which Ihe wu born By lha time the baby wu hm months old was ha slze of quarter It was on her Wristraised and lumpy Dm hr Molnar read leller in your mlumnlar woman whose Inlant daughter has blnhmnrk nn um um By JOSEPH MOLNiIR MD T0 mun Goon HEALTH CENTRAL TAXI PA 85555 coma suor Blemishes 0n Skin Causlei 01 Concern llldlo Equipped Cab sztmé magma doublo chln comes mm on two things Overweight or an In lhe skln Since you arent Isl that leave the other No exercise wlll help lhls but ll becomes nulsnnco Im an appearance goes plamc lur zary can correct ll WEN Wgw Dear Dr Malner have the beginnlng ol double chln am not at ellher ls lhere any exercise qr other method lo prgvmgt take skuflu dorms skill is uvnilnbk He might have as in the cps oi Mrs iii daughter been able to predict the lime within which ailer lrenlmcni lhl hirihmgrk WP wwwcng Im not dermatologist How ever one my children had had such hinhmark would have gone to specllliat and asked hlm what Io do By vlr no experience he cnuld have told at glance or maybe alter clase xnmlnatlon what klnd ol blemish and the but way to erase 1t wlth the least 5155 aftc 111 ll aqy There are migth law these blamlshea that cannot In untreated But said not all respandjo the my treatment How does physician choon which which He cant with out great deal technlcll rainingand thats why IDml daclors became dermntnloxlsu aruskln apeclpllsts Ol all In kind of Ipol are the eyes none cause so much concern me biemlxhel an childs skin lean parenls Being lather my gndentnnd when they can bu remand by almplo om ameny or by rlanlc surgery dependlnz on ocullon or can be obliterated by electric needle Freezing with dry Ice lechnlqut Ia AIM lamellmcs used Mall Contribution Tn KIWANIS CLUB OF BARRIE EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN You Can Help Supporilng Iho CRIPPLED CHILDREN but

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