din Holland numb nc comnnnltd by HE Tau Through in the 0y Ind girl Km hey Imllcd loo whlla eoptqptmllnfl on lhclr work lnlhls so show vnrlous counlrlcx wm pnld lrl buls la The sullen ln lhclr lllllc whllu sulls quulppud wllh bell lwllom lmusml looked morn llkc hey wars huvlnz lmubln ns lenllnx lhclr skates and marl concerned In lullan lo whnrevcr they were uolnu lhsn rspruenl Inn England The perinrmance given by these two bundles energy was sllghlly short of superb They aknlcd around and around with ho style and grace hat only thoseungbr 10 can Page was during this segment the show lhnl everythan happnm ed laughter spills Ihe sheer concenlmllon ol the children while performing and lb ap parent unawamnesa the puck od house The two mus oulslnndlnz young skuch warn Stephen De laney nnd Janlce Muclnlyre who perlnrmnd In the second produc tion number Unch Saml child run They blended or two hours and 15 minules 20 production numtr era llghl solo and 23 orchcslral numbers Io come up wllh ms nu annual Skntlng Carnlval rouslng success of lhe 300 275 were children helwcen lhe ago ol llva and 18 The other 70 won members the baud Five others were dull rknlm Th3 show 5pm lnla two reg menls devoted the ï¬rst hall to World Tour lhe showl maln theme The soocnuld be cllltd Barricl Laughter Brigade but the Ionma names are Bani Skating Club and tho Barrie mlkglale Band heated by Allen Fisher hymn WELL Thm hundred persons moved with such elflclency and skill as loIilernlly thrill and dellght the mm thousand persons that cum to see them perturm the Barrie Arena Salurday Tim dependable some of Can1 in wow rmmcl couvmv umnn ume ll ollhl IL rhm IA um lhillll II ham lhnlu TA 41 Culllnnmdl Hunlam llw now Im MANY LANDS were repre senled in costumes by he Barr Skating Club Saturday nlsh it presenled its 1m WITH BARBIE SKATING CLUB Canadian everywhere mu Niagara lonnu up In $300000 or more for many warlhwhllo lhlngn Yhy dont you Around The World Is Thrilling Trip READY CASH for unpald bills They didnt lonvn lhe impru Man performan or lhe lovn o1 skiing and the look on lhclr mm was monotonous Hnwcvcr lhnl Isnt knocking the nhllng ahlllty lhcy th dlmlnyed Sal urdny night could he lhnl mm the aldeflnu one WM loo do In hem and nallrcd that look delarmlnnllon on lhell ism Fram higher up delnlll likn lhul dldnl Ihow and tho Was this done accldenlly or purposedly Anywny It wasnt hard for the audience to orlcnt Ilsa Enough for the klddltl and now on lhe amazon Mnybo ccnmxm nro lust the sun when they worry nbanl an uudlcncc The girl who solocd norm lho numbm named too at away from 11101 gadarmunct Among am of lhe counmes rcmlnlzed were France Swed en Spain Arnhla Hawaii and Canada In on number Chlnn Ihe ulrlr were on Ihulr own Sal als In the production Llnda Kcnst looked llke Llule Mlss nuuerny and her entourage was Ihe mos occldcnlal look In orlcnl your reporter has ever seen One not he Impression from he childrens palm view that In audlcnce Just dldnt cxlst good thing or amaleur perform It make or wholesome en lerlalnmcnt when theyre not bogged down by warrylng about an audience were dressed In the traditional oulm And ha boy didnt seem to believe their leg could be an bulgy One chuhhy mug all kept looking dnwn hls hlue ants and aver llme he dld so missed cue Thraugha ccond mg ment the were just enough hoobs to keep lhe nudlenca on edge wunderlnz he child who mnde lhe mlsloke would be en harrnxscd All the llme he chlld who made tho mlslake or ms lakes was man concerned with xelllnx back In poslllon than any audlence ln he stands FQBGEI AUDIENCE nnnual Ikallnz enrnlval the Barrie Arena Cnuzhl In moment between acts little Scolch lass Carol Bish Ona lhlnz hu club learned was In my away from rccardcd muslc as much as posslhlu or mako connln that when It comes out over the publlc address be um lhu sknlcr can hour It Georgln Dowlhwslle usslslnnt In Mrs Emmsr prewnlad 5qu number to selected excerpts Ono could nullce rho was lookan or lhe muslc and much credit must Peter rslbrnuk former Can adian skating champion and parlner 01 Barbara Ann Scolk teamed up with the clubs pro lesslanal Mrs Suunno Emma They skated their way lulu Ihu hqmg yllha pudlence acklng lechnlcnl phrascolagy In the skating your repur Ier dubbed them marvelous Ind nghanupg The lecand hnll of the show was devoted to the lnurmedlnle and senior skaters Its pretty tough lo plnpolnt any on num her from his segment nnd call It tho best Them was mm prodc ucflon Modern Jnu however that could be considered the num ber of Ihe show More about lha an lnler on Judy Cherry the Junlor Ladle Chamfion or 1963311 splen did no performance with few more year of prqcllcu and per lormnnces behrn public scrulln ecu she might make tho grade her lnleml Is In skmlnm gerformam was well recelvcd thu audience all depended whm one saL 011 Ind Cauldlan Mounlle Bonnla Desjnnfln Examin er Photo SNELGROVE rumm LIBERAL MAJORITY GOVERNMENT Vn wlll awnlrn lamarmwmnmlnu llher mnkrlly xovcmmenl vrrplrlnl prule Um mmum or bumr Cam uln nr mum lnvllnmenl dlvldul Ind Imlcrhlvr unnth govern llllfllvlll you um Uml Cnnnda nrrdl malarliy lnvernmnnl plmo volt any lemll nllrr lho pmumm lur Cand And no bul nhll mm mnlaylly luvcmmml WE HAVE UNTIL PM To Elect ELECI RALPH Crcdlk at 1M paint must be ulven to he production ol lhll lllh carnlvnl Ever try to Imm blo 225 children 70 member band and have at them come out on cue Ind encomplul over two houn Io make mm like Iew momenm Mn Emma dld It along wllh the help the en llra club It was perfect ex ample nl mnpcralion coordin Ilcd plannlnl Ind ahowmnnship The number wax 1pm Into three uecdonl OilBeat Blur with Hum Ind Dramnuque The xknlcn were credit to Mrs Flulrelle Kramer who taught Ihe dance steps to Mrl Emma Mrs Emma then re the choreography to Ice and the re sult was xlmply xruL But this point thu Audience wnsnt It has occurred lrcquen tly in Lha vast BanII audience mm overwhelmed at than They rucuznlu what one would consider pnuuble entertainmenl and when Iomelhlng of the na ture of the Modem Jul number comes along they applauds only with pollltness In ha Modern Jazz number the band Sue Emma Geornla Dawlhwalle and nven 10 Intermediate girls suddenly be came one completely capllvat In the nudlence with their rend mon 91 HI Jan Suite by Ruben Memy He replied that he had been drlnklnz before the Incident and he had been working or five months the Maximum wnuid give him brelk he Ilaled he would bu lumclenuy nppmlnh Ive lhnl ha would go umth bu alven her for her many Impro lenllons duran her numbu ALLISION Speck John Kennel l0 Lowuler Ave Tar onla wnl Ienkenced to one yen In Jail by Maxlxlrm Fos tu In week on shame n1 breuklnz Ind entulnu Anlslanl Crown Allamay John Murphy presented avidcnce that on March 29 Henna struck the lid door 01 Wllllam sump wlcka lehwny av home wllh Iledzehammer Whllo Bennett was In the house Mr Slrudwlckcame home Ip pnrenlly nw tho dnnr battered and Wen lo nelghborl lor help And to cull pollen the crown mulled much of Kenneth packet revealed two wnllels and $18 bo Ionzlnl in lheSlrudwlch Dam no to lhu door mounted 31790 Belare Ientenclni him Mu lnle Faster asked If he hld uny lhlnu to nan his own defence BARBIE EXAMINER3 MONDAY APRIL 1M Man Gels Year For Breakirggf The display Wm of Can ldlan and world coins and To money Included Wu db my at odd and unusual mnncy mm the Canadian Impcrhl Bank Commerce Ken Prophet presi drnl ha Barrie Numisman Asxodallnn mid Thu exhibits drew many lnvnrable corn mtnu The door prIzes donated by Barrie merchanu and rte collee supplied by the Hominy Restaurant wm ap preciated by all Guest speaker for tha second annual bnn uet was Lloyd Smith London Numls mu Asunclnuon wha spoke on colncauecuu or fun and mm Among the KuesLs ll the ham and were Mrs Louise Graham secretary of the Canadian Num kmnflc Association Fred Jew elt editor he Canldian Numismallc Asoclatlon Journ al Mr and Mrs Lloyd gm Aldermqujnd Mrs um um mm Murrow and Mr and Mrs mlph Snelxrove Lou Ranger wag magicalA of mummies Alter the banquet Mr Proph cl auclinncd 79 place of coin axe The highest bid or one at the coin was $60 or Que bcc brldua token struck In the 1880 over 1000 mm visited the public exhlbllnn ol coinage and gold bulllon In Battle Plnw over the weekend maxd number ol mom 20000 allxlbxa are upwind go out vols In 51mm Nnflh to day In whm uperu any may be Ibo man Important Metal election 51m enumeration The two mum paring Pra gxesslvu Conservuuvu and erals have both mated um majorlly government needed In order to reach tha absolute minimum 13 out or ma 1000 Persons View Display OfOld Coins R055 STREET To Chdose One 26000 Electors our Ircurrl an hum utlullnll lnr Food lln flu and curry Ilmlmn wanMy lnr yruleetlon lulmt léod ml ue Thu any III lollowlnl Hull Avmul UM llounknplnl Uldtrwdlrn LIMnton lnl nldlln Allndlnh Almllunn OUR FREEZERS 01 of flu 110 Ihl Succulent mull links new and mlnccd been Bib nee leu lb Loin Chan IM Bacon th Bork huu 111 Wienm 10 It Anarltd th ll lhl Cold Mull Ibl Fm Jnlcel in Mlodtd hull dnl Alll Veltublu lbl Conga mund or Innml Tn nu lulln Chorall lbl Itlmll null In Jlml Hbl Vlrlfly Cochin Tnlm Tllluu Idol TM In only In eumplo Ind run ha Illered la lull your own pgrwnll nqulremcnh Hui you hurd about Ihll rlmlrklhh now my to buy your bad load you nud pluu you go brlnd mw frmor or In hlll food alonnl HERES WHAT YOU GET He rciurnedal noon to spend the lulu anonnoon and evenlnz MABanle Haber Smlkh spent most or the early part 01 he day in ma rural area He will lung Io Ban by mldnfler noon Tnnighl he will spend part of his me at headquar ters and the rest at hnme Ills ward captains or each past have repoï¬ed My Ire gelling min which would Ind cata heavy vale Mr Smith voted In 1233 551mm pen Willard Klnzla voted 630 am at Embassy Hall and then dropped In to managarnen meeting Alter dcnllnz with Liberal headqunrlm In had numerous call for can to bring voters to ï¬le puma povuLSonyq of tho can wan 11911131 and manm While the electoral olnl In and mm the polling mtlom the variourcnndldalc have busy day oulllned or thcm xelvcs nalm Snclgrova voted at am at the Royal Canadlan Le uIanHHall qr Oolfler street Mm voting Mr Snelmvo let for vlsk to various lawn in the riding Accompur led by one his campaign wafkers GcrfyACouzhlhl Jorlly government the Pragm Ilvo Conservallvps will hnve pick up 11 mm sent than they have pram and the Liberals will have Io Add Mes that number to pru eul 99 mu Th1 wn Dig piclum né vot ers started troop lo the polls at am today F1113 Hummus For the first time in the poli ticni history oi Simcoe North the electorate has choice of live candidates may are the Progressive Conservative in uunbent Haber Smith Liberal candidaie Rnipil Sneizrove in dependent Conservative Jack Browne New Democrltic Pur iy cnndldaie Russell Pozue and Socill Credit clndldate Willald Kinder BUSY TIME FlueIlla Puddlnll Jclly inder Mlumnl Enuhtm Applu Julcu Cluup Soup Folder quuld Durand Ill Tollel Sup hm Toolh Pu Inn to Cnlm Hi llli Chm th Martflu It null Shnflenlnl Ind min more Plnlry flhell lleml With Our FOOD SERVICE SAVE BIG MONEY ON FOOD BILLS HOMEC The Eskimo Says FOR YOUR HOME mm In the Spring Clean Up Cam paign the Board Public Work will send trucks mum to col lect debris not usually gathered by garbm collectors This will be done unly the debris In on Ihe boulavard Ind nu In the gutter All member the minty have been asked to help In um campaign to clean Banis and pain and Pm before the cam pnlzn ends The annual memhmhlp driva Im holarrle Horllcultunl So cle wlll Italt April 16 he an nun clean up campnlgn or Enr rle sponsored by Ike lodely wlll um April 22 and will Inst until May 10 conespondeneo he left It 10 mm to magic mud um oi hls campuxn headqunrlen and than no Iha worker dllrmm Itauonl His schedule Includes my lunch hut he will visit Slayner Elmvalo and surrounding d1 lrIcLL The nest the time My bgavallgbk or calls Alter the elecflon returns sun Mr Klnzle will mend hLI time between umpalxn head qugngrsand kl home Yukon Northwest Territorial Brlllxh Columbia Album Saskplghewnn Manlkoha onlnrlo Quebem Newtoundlmd New anxwick Novn Scam Prince Edward Islad Totals Mr Klnzle said W3 havent got summer at all polling bombs We know we can do pey an the pthenl Barrie Horticultural Society Starts Member Drive llpril 18 Members have been Invited to Jud BEGIN voted It now s1422 your bad Now you an ordor lho In hlll you an punnly plying for WNW All THIS FOR ONLY ORDER NOW AND YOU RECEIVE STEAK PHONl PA 84561 POUNDS OF JUICY witness slide exhibitinn by Farrinxton Chicago recol nixed the wizard oi Minn rhoiomphy at Etoblnoke Col eziate Auditorium April Ticket must be purchased no inter than rll 15 mm Mrl Peggy Grliillï¬s 15 Stanley AveI Tomato Mu Jean Gahie District II dimlor asked all mcitiies in min more oi fluir member or spenklna demansuailonx no they could more effectively heip ihnsa less informed She announced lilac the Midlnnd club was tin first to try this Ind invited all Iocleuea in tin diairic to Mimi seminar at the YMCA in Midhnd on May Russell Pom conlerredwilh workers haadqunrlm and mm the rest the day our Inx the riding Party mnem sald he woulu lel as many cenlre uvpoulhle below the day over 110 expected Io mum In Barrio this even In In Calllnzwooi 1n the mob men he said he would look anu his buslneas ind ll nlzhl he will MIMI the return In his home Following Ii chart of how Ihenadonal plunge looked lfl gr the last elecflun PER WEEK ND cum vnld 75