In rm Mnlnuum nm An IrIIy Itll In II on human Il mun Invu l1n In hum hIIIM llom ll lumnnxm Axtmu nu Tn lulu Ar PM in His Excellency Andrew Rnse High Commissioner to Canada or Trlnldnd and To blzo wu guest apenkcr at Cooperulnrs lnsurante Anac Iallnnn annunl mullnl Ind dln ner fur ha Gmrulan Bay am in Owen Saund Saturday Mr Ruse Ipoka on pall lecal and cconomlc problems in who Caribbean Many or hm jumblem mndcd Iamlllar lo hl Mammy Trlnldnd and Tohaxo an In 4h Ioulhem portion of he Car jbbean Jusl on themelnl cnnst Tropical Agriculture 11 maln occupann Mr nose Illd ulch cram IHKII cane cacno cocnnuls citrus Imiu fruer and come no men Ilrlnldad is also an Importm jarodum of nil nnd asphalt but ihe Islands lack secondlry In jimlrlu Myan pcmnl nllrndrd g1 mung hlch wnl hcld ln Mn dMskm olflu morn Inx neulnn wm chnimj by mu Mm Onlnrlo 0mm Unlan luau director nnd pruldcnt Inc Blue Wnirr Crrdll Union hnpur Trh dlrcclnrn mum Wu prmmm by Lang Ink Barrio prmhknl or Un mi perm Onlnrla Mr nnse explalned his work ya lo improve his nunlrya import nmnunl to Cnnnda and in alum Canadmn upllnl lo 1h Caribbean Jim Wilson nrexldmt Bearxlnn my Crrdll Unlun Chnplrr lhnnktd lhu Intake ind mrnllontd that he had ten slnlloncd In Trinidnd or avunl mnnllu durluu Vorid Vlr II when uncd wilh ha MN and that It wow Illcrlul place or wlnlzr vau fln IMMMEN nvl no Am Horn MI hupnm ulw mu Nunu an mlmmn NIWIUII Avllwn lndumlnu up lull CV Ullllllu um 15 mlnmn INCI Iltflï¬ï¬‚nl lllll IndMm 01 am an mun am he Mfudll cm nu My my th In In In nmlm BARBIE COUNTRY CLUB turf wu disturbed b1 over Um weekend member lot tn lhdrllirs 1ch an the Trinidad Official Addresses CIA THE SUN WAS dwlnhl The wind wu blowing Emly bln xollcu wen wlnzlnl For ï¬n Vnflcrnmn Lnnnnrd umer by It TODAYS STOCK PRICES in ws 11 1N am but Mr Inmm In mm mm mun Inhlrvnv 11 mm cm Man In mu lmlmll huh mm lmmll Mn unmm mm ll uum unnmh gm hum Ilu mam llulm on mm In In mp avm Iu Immm lam Mum mm In Immutqu Flynn Dunlap El mum Ill Mr Dtlyu hnd hluh mm nr he arunnlznunn and Mllan mclhod hat produch lu51mcon Counly le rm of tho warhl looking with In mum lnlmu Ma unlquo nnd luccmml ulllng Iyshm Savant oum counlrlu nu nua 0mm Hog Producer Marketlnl Board and ma On aria When Producer Mark Inx Board wen we of Ihua IKCMIM mlve In Slmwa Coun Iy clled by Mr uelyu ETATBS PURPOSE The purpou flu band II In man lnmme slnhlllze tho prlw rrxulnlo he supply ha product And ulnbmh nnd calmcu the Inndardx cl qunl 11y he pld the Iudlcnct STROUD Marketing board undlons wen described to those nucndlng the Cooper Han and Markellng Conlercnm In the communin hall hora 1115 week Guest weaker wm Ccrll Bclycl dlmclor at nmh Dnurlo Fedmllon Anlwlture Cummlnz praxldcnl Simeon County Federallon AlricuIA turn was chairman The nan clul rcpurt Wu presented hy CIAA vIcepmldcnl Arthur Bflfls FROM BARRIE Amonx Ihnsn mending from Barrie and distrlcb were Mr and Mn Wilson Mr and Mr Cummlnx Mr and Mn Wnllon Ind John While ma mnnnunr or CIA and his assistant Bud Walwn Marketing Board Functions Explained lit Coop Conierence ahways It will be couple week Mora they can play the greens Coming all the ninth Sunday were 1mm leftv That wan um picture mo driving range an Sunnldnla mid yummy Thu nun nn IN ll wk Tar MI mm mu umn mm um flpmh mum mum mu mm IhllllllI mm Wind nu vnnni nu Wlllmy mum mm mm mm mmml 1M Hg mi mi ry lcnlure nl mnrkeun bomb was dump ed In the pine nplnlnnl 1m cnmpulwry lrnlun WM arms Iry or honml Iutceu Luck member nupmrl In mm mnrkrllnx pmnnm hu ed ln luihm ol hand MUM II In rvpmled Prlncl marbling board um dlxcussï¬l by pnnel Mr Rely mu ma mamher other were Lynn Hum Vllllnm Kell nnd Hum or Humll Clmlnnan wnl Georgi chkwn Mr nelyu Alrmcd hut emphnm has been mainly on markollng board rather than on mmknllng moperallm nmls Menu mnrkrllng bomb am mlcr to arm Tmy du not rcqulre lho Iclllna ol lhnrm ur debcnlulu Thnrlmimor has no Inlllnl Investment wllh mnrkdlnl boardz lrlym Iald Luck nvnllnbla Marnie spam the biggest alnulo drawback laced by IM thnl Pradutm llnrkong Board ha nld good Job In btlng done in pricing 1nd lrylnz Io In crease upon son whenl but lhe rlornne problem will have be rolvcd lnke lull advantage at he organlznllonr mlvluu planning Inks advanluga of txpericnco zllncd here he laid Lake Erie Lake Laku Ontario Georgian Bay Algama While River re glans Saul Sle Mule London amnion Thmnlo Sunny with Us change In lompernlun lo mcsdny wind llghl Synoplilx An urea of high pressuru has become nearly na lIonnry mm Hudson Bay In lilo Great Lakes pmducIn mainly glen weather over Ontario Lake 5L Clnu roman Wlnd nor Partly cloudy with llme than in temperature lodly nnd hesivayv1lnda light iiufiizinon Tlmagaml lgocfr rane region North Bay Sud back mw Gm Roach Gien Scandutl pmfessionai Frank Vyse Jack Hamilton and John Radian Front row Mr management dLsplayed amazb mum HIM may people both men womu and child WEATHER £033ch FOR HELP TO GET TO THE POLLS CALI Ith by mu Nam Moule Cumu space hulcr wu uMnI lmublo to tho emnil Thirty aix hour hava elapsed line without call TM Barrie Flre Depmmtnt van and out only once over the weekend WA to IM Sophia Si enrly Saturday aven lnx Sl Cnlharinc lomnm Pccrborough ncnlon Klllaloe Mmkoka North Bay Sudbury Esrlslnn Knpuxknslnz While River Monsanto Saull Sta Marla Timmlnx ren would brave ID cold winds Wenem June Buy rezlonn Partly cloudy with mm chanxa In lempenlura hlesdny Wind northerly 15 bury Sunny with cloudy periods may Ind hluday Huh dlanu In lemmmure wind northerly 10 lo 15 Space Heater Prompts Call Hamfllona two dlfldren Jollan and Margo and niece Marlin Leylnnd Examiner Photos prnminml Cnnndlnn company wllh lrcmtndnul expMIMI program nu dhlrlhulnrnlup nvnlluhla Dr flurrle Ind Slmrm Lmmly am rummny lrnlnlnx um lnvulmrnl mulrrd bx Inlrnlltd pull Wm Immcdmdy mm lddrm on number Forum Temperature Lo wnllhl hlxh 19an sgssugsgsssass an Mu an vulva Ihm II III va unlll ICIMI HEBER SMITH wlsm In lhni Ih mny hunlndn nl pmpla III In Mlpod Ilm Hllfll lhln lvclIan unlnlln all and nu glllkully EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR ITT Pfl 61455J BOX N0 15 BARRIE EXAMINER TO THE CONSTRUCTION AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES In Iccordnnce Wilhv the clly hylnw uhlch wlll pcnnl xlom to remain open on Thursday mnlnx wlmn lrlday ls hall dny the majorin ol Darrla slam wlll Irmnln oven ths Thursday until pm Group Caplaln Hock ney RCA sullen dear will speak on Canadas Mr Denna an April 11 1nd on Aprll 29 the MammalGovernor Kiwanis Division OnlulmMIrlllme Quebec Ken Walls will my hh ofliclnl vlsiL Members are urged by pro gram chairman Rnlph Franklin to mend Ill limo mating and particularly the April 29 meal To vote he muatgn to Orange ville In gel the Mumlnz olllcetl certiï¬cate PC headqunflerl mgd lhero have been three at our 11k hi memsive Conservative hud quarter on CoHler street report ed In Interesting 316911th on the demon shortly um the poll opened this morning mm In Duflulnslmcoe but wllhln the Hqu of the clly nl Barrie entllled lo certiï¬cat lrom he Duflerlnslmcoe relum In 0mm because he has In enumeralurl receipt The unnuallon said to have caused the mini and it ex pected lhn proposnd Redmrlbu Hon Acl will correct 1h Ilium Hun However for April In Idlvn promm has been planned On April 15 luesl speaker wall be Slim Forster public re lluons man or Ike Bell 1915 phone Company In Toronto lla will accompany the Lhnwlnz the lllm lllghwayx Sound Thm new members however wen to be Inducled The In Del Jcrmey Dr Henry II Dob son and Edward Kalllo All man are Barrie mldenls Kén alers principal an nmmcod mu eiecuon as follow LibelIla 81 Promsslvo Cnnnrvallves 61 New Dcmw crallc Pany Saclnl Credit 21 and Indapendent Conservnllva Mr Cllhers Inld tuch election conducted 1n the who in the past hnva been remarkably in dlcadva the mum Hi elections Nu pmlram was plunned for ma Kempentelt Klwanb weekly dinner meeting held this alter noon due to clectlnns 1111 BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY Alth While adult scurried lo and from pal lhls mornmz pupil 1mm Grader our night Prince of Wales Publlc School counledhe ballot In lhelr elcc Inn for which they have been cngpalgglng thu lustful weeks Stores Are Open Thursday Night Mudkl Election Sidelight Kiwanis Hés Busy Schedule Liberals Win School Vote Wags PERMANENTS $599 ll Mlpla Avenua nuncm mow rnoxn mu Auk For no Illll mt An mpmlnuuh night for drl veu In 1nd round Barrie will be held April the Central Unlled Church Hall The meet lnx is held In moperlllon with His Trumpomuon Samy As sociation and the transport ml Ind bus companies Awam will be pnsenlcd In driven who earned urn dran eord to 1562 An early Afternoon drlulu muldn dampen the splrlu ll the person Liking pm In DUNLOP EAST PA 60204 FLASH BULHS AGIIHJMZ41OI Mill anJMZI 11 lo 119 MM Movh 15 If MM hpuum MM 06 hymn 110 610 117 ammo Hg 21057155 PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE CREST TOOTH PASTE $17 66 33 99 NYLONS Pair Wilh Spare SPECIAL 99 WOODBIIRY SHAMPOO mm mm ms 198 293 396 KUDAOHHOME FILMS BRECK SHAMPUIJ LADY PATRICIA HAIR SPRAY BBOMO SELTZER MISS CLAIBOI AFPRECIATION 1n myomq L00 but INGUSM MVINDII TO TALCUM HI MVINDOMIAI IJI TO TAMBLYN rumu 110 11 195 YAHDLEY Smiles Chucklas SAVES vau MONEY SPECIAL VALuEs ron nus WEEK CAMERA SPECIALS LIBERALS PARADED ON SATURDAY PEBPIIMES and COLOGNES 135 CHOCOLATES 21734332 1081 TAMBlYN DRUG sron 399 19 By THE CANADIAN PRES ManualMme mm Fm monl 78 champlun mmenl right In Quabec pmvlnca and Canadian dzlegnle to he I932 Auembly of lhe League Na Ian in Gwen lot We lhe Libera panda in down town Banla Saturday per ade ulamobile was pre 3190 livid165 350 COLOGNE 24 101 275 450 SPIAV COLOGNI 375 CHANEL IUMI 52 JG COLOGNE nownlrees ILACX MAGIC 30 UAIIY IDX DEATHS TABU 385 IUILYlv mm DUIll omu 0th mm CllMl FORMULA NAIR COLOR BATH WITH NAN SIT MIST VALUI STARFlLASH CAMERA OUTFIT LARGI ICONOMY Slll IllOZ L15 VALUI Mum com on 23125 11136 13 23 MVPNOTIQUI HAITI PAIIUM COLOGNI 225 lo 400 landonJizhus who Iurned In musical wmposh lion when hearing dimculhu thwarted successlul career symphony conductor ianaon John Jack Stark 53 national advcnlsihz cdilnerl 1h Tomqgo Tplcgnm YINOTYQUI PIINMI L95 615 RuinMa Georga Harry Mullln 70 Vlclurla Cross win her In the First World War and xergeanlabarma In Illa Saskat chgwap legislalyxjo MAX FAGTOH coded by mph band as well as he Doruthy Hurst Hajornlles of Hamlllon Ex aminer Photo nv iIICI njmum mun vuui Mm rowan 225 to 400 Neflsuns FREE CIIY DELIVERV 190 250 166 143 143 127 67¢