Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Apr 1963, p. 14

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OR mil mnlh rm Shunu SALE regixlcml nml grndc incrmey mule llolalolns Mg Inn Innn mmhimry My mm rnln uml some hnuw hnlvl rlmh Including new chnlcrflrhl nml Nana Tmle mm mm the arm Ix mm slurp HENRY IllATHNGA lot mnmxion Sunni dnle anruvmp mum slrninhl north at Sunntdillo Comm lllxhwny 2a AUCTION SALE Wednesday April 10 1230 noon sharp F011 GORDON BMW at Concessian innlsiil Township at he Vilingo Side Fnrm Thornton right on High way 27 SALE of farm slack lmnicL menu llny grain pouin mid houschold furniture including Antiques Terms th No mum in lhI arm Lx sold JERRY TOUGHLIN Inlnl of 25 would be our loss lhnn the number counted to have made In successlul The US inlcriar deparlmonl anld Saturday lhat as tar as can be determined 18 he is birds will start ram Texas the nesting area Voud BuIlaIa Park near Grcal Slave Lake In Canadas Northwest Tcrrilarles some 2500 mlIcs nway They usually leave In smnll group aver period or aix or snvcn wackL WASHINGTON AWThis Is he mlurallan season or lhe rare wild whooplng crane and the hlg question Is How many will be flying north l3 AUCTION SALES OF BARRIE 44 DUNNI 51 EAST Expect 28 Cranes Will Fly North mr larger of two transmit in lowers atop Mount Raya in Montreal was threatened by Quebec terrorist group bomb at iLs base was dis THE Bdan EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL Mohdaiilwrll 22 Auqififsifif JENNY llllillllN Anrllunwr mtinncci BOMB ATTEMPT FOILED TRANSMAN Fnr 2er Ahead chmu 1mm Ilivmny ul My 1nd uomlrtlul Inhrlu And kid hunm lnu mlan Whon It Como To Lumlnmd Pun Wool Trench Cum 14 Llnglh Com1 All Walker Com Judah STRANSMANS SPRING com mm During he Ilnsl World War Cunndinn troops alarmed and canlurcd ht crmnn held Vimy Ridge near Am France on April 1911 Drew Impound II veteran and alter dmmhcnd Icrvlcv lhn vclcrnns marched Io lht Vhllchnll war memorlll la plum wreaths lhm marched past he mlullng hm II can nda House In nearby Inmxnr Square LONDON RomanGeorge Drew Canadian hlgh cummin slancr In Britain took the an lul on lhe slaps Canada House Sunday when 150 mm Im Ihe Cnnndian War Vul ernm Associalion oi the Unilcd Kingdom held their annual Vimy Ridge mgmnrla parade The buildup was gradual un III peak number or 32 cranes was noted on Dan and nglln an Dec 20 Eul none at lhe count since midFcbruAry has allan more than 29 cranes and most recent checks Iccuunlcd far only 23 Fish and wildlife serviceofll cinl said 38 aerial surveys ol lhe cranes were made in the area lb Arausa nullonal wildlife refuge on the Gull cons between OcL 19 when he first relurning whoopch were signed rhlarcll southern mlgrallon last all and 10 fewer than the record 18 counted as having started Ihe northward ml on has yep George Drew Takes Salute covered bolero it could go nil Dcstrucllon of lhe tower could have dismpr two pr vne television broadcasts CP Wirepholo Come To AdelId 24HOUR SERVICE SALES nd SERVICE or All Typ pl HEAIlNGWEjOUTIIP llullnl Ind Mr BOWENS PA I42 r1 mu 139 lnanl SI lurk Onlulo Hs been 5m mm and at one stage he lied Dec Social Credit organiwllon caring that Mr Thompson might be In lrou hle sharply increased ll enm pnixn advertising budget He won he seal In 1962 with mar sin about 3400 ovcr lhc Pm grussiva Conservative an 11 dme Red Deer constituency In comrnI Mbcru is prosperous mlxnd arming area which in reccnl time has 5an Social Mr Thompsan ls opposed by Gordon Town farmer seek Ing to recapture the Red Deer sex or lhe Conservative who held it from 1958 In 1562 Lib and Max dc Hamel clergyman and New Dcmocmllc candjdm Pnul Jonson school lcncher IS MIXED AREA Todily he plan In cast his bal lot nnd look up some old lricnds in he Red Deer constituency where he is soeking melodian He atlcnded Palm Sunday services at Bethany Baptist Church then spent he rest the chill spring day wiUI his Inmin at their fnrm home five miles south of here typical all meas lro youth Roughly generaliz lng on he alliludes of hou iands ol her age the answer cinl Cridu Made Vlhompsgn relaxed Sunday tolluwing xmclling ulecxion campaign She certain the mm nav olullon will be picked up by other countries of he hemls phere She eels that everything Russla due good and Ihe United State is to flame or all dmlcultle encoumerad ln Cuban lfle She works eight hnura day In government olflce then often spend hall lhe nigh Handing guard In rank of her ofllc building burp gun strapped over hu mlllun unL form LQOKB 10 nussu In her elegant sheath gown beige lace with bar pretty round ace meticulously made up she could have passed or an Idle maiden dabbling ian emaUanal slink to break the Yet she meant every word At 18 she Ila product and staunch supporter of the new wginllst Cuba Throat were diplomallcally cleared And It looks as ll Venezuela wlll libelale hexsell soon and start hullding soclullsm llllngl an really hot ther llle agdcd lfiumphmglly HAVANA APJSoan mil the countries oi Latin America will be free dont you think so the elegantly dressed teen ager asked group oi Aliinns and Europeans at dipiomalic regepiian Thompson Has Had Stifl Fight Campaign Budget Increased IgEn DEER Mm or 59 Girl Supports Sércialist Cuba 30onf comi Lunco MullJmpou anus 0m omn luull John Iwunfl lmlum Pumpl lmly at hr mm high Imp WAN0min Unmul Mn Ivmpl Chum Ell RM Durln COOPMHIoMavy Duly OIL Mldc III bony Noamno0 Ion lam Mom In mm MIAMI Malm In Win lvn mm In mm Wllln oi mum Chmll IIIth MOP Com GREASE Wm me sixv ch or Inuryeamld Ka ren Bloomer ended Saturday my was dismvnrcd In Ihn Asslnlboine Illvcr Her mly vns round by dragging crew under an oIlshore Ice Jam nbnul 150 yards Iram her subur ban umrleswood home just then were In qull or he day Concentrating on Ihe wcslcm provinces which elected only our Soclnl Credit members Inst year against Quebecs 26 Mr Thompson barnslormcd from early morning lo late night He averaged 4V hours of sleep or In using the night hours Im travél lnslcad ol slumbcr In nanslop cnmpalgn the Hearold lormcr chiropractor drove himsel unsparingly or he last math or so seeking to bolster Soclal Credit strength In the House at Commons The city at Red Deer lhrlv Ing hem DI the commuency has populnlion 23300 Credit or Conservative repre scnlnlives to Ottawa and Social Credit rcpresentallvcs lo the legislamre in Edmonton In ad dition lo fanning it has hur Kenning oil and neural gas in dustry Government officials my more lhnn 70000 studean of all age are working Inward differ ent certificates and degree un der govarnmen scholarshlps In the Havana area they are lndng in the heme ol Exiles and study alementnry and my school mums and also lan guages and technology All re ceiva revolutionary inslmcflon and the boys are taught how lo handle rifle and lleld guns The government pays for unl forms Iodglng meals and books Thnusands of other Cubans study In Communist countries Tho Castro government claims to have more than dou bled Illa number ol classroom on tho Island In Ihe In our ycgrs Complementing these are the Ichools ol revolutionary in struction where ha siudeni is thoroughly couched in the inki cncies oi Mmlsm Lean and ii materialistic theories DOEBLEflLABSROOMS The guvcmment subsidize all sports and encourages yumm sten lo lain political organluaw on such as the Yunng Flo nears the Unlon Commu nist Yuutlu yes To them Fidel Castro premier in his middle 30 has opened new iield Involving them direcin in lhcilla oi ha country They participate In line monolithic slogan iiiled poll iics shoulder guns drive heavy equipment recdva wide publio iiyln the press FIND GlflLS BODY PA 64511 Nelve other pom wnlch lng lhe lire across me are rum Ihe campus wen Injured Killed wm Robertm Pow Marshall mt Cheerle Lou Anderson 19 Chcboygnn Mich and Mallth Tnychnchulynwongse 22 an ex clmngo aludcnl lrom Thailand MOUNT PLEASANT Mlch APD Three college student were kilch Sunday when an ex plosion ripped lhmugh bum lng building and huflled In car nice stone into crowd spec tators near the ccnhal Midd gnn UnIvérspy campus Lou Pnsecny anonla drowned in Luke Ontafln when he 1211 out his boat Liarfiy Wllllnm nenaud 15 Chamhnrlnin Township when struck by car near Englcharl sundly Bruce Mills 18 months Bran ord walkrd Into the side of passing par near his home Charles Prescott 64 of The Pas Mm when car overlumcd on Trans Canada Highway near Hawkeshury Hiram Aaron the 05 who Indian reserve struck by car near St Calharines Barry Fnslm Bells Con ners drowned while fishing In Constant Creek near Ottawa James Hutton 26 Malt and when his car crushed lnlo glam wt Mallland Salnrday Gnrdnn Little dmwucd near family mllage at Lake Katehlwanuokn There were no mantle ported in Newfoundland Prince Edwnrd Island New Brunswick Hannah and Saskatchewan The whey does notrlnduda known slaying nr sulcldea In dustrial accidents or natural death Three Studehts Killed In Blast In Alberta lhrea pelsun died in lrafllc whlIeNnva Scaun pomd two traffic draws Erit lsh Columbh had two accidem kal flealhsln unlflc and fire Ontario led with 16 rank Islamic and three drawnlngs Quebec recorded three deaths on the roads one dmwnlnl and one death In tall Canadian Pu survey from pm Friday to midnight Sunday local llme Ihuwed two thirds of the weekend death 09 curred nn th hixhwayu Bmlo Bunch TorontoDomlnlon Bank Bldg Blown LACarson CHCohan Hall of Canadas pmvlnces spent Hunkyres weekend and the other reported reduced necldml all to give ma coun try ans 1L lowest milky count this year20 deaths Only Twenty Are Killed Over Weekend THE CANADIAN PRESS Ontario dead As his eyes met my steely gaze the beast stopped cold in his tracks unnerved no doubt by the cool confidence of man with Imperial Life protection Lllo Pension Honllh and Acham Plans on an Individual anddybdibasls IN WINNIPEG l07 Dunlop Tnmnla 697 Bay El l01 DUNLOP ST BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE IMPERIALI LIFE JOHNSON co llMlTED World Wide Travnl Sarvlu Em BanIa Opposln Guam Hml For Informaolon Ind Rosamuilonéj For Your Rasarvulam Cull New PHONE PA 66525 FOR RESERVATIONS Fort Garry Hotel covers youfiLforrllwfe Branch Manager Mlson KESkelly REWatd PA 66515 smm rm St Stay at the PA 66474

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