AUTOMOTIVE Haida was FOR SALE YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford SL PA 85971 WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy it nnw with lowcost Ilia insured THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTM ms mwgpn nu autumn or ucellen rubber Tellphonl PA 3J9 will PA 6053 15 Palm lunch wunn deep men mulllc any need wnm will um mathlnlull Heel MW ow prlu nl 95 Tnlwhonl PA non 1m VOLKSWAGEN Dclu wndlllnn wllh ndlm Nch m5 mly Henri suuon runway vn mama an mephun PA mu 1m vouuwmm Al common 51 pm ms Apply lllnlyl nun Sudan Illlhwly taxman nu Tuluphom vAuxluLl at nut dour mm Ll Guy with led lellher mu Ind nï¬ Interior WIIL End on PA Mun mink mm m2 mnch rumor wo dour colur blul with nun Low muo In In Ipolleu condition Cln ï¬mnced Taillith PA um liter pm us cnavnnnn duet urd mp can grey with muchlnl Interim llclary rebum molar cnmm lo III new um 0n nwner $75 dawn $1150 per monlh Telepncn PA ImL PLYMOUTH Culom 5mm bun on Miner our deep uua wm nu um cuuom mm him with muchlnx hlul mmlnr us down 3150 per month phom FA rm ms cnmonn two am In men mum with mum ln mlnr cmuun nmo dup um um down 12250 per month TIlrphm Hm NEED cAn INSURANCE Bu uv In or pfllcmd drvl1 WI lmun my unvu remmu of circumllmcu run cnven Em co 11 Comm SCOIIA PLAN LOAN 1351 METEOR our duo um hluo Mm malthlnl Mu lnltnnh momu lunmuuln window wuhm dew mm plr muan Mm wm Ad Secuan accepted mu 9111 Day balm nubllcallan PHONE FA IZH FOR YOUR We will pay you TME HIGHEST PRICES IN TOWN 176 Bradford Street PA 84272 In Now Buylnl For WESTERN DEAle DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Standard and Automatic 105 Rose Street PA 64277 ORV HARDY MOTORS LTD EVERYTHING DONT GIVE YOUR CAR AWAY SELL ITI AUTOMOTNE mu SALE AS is One 1956 Fan on truck lo cated 306 mm Streak Bars rim Otter will be acceplcd until April 15 1963 Otter must be Iccompanled by certified cheque amounting to 10 of the mm alter and sent la ONTARIO HYDRO SURPLUS SALES SUPPLÂ¥JONTROL INCDMI TAX lltllnsl brlp Dd Awly Kldd IS Cumberllnfl alrteh or ullvhom PA Bl my run mum mar cumm mu mum Immmur In you an mm or nu In am or LEI LEARN HAIRDRESSING Gavamment Chmerod Schnnl Thnmnzh mining In In hm the ol beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 11 WORSLEY 51 PA H901 LOST FOUND Ln RING In In In Will llndll pllul PA EMPLOYMENT WANTED TRUCKSA TRAILERS mug meqmu In mi ruQMEym uvu mom Good um nun mum hay mommy upmmud nnmi omu mum mm In par nu nu or pmum um 10 HELP WANTED curnmm Won nu um nunuuum umum numn cumm cum yummy new man menu mnllnl No job no mu Rusombll nm on my llme PA mu nlunxln MAN with uyerlenco in mpmlslen Ilsa vurzhous muuumem Ind mm umwl an buylnx wnuld Uka mu In mm mm mm Box mm bummer Application forms or the above position may be oblalncd by culling at or wrillnz lo the off lc the Chlel Constable Pol lce Dcparlmcn Orillh Ontm xio npplicalinns are In he filed with the Chin Conslable no later than April 20 1963 CAnnLn MAN mm mu 1an um Knuwlzdn or plumhhl ma mumI won dukth round lab Io mm nun Vrlu mum phalnlrlph no mm summer POLICE CONSTABLE WANTED Womans COLUMN Box has wonomo 1a ONT PERSONALS IS HERE TOWN OF 6man rRILLIA BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONS Iormw MALE HELP Orillil Onlirio CAR IO HELP WANTED APPLY DOMINION TIRE STORES 110 BRADFORD ST BARRIE ONT Tn scrvlca Inu sell newspaper classiï¬ed advertislng This in teresting position entalla per zonal contact with local busl bass ï¬rm of types Prue be shown to Applicants with typing and driv ers licence This is challeng ing position with considerable immunity or advancement APPLY IN WRITiNG TO Advertising Manager BARRIE EXAMINER 13 with high school education gd or with OGOOD TYPING ISHORTHAND IGENERAL EDUCATION mulnd or lacl ï¬rm Under so year at an preter red Excellent wmkmx condi tions and full mm at nmplnyce bendiu 37 hour week Write BOX BARRIE EXAMINER YOUNG MAN Woman to work In bindery department allornoonsh Appiy Io SHEPHERD THE BARRIE EXAMINER In Ilrran to ma In nr wm bond chlldnn out nu any max mun pm uphon PA 61609 In Wu RILlAnLB Wannu mmd Mlmn len molnzr woxk Lunl houukumnz duuu way Dmuld 51 evenlnx lum linen mlnlmum 15 vlclnlly wunnmn Clur norm or Own Mun In nu Iblt wllh Hellan erh Box Burn Exlmlmr cmeANIuN llouukeepcr ulluy rrqulxed by Icuve plan my 11th duuu Pxem wme llvlnl an to no 1mm Bummer nlnlunl wlmed In an or upmment bulldhu jug n1 nu mm Jew REAL ESTATE Sllumln wnnled In npxennl ll Kclm le In In Bull lru Experlznn nut emry mply lo Mr umnn Kala 114 Ezllnlan Ava Em Tomnlo Iz Onlmn SALES HELP AGENTS SECRETARY TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE IA lNN CLERICAL WORK Au company hencllu RETAIL CLASSIFIED SALESWQMAN FEMALE HELP MALE HELP MALE FEMALE PART TIME IPA um duxlnl blulneu afler pm INVITES YOU 10 INOUXRE ABOUT THEIR PHONE PA 85541 BEAVER LUMBER PI1EFAB PRECUT BUILI IO SPECIFICATIONS 10 HELP WANTED lhm room 35 Fenls Line Barrie Requhel QUALIFIED TEACH ERS nan schoo will he 0pm 127 BRADFORD ST ni giving moron ly educationyin coniunci on with Chriatlan upbringing in the ham and me church Teachers with positive Christian cvnvchlon In kindly invlied in apply in Mil BERT SCHALY RR Na Thomlnn Phone 32113 T1 LEGAL NOTICES SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE 01 In Excculinn Issued bu 1110 County Court the County 51mm Ind lo mo directed against the 1m and tenement JOHN BUTTS Ind BET TY Bum Deleudnnla the null of SL Louis Plflsh WM arlon Crcdn Unlon lelwd have selzed and taken In ex ecution all the fluhlplllle 1n mesl Ind equity redempdon nl John sun and Betty Bulls In and to the ullawlng land angLIc ALL AND SINGULAR that certain area or true oi land on promise situate lying and being in the Town ship of Sunnldalei in the Counly ol Simcoe known as nll oi Lot No 21 award in to plan nxlslered in ihe Registry olilcn ior ihu Regisiry Division oi the County oi Simeon In No 1425 ALL OF WHICH said right llile inieresl and equity oi rm demmlon oi the laid JOHN BUTTS and BETTY BUTTS in And to tho said lands and um emcnls shall oiiur ior sale by public auction at my oiiice in the Court House City oi Barrio on Wednesday the lst day oi May AD 1963 nl he hour of 100 oclock in the an crnoon DATED at tho Ciiy oi Barria in the Couniy oi Simone this 9th day oi January AD 1961i ROSS YE HUGHES Sherili County oi Simon TEACHERS WANTED mmmv camsï¬in ELEMENTARY swoop NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that TRUMBULL RUBBER CANADA LIM ITED intends to make an Application to the Lieuten antGovernor of the Pro vlnce of Ontario for an or der accepting the surrend er of Its charter DKTED at wamn Ohlo tltéiga 41h day of April CLASSYFIRED ADS WILL BRING RESULTS THIS SPACE AVAILABLE CALL PA 82414 rm Elllccnl Scrvlco Guaranlccd Money Hcrvlco 901m Secretary COMPLETE FINANCING BOB MARTIN Manager CRESCENT LOANS Mmum £153 no moo mu 26 Dunlop Sheet West IA 60203 lEGAl NOTICES THE MATTER Chain Fur ol TAKE NOTICE um um Council of the Corporation of the City at Bmle will mar the publlcnllon his nod ll least once week or our successive weeks in nu Burd Exémlnet wnuder Ind If deemed expedlent pass Byluw Io elm Ind slop up um pm at Poynu Street bo lng the easterly 46 lyhu bo tween the nu limit 01 Dun lop Street Ind the rlthwu ho Canadhn Nlllonll mn ol Barrio AND FURTHER TAKE N0 TICE that my person who claim um his land will be preludlclllly dream by the nld BMW and who He to he hem shall be ha by tho Council elkhor In person why his counsel solicitor or nenL notlca ls Int publkhed on the by April AD 1961 STMUGHAN Clerk the Cfly Bank By Inllcltm novs 551mm gq fa6insm Burn éiluio 12 TENDERS BARNE ONTARIO Scaled lender on misled sum hlsls plainly marked Tender for an addition in Lnkavlew Pure Milk Dairy Ltd will be received unlli pm ESi Ncsday April 23 1983 at the niliccs oi Salter and Allison Architecll 29 Ciap pcrlnn Slnel Barrie Oniarlo Plans and speciï¬cations will be issuad in general comm tar an deposit ol carilth cheque lot 325 paynhie in Sni ler Ind Allison Architects Finns Ind speciï¬cations wiii be on displly Al lile Barrie Builders Exchanga and lila Turonm Conslnlcllon Assaultl lion The laws or my lander nut necessarily ncccpled SALTEB Alli ALLISON TENDERS WANTED wuxnou30u¢¥l PURE 116 Sicknm Accident Lilo lymmnu mmzm ugmm For Want Ad Service Dial PA 2414 Aréhizms 29 Cluppeflnn Street Banlo Ontario GARAGES Low onlth Pnymenu mï¬mf ONTARIO on Wigs $259 FROM BED TRADE NEW DELHI APiIlldoso vie irade which ininiind 1000 000000 1ch mmmooor dur ing the yearendinz Much is expected to douiiiu In the nexi three yenrai Manubhui shah minister oi iniemlliaui trade told Plriiameni Friday He nld ihi will be nchlnvnd as rcsuii ui iiueeweek iaik held hen wiih maria team under Spandaryan chiel oi the Soviet minimy of foreign trade which lei in hi0an Friday my Emnm wm Ans PHONE PA NA Manna 971mm Jjwm wmm In campaign for elecllon gs your member have unempl ed to fairly and honestly present to you the policies and prin ciples of the SOCIAL CREDIT PARTY have done this mainly by public addresses and advertise ments believe in the sancmy of the secret ballot there fore HAVE NOT put thg people of Simcoe North ON THE SPOT PERSONALL as to vyhethgr or nqt yog would vote for mun me HAVE NOT badgered you face to face for PERSONAL COMMITMENT prior to election date as have felt In many instances this serves to cause constant embarrassment in forc ing you to declare yourself before you vote Actually credit the voters of Simcoe North with the ability and intel igence to choose with your own judgment from what you have heard of the issues of this election Therefore ask you only publicly to consider your ballot seriously and if you feel as do THAT THERE IS BETTER WAY for Canada and Can adians May then merit your on my BALLOT Published by Simon Nnrh Soclnl Credit Auacllllon Mum gm own mm BRAKE OVERHAUL FOR SUMMER DRIVING 4m mun mu wonx auuumrtm om mm lntrodnelnl In In TRIUMPH was lu mind it SPRlNG INIU WARM WEATHER WITH IORY MOTORS Hush Pumiï¬i SERVICE HA Clippimn PA was Respectfully The Car AVAILABLE AT GOLDS SHOE wwwzd Jam Page 31 BY Gm ru