Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Apr 1963, p. 6

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SKIRTING THRIBAr EILEEN DIXON In England its called Jumble Sale In some com munities its called White Elephant sale but around Barrie its referred to as altumrna Sale Call it what you will there are variety of strange happenings that are often the direct result of such an event recall one lece of detective work which The Ear rle Examiner oined In following rummage sale held in aid of the Barrie and District Retarded Chil drens Association It started out with the normal scurrying around the home aching everything you werent wearing Into box or the spring rummage sale Thats the way it started but when it ended one member of the family was missing her glass es It seems mother had practically cleared dau hiers cupboard of anything and everything she coud get her hands on and packed It in boxes down In the re creation room Daughter came home from school looked In her cupboard and decided to reclaim some of her belong Ings before they left the house Down she stormed to the basement and went through piles of clothing and In so doing removed her glasses which became mixed up with the rummage The next morning all was going well at the rum mage sale while mother was selling everything she can get her hands on She noticed the glasses and thought they looked familiar but thought no more about them SOMETHINGS MISSING The glasses were sold and it wasnt until that night that daughter discovered they were missing It came to mother in flash where they were or rather where they had been They had been the fam Ilfir looking glasses on the tab at the rummage The story has happy ending the woman who had bought them read the story in the news er and re turned them to the owner one wee ater The funny part of the whole tale is the daughter became so accustomed to being without them that she hasnt worn them since However ldont think it would work If you tried It with your hearing aid REAL BARGAIN One story that comes to my mind involved me per sonally had told the convener of the Rummage Sale that would over and take pictures whlle members were sor ng articles and tagging them for the sale the following morning This is the time when nemhers sometimes decide to make purchase or wo An hour or so later after had taken pictures and jolted down the necessary information went to the rack where had hung my coat It was gone Some one had sold it almost before had it off my back What really hurt was the amount it brought $150 It sure cost me dollar or two more than that Anyway learned one thin never put ANY THING down at rummage sa feel the same wa as the woman who made the following statement wren asked if she would collect hcr rummage for her clubs sale Her retort was wear all of mine DONT FORGET THE 11th annual Barrie Skating Club Carnival which will be held at the Barrie Arena tonight commencing at oclock The title of the pro gram Is World Tour produced and directed by Mrs Suzanne Emms club professional assisted by Mrs Georgia Dowthwaite This is one event never miss have the date marked on my calendar months ahead The main reason being that my daughter starts rcmlndin me as soon as the first snow falls She wouldnt 55 it for anythin or so she says allthough she has to catch to nks during intermis on THE WIFE OF one of the national party leaders says that she feels too much emphasis is placed on personalities during an clcction campaign She says she prefers people to look to principles Instead As for women voters she says that they should be con versant with the policies of every party have to agree After all women as well as men are responsible for the world we are leaving to our children Women must face this responsibility The greatest responsibility of women wil be to get out and vote on Monday Ilow you vote is your own per sonnl business but do make the effort EEP IN THE TRIM KnockOut By Severe Coronary Fighter Follows Prudent Diet Ily IIIA JHAN KAIN The adoptinn of the prudent dlol lrns rorrrlrrllonlml nnrl probably IcnKIlrrnrrl the WI of nrnnyrnrurbcrs of the Anti omnary tub of the New York City hrnlllr rlrpnrtmcnl The dirt II designed to lrurn tninl fill and In krcp llru rlglrt pro portion of prdyunsnluralcd to snlurnrul fnlly Itlill Over weight nrrurbm are reduced Mrct trio of club nrcrsllmrs ss Introduced by the nutrition III In charge 11m first Is prim Ilglrtrr who hnrl barn knocked out by sovcrn rnrunsry Iln ber hardening of llle Irtrrtrr and IIIIXII rhulcsternl Iovrl ml was dangerously blah Ills fnv nrile food sch had been the msln Item of his menu lie but SHAMPOO AND SET $119 TIIIINE PA ltldl ASK yon TIIE nurrum MIAIN can garrlsk and 515nm rs IIIplo Avenue OIEN EVENING bcrn brought up on It and Irrrlncd on It Nniurnlly he look dim view of rltct calling for lilllo bccl but for rum fish mrrllry vcnl nnd lamb In wrck Ilrnn lro hsd cairn in his whole llfcilrnol If this clth nrcmlxr could change lrla rllci anyone can Now five years later he can bend IIIIII lro lrns no coronary Imulrlo sud lhot his blood clrolcslcrnl level Is Well brluw the danger mark llaI mm lrls Ilglrl fhrr mnnrl club nrmnlrtr Illyrsholrl nrcorrrpllalrrd vlolln III was so shaken by his hrer sllsrk first he no lrmsrr tourde Iris hcluml Inrtnrnrvul Over height at the time of lrls heart attack be had mluccd to the IRWIN Tl HIKING PUT SUPERMARKIT IN YOUR HOME herdsNow five years Ill be wrnrrr AFTERNOON auras Mr nd Mrs Ross II Far ker Irechown following their marriage It antral United Church on March Rev David Reeve officiated at the ANN LANDBRS pflemoon ceremony The bride is the tanner Doreen Colitis daughtcr of Mrs James CNN and the late Mr bolts of Barrie The Visits Could Be sorcerree DrIr Ana rLIndrrs been elected by our neighbor hood coffcebrealrerl to write you this letter woman who liver on our street is really lovely person She is in her early bits Ittrno give and the mother of four obli en Every day around lunch time the milkman stops at her house and stays anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour His truck Is parked right In her driveway Ill this time Those of us who know her are sure this woman has high moral standards and Is faithful wife but we Ira afraid the lesstrusting neigh bors may get the wrong impru sion Shall we talk to her and risk losing her fricndshlpf Or shall we keep cur snoots out of it and let her ruin her reputation and hurt her fondly IThs Loyal often Dear boyllellcsr Keep your snoots out of It It ma be that the mllkman is fsmly friend and It may be that this woman makes the best coffee In the neighborhood POINT OF VIEW Dear Ann Landerll As one of your publishers must disagree with one of your editors rc fer to the letter signed CW who oblcctcd to boys be ing their mothers In the kite en The editor sald kitchen work Is for females As you aptly put it Ann work knows no gcnder today We have four boys in our farm fly and It is clearly understood that they have to thp with the female work becIuII tbcy cause so much of It Our boys have never oblcctcd to bclplng They lust grew up knowing ll wr pccicd of them They are mamas boys nor do they show any signs that they will turn out to be yes men to women in stead thay are Illaround kids have who will be able to pitch In and help in any emergency You may print this as avi derrco that the membcrr of the fourth estate are divided on this vital point to boy raising 36x Dear It Im not sure enloy being caught In the cross fire betwcen an editor soda publisth yet but appreciate your supportof my point of view Thank you for writing WEDDING GUESTS Dcar Ann LIndmr My II ancs and are going to be married In June Itwlil be formal wedding and my parents are going to greatdeal of expense to make perfect in every detail My fiance is giving me little trouble on fire guest list While he was In college he worked summers on truck He he came friendly with three rough heck truck driven who are not his social equals This Is In understatement My fiance insists that we ln vita these lhrea characters to our wedding cant secm to talk him out of It Its not that Im Ishamed of Ihcm Ann Its lust that Im afraid they would be uncomfortable They surely do not own formal even Ing clothes and id hate to put them to the expense of buying anything Since the brides parrots pay for lhe wedding feel he should not make too many demands Please Ietlla thinFly In Tbs Soap Bar rm Even though the brides parents pay for the wed ding the bride and groom hI to live together after the guests go horns and It helps If they are on speaking terms Invite the truck drivers and dont worry about the expanse of the evening clothes Theyll probably rent like many of your fancicr guests PS They will probably bchar better on elegant and bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Harold Parker of RR kastown The newly weds will make their lrome In Dariris Photo by Der Cow pcr Square Dances In Review square dance workshop will be held at Nottawa Hall nres day April commencing at 330 pm This workshop will be of in terest to all dancers who plan to dance at the Tomato Inter national Square Dance conven tion to be held at the Royal York Hotel May ft lo 11 Lorne llay of Colllngwood will direct the workshop which will be review of all square danc and rounds scheduled on the convention program Barrie square dancers are re mlnded that club night will be Thursday April ii at the RCAF Association room High st hrrther Inforrnatinn about the workshop can be obtained from Mrs Fred Coulson PA 89321 Willowdale ucw Plan Tulip Tea Willodele United Church We men held their April meeting It the horns of Mrs Percy Ford Cook Sh Wednesday evcnlng The president Mrs Marlon Muir conducted panel discus sion on the second and third chapters of the study book The Ward and the Way and an In tcrestlng group discussion fol lowed Final plans were made for he hile Ten to be held In the Odd Fellows llall Colilcr st April II The sum of sis was voted to the newly formed Explorer Group undcr the leadership of Mrs Don Pfrimmcr and Mrs Hoam lmportanca oi the Re surrchIo was the theme of the devotional taken by Mrs Ifadley At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the has tess assisted by Mrs George Pearson Mrs Norman Eachcrn Ind Mrs Elmer Wilk us The May mcctlnl Is to be In the form of work mccirng and will be at the home of Mrs Itoss Cook Cook St SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES CUINSCOUT AUXILIARY The regular meeting of tho Molhcrr Auxiliary lo the Sixth Ilnrrle Orbs and Scouts will be held Monday evening at Ccnlllll United Church Mrs Ailnn Morlcy will proslde at the ses sion which commences at eight oclock WEEKEND GUEST Miss Dorccn Cenlson of To ronto Is wcckcnd guest at the horns of her pnrcnls Mr and Mrs Coulsrm IIEIIEAILIAI IAIITY rrlrcnrrsl arty wnr hcld at the home arm and Mrs AIIn Grey of limokdalo lr last evening In honor of Miss Cami Wort Ind Itobert llcnd rrson who were married at ccrrmony at Trinity Anglican Church ith afternoon The or point of uirrrno underweight and was nrprvlrcnslvo of any kind of foot He was so weak coed his wife had to bring hlrn tn the clinic In spite of his food Icarl lranlmd to so on the pnnlcni dirt tsllnrrd to his own Irrls and acts younger lbsn when he stutnt ths pmsrsm Iln rvrrru to the rnnirrcnm IIIIM And once again music Is an hnportsnt part of his llInr IZiImInstI Inmnvrntrnt trips to the super msrtet try taking ad vantage sf our food service full and lot us rspirin Ibm ISA Mm MEC hostess was Mrs ll lloward Among the guests were Mr and Mrs John licndcrson Mr and Mrs MacDonald Michael llcndcrron Mclanla Wcsi llfr and Mrs Tod TwLu Mr and Mrs It WesL Miss lay NLsI all of Barrie Mr and Mrs Grubb Tomato Mr and Mrs Michael lolrln AIlLs tea The brides aunt and cone Iln Mrs Mason coming and Mrs Itobcrl Dcardslcy oI Ciri cngo Illinois were also among the gucris RECEPTION Ilohort Thompson Notional Lender of the Social Crultt Inr Iy wnl guest of lmnor at re rrpflon hrld at tho homo of Mr nnd Mrs Willard lflnrls of Shanty llny lirard Inst evening Mr Thompson spoke It rally fllfiT AllrllIIIK INlIllllANtll IflllAVl Dulrl nvrrlook any pom riblI rilssdrr when you ln sure With our Immmun crs all risk lntursnrc yrnl gvt rompisls rlltcrllon wlibrnri plying for costly overlapping coverage III for this vital lsmliy protection now MALCOMSONS rustm Arms ll Dunlap PA Hm It Dorris North Collegiate prior to the reception Miss Edith Iflnzle Golf II vrockond gucst It the home of her brother and IIstcnInluw Mr and Mrs Willard Klanc Shanty Ilay IN TORONTO Mr and Mrs Vic Ter In spending the wcckcnd In Ior onto at the Wcuhury Hotel where Mr Thaw II attending the twodny meeting of fire One Inrlo IIpe Irodcs Council and repmcnilng Local of the llumbcrs and Strnnrllilcrs Un Ion in Simcoo County If cuorcr or re corost rm mumu humor Olrllsnttsn Phone PA 666 on wnrrs so MITCHELLAIRE EDGAR ONT President Of NDP Women Scrgs Monday Tellsl Tale By EILEEN DIXON Mrs James Duker has serv ed ll president of the New De mocratic Party Lsdles Group since the organization was fanned In January mo The president has on her sx contIve Mrs Watson Bouncy Is viccprcsldent and Mrs Harold Slashm as secrellry no group meet monthly and the president says that they dont always discuss politics but es chaoge Ideas on other interest ing topics too Homes miller and hobbies are often openly discussed Mrs Dukes says that she has been bury working In the head quarters and mailing out carn psign literature IIthouflr the group decided that phoning was out of the question during thls campaign We found that peo ple objected to the invasion of their privacy so we cut it out or our schedule ONE TOO MANY She explained that two elec tions in one year is quite strain on the NDP party We simply dont have the funds said Mrs Dukes All our work Is volunteer and our work ers really have to be called de voted Mrs Dukes worked with the GUI party In Tomato prior to moving to Barrie in less and It was short time afterwards that she becsmc associated with the CCE party hers and later with the New Democratic rarely in the NDP policy Tommy Doug las says we are truly our bro thers keeper Inld Mrs Dukes The active woman has work ed consistently for the Retarded Childrens Association for the past eight years She feels it such worthy cause and Is proud that It has grown so tremendously since she first became Interested derive great persoan satisfaction lust knowing that am being of some assistance said Mrs Dukes ill Dukes was recording secretary with the Issoclatien for Ipproslmately five years Churchill UCW Hear 63 Budget Churchill United Church Wo men met In the Sunday Sdrool room of the church on March 21 In the absence of the presi dienta Mrs Russell Stewart pro dc Mn Kennth Sturgeon led In prayer for Mr and Mrs Lloyd Strachan the societys special missionaries Thu treasurers report was read Including the Mums from the St Patricks Supper and the budget outlay for 1w wu presented The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs Stewart For the Thankoffering meet ing In April Mm McCIgua of Bccton will be speaker and the society hopes Io be lolnod by the members of Lefroy Gllford and Ebenezer groups for this oc caslon feature of the meeting halfhour of Bible study under the dlmctlon of Mrs Allan and Mrs III IIrnwni After the reading of Scripture passages from both Old and New Testaments as prescribed In The Word and The Way the membcn dlvldsd Into two groups and prcparcd question paper Tire Struggle Against Idolatry were studied and wcrcd as fully as possible eon cludlng with the comparing of holes busy outside most of the sum mer months The pride and lay of her garden are the roses She also paints in oils and does all her own dressmIklns Both Mn Dukes and her husband love to read Mr Dukes has been lnteresb ed In astrology for many years lgird recently his wife lolned Mrs Dukes rays IhI may be carrying her star gazing rather far but In the near future she would like to aeean adult edu MIIS JAMES DUKES and is new chairman of the speakers panel She also works It Iha booths at the fairs and assists in any other way she can The president believes In equal opportunities for educa tion She feels that many stu dents with knowledge are lost by the wayside becauseot fin ancial difficulties In the home or because of lack of accom mndatlon at the Universities Mrs Dukes would like to see university In Barrie because of tbs ideal location She thinks such In establishment could offer more opportunities for students because many could attend on commuting basis It could cover radius of 50 miles which Is no distance at all today says the president and added that many peopl trsvel fish for to work every day Mrs Dukes has one daugh ter Mrs Margaret Heron of Thornhill who last year do clded to continue her educI tion Last year she completed Grade Ind this year IhI Ir attending York University VARIED HOBBIES an NDP president loves gar dening and manages to keep srrrrrr RELIEF CHRONIC BRONCIIIIIS An you off xvii unable to step uu run or rrmmeicron slit up an help asthma sudrm bus more Iy so you can work Ind sin mar rntombty Oh so and ti It drug flunM mm DarawcmruIIuh Ivlhhulm Mao IhIhL linked Muslim Off IE DISCHIMINA TING im Minimums Invlrslionr Innnunrcmr and Irtrunlirs will con flelsronhdrnrulloqusllly Ind cerrrrtnrn of farm mnnronstarsvnf tussle arsnscnos seem murmurs hueJud Idling uplisa matches Il uh hm II amiable You Still Cant Beat atural GAS cation program In Barrie There are so many young me Ihers who could take advantage of such an opportunity says the Ietlve woman As for any predictions on the outcome of the election Mrs Dukes said she thinks the par ty is getting its platform Icross this electionand added that she thinks there must be some answer to the unemploy ment problem However she thought she would wsrlt until Monday rolls around After all well soon know the answer wont we she said had to admit shes right WAS FINN PREMIER FITCHBURG Mass IAP Oskarl Tokol who became the first premier of Finland in coalition government formed by Social Democrats in 1911 died Thursday night It the age of so For time after the First World War Tokol was relu gee fIclng clther dcath sent enca or long imprisonment both In his own country and ItussiI RCAF ASSOC BINGO svsrrv MONDAY It 800 pm SPECIALS JACKPOT srro In 22 Numbers SHARE THE WEALTH Admlulon 50g 14 HIGH ST Above NUSIIVICI Clunm INFORMALS ACCESSORIES THE BARRIE EXAMINER Daylkld Strch nrrrrorrr lo

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