Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Apr 1963, p. 3

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In mm luv mm in lhv flmmllm lull Al Hm mum lhmlurr nl Commtm lial In monlh III Ink lvln whom mmhl mun alum 0mm ymly 1n Onlfllln mlmkl alllllr mTMVA An Hlnwn hwy 1m mumMM llml rm plnym Inlnrl mxln urrk hum llvIr nupluym lur unth 1an 1m Anumuy llullrr mmla hla pm run nmnrlny nlnhl mm nl Ilmml at Twin cmw mllleo Dr Com MhO Inn Jusl yo cdml lrnnl nl mono mm Hm anlvunl Cnnm lmlllulo nl Cnnmln ln mlruxo IN and our nunr pmkrls luu Mm me In lmlAlu humnn Imrrmun Illllb he leyl hIrwl Imlln Crlnhl chcmknll wlll klll crr lnln cnncrrn lhu lmuble II my me npl ln klll lhu pntlrnl Ill well Mn Nu Inhl Amnnfl he vnrlou Irchnlqurl ml lo prumn lhil run In unc hclnu med hy llr Cauvrl KIA Imlrswr MllKKTy nl llm Unlmnlly Alberta 1n lid lllnnlum lflllfil pcrlunlnn Iwhh Hum mm mm mnfi nuth goinu Io mucn mum Imoothy than we rxpcclcd liv erybody Im bcdn doing good Job and quilyhe Mn 11rd laid II In Um llme Hull have mu ed ucmlonnl mnlrrlnl by poslmunl Imponnnl In In to gel lhu Illcmhlxu lo Hm ropln It go 519 he nymry the and he first luck of he driro Mrs Jonn lllrd werean Hm Bank Branch Cunndmn Cnnm Soclcly Inld It am ho bell nrinnlxcd campnlgns ho hum hurl All lndlcnllnns pnlnl ln Luc ml or lhls years Cnncur lund campaign Has Plan For Taxes Cancer Campaign Going Smoothly NATIONAL SOCIAL Credit leader Robert Thompson surrounded by cheering Pla cardwavlng crowds he an five at Barrles North Collr MPIIOVE Ill BUDGET mmmm 11 Mfltvpoll Inn Tnmulo lmmrll nppnmd IHrlny mm Mama Imrlnrl ml will lhll yrnr ln mm II In rm AV Mrlm hams nuluduil llm mlvlup mm Ed and Mr lnnnmlx cnnllmml In Ira llnnulh ulnduw In filml Al llnllvm lullcu mlrlng un mu mm Hmunhl hnldun man wan dunling Al mm and lumml Ihn In Imul lho lllll lulu wn Illmnrnd Nu nM ed and HM mlvherl mo Inlor cmuhl um mlunred Minn Igrnu An lcmunlnm nl Um dawn on Frum llld Yon Ilrrcll lvmndl ol I0 llnnk Mnnhul ML Ienrwux fllnvml gun ml ml nl mN Hi we lunlh Ell lrylnl mh Hm bulk lnll Nmrmlvrr III among clllxrnl hon Ilml or lwlvini poll In vul on lnrldrnlm TORONTO CWHahn Jen mmx an employee us Ilnnk Mnnlrrnl hnl rmlml cun llun lmlll um Mclmpolllnn an nnln Inllw Cmnmiulon or helplnu In lhwul bunk mb brry last Nomnher Thu ltchnlquo hn bccn lound pnrliculnrly usclul In null mml melanoma whlch II cnn cor arpcnrlng on lho Ikln mnIcAlkn spol and II highly prune lo dhlrlhutlnl cancer rolls lhmuxhoul lhn body cundillan doctor call mumm II also In aslmflcnlc unr cnnm whlch II II lumor nrlulnl In bone and In nlhnr lumou he exlrcmlllu nl lhu um mu lnkzl wllh dnm The drug nllaclu tho cunccr cell wllhoul nuucklnl II lecnl because lhu cham Icnl II prnvrnlcd 1mm clrculnl In lhmuxhoul lhu ml of lhu body Bank Employee Gels Citation glnlo Audltorlum last night wind up the Soned campaign More than 700 persons gath ered mm Centfal and South ern Omarlo to hem hlm Pupils Hold Campaign For Votes CAUHED FATAL VII HOHTON MP Im lllhl yourold Ian ol Ill Irlml In lha um Thu Sound Mullc ndmlllrd pluylnl with mfllrhu In mum when lhu Shmy Illllmnrn Hale ll btlhvul have nrllinnlrd um um mllcu Inld Flllll Four pm um xlIrd In no chum dcllnqurncy hy mm Ir It pllml ulnlnnl he yuunuIler and hi ml ulna lo ml hmpllul or duyl nl mental olncrvullnn Ken Culhm princlpII Inld lho cnmnnlgn whlch Ilnncd four week ago wu and Fruc llw In campolillon Thu ch dun Ilnd lo compo lhclr uwn Ipw chu Ind Wm allowed one mm ulo filth on the public Iddrm Iyllcm Them In one dlflcrcncu The children will know um mull lhelr olcdlon belom noon Monday but ndulu wanl know tho nulcamo ol lho edml urn fialgn unlll MILIm wppcr mu Dnllollnz In Ichool look pInLo ynlcrdny nllcrnoon with mm 225 thlldrcn vnllnl or laur pally cnndldnlu Ho Inld arm pmlm rand mum le Dcnlh Influ lly VMI Liberal Whllo thclr Inlhcrl and mo thm hnvo been nllwdinz pol lllcnl rnllics pupils In Prince Wale Public School have been conducting hclr own umpmn speak BOITOM ha shown in tha helicopter In Alllxtun with his pilot Douglas Bough net or Ban1e altar via to Colllnzwood Ann II 13 mum tar Open mm only In Mny BAll PlANING Mlll TD WATCH IT GROW VIIIu hunk plum lar vnymcnl lallllm Moll hy drv Imam HJHJL BEETON sum Councll lurned HI nllcnllon Mnndly nlxhl tn the ulnlu ma vlllnzu mnpla Ines dccldcd the tlmo had mm for removal old and dylnz tree to hey could beuplaccd wllh my Olfll mm Lnndn and Forull olflclnl wnx Iulhorlzcd la make Iurvey whlch rm med be replaced Council wll Hum Icl on his Hndlnll tlrrk WWIn Wllllofl rtpotlfd Dnylllhl lllVlnl llmu In Dtclun la 1an Im Awll In another mullam touncll mcd lhll my nppllullum nr tlnunclnI undtr the re wlrinl plan or the norm hydro Iyl lum Ahuuld be lit per cent lnlmsl rnlcl TM Bcclnn hydro mum rccclvrd prrmlnlon lu bu lymwriler hmiximm méellnl will him lull ulna Illur In lha monlh EASTER MESSAGE Reverend Bell pnslnr of Essa Road Pmbylerian Church will bring Ill Euler Message Barrie Klwnnls Club al lhe weekly dinner mull Monday ll Communlly House Program wlll ha under support 01 chur chu committee lhn cluh with Reverend Ros Adam chnlrman PIONEER DRUG STORE Simme Couniy Museum ll Midhursi is now showing it Pianeer Drug Store director Ros Channen announces Work wu aimled an iha pmiecl last all and horn has been obtained enough material or mail dan lion oi About 1990 period Some misslnl ilems requested or ihe display are old pliant medicine mules etc The mu seum is open every day except Monday CURL Al KINGSTON Jnck Kennedy PatAchlam Ind Bruce Peacock of Burl Curling Club nlanz wlth Damn Clarke Tomnln SCC Club are enmed rlnk In thls week enda Fishermans Bansplel It Kingston Curllnl Clubn CHURCH DECORATION Interior plinung Ind template redeconllon of Comer Street Unlled Church almos com pleted Hurry Youn ha contract or the work INDUCE NEW MEMBERS Kcmpenfell Bay Kwanla Club will omclnlly Inducl several new mnmbun the luncheon meal In on Communlly House LIBRARY BOARD Burris Public Library Bonrd will me or he April meeting Monday at eight oclock in the board room Munith business will be transacted including board approval im ihe naw buiidinx nddilian to bo aimed next year Vlcio Knox will preside LOCAL GENERAL II lmpcrlll ullvlwlp lmmn twin tmllrmlod on our Beeton Bothered By Bad Trees rm Courteoul HonkI CENTRAL TAXI PA 85555 naI Eqnlppcl PA MA Féxésees 55 Quebec =S0cic11 Credit Seats Mr Watson Inld Tnch pnld here In hm lnslnl cnu lhg Ilmnnu dug In my 1ch0 1068 budzcl wlll be nl In man levlc mm lho Alllllon Dlllchl lllnh School llaard And um mun Publlc School Board are mclvcd So hr councll hnl only rmlvcd lhl Slmtoo Counly levy lar ma Mr Wntmn uplllned Speaking 10 In andence 700 II Ban19 Norm Cnuezlnla nudltorlnm ha said We will nuke no Jen wa willbe ash amed to reveal lha Canndlnn people lho economlc prob lems lacing themunlry wlll he met aqumly He Is also vhwresidenl the Dullerlnslmcoe born wchtlon member the she hurne Credit Unlanlhe She hurnu District Hospital board and lhu Musqnlp lodge This was Iha closing rally at Mr Thompson the when no phllllcal campaigning ban cum Mo effect mldnlzht Amujorly government in eludan Quebec seals was uncut by Robm Thompson nallonnl Social Credit lender in Banlo Inspnlm About ulx man mlnum his Iddrm waslelcan Ilve coastMaul on special CBC pmduclJnn BASIC ISSUES Praclaiminz that the Social Credit party will brinl Canada buck to thu spirit oi minder lion he outlined in main Ind basic issue oi the elacllon He said Ms party would gear he Mal quantity many to Hi olal value of good Ind sgwlcei vroduced In anndn He armor wllh dnlry cnllle antenna in Mulmur Tom shlp in Bulletin Coumy Mr Stewart was educated In Fergus llld spent lwo your Ontario Alrlcullural Cullen In Guelph He lives wllh wlfe Jean and lhelr dnuzhler Mary Eljgabegh It RR Shclhumc Mr Stewart wu nutch ul cudldale In wn munlclpal elccllonl In Mulmur annshlp Ha now senflux hll lhlrd tefm yepuly recvei Mr Stewart director 01 lhg qucrllglolg zrlgylgure Durlnx World If ll ha vcd wllh tho Rayll Cnnadlnn Artillery ln Italy and In North Western Europe Follnwlnu the war he was cm Floycd an Veterans Land At nln sclllcmcnl olllm ln Dul One 01 ha main Issues ha ink economic xrowth the allure In upand the money than our zmwul Harvey Stewart we born In Fcrkus Jun 22 191 Mr Thurman laid debt was the xecond Issue Under the present lysltm he hed lha deg can by pald of HARVEY VsannnT LIBERAL SARJEANT mwnANCI AGENCY ume Dunlap II lurk Till ninth Ierlel Article on In undldnlu 1n the lnrlhcnmlnl lecunn Th Irtlclo II nbonl lllmy Slcwm leenl Calla dldllu or BulletinSIM Ha spoke brim 07 lb de nomw IIKREIIW PERSONALIZED INSURANCE SERVICE coNsum Serving Term As Deputy Reeve All mm unmet Inn AI It Hated Ill nlmolu nunlull He said baslc ksue wee Wally lendcrshlp ll Ihe men who were elected to parllnmenl and our lenders were willing to pul Canada llrsl we wouldnt be here today Mr Thompsun rapped the Progressivn Conservan and Llherel pmlee when he eald when they talk about belng lrlnxe party people wllh nu common sense they an merely caverlnl melr own ln edequecles We are In lhls campalzn because he 25Ih Pm Human lulled folIn Counly and was also part lime apprnlser or Ihu Canad lml farm Loan Board fence aspect or Ihe election He sald delence was not an Issue but merely symplnm somethlng mush mere amok screen Meyer thermal issues When he said 111 was in competence formerly mat Cnnservallva Pnny somcnne yelled leem hell Bob RESPONSIBILITY Rulerdng tn slabl covernA menl advocated by the 1th mm parties In laid mm government wlll come about whcn lho party elected will have the rcsmnslbillly lo pm dune wing lhl countrgneeqsq The leerals 1th their millions lnlUI gods and sland mns atlnclm try to my they are the only one upahle or bringan about slabh govern menu II this was so than theyd sUll be there May He cnllod the dlssolullon of Ha member uh Unllcd Church Canada Heré is 11684 Sun We Cglssumnz mpam Canada mm cum HARVEY STEWART Bunth Manlgnr lmuh Steamy 24A Clappmon llmln PHI PA TOM ANDERSON lrluhleulnz Mun youll um but romrvnuvu one Your Ann or dnulhur will thunk you lull you wlll Hunk lhn Bun Llh or umnmlnz ha mulld mull for callus nducnlion Howvar hm undo nhnuld hc provided or NOW WW Run Lllc MunNorm Endaumml lallcy your lhlld will be guaranteed lunle or cnllue mm you Ihnuld in un mmnllmo Fur mun parllculm uu Lhu coupon below now you can go to college TM tnll um whilo Scnnlnr Harold Connolly was caklnu Thu lennlar wnl allowe to con llnue hr 10 minute belora the chllrmnn lock the floor to tell the crowd of lhe Incldenl ANTIGONISH NS CWA cmwd at 1500 per 11 unend lnz Llhernl rally Mn lnnl Cullura and flecmllon Cenlrc here Frlday nlshl was cleared on ardm nl the RCMP aller male telephuna caller Iald pollce bomb was planted ln lho bulldlnz It lumed out la be hoax Alter hurl depulallons councll wlll recelve lha lallawr lng communlclllonx request lrom BF ol Canada Ltd lor cmsllnl laclllllu lmm Lorena street mmmunlcauonn lrom James Bruce Juan Dunn and Malll Mnlmberxrelardlnz purchase or Department lllghwaya land Bernlck re arding change in mbdlvldarn agreement re Fareslvlew road Barrla and Dlalrla Association or Retarded Chlldren request lor canullallan ol taxes Bar rle Plannlng Board regardlng set back on Dunlap Street West Barrle Plannan Board amend men la Zonan Bylaw rezml lnx garages In Iron yards Ald Wllson re Noluwuv an Valley Conservnllon Aulh nrlly report Womena Hnspllal Auxlllary request or Tax Day commlllee al Adjustmem decl The rexuhr med of City Cnuncll has been postpaned from Monday to Tuesday even lug oclock on Iccoun the federal election PanHamem lncompeltnce ol one party and lha Irrespomlblllty unblher that didnt Inland the prlme mluleer should do my hlnuJ He explained wiw lhc Social Credll party voted against Ihe Governmcnl In When we saw the cnhlnet 3131 he slid we dld not see much In continuing our sup port no urgedyhh supphners Io elm men who would he wllllnz to admit our nation was In trouble and bring the reforms Inlo emd that we need today PMNCIPLES Vhal lhl world need nallon lhal will stand on prlncL plea nuldcd by integrity by lhu area or compassion He said the Soclal Credit party be lieve somean wrong with lha Canndlan enemy and we Bomb Threat Just Hoax Postpone Meeting 01 Council On Account Federal Voting qu uh Auvum Company can4 In LI Iulldlng uomnl emu lehout obligation wanna lunhu Invvrmun an Inn Ulll flueulmI ndawmvnl rouzy Marni Duvunpnhfll unnu LMA humn mum AT chk DYMOND lmuh Steamy Ouhdln mum mum MR BILL HAMILTON hfll Iolncd the tale slal of XL Cnrsun Raul Eskale Bill has bun resident 01 Harris chm 1959 and has many yenn ex perience ln Ran Estate extend In lnvilnllan many lritndl and acqunlnunm tall him he can assist lhtm with Real Estate prob lems upon 01 slundlng committee wlll hm received gcncml xovemmenh puhllc works city davclopnen tinnncc and Ira and mule Also an lhe agenda are mm Hons dealing with mmmunlcl Ions defarred buslnes and ap pravnl accounts bylaw la amend llama byan and byan to amend the official plan will be up for lhlrd reading mscnvered he secret how la pul things rim condemned what he called the despotic power play Jay lhg press In pmllng grcnl pm suro on the electors to go back hyhane had helm We mi only 10 mi ll WI send people to Ottawa who can be trusted He submmed lhnt Soclnl Ore1 dll was party In turn la cause was based on pfln plcs whlch would léad to sum Ely nndrespect of he nullnns throughout Ihe world alan submlsslan 01 Mrs wnley mmmluee or adjusy men decision of Mr mum and Barrie Public School Band 1963 education levy allowing work He denounce large metropol lum dally papers for lhrowlnz Integrity lo the winds and 1m lntenllonally misrepresent hug the lgsues 91 um elactlon Mr Thampson siressed ihgi his party must bring 1hr cw nornlc honsu lo urder and eg lahilsh the incentive or III Ca dian in his cpuni

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