Votelrs Cheér PC Candidate ALLISTON Stall Dumm lnSlmcae Progressive Consen vallvu candldale Ellwood Ml dlll rccelved slandan nvnuon llle arena hall here Frldly nlghl from over 600 supporters who lllled all lhe seals and llncd the walls Extra clnlrl were brought lnI bul even that couldnt provlda or In In lud ence This was ubllc muting for Mr Mndill wlh John mm Xtun Manon lawyer as one flu calmed spenkeu Mn Mm dill Iold his mum PC lov unmanl would need working malarin In Parllnmenl to deal wllh he problems Canaan mu Llheral ohslmdlon humpued Us kind of leaklauon In last Pnrllamenl he laid no have it happen Ill He thanked party worker at their support during lheclm palgn mentioning hl campaixn nunKer Ken Crawford Coniu town in nariimilr Thu chairmen rd hlnlllun at Tullenhnnj In troduccd the takers He noed that Mr llnmltnn we born In Barrie and had am In school than befnre moving to Toronlon Mr Hamilton elected Ia Pulls men In 1954 Ind reelected In 1957 and 1958 In served deputy house leader and In par lIamenmy assistant In the Da pnrtmenl oI Cifllenshlp Ind Im migration Valennhrldu Nlclul Mlnn lelml Ntl llxmml or Ihu yen rmlrd Dcrcmhtr 11 um nnwunltd lo HPMZJW or per than on MIMIC ahml nulumdlnl ll mu yur Ind For llm pmlmu mu ynr m4 Income slayam or Ihnru on MIL In 1w whlla MrluI dellvulu do nean In mum pound 10m 8566090 pwndm Speaking on economic policy be cited statistics showlnl Can adas economic growth in 1962 under PC government These Included boost per cent in lhe gross nullonal product Ileel productlon up ll per cent persnnal Income up per cent carpalm proï¬ts up per cent TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Ill Aver Sloth Yltldl Bank ll Pnltned Ind Stark Common lndmlflll mm Ltd Nel Income or lhe in year cndcd December amounted to $1756le or $151 per sham compared wllh 12 535690 or 3139 than In the pmvlous year Gm income dc cllnzd la 582585384 lrom MO 351535 in 1961 Result ol Sov ereign Llln Assumes Co ol Canada purchased by Industrial Acccytnncu In December In not Included 11 Ill accvunu heme Petroleum mind the Annual report lulu lhal ï¬nal net Income or lha ï¬scal you ended December 31 1962 Imounlcd ln £35131 or 17 cent sham on the 17759 lhml Issued or to he luued as compared to lDï¬l ncl lnmmt nl lll7l38 or ctnll pet nhm on lho 306779 sham outstanding In the MI pcrlod Clnldlln Ilydmurbou le Med Net Income or nlnq month ended Drccmbcr II 1961 amounted lo 5699155 ox In ccnu sham compared wllh $6742 nr Bl Ian Ahnn or lho correspondlu period ol 1061 Sales rm to mm mm $654115 In pnvloua period Anlhel Imprrlll lelltd In leuer shareholder dlld Mirth ID WHlmoQ pmldmt Ind Gcncnl Mnnnzcr nlalu lhnl Supplcmcnlnr lat terlyfnlcn pun uued rnvhflmz lnr um mum Mlly lb Cnm nnyn Clnu Common an Clans II Common xhnm lrnvlmuly lm Clnss nhnru rl been con th10 In Clus lhl llnldern Hon an shun sham mil while Clan Illnl had no convmlon pr1v Hm llllhlllflll Acceplum Corp Lug Neg Income or lhe um DUFFERINSIMCOE Alhrvll flu Trunk Llno CI mmmr MIT ALL NEW DEIGN STOLLAR HOME CONSTRUCTION BEDROOMS SPLIT lEVEl Chm In deoll Pomulon July FUll PRICE ONLY $1300000 Dawn hymn 81200 Ono NHA Marlago For Furflm lnormnlon Comm Complled by nm 93 Dunlop SI IL Bum Stilllllnl Summit of th Wllk mam Much 296 AVIIAGI mun STOllAR BULLETIN BEEF exports up per cent arm cash Income up per mm num ber employed up 168000 car production up 31 per cent and lama Income up 15 per cent Mn Hamlllon Iltrlbuled lhll lrnnd to allow devalulnu he Cnnadlnn dollar last sprlng by Prlme Mlnlslcr chlenbakcr lo 321 cent mmplred lo the US Il LOOK AT FACTS Just elm months ago the leerall told the country was on the threshold of lhe worst depresslon Canada over hurl Mr Hamilton continuedl To dny wa can look It the facts Do you wonder why we quesllon Iho use ol truth Iquadal The trouble ls hey were used by ha wronu party Mr Hamiltun dumbed Liber al Leader Lester Pearson as Iha owlla kid 01 1h leml The last llme they produced the chlenhuck nhd laced one behind every screen my poll Ing stationed Ye they say we must be nice to 9mm Buck In 1955 and 1956 the Luv ml were saying than was In mulch vnlne on the Candim dullnr um wu hard on the mono omy Mr Hamilton conUmch But when Mr Dielenbnker Ill nounced the devnluatlan lust lplhll he hex1 claimed lh cog llvlna wolxldjncre Cnnndln Brewerlu lelled Net Income or Ihe first quarter ended Jununry ll 196 amount ed to 32685539 or II unlu than compared with 52391341 or 11 cents sham In the cor mpondlnu period in pro vbul year Ham Co IM Ni mmo or lhul yoat emM Domnher Jl 1001 ImouMod In mama or mu nhnro command will 1140511 or ml In ML hr mm nmlnn Mud on Cmnbln ed CIAl ml dum Quoting irom President Ken nedy Canada achieved iha but record oi rice stability among all major nduslriul cam tries Mr Hamilton said Ali this Wu end in 1963 it isnt xlnjpin $23651 aid to munlclpalltles throth PC government hqvn pmvlded wlnler wurk bandits Net Income for lha ï¬scal ym ended necemhr 1w mounted In mus or use uhm compnrcd with MN or $169 sham In the 1961 ï¬scal year Am Carp lellcd Thl Company dcclnrcd quartuly dlvldcnd ol 753 mu per oom man shun plyahla an Juno ma lo Ihmholdm ol record April 30 The compnny prcvlous 1y paid curls qunncrl Arnul Corp declared the mu ur quar terly dividend ctnll per clnu rhnrc also pnynbll on June In Ihmholdm rcmrd Aprilao Emu Ltd The Company de clued quaflerly dividend ol 15 cent payable on April 12 la shareholder nmrd April Tho Company pmviously paM 11V tanI qumcrly Clnadn Slnmlhlp Llnu ud Ncl Income or the ï¬scal yur nded Docambar 51 um Imounlcd lo $5120540 or $160 dun compand with $536 499 or Ihnm In 1961 DII Pen Clnud lellrd Thu Column dcclnml qum lerly dlvldcn 20 cunll com mon Ihm payable on April 10 to mlideu tronrd Ilde Iuvmus pnymenu In name ICII yrnr Wm compoud 12 Ultra qumler Iy Ilvldtnd at 15 um and hnnl dlvidtnd of unll Gunr Mlllal 1M Nel Ill cumo lar flu llml yur mind lmomlm 1051 amounted to 31700300 or IIJI nhm compnmd wllh $550750 or Ahnm In lhu provbul yuan Jinn CONITHUWION LIMITED lA MIN Ir PA Mill V125 An otherwise unalkalnnhla 1n Dufl ulnslmcae well the rest olanazia ML Hamlllon nld Mr McCazue Four time In the last Ive yearn cash arm Income per arm has reached new man In Canada The East em Feed Grain and Assistance Bill was designed la Increase the net Income of easlem lnrmm but Ihe Liberals destroyed It when they engineered Ihe defeat othe Pletanlluke zgvemment Relerdnl to he nuw wing at Blnunl Memorlll High School he nld When 75 per cent of the cost paid by HM ederul Iovernmznt dacsnl Kn on your own munlclpll In mils The Liberni told year ago our policies were lpniiinl Britains chnnce joining the Common Mnrkcl Now we hlva inund on that another country ml hepinl Ihu UK out ha Four other speaker the meeting described Progressive conservative pullcies Thay were Jim McCague RR Allislnn alklnl on farm policy Dan Pa lersnn Orangeville Linus oh slrucllun James Wardlnw 0r nngevlile nuclear arms and Charles Evans Bradinrd min arm re tarpon on loaan money lumen or woodlnl Impmvcmenl rural Munal development luurisl 1w llltlcs helped Increase farm enmlnxs in eanern Clnadl ho nld II Apnl m1 listened to Earl Rows speaking In Innlsfll Park and mm laden anv emmcm lid for depression vic Ilnu Ihl was Mn Kingl war wouldnt give hem Ivecenl New No cheral aid will go to provinces whose gov ernment are dhmetrlcally posgd lLlhe Liberal pln In 19 Unempioymenk Insurance Fund than lacs Jobless people with llatemenl like Macken xlo Kin made Thu Agrltullurnl Rahbillia llon And Development Act elk couner alternate use or mm glnnl llnd mch lruhrml mmmnal area on Inn lerm hasls Arman In lhi um dcpmd an western grain or their livestock that tho subsld in an lhe movement weslcm teed zraln no particular in lcresL 11m Comcrvaliva lovtrnc menl Inland to help bulld mm Idequale Iced xloraue aclllllcx an eastern arms synupl warmlng mad that set In nvcr mumem Ont rlo Frldny should mmlnun lo day npd Sundqy Nofduin Enid Huron Geor nlan Bay rculnm Mllnly lunny Ind wnm Sunday Forecast lrmpmlum Min Max FIVE CENT PIECE Mr Hamilton lnok quota from lormer Llheral prlme rnln Islet MIcKenlla Kin com pnrlson to charges um the PCs squandered tha Unemploymrnl Insurance Fund The PC xovemmen has been accused of being overlyener mu Mr Hamilton uld Ill pellpr 59 spegd all fly money Wlndsor London Toronlo Muskokn North Bay Sudbury Kapusknlinl mg WEI WEm Ham30 Mall Contvlbutlon TI KIWANIS CLUB OF BARRIE EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN You Can Help WEATHER Supponlng Iho CRIPPLED CHILDREN 1h library behind the church wlll be blessed by Mar Clair lemonow at 130 p111 ni opening ceremonies Monsignor Clair donnich tho buliding Acting chairman of he ilh ury board Mn Audrey Zein tr said that many trip had been taken by beam member lo ensure that ihe reading ma ierlll would be up in par or Catholic iibrary IS FAIR FRONT MAN MONTREAL CF Guy Bcnudry lormcr Monlrcnl ncwxpnpcr man hn hem nnmcd lnfnrmauon and public lly dlrcclor or Ihe 1967 Manx ml warldx Mr Commlsslunnr Gcnml Pnul Bicnvcnu Inld Aner some yam work St Marys Parish has ï¬nally ac quired axI800vqunI elner lakesover chair manship in about ona mouth Pment chlrman Vern Jung will resign rum um posl Oth er board members include Fl lhar Stanley Blackwclk and Mn Crosshnd lihnrlun and treasurer lo the In my Wllhoul lhcir help this would not have been Iccompllshed The Holy Name Socchy donnltd $500 towards bum and St Marys Dramatic Soclcly donated mnncy or pur chase drnpcrles helicopter carrying Snclal Credit lender Ruben Thompson flllered ymerday alteration in Angus Ind ell about 50 allu power allure occurred lnAtha engine Mn Thompson was shlkun up but uni lnjuml pontoon the machine was damaged Mr Thompson said the pilot Doug lu Boughner Barrle applied full power in clear hydro nu and whzn ll reached 50 leek Mm Zelncr Bald We thank all hose who have donated buosz 1qu man nulpugoqs day ELLWOOD MADILL graded In supportan all publlc meellnl In the Alllshm Iran hall Frldly night He had Will Dedicate Parish Library INIIIIANCI COHMNIBI and Socred Leader Shaken Up As Cdpter CrashLands SATURDAY APRIL SUNDAY APRIL IIIB TRAVELERS TIIE MASTERS BENTLEY AND COMPANY INSURANCE Collln SD in 102 Televised live from Ike August National Gall Course CoSpouoml Ivy The Greatest Show In Golf PA 663 SEE shaken but not hurt he said The copler came down on Riverside Drive ll left pon Iaon striking guard nil power lulled And the marking wIndmllled to iha round an mtyljt Mr Boughner mad main and look 01 again shortly utter But because the damn he reï¬ned to pick up Social Credit candidale Willard Klnzle as scheduled Mr Thommon went on alone pnlliqgwmd Mrs Sue Emms professional of Barrieskallng Club comes up with the lnillal Ideas Throughout lhe aummcr month she Ind club members both cthrcn and Idulu weigh the ideal Skulan carnlvals just dont happtn hay are planned Thu planning uiually slarla Immedlalely alter on show has bun wmpleled By November everyone up pearl la knnw ha um tome Tanlzhls roula at lhc Barr arena II Around the WorldI Leader of tha traupu will be Pele Flnlbrook outflme skat lol handshaklnzjo do he cause over 600 enthusiastic spectators trimmed the hall to hm him and the ï¬ve nun More Than 200 Barrie Children To Take Part In Show Tonight FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE POLLS All PA THE RIGHT MAN FOR YOU is the man you can depend on THE RIGHT MAN FOR YOU the man who has given you proof that he can and does get things done ON MONDAY VOTE TO REELECT HEBER SMITH Is THE MAN WITH PROVEN ABILITY To SERVE YOU IN OTTAWA VOTE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE VOTE FOR whlch damaged the Inndlnu gear Mr Boughner said law there was no danger when Iha pnwer lulled wasnt war ried nor was ML Thompson Thm Isnt any dunner ï¬n such failure because Illa rater will we machine down My he said Mr Boughner 35 has been MM helicopters or years He Is mployed by Dnmlnlan Helicopter Service of King City ml at elght oclnck lug partner al Barbara Ann Scull The cast includes more than 200 local youngslars all beam lifully dressed in the most color ul autumn An allracflun line as the skalm the Barrle Collegiate Band unch lbs dlmllnn at Fisher The hand wlll pro Ide uccnmpanimenl for 22 mm IklUlll club Ipokcsmnn lay same tickets are allll available and can purchased alrlhu dpar weaken Pram left are Mrs Mndill And her husband meet Ing member thu audience Mn Ruth Abernathy Alllstnn lnhllohod Mm Nnfli rnlmcln Cnnmullvo Muelllln HEBER SMITH has been actlvo on committees having special Inleresls for Ihls county HEBER SMITH worked hard in support of Export Credits 1th industrial Devalopmont Bank the Farm Crodii Cor poration and Small Business Loans all of which have brought iobs and prosperity to our people For almost six years HEBER SMITH has conscientiously served the interests of all the people of Simcoe North SMITH HEBER It mull advance you volts an any indication card vote can be expected In Simone North rldhm on he lay day Mondyy THE BANK EXAMINER SATURDAY APRIL 136 Last year votes It Idvnnce polls tnlnlled 2M Includl In Barrie 17 In Slayner In 85 In Colllngwoad Last week 332 votes were cast wllh 162 Battle 15 Slnyner nnd l2 at Collnzwnod Ecnrd nimliii of poll has been established There were 103 aliens in the 1958 election 1nd 109 1n my 1962 There are 116 this year Bab rle has 48 Ind Colllnzwood 21 The remalnder are scattered throughout the rest at the rld Ing Ed mee returning Ulcer BEN he expected that Liberals PCS and maybe the Sacred will have representative It eve poXL No word has been race ved ram Independent Cun servnlive Jack Browne and ND candidate Russell Fugue They are expected to Iaur poll dull the day Maple syrup at gallon was sold at the Banla Farm trs Merkal lhis momlnl far lhe ï¬rst llme Ihls year Smaller cominers were prlced nccord mg to alze The ridinghas slate of five candidates LiberaL Em Honey was also ollzrgd conulnera of varImu Ilzes Goad quality Apples Included Mclnlnsh LBS1H and Spy at 501 to 75¢ per baskzl Good polled geranium sold for 59 pol Election Officer Preparing Today For Heavy Vote FarmersMaxket Features Syrup Jgffwflgï¬Ã©ï¬t PERMANENTS $599 All For Th BUDGET EALON PHONE PA H611 Mlplu Avmuc lressiva Conservative Social Credll New Democratic Party and Independent ll is 0m of the law rldlngs In Canada with live candidates few more voters are elm hla to vote Ihls year than In 1962 when there was 26240 angling In Barrie voting will take place In schools plazas hnmes and halls In the country will ya held mainly In flames Polls will be open from mm lo pm Mr Crown said Int return should be in 15 to 20 minute after the polls close Like hundreds of thrifty homeowners you can Save The Halliday Way by acting as your own con tractor and applyingsome ï¬nishing touches yourself MAIL courou mum1 $2000 when you build HALLI DAY Plan your home now Learn how you save BRYCE BOWNESS mx Imumv COMPANY uumn lewm mm hailnewnblrmumflMm Inthulh mus mnnm Your lllllldly Dlllllf CMIIqunmnu Shlrlq Ave mule Phone PA 57515 QuinnIon 912 E15