Amcus FOR SALE ReIrIgerMnr with amuflwtoplreeur uud only months SAVE $12100 GE Rélrllergtol LARGEST SELECTION OF USED APPLIANCES AND FURNITURE IN BARBIE an GE Relrlï¬eralor SAVE Gurney Muchsfleétrln Ram clock contra Used Vrlnger Washer SAVE Beds com lele wllh spdm nnd mums meta Wu nut Bedroom Suite zpleco westerlmd Snug assorted color Space Savrr green good onndluon splece Kiuhen Suite Fl CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS 38 Bayfield Street PA 82843 USE CLARKS CONVENIENT CREDIT IKHIC TANK Dumped by monk modern cuulpmm my We only Nuv lqulvpld win mo nllnn 4mm unk Kan Whit Ilephanl PA mmnm Illdhl nu 11 MI 24 lh llldlnI Duh 51 or Immu imluw hlll Britt7 Tlltphwu PA 71 MEAT COUNT out mun lln RinkHind tool Unlvlh n1 mumnu In Nunllr Both In men cundlllw Pflufl fa nu Nu nlmlbll Mlu Xelllud DIMï¬bula phon Nu Lowell all Acn Am colem Dr nu ma modl with mm l¢ humanl Ind count In hlo Only um um uunn Xenon or IflLInl chlnhd nllunl nu am am Tllrphnhl PA 6qu am vr PA 607 mn ll ymx are planning on building garage or hiding an addition or rcnovailnl your home see Bill Bail or Lawrence Wiggins of BEAVERS CONTRACT DW ISION where QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY an must 127 Bradford St rounus whll miniInn ru mmd born rumwry Mlu Funnel mo smud mm swam Pupplu In moym Pups um lnvely pup elephnm BEAVER LUMBER run Llhudnr nunmr craved with 20111 Your pup lax llll Mom II and um and much ApplyJlnLuelnry Thurman Teltphono in lmnGLu no cmo hp tumor with am nelrly 51an no maple Apply unm guys bum mlhollny pllnk hull lnbuud Inc may may pump on Ind mmln Hth Ileevl Rudy um buga quch Ill ImI lllhll WHl Ircevl lr puma or IAIYDEIIY CANII Cum In uXI Alxu Sanu Dunlap smw PA Mm IUIAGO pnllh load Imor ela llllmhd um clun or am Apvly Ann nonney IldnunL Tlllphnnl PA rm mchcu Wumd mldlum or In um Ilul In mad eondh non Sum pl la Dal an mlmr llnlfl or nt whom In nod tnndlllon Tlhphnm PA um um I5 vm omcl nux Wnnlnd um douhlt mqu with nllnl ym um um mum um pm am Tllwhmu IA um HOME IMPROVEMENT DEAD STOCK lllmcsl prlm mid lot dead or ctlpplrd cnlllo um harm Small nnlmflll rcmuvcd lm For nu mvlcn PHONE Mlan PA Mm Collect FARMERS MARKET uk lTll 01130 NO CHARGE can mm 11 Iom Imlm Tllvhom Ilama um mpmm um FRUIT VEGETABLES mm ml qumn All hlrlw mm huunm wile ul am Am An my aduï¬u Um mm hvmu IIIN mm um um mum mu nm mmm MA MI munM AM rimpun All llllll mnu llmn Fnrm Supplies Service Cm Nu Holland Duld Drown lull IIrm Equvmenl IM annnN um CASII TRADE TERMS SCOOPI SCOOPI SCOOP Clarks TradeIn Annex memd 0mm Hume No 11106 lek Monlnuuc Prop TMSSYFIIIED ADS WILL BNNO RESULTS EARAGES AND ADDITIONS BOATS MOTORS ARTICLES WANTED CHARLES CHURCH FXRM mcï¬ianv DOGS PETS LIVESTch rhm Alln mm Free Parking PA 855 APPROXIMATELY I00 my ma smw mm PA mu Mun HAY or ul ulna In sung lulu Tallphum PA 191 KAY OI IA lol cum am mum Johnm PA gum or wall ummy Ind Oil stuw lull bllu nuphm PA um nu um All H3 or um um mom cm Iquln mu Tllephnnu 5m HR morn sun In n1 vow lnned cum 11man Seed anlord Sun on sullen lephunl 0m 1310 nu cmvm sun our claw Id Aha boyl blcycl far III Inuiorlll 35 wheel Jlm Mould Slmud lelephonl R21 QUANTITY or an oi nu nun bun mo mumqu Bind Non ml Tllryhone Mlln Brown PA may or my unnu lnlnrmlllon nussnh ons and yield mwn 1mm mmmd md ym Poer clnned and blue buxyel ly Mnmy cu can imm mail CANADA Number numu om Selllxk When York Blllcy Chlncellnr Put Apply Ilmmen Minimum mom Mlnulnl or ml MOTOR CARS FOR SALE de GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford sum 85971 Ich um doarnmm Im mncuxm condlnon tu equ mud don um um maul Telepncna PA um cuzvnnur cmh or me lwn Ion beln Ind wnue 1mm nhle But an wm llol Eml Luann nu PONTIAC SlrlovCM mm wIh axe low mllun mo flown mu om yumnu Os mummy Tllephnnc PA in ml MITIOR Nun lar nll cunnm ndlo hum mm mm ll dun mnulncuL Tlcpuou dlyl PA Ml clllvnolnlor emxluI ruhbfl nlv PA um or uwnlnn my man Imh Wuon any um mmmc new lrud whuu vuxl um menumu pertcl Inw low pm or mt TaIphonu FA Hm nunznuu Alan cynndn am whil wnu Inn Tmul TQlphonc PA um mnlnn In Wucxmo rum hlnn Ilymoul sumrun llllhuy 11 Tllipnom mul cllxvnour Iwu dour PW um modtl In mm cvndllhm mmnrnoul var unly ms wlh no down Ind mum phum Mm ll Lnnvlolm In at um um Va munm mm In mln rounlllun ma nu hhpnon um all vomuvunm Del AI rnnfllflon Inn um wk um Awly llmry Hm sminn lllmlly awnu TIwhnnu Hull Mmuuu Vllnr lnur am mu my run mum fhan mm Iulur wm IIa flnnr row Mun In mllv In mm madman nmmd mm um um pm nu rnnmc hunnum mm Inll um hm hm um null nu ollllvu Inunnr mm mun mum hImn um IlVInLn Iumr mm hr mu um Iny my mum In um mmy hum mm Mum mm FEED SEED GRAIN TAUTOMOIIVE mm inv vu mnnm Tomrum Iml mum Ale luvmi Nu um nullMn mm II 7M Wflll TI rk Iml Im voanWAnm lot Al mamm mu £va Inlyl nu Manon mnwy vmm nu xv Tllwhnn AUTOMOTIVE FARMERS MARKET BARRIE TRUCK AND TRACTOR LTD 33 Mary Street PA 60371 BODY SHOP SPRING SPECIAL Rocker Panels Installed and Palnled $3250 ANY CAR AUTOMOTIVE ll HA1 Stall Wuflfl ton bl Ind Whlll nuplloml Ahupe Mn Bond law mnun For plfllculm pm PA M0 MOTOR cARs FORSALE mu cAn muuncnr an mu lnl pnllmfl drlnn uun my mm mnrdlu cucummncu run cover In IL nenuu On Icoum 5L an cnmoul two door in mun mum with muth in mm cmlom hamdun tma um us down um pu mum Tillphonl PA 7063 LINCOLN anlu our do hlmloy Thll in hld mum xlm Ind kneels um Ver In mu lfloldld with pull III Inn Telophmn PA ll METEOR loll door ledln hull with mllchlnl bhll Imerlul lulumluc hlmmlmon window Inlhurl dlep lmd tel l1 dawn gimp munlIL Tllwhnllt PA nu roan rm m1 Mum mu um um use me Mlloor 195 Mm nu ma rum 5m supmu many noun oi Thnrlflom hhphonu mm my mum In door um numm llumlnl hhck onx lnll Ilnhh WW me um um humor H000 zumnma mm min runy equbped Mull In new to npprulm com mum Teleplmu PA Hm FOR SALE AS is One 1956 Fargo Hon truck lo cated 306 Timn Street Bur rle Others will be acceMed until April 15 1963 Oller must be accompanied by unified cheque amounting 10 the tonal offer go mum 111nm ma Emma mo mm mm mama to mm mm mlllwn In my campaign ior election your memberl have at tempted Io ialrly and honestly present to you the policies and principias oi SOCIAL CRD DiT PARTY have done lhl mainly by Public Addresses and advertise mcnls hellcve 1n the sum tin of the seem bollol hcre fore HAVE NOT put Um no pie Simon Nnrlh ON THE SPOT PERSONALLY as whelher or not you would vote or meI HAVE NOT badgercd you ace face for PER SONAL COMMITMENT prior to elecflon datam hava elHn many lnslanccs mla serves lo cause consxam embarrassment In arcing you lo dcclnro your self belorc you vole Aclually credit rho voters or Simcoe North with the mum and In tellixence lo choose wth your own Judgmentfrom what you have heard the Issue of lhb elodlon Themlom ask youonly pub llcly ln consldcr your ballot seriously and ll you feel as THAT THERE IS BETTER WAY or Canada and Canadian Mny then mall your on my Bum 7mm nx ImTrm pupa Apply rv ma Cummunn gum or human PA um my L00 mun mm In In your ham or Spent or DIN lounamnn mm llm mnflu flunkI lumml lucInda ll vadnlmmL and munm my TRUCKS TRAILERS um nmn nr mi inn In Emu mu Had1 plum ul rA an by mt hurdm In 1qu lln ham or no In up vlrc nonm 65 91051 rouun um 110 um on It MW wmm EMPLOYMENY WANTED mnnmn mm nln PIMQVNC lll any um um ll IllMM mu rvrm Hummth WIINI olllu rnulln nonmm va mIL run pmum lA at lo HEW WKNIED ilIJAIILI VI 4a 034th Ilnufld hum Nth bl Vlfll um inuk In In In um 00 Mm lulu ln my 11 wmlv mmmm llm hum rA owe my mum nunHm Anrnmn Wnll 11 NM llnnullnm nmhmn mm mun II Hnu IA um nl bum II In mm In nm Ile vnuu nu nun min mu Tellphnm umi PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM WILLARD ONTARIO Hyijho SURPLUS SALES SUPPPYWCONTROL BOX 905 TORONTO ll ONT PERSONALS WILLml 11sz 10 HELEWANTED All comle beneï¬t APPLY DOMINION TIRE STORES 110 BRADFORD ST BARBIE ONT CAPABLE MAN In with tall Illve Knawlldn pmmhlu Ind Ikclflcll work dnlnhll Yul round lab 10 fllhl lImL Wflll Intlofllnl Dhbolrlph In 11 Ellfl 51min AL Ind IHON up In In lmfluuon allblllhhld NP aver yam In 011qu No Iv Ilflnl Me 24 Minted pr hmd Minimum Grlfll ll cdu cluon Excnllonl lnlnlnl Ind lib en mmlnl Alluvllntu ply In glen ML Kluy maul ploymln mncu In Dull Suflt hm All You msum wllh your mum munnan ma ynur mun Incemlf In luv you nnuama um pnulhlmy mt In Lu Undemlllnfl Northern Lln Anunnu Compnny nl Clmdn nmeuuy hu um openlnx In mm whlrh mm Inlll who tin quillly mm lgcond luno To gmu SM Duwu mum Colllt om Au mu To service ann sell newspaper classified adverilsing This in teresting position entails per onai mninci with local busi ness inns of 51 gypeï¬ la 25 with hlghJchaol educallon red will be shown In applicant wllhtyplng and driv licence TM is challeng Ing poslflon with mmlderahle opportunity for advancemnnL APPLY IN leTlNG 10 Advertising Manager BARRIE EXAMINER YOUNG MAN with 06000 TYPING OSHORTHAND OGENERAL EDUCATION required or local ï¬rm Under 30 years ol age prefer red Excellent working condi llcns and lull range or employee beneï¬ts 37 hour week Write BOX BARRIE EXAMINER CHMSTIAN WOMAN NEEDED Full or purllime limlmu securfly Experience Sunday School miniser helplnl Earn $100 weekly and up Nn com pclillon Wrile John main 22 Was Madison SL Chicago WAITKIEI wInI¢ gauging 05m lulu 5111le lo llv In or will burn an ehudnn ouL rm week noun ML Ttllphoul PA um um Mn word In nnml boutwork nur umqu mlann uvu In Mlddlt pmmed 11mm Its71g mu In my rurmer Intermihun chMNInN llounkupu un me required by mm alduu ML HIM duuu llnn mu an1 amn In no Bum Dimmer wo AN mm Cm mm ll you would mluy wmklnl nr hour my all rennme nth month on cup or Sludln Gm Camqu Ilmlx an null lo nutmth In Ind nund mm Ind wuunl lo mh mm mm it Slualu 0m Cummm Dept Cm Imeur mm Manlul noun wul up In 3m pu hour MAW mm ma lo uh hulldlnl Inr Mum nnl rhm um aunu buumu U4 In Inn by not me ry lupxy Mr OIllnn IL mun In human Tumnlo II mlm SALES HELP AGENTS Nhllu mm II pu Counly nu lnr In Iu mmm on um XIImu In mar nppuuuun In mm ll MrlmN llchnlAl Im No ANTIN MILIJI nNT MMRY CHRISTIAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL lhm mom Fur Lam mrrlo ermlrn QUALIFIED TEACH ERS 1111 Irluml wlll ho 0pm 5m I961 with lhl purvnu 01 MM Ibmufluly HuiHan educnllun In onhmtllon ullh furlHun uphulnninl lhl Immn and II church Tuchm wllh mum ChrLuInn mnvkllnm an kindly lnviled II apply In MIL BERT RURALY 1m Thornlnn Nmne mu Ivy cmiifCAL Worm SECRETARY RETAIL CLASSIFIED SALESWOMAN TEACHERS WANTED MALE HELP FEMALE HELP MALE FEMALE mcsTmQN Wm Minn nmvla untu am DIV Mn mlhlmllm PHONE Ill INN rum Apply at pnon PA By DAVE Mcmosil CInIdIInPreII Sill Writer Ix douhmu In enum uon to lay yau cln get writer mmp 1n ha polllnu boalh but Clnldluns mark billolsMon day In helr Ionrtll federal elec Unq In less than gkyemy All the current camrlgn have alluded to the posslh llty nl another ml mrlty avemment whlch would b3 the thlrd since 1951 heres no guarantee hm wont be nnolher electlon bolero he normal Ionryelr term the 26th purllnment runs its course Record Number Candidates Seek ourYote On Monday ham Monday are tram am In pm local Slan dard llmu or record 9375 ellglhln Valera Chlel Elech orll ufllcer Nelson Caslonguuy has predlcled record turnout at ll last 30 per cent Is Raconn NUMBE rcco seeking the 265 Common seats Thu Conservative Ind Liberal nomnated lull mm The New Democratic Party has 232 car dldalcr Soclll Credit 224 111m are 12 Communist Ind 15 Indu Enndults Prevlaur record num lger n1 candldml war 1010 in Standing in the Common utter the June 1962 elec tion Conservatives 118 Liber al mo Saclll Credit New Democratic my 19 It the standing are in close Monday night the Issue code he settled by lha armed one vole taken hl week And In he announced by Mr Cnslonzuay the Saturday at Sunday alter election dayl 196 via 63 per cent Liberal and cast the Conservative two lelll The service vat In each ding added lunlhe civlllarll result Whatever he mu cam pan has been hecllc rum start llnlsh All party lend ers drew huge crnwds and hecklinu was pronounced In the ï¬nal weeks Pollucal bmadcasllng andcd at midnlghl Friday night by law Ind the Hull campaigning Sab urdny and Palm Sunday was rexlrlcled In 1113 mm lpeech WOULD KNOW 500N Eccause Qnehzc and Dumb have 160 mu combined ha election result could be known an hour or lwonller ppjlslclose Ihaahpuv nc number seal rcqulred tn form malarfly government In Howcvnr the vole Is as close was In year It my be savers hour helm the cul come knawp The campalxn has nvolvcd mainly around lhcse issues an avawed need or unable malar Ily government dcfcnsm nu clear warhend5 on Clnldlln forces economic growth and ll cinl we All persons havlng claims against the Eslale JOHN ROBERT WATERSON Kale lho Township Innisiil In the County at Simm Farmer whu died on lhe Second day March 1963 In required to ï¬le pm name with lhu dernlgned aalicflorl or Ihe Ad mlnlsflMrlx by Inc First day May 1961 Alm whlcn dnlu lho ulule wlll be dlslrjhulegi ll lEGAL NOTICES WICETO CREDITORS AND OTHERS mud Hume OMBHO lhl 115 day Mnrdu 1963 STEWART ESTEN MCTURK AND MILLS Drawer 50 Bank Ont Sollcilorl lor lho Admlanlrnlrix 12 NOON FOR RUSSELL DRYSDALE Mllu East Elmvala Sale in head dunpurpose Slmnhnm caulc team hor nlzs camplrln MM good Impkmlnlx hay grnln and 1mm househnld lull Term mh No mcm the Arm sold TRACE Aurllmlcer Telemann Elmulu l3 AUCTION SALES Spending more and getting less for your money than you did few years ago Mn Dlnfénhnker accused Ihe Mon pooplo In luau Ihlnglcon 03 III Hy um 1m in In lmpovlul rhork your the Illnnnu pu Inllnn mm ï¬lm In Ind mm um II II um ndrquuh ll nutu your in nlluu um IIIth will mull II um Why not duck YOUR UREAN and THEFT INSURANCI NIIDS lodny um voprmnmlvo lnm CIA WILIUI WALTON 51 Novmm PA 04000 CIA AUCTION SALE Comma mum Ammuu opwslllan ohslructlon In Ihe 25m Parliament The opposition groups sald the government died lnerlh and indecisive HESS Canada Unlled Slates rela tion llgurcd mud deal In the Mr Dielenhaker called hls palmY pmï¬nadhn ism Mr Pearson called InlIAmerlcanlsm wonomo up any Strand Browning 31 who joined lhe sliver nah luC9bnl an In 1901 and minded Northern Ontarinl ï¬rst daily newspnper died suddenly Friday hla home here Mr Brownlnx went to Cobalt whrn 1t rlcll mlnlnz lield wm attracting wlde attention and Joined the stall at the Silver Clty News published In ItUI cent Halleyhury In 1908 wllh In lnta Ferguson nl Smlllls Falls Ont he bought the weekly Cobalt Nugget and installed Cnbnlta llrsl printlnl pllnt Wllh Mr Brownan presl den llmlled company lhu Nuxget became daily in 1909 By lhen Cohens population had expandcd In 6500 and was the blues and mos prosper ous mining lawn in Northern Ontario Harry Browning Founded Paper He was one of the original member of The Canadian Press tha cooperative news Eatherlnl Ilency Minded In 1911 and the Cobalt Nugget was the ï¬rst newspaper In Northern Ontario to otter its rcadcrs daily telagraphlc news service When the boom at Cohnlt died Mr Bmwnlng moved his newspaper In Nanh Bay in 1921 where It was published he Narlh Bay Morning NuggeL The next year he sold his Inter est to Mason ol the Sud bury Star STARTED AS PRINTER Born in Ashlard Kent In England he moved wllh his pa rent year alter his birth ï¬rst In Lennoxvine Quc then In Sherhrooke He was appren ticed lo the printing trade at the me 14 on the weekly Shamrock Examlncr later Joining lhe Sherbroake Daily Record shortly after it 25111 llshmcnl in 1897 In 1902 Mr Browning went to Berlin Ont now Kllchcncr nnd worked briefly on he Ber lin Telegraph before moving ha snowing year to SL Cathar lncs There he worked on Thu Slur and the StarJournal as Journeyman printer Early in mind run In Ctr hulk Incorporated only um year before Mm selling Thu Nugget ha Jolned the stuff 01 lb Toronto Mall and Empire He went lo Sudhury In 192 as manuan editor or The Sun posillan he held unlil rcllremcnl or health reasons In ml He had livcd in Toronto since lhcn Survivurn Include hl wife he former Mary McCrcn Pembroke sum Gordon ol Sud hury und Richard as In soles and dnughlerl MIL Bar bara Bell and Juan Browning oi Toronlo FACILITIES MCKING TORONTO CPIThe Con Icrullon Council of Ontario wnrncd Frldny lack co ordinated lununnge planning Icndlng lhe prnvlncuita crlsls In aulduor rccrcnlIunnI Illca In hrIeI Iuhmlucd lo IIIc prnvlnclnl governmznl the council clnlmcd opportunIllu lnr nuldoar rccrcnllon are In short supply or at least 50 per cent III In pmvlncea popula llnn nmund the west end Lulu Onlann he brlcl luld COFFEE SHOP OPEN DAILY mm lo pm Burries Newest And Most Modern Dunlap Jun Om the 400 Highwuy LIGHT LUNCHES SMALL DINNER BREAKFAST COFFEE BREAK EVENING SNACKS Now Open Drop Out Today To The QUEBEC CP Premier Leanne ha luld down virtual ultimatum to the next Metal govenunenl to turn over minimum 25 per can at In coma and carporlthm taxes collected In Quebec to he prov lnclll government in budge speech Friday night heavily flavored with election spices Mr usage re viewed lhe iiscni policies 01 he iour iedenl partiesoiha mm serioul panics Ind Social CreditInd indiclled preierv em or the uberais incai pllglarm 1h premlcr Ave lhe next governmean maller whlch party arms lbone year to meet Quebecl demulds on I¢d eralpmvinclnl ll protjl Gives Govt Year To Meet Demands mm ummpied round ol apncula Man In parliamentary circle that Mr bulge would Impose doubla laxatlun up 25 per cent unles hls requirements an met ISSUES WARNING He ended his 2mm much with lid wgmlnz Either he central govenr menl whiciuver party elecied April within 12 months will have taken into ac count the demands oi Quebec or we in Quebec will have seen to it during the tame period lhai neceslary decisions ilscai mailersrwlii have peel lgkcn Mr Lesage whn had pre viously brokcn with recent Iradmans In he premIership hy declaring hImselI In IIVDI the leerals In the Men cam palgn sald there were many elements In the puny prov gram whlch cornspond on lhe whole to the demands Ihe BAnfllE EXAMINER lATUllDAYMnlL ACCOUNTANT GENERAL Orillla Rasmusibh poslllon with well established compmy CA or ï¬lm pmfemd minimum llaflinz nlary mom MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST andor ASSISTANT Male or emale Barfly and CSLfl Registration at aulflcienl prankl expirieiu MECHANICAL DRAFTSMEN Barrie Orillla Ind Owen Sound Severn opportunities or men with experience In helvy machinery foundry nr Ihcetmem work LIFE INSURANCE SALESMAN Establishcd caulpr often ucullenl Khan lralninz and Illownnces or mu who can qualily Prelerahly Gr an education APPLICANTS AVAILABLE OFFICE MANAGER And ACCOUNTANT SeverI yeul experlenca responsIbII or accnunIInz Ind IupervIJIon mice work clVIl ENGINEER Gradunltd Irnm univmlly In ma now workInx In Western Canada wishes In return lo lhI am RECREATION SUPERVISOR or PHYSICAL TRAINING INSIIIUCIOII Experienced wilh boys clubs mmmunIky warp amnl ndmInIslnllun cumin and oIIIcIalInl siwxls EXECUTIVE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE THROUGH NES BARRIE COFFEE SHOP Own El OTHER VACANCIES AVAILABLE Scnlnl Brlubrldu Culllnnoad Mldllnfl 011111 Owcn Sound Parry Sound Arm Coulnl your Nurm haul NEs or Crnln NES HIHII PA nuu government direct least In present Inle H3 said the federal party rec ugnlzcs the princlpll nl ï¬scd decentrallutlon The speech Innounud no change in person or comb nuon axe ur the lien yen whlch started last Mendy But It did announce In lncram In gasolina tnxu or two cents gallon which took eflect at midnight The wanna tn now Is 15 cent gluon In Quebec Balm thu tax hike gnsolino price In Muntrull Wm 31 cents allon or will la and gents or premium NATIONAL EMPLOYMEN VICE The prcmler use announccd Ill Increase or lh second year in row In the an diesel fuel which rises to 31 cents gallon ram 1M Last year It wnl lncreasud by cenu Barrie Ogillla Ind 0qu Copy for Want Ad Iccepled unul My blur JOIINSD Lid app quell llml W1 Dunlap BI EL Burrlo Toronto 531 my 5L EM as SuullV 115 Imlll ED OMB wanili Wink nuvn IBRVICI Mr imp uul In 1101 11mm Crubu gm publicauon mom mm Tel PA ems Want Ad Secuon 23 llurlc