Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Apr 1963, p. 1

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BRANTFORD CPIThe Car nndlan pewple wont be told by law what hay can do Inside oroulslde Canada saya Prlmo Mlnlsku Dldanhaker May It never be 5am mat rlme mInlslar of Canada when walks out far Canada lgaltul any other nauon he lon crowd of 1500 here Fri day night On that Issue ask your sup port In Mondays general elec Hon Let dadda Canadnl lure be determlncd In Canada and that Canadian will dcler mine It Mr chlcnbakcr spake to capacity audience in lhe Capl lul Theatre there were 100 slnndlnz Earlier ha also ad dressed 600 ll Paris 10 miles away Today he boarded hl spc clnl lraln or an intensive Hnnl who Ihe cnmpnlgn through ll Wulern Onlarlo nwnl slrnlchlnx mm Gull In Hespe ler Kilchencr undo New Humburu Sualford Mllchell Jetrlnz Iccllun unlvtnly nudan mm 0L Ilwn Ind Monlrcnl trrnlcd pnn demnnlum hclm bclnfl hrokrn up by mlhlnn llxlawlnulng So All Credit lupporlcrl MONTREAL CP Indium brnku loose VAth nboul 15000 vocllerous apoclalon jammed lhn lnmm Frldy night or Hm tllmacllc rally at he Social Crcdll cnmpnlun In Quthcc number urcllmlnnry apenlm wm vrluully drowned nut In lho Iludcnll IlIlKld nulxy demomlrnllum un lll lhvy wrrc alum Milly mm In nronn or pummtllcd lulu Iuhmluinn The dlnordrrl hnd dlcd dawn Inmvwhll whun lrpuly 50cm Crcdll under nanl Cnoueu made In lmpnulnnu wmlnula appeal or luppurl lrnm Mom nnl mldmll who lnvu Soull Cntlil rundidnlu cool Icccp llon In Inll Junel elttllon Mr Cunurue wan prrmlul by lmnlcr until Hum Colulnhln who flow In mm Vlumln urllrr In the any Ind MAI wrm rnlso lur hll My Qurlm tnlruuuu TIIOMIMIN NIHOIK Nlllonll Ind llnlwfl Dmmpsnn wnl Irlmlulul In ml rim Iha rnlly lly lelrplumu mm llnnlr UnL Iml Nu wu mulled Mr Knnuullu inrrrly Innannml llml Mr Timmy Iofll nldu had rnllrd in upon my had lam mullnu In nmle nn dmuly Iudrr lunmlnl hnnmnm In MI vnlcr we vflrlcd lhnl Ml puny wlll 11an he favrmmrnl ullrr Mnmlnyl elalan with In null In ranu llama nl Com man lldrnlnl lo Lllurnl harm ml 50ml 7mm Immelary Hmwlu mmhl lulu lullvplnn lulllinfl AMI llnnnclal lulu uh both Cm wlll ml mun ruln lur In my lml will my vulqla Ilnnqu unmmunn lm 1le or ank 99th Your No 82 Nallnnnl Social Credll lea de Robert Thompson find the mention of these young ladies both enjoyable and re Let Canadians Decide Canadas Future PM Demonstrators Wave Nazi Flag At Caouette For Exnmlner Want Ad Tele phone PA um Tho telaphona number to call or the Bushes or Ednnml Dept l5 PA M537 Our Telephones TAKES FEW MINUTES OUT FOR RELAXATION One loudvoiced but pnlile heckler bombarded Mm with in lerjccflanp Friday night bu he prime mlnlslcr fielded ham dcflly lg lpyd apqlnusg 10 FLY WEST ddresses are scheduled nl Goderlch Ifler Prcmler Bur hm Jain lha my and Snrnla lonlght en Mn DM enhaker files to Prince Albert Sask his home constituency or the election me heckler who Identified himsel Brnnlford actory worker Cecil MacPhee told the prlmo minister on leavml Ihe theatre Thall n1 right John Yoggg gun man Friday speeches nuchcd ma rldlnx nl Brannond and Ernnl llnldlmnnd bolh converted In Libeln1 sqal Ins June Mnnhenl General lluspilnl nncr bejgu huslkd out ha Forum Sealnrth Goderlch Exeter and Slrathmy iiir chienbaktr his night audltnce Kim the press at in lnrxtr Canadian cities now is hedging an Liberal majority government Support was low Mnny or uludenu emorucd with cut lip and well allcr btlnz shnvcd dawn comma mm and punched Mn Cnourllo anld ll made hlm urioux lo Iceltudehli IIIOHGHTOWN llrllhh Gulntl AP Coldllmnm unnll my placed rm lho nlm today nner mm mum and looting in duwnlnwn Gromlawn Spmhd In In Mlan Friday nluM on lho cur owntd by Amnltnn wla ol Itfllll lllmo Mlnmtr 3mm Jngnn Hm rlodnx lo an Imull and mm man 14 lrnmu by angry mob on xlnm Ind humnu vmmm Um lllnulmi Major Khlm Mounl durribcd he llxhbhund mun ol neulrnllsl General Kong hnl dltd In Mxpflnl hem nllcr bdrm mm Tumy hlgh mulrallsl nlllm reported today Coldstream Guards Illértod lllINO Nev rumm brutally nmllllod body Honda ormrr Olynmlc UK llllln 50an McCuHa mu found lawn about her Ill upmlnmi hidy nlxlul lnllre rhlcl Hum Ilrlmw who made lhu Idamlllcullun Inld Mlu Mchho llml Mm Ilrrnpllnlul NIKONTO Him1N Mom whom laurhl nllufllon Can Lam In unlul Tva Ill dexlmyal lry In lady The llre hmhu um dm mm II In mum Town Inmlnéfllk 111 damrn wr Icumd and no Inlurlu Wm It Will mmnm llllflnu mm but been mmmllled lnr lrlnl on chum ol romrirny la viola lhe Fido Eluuam Arl Ivy mulemmu mm nndidule They Me nmmd hrhvlm Mn Mum nmrm Anncllo Urn Vulndo numInnllou paper II nurllulm In Mmlulll He II Idlnl III Ind mam undu lho nlml Umlu VIIqu LONDON Illrulunlumlk lV plum nm lhu mmnl nurture Ilrlxhl nlmul 6300 mllm ll 10 pm EST Frldly mm Tun new my mnmul laxlnx Mr Thompwn was taking law momenu rest from his campaign yesterday at lhe homc ol Simone North BightHand Man Dies Blondes Body Stiewn About Fire Destroys Attraction Lunik 1V Passes Moon Hiding Sox Brings Charge NEWS BRIEFS 1112 Earth Examinpr Some of the mast werful peopla In Canada thnk too much has been conlrlhulcd to 103151 gecurl he eald But the Progresslvc Conserv Iuvcs had uclrd In the lust 5V yem or the aged Una young lhe veteran 1nd the crlppled lo give It lens remnnblt midlcufqof my The govemmem cult had been right economic ally nnd there were press pre diction Ihat 1963 would he an nlhgr yuro vlgnmus grow The leerals had lhoulht $6 more was nough ln old age pension In 1951 Saskatcho wnnl mmm government pald lower old3g assistance than other prnvlncu Path ML Dlnlcnbuker much more rcstrnlned lonu Is he talked about agriculture urged Canadlln Indians to vote Ha uld Ihcy wlll sullcr no loss any existing rightsand about lhe utility voting or any third parly Inx stronle Ihe Conserva Uvs across the pouplm devoid any cducnllon lry la cnun lroubla and deny hlm Irtfidom much The Men toms of whom Inld they lupparl lho Qurbuc ICPIIIUII movement were mauled Mother hlzh in tho unnd Sacred candldate Willard Klnzle At left In Mall danghler of the Sacred enn dldala or Brant rldlngr MA Ask Vlha GuéemorGeneral lo dhsolvn Parllnmem or nqw quwon OTTAWA CF What Mp pens If no party wins an over all majorlly In Canadas lederal election Basically In such xiluallnns Its up to the prime mlnlsker to choose one sevnrnl alterna llvns Constitutional authorities how my the Frime minister may Coninue in oiiice Resign and advise the Gov ernorGeneral to ask someone else t9 iorm Ijovemmenl Dnuglus nullunnl leader ol the New Dcmocrnllc Parly unld Frldny nlzhl lha NDP Ihnuld not form lhe next led ernl unvernmenl wlll reluse In support mlnurily governmcnl whlch dun not lirsl agree lo buns old ngu pcnslona lo 75 mnnlh Mr Douglas mnda he slnle men In an nlllheAcull address In rally ln hls homo rldlnz ol BurnabyCa ulllam when ho ls mllng we callun Monday He mm In rnwd 150 In lhla communlly 15 mllcl can ol Vnncauvcr Seek to form coalluan wigh lflpUlEl party The NDP lender prrdiclcd big aim ior his puny in Onlnrio nnd ho Prairie wail as an increnm in ill Ilnndinu in iiril iah Columbia where in New Dnmocrnu wen eiccicd in June 15 Ha rtpunltd hll prcdlcllon lhnl lhn pnltyl popular vulu In Quebec wnuld be lnmnud two In hm time over 1m and rtlcrrcd lo nlronu aupmrl lho party was receivan In Que becl Frcnrhlnnlunfu pms Tho NDP leader spendan ho wcckcnd In Burnaby Co qulllnm wlndlnl up hla cum pnlxn wlth Ipccch nl Ihn nurhy prodamlnnnuy Punch Iprnklnu mmmunlly cl Mull lnrdvlllc OTTAWA CNlwpln and And over will plny mm dbmlnnnl role In Mnmlnyl v01 Inl lhnn In any Mend ueuml rlncllnn nlnm woman wm llvm lho mm In 1m In ml V4qu ml um mndn up ml per cent Um populnllon ol ollng nuo 21 and nvrr II II mlmnlnl HIM lhny now rnnamuln about 43 per ml Hm once unln In wry drrllun llnm 1m Hm drclllm wllnl larcu mmln up ul prh sum In the wyenr no man um 15 In 11w now make up on wr mu people vutlnl no compared wllh uer hluh on pu rcnl In 1sz and lhdr law on par rvnl Um mmu ynr ml FourAIMrohl Nathan In helpln mu wllh HI Inv mllq ha mnhlnl null xelulln II unlnl lo llfil lhe IIII llquhl dunr1 Whm omunud he liked ml way he IF mommy but MM when In In and mt right Mr Klnzloa dang dusm Jore plclures and story on page Hum Exam lner Photo Alternatives For Minorityr People Over 45 Cast Big Ballots Tommy Sets NDP Temls qu MQODY Blgrli qfilado Canada Subrdly Apr I963 HERES ONE TORONTO CF Llheml Leader ester Pgamn need huge Toronto crowd Friday nlggé and said hi hour has an IV It is the hourha said thnt all his in experience and training has been inrto be prim minister oi Canada at lha head oi strong andstable Libml government He nsked Canadian In put Ihclr confidence In hlm le5 me your lmét God wlllng wlLl not let you down They cheered hl1 d2y nd they went on cheering him chgnglng hlaunamq Hn way Um uh minute speech he rcpcMed the need for stable majority government He sald in way um Invilud applnue But he couldnt have expnclcd whnt allowed crowd unahla mnlaln llsel burst lnlo cheering that lasted or tu lhrca minutes Then they chnnled We wrnl Mike giv lnghlm nqdlnzovallan eel like Ive just scared the wlnnlng goal In lhe last same ol the Stanley 01p ha old Ihcm Mn Pearson Besides the 16000 In the Gar dcns thousands more wm turned nway About 3000 hem at Mo Massey Hall 11 blocks away to hear hll speech on loudspeukcfl An hour later hundred wen mu trying to get inside iriiipcech Intldcnt chant tcmcd the crowd leml Lndur Puma cnklnz In mo bl clllfl nmmul ho prime mlnlxlerl lllnmanll Imlpoml hlv dcmnlnxuory nml duper Friday night was long way from 1951 The mm was with hlm all the way And he rose to the occasion Cumpnlxnlnl In lhe Innl week of lho election dug lulu grab ban nun but lhe nucltur conlrovmy Illll emerged on top Election sparks were nlruck when was dllcloscd In Wnah Inxmn um US Dclcnco Secre lnry Manmm nncrlcd lhnl Amcrlcnn and Cnnndlnn my mum nullaircraft mlullc how would very 1cm draw cntmy Ira ll wnr mfplcdI lrimu Mlnlxlcr Dlt cnbnker cnmpnlgnlng In Quehrc Ind 0n urlo mm hIanmurI ml mtnl mndo Max ho Llhernl poulllon lhnl Hm mum Ilmuld be Upped wllh nu clnnr warllrmll an 11mm policy ho dc clnnd mm min Cnmdu lulu burn Incrlnco 1n lImu at war IllInterval Ilr mu unlll In La Cunt mun wnlrlml lnr monk dunHum by umnll um um ollen vnmd In curylu lnll Cum 1th CROWD IS WITH 1M Two men Ippenmd on the floor with an antlnuclenr ban ner Hrs the cmwd mmed stunned Just looking Then It bmku mm chorus icon and MIAMI HI AP Elunlvl Culmn uu hm Unlltd Rule and llrlllsh lamn ha van In llny In Id ll knyl 0F llurhln and flu nnhumnl furrrtllnl brnl un hmqu Cu Ilfl Im mlrr Fidel Cnlro llrlllnh mlrIlHl combed Innrly wmmm my 70 mllrl mullwnl ol Nunm lnr muni nnm ur Mhrr mppllu Miami cached hm luy unldmllflkl mm who Hul nl thvlr Ipplolth Cumin rnldvr Ilw filml mom ml Vlalynn XII mind Mlnml many wllh VIII l1 Th men um Malnod In he tum dm below 19000 AGREE THE CANADIAN PRESS EluSive Cuban Exiles Keep Forces Busy Chasing Them Nuclear Subject Keeps Popping Up Cheers Jeers At Big Rallies Pearson Says His Hour Here lbs luiuru oiour Goun try that is being determinzd in the most Important election in our history There is much more nt stake than the success nl any political party or the salvation ni parlicnlnr inqlvldglai angry shouts Thu two men were surrounded and In tries their banner was pulled down and ripped shreds They were unhurl II la Vllrnafltro take stock our destiny not merely to eval ii PFmTmnc 111E Rm 7101 pohllcul Ialk ls ovenle mentor pnliucnl ac Mr Pearson or Into Prime Mlnlster Dlelenbnkera gro Iesque argument that lhe Ll ernl are to blame or Bo marc misslle hat Mr DleIen baker had acquired to re lace the Canadian Arrow Set mer ceplor that he Mr Dlulen baker had scrupptdand 14 00910 wrr 12 um 130mm smnn He said Mr chfenbaker now four year laterhad made Ihe alleged discovery that the Bomarc useless by lurtlnz evidence In the United State which he had made the whlpplng boy of hi election 9111915 do nolllke lhll kind tactic Mr Pearson mld ll ll playing on turn or am It curny atlrrlnl my lusplclon of out Iricnds Social Crcdll Leader Thorns non who wnnu lo lurn he do lcnco dlInmmn over In an all party purlinmcnlnry commlflnc nllnckcd Cnnurvnllve dclcnw rclnllun wllh the us ll wnl nut good month In hide under the Amcrlcnn delcnco umlrrtlla ha said hm turn around Am and your Innxuo out Hng who hold lhu umhrclln nw hunting Mm hennl npmhu About economic Iroh Irml Cnmpnlznlng In lull lama mlan of Alznmn Eu Mr Penrwn promiml dlml any rrnmcnl help In um lndun grlu Ir hurdlgp Hullgld hnlrwanlled Vllflhllr ivlrdmi II culled luclnllnm Timle Ind Men thud uwcd on III NnmuloMlaml van DI ronl maul rllnbl WONT PERMIT BDAHDEM Jury finchnun II at Mllml lunltd by mum Jlm lampm lunch Hun flrnllml porter ny lnl Ihlt lIvtllo Duqu mm mnndlnl Ihe Vlolynn II had hlm mvly mil no can would Immin ln Mmlllld an Ill tn bu In wwM obey the mlmn nqu lo mead mm Miami would no lower mysell to Ii kind oi thing even to win on election Perhaps thin makes ma poor politician No roared the crowd Mr Pearson said it is irre lponslbin ior Mr chienbnker lo lnlscly assert um Candu would be branded immoral by accepting nuclear warheads um Cnnndn could remain puro only by tioring the warhead in he us when hey could ba uscd oniy when it was loo into New Democn lc Party Lender Doullus prosing or nannuclenr dolenea role or Canada Inld the United Sluleq want In Irm the B0 mnrcs wllh nuclear hendl open the wny or lurther more advanced nuclear weapon in Cnnudn lhoy wm nlcaml by llrllhh nxjfunrlllrp Tflurylgy The nan Eniltnh making momhrr lho urw clnlmul lho Vlulynn XII Mum wall ward cuuer raplulnn xlemumI Ihnl 0w Illnw lhrlr hon In boarded Mar Inn In Unhmnnlnn lmllnllnl ultra aqlnclls damup xgcn 3N0 huge rallies In Toronto and Montrealand some quiet talking elsewhere featured Friday nights electioneerlng I119 campaign neared its dose Liberal Pearson buoyed by cheering crowd 16000 In Torontos Maple Lea Garden and another 3000 In an overflow hall nearby declared that his hour has arrived to ba como prime minister In Montreal some 500 rauc ous university student created numbedlnm at 15000person rally or Real Cnouelte undrlm deputy Social Credll lender nn grily threw back at the demon slrnmrs ghelr iligler May it never b3 uld ha told an audience at 1500 that prime mlnlsler or Canada when he spunk out or Canada ls azalnsl any other nallon gym gamma Flnm Ind wlfa dullned lo nmnr mm mm at wri uylnl they Md hold Mr 4qu lo gnuum Ilomar mm nu thurrh Mennwhllo Prime Mmlsler Dlefenbnkcr speaking Brant lord was rejecting leenl cru lclsnu that his campaign has been AnnAmerican For lha other party leaders lhe last stages campaigning were lupinfort Social Credit Lender ihorqp son speaking at Barrie Out revised his enriier prediction oi minority Social Credit sow cmmcnt and said his party will win majority in Mondayl vote VANCOUVER CF IIIM linlph Ham who ved lane cmh and 49 dnyl In lho Frown nonler lrillnh Colum Mn Mldmml my In hml lnlh mum would come only Ihrn Mn Injurrd womlm pnucn er llnllhcd mldln no Blhlo 50 told hrr to mid ruler Hum 41 San llrum CAM and Ilrlen Klnbcu of Hmklyn NY um rmuod hut nmmh Ilu null Mn Flor wllu Imd Huwn nmlh In be will her Inw hand Iwh Friday nl In ymllh mu In lhe urrh nl Jrull L1 ll of mm Dny Rnlnll cy we lII luv hula hy Mr vr two day in MI Inn ley Ulnh Flom In to In Mormon Tcmvlt he logth MT Klnbon or home ml In lrll lhul Ill llnlnhnj lhu DIN wl wuld In New Demacnllc Leader Dou llp ensued 1n hallhour ule vmon dehalo ln Vancouver with hls Liberal rival In Burnaby Coqulllnm consmuency Tom Kenl and um attended cm gathering In riding 1sz ban on pblxucal bPoad castinl went Into eflect at mld many Frfiny night lhn ed anlo Len Gardens Mr lcnrwn ml landing ovnllon be repealed hll major campaign luuolhnl Cnnudnl rnnjor mod or flth AAmnlAmlly yumman ny the party leaderswith Mr chlenbakcr an exception plnnncd do mu or no speechmakinu The Progressive Ccnservnlive lender had busy day oi whiy lib5le lrnvei in acumem 0n Brig with speeches Godar ich and Snmln helm lying lo his homo riding oi Prince Ai bcn Salk Mn Pearson mlumed lo inwa and Mr Thompson to Red Deer Aim when hey wiii be on cietilon day Tho Lihemi lender had no campaigning schcduicd today and Inn Social Credit lender planned in show mmo personal movies at Rocky Mpuninin iiuuse Min tonight2 Mr Douzlua plnnncd ntour number 01 Imnll gathering In hll conslllncncy No Ihouled the uqu Mm ho asked whclhur nny mm but the bowl can Inch lhl need By THE CANADIAN PRESS GETS OVATION Credits Bible With Rescue Mr lonrson uh wul tho Liberals Get Wild Cheers Sacred Meeting lustWild Nol Mon Thln HP Copy16 Pagu Mainly filmy oontlnulnl wam Sundly Low tonight High Sunday 551 For mangle Imnmaryflhxyiflurpan Wm Local Weather lamest pollllcal rally ln Cant dlan history Even Massey Hall 12 blocks away where 3000 hem hl speech on Inudspeakl en wasnt enough 20 handle all Lhasa who lumed MIL no the Academy Award you are deciding on Monday Mr Pearson sold in not the recognition of dramatic pep axmama or smklnl lhowman It the future of our caum try hat is helng determined in the mast Important election in our history Thé nalsy demonstrations by Ihldeuu Mr Caouuwl Mon treal any were broken up In brawls as nudents wen aimed or dispersed Al least two per sans were taken to hospital with cum And bmlses DRAW BREAK OUT But before they were Iqueiched the student threw stink bomb and pbnney dollar bills unz Christmas carols and chanted in unison Hail iiitleryhcii Caoueite Mr Cmuette said he was ilk xiaus at what he called an liq tempt to break up his meetinz these are the people who call us Hitler nnd Mussolini and they wont even give chance in be heard He IIIM lhal wllh lluls bed In lap gain on NI mu lul Inlnrd hlnl Mary lhnl hn mu IllI Klbcn Mo lhrir lmllk mun rm nnl huen my Alwyn lull Imulh An In Mr 111 glrl whu Ill Ill ma alum unwind 11M In my body In keep lulnl Backed by British Columhlnl Premicr Bennett Mr Caouetlo called or Social Credit victor le 1n micrin 01 Montreal Islands 11 rldlnu when lhl panyn candidate all institn 1m yeul elecflon Flam woke mnlnly nl hII Inllh llu II member line Harman church Mln Klnbcn ll Jewish Flam an lndflclnn who wuvln on lhn mum Early Wurulnl Llno lnr lwn yum Mm llm church In lnhhunkl Maul yrnu The lulu upcer Wm Ilellun Wm uld nul ever an bl muld daJhI umlhlng nonr km um who who um Mr Dlelenhaker told hi Ernnllord meelllm he confl dcnlly upecu Conservativ vlclory nn Monday and at lacked the Liberal or what he called ximnflckddden cam pain In makn the people one the opposiUDns policy ob slyufllon Jn the last ParllnmenL ué inmumt some or the most powerful pmplu In Cnnndl than loo much ha been con omplon Barri mmlscd In an Cnnndnl problch Iqunva II he be come prime minister nukan no deal we Ashamed lo raven lo the Canadian clu lens halfhour 7v mm tween NDI leader Douzlnl and Mr Kcnlonu Mr lcnnanl economlc ndvlserIlcalurtd disputo over Wlnnlpez Fm mes cdilnrlnl wflllen ma when Mr Kcnl wnllhu newnpa wn cdllor lvld her Il you want mo In no my chlldnn nanln plum mu ll lllllc Inner OIIKED 0N DEW Lth He hohhlnl lnlu he lmlvil on much 11 on Iwnllm In lllmwruock EXPEOIS PC WIN But his government had acted to provide reasonable Bump ancu lo ma old lha young Iha veteran and um disabled Thu Conservnuvo lovcrnmcnl building Canndl he laid and annealed um unpanllelzd prppcrity Hen Ahead Inld hll Socill Cram party has been alllcked kro sponslblo lrlnze Turpin by ha major pan All lhéy nnstrylnn lo do to cover up lhclr own lnnbmllu nnd lnndtqunclcs

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