ï¬ï¬iï¬ In Imm Hmnumm anno Annllrunz Mullnn Mrphnm Ind ZIIIIIIH thnru Inm Ilulltr wun 1hr lmky IIMW Hclm Gillsnnn rink Slrlll llnye Ilclrn hlrmn nml irnco 51m um llw mu gum un nrrn Illxh nununto Im nnm wlnntrn Mm Mnry Ann milh lkl Guru Mw VIII mu nmr lnmk 11w lmohy wrn nmr nnmr ulnnm um Murlrl Frmlloyu nuk mmwscd nl Mmlnn Timwll JnrHu Mlllu and Annv Syrnrvr Tun xnmu wlnnvrn vrre Jrnu lulmm IHp ï¬lriln Inrk mlIn Ill And Eva llrnllry Thn Hurrio Curling Club plny ed husl In mnmhm ma Imllu ntclitm ma curllnz club In Iromplcl nlrnngcd luy he Spcrlnl Hunll convene Mu Colby nnd nllh SMALL CHATTER Early in the opening frame lion Stewart got in way of flying puck and received dandy shinert Refusing to cave the ice he came back few minutes later with dazzling goal Tak ing breakaway pass from Red Kelly lion streaked up the ice iiekcd out Flame and pushed the biscuit into the net Dickie Duff also played what had to be his best game of the season lie scored cal and came close on few separate occasions lie Jean Guy Talbot took ridiculous penalty when he had Dull covereii in iront oi the net and still elected to pull him down Next year the llabs will most llkely undergo few changes Trades will be made and lts good bet some of the oldlimers wont be around at this time in 1964 llernle Coalition for one has gone down considerably since scoring 50 goals few seasons back llls legs appear to have felled him Same could be said for others No one cari really argue that Toronto Maple Leafs are now the mighty force In the National Hockey Leaguc Thu Giants are blessed with the laughrlobcal combinnlion of youth and abilin everywhere but on the mnund And the pitchers have not yet reached the stage where age should aim much of lull Jack Fishc heallhy and adds yuung arm lo the our experienced slnrlcrs Jack San Continued from page eight during the season they merely had prolonged the agony of complete deleat by taking mesdays game in Montreal 31 The prediclcd order ï¬nish San Francisco 105 An gclcs Cincinnuli Philadel phia St Louis 64 Pittsburgh Milwaukee louslun ChIcagu 10 New York Manager Alvin Dnrks world series hardcncd lcnm lonked like anylhing hut pennant con lender this spring but it should start winnlnn when he chlps are duwnl The Glam slmply have more qualin hall players than any club in the league Curling Club Hosts Bonspiel rise GIanls shoulii repeat Nalinnnl League chnmpiuns SPORTS CHATTER IM OIIVAIII 700 HIIIHITH DIZMONRTIMTOII ley In rolor nulmmlic rmliu uhlir will Inkling um Inw millmln Irry MI mulMon vnr JM NOW mu Nr Vnnuly Dave Kean swoops pas goalie Jacques Plants uner scaring Giants Should Repeat As League Champions By JOE REICIILEE NEW YORK AHSan Fran TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS DANUIIRHELD Mmons LIMIYIID Ill Vlrltflull IA lSN JIM FINHZV Jim Finleys 0K Special Willie lays still su preme The brllllnnl centre fielder is flanked by Felipe Alan Inllncdgcd slur in his own right in right licld and lhe enrigth combination of Willlc McCavey and Harvey Ku cnn in 1211 Kucnn at 32 is the eldest Orlando Ccpcda Chuck Ier Jase Pagan and Jlmmy Da venport arm the youngest and strongest lnlield in Ihe league Ililler and Pugnn questions ble double play comblnallon at this Ilmc year ago nnw are rated equal In any pulr ln lhe league Hilly ODcll 1514 Lefty Billy Hoe useless all spring be cause of an arm injury In tx pccled to recnvcr In time and team up with righthandnr Don Larsen la head strong bull pen MAYS STILL SUPREME lord 247 Juan Marlchal 13 Ellly Pierce 156 and Billy ODcll 1514 Lefty Billy Hoe Psalm 5prlng be DUNLOP Ihellrst goal of the inn game of the Stanley Cup semHinals against Monlreal Canndiens Checking Keen Ls BHTSTHNES TTwie isnt boner catching TIRE SERVICE 101 BAYFIELD 5T PA 66549 SEE US TODAY TIRES BEST BUY THE BUY Cinclnnnll pennant winner In 196 and strong lhlrd nlanu Iinishcr lust year should be in In thlck the race agaln but the Reds may eel lhe Iack rellglzle rclge Apltch Phlladcp aa Phllllcs moved or of lhc doldrums last year llnlshlng alxlh and shuuld land even hlglucr lhl your alter Kim dlvlslan hall with lills burgh SL Lnuls and llllwnukucl covered from Ms Inger ullmnm ZSgame wlnnlng Don Drysdulc and veteran southpaw Johnny Padre should give the Dudgm lie but lhrcemnn pllchlng In the league but at lens two more starters are required over the lung lezgnme schedule Ell ndds right hnndcd power In the Badger lineup but In Ihe inn analysis It was pitcher shnrlngc not lack balling strength that cost lhc Dodger the lug last year La es Dodgers figure as the main contenders again but they may have rough sledding unless Bnb Miller or somebody else comes through as fourth sinner The depnrlurc ui right hnnder Sum Williams 1412 leaves lhem bi shy nn lho front line new mugs for was pair around than young Tom Hitler 3nd veerap Eg Enilpy VThe hexch headed By eflhcr Kuenn or MnCovey Mnuy Alou Joe Amalfllana and Ernie Bu man lacks only righthanded 10 ball hi Tremhlay Tonunto won the game 50 In Tomnto inst nlght to lake the series our game to on CP ercphoto Private Stock CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHIBKY great whiskies nrc vhiskirs to mute the superb mmr of Adams Prlmtc Stork Sol sure It lry this custom Nlnl pmcntcd In ils cr5lal dccanlcr at popular price Years ago Adams iisliliui 29 great viiixkicï¬ each will ils own distinctive clmmlcrihlics and then aged them in spatial oak tasks va Adme lmx married these 19 Thum Adm omm lellodTovInlo raj ny THE CANADIAN PRESS In the south its the San Fran clsno Seals against the clnssy Portland Bucknroos or lhe Western Hockey League divi sion chnmplunship In the north who knows San Francisco trounced by Los Angcics Blades in the ï¬rst game ol the busterthree southern division semi final came back in take two siralghi 53 Wednesday and in over time Thursday night San Franciscos Cow Palace on ngth of twogoal twmnsslst error by right winger Danny nclislo who gave them lhn game and lhc series with goal In the over lmc perlod The vm ory Iur Tomnlo wax Its fourth In the hesboIsuven surIcs compared Ihe ono Montreal was ahIe Lo scorea 3A1 decIsinn In Montreal In In In gnno Tuesnjny nignl Bower was the delcnslve akandnnl slapping 35 Montreal shots Kenn shone on Menu scoring two goals and assisting an annular club snld Punch Imlach um Toronto managercoach now has lnynl several days to pm pure or he ï¬nal against either Dclrolt Red Wing or Chlcngu Black Hawks Detroit lead that hegafseven scmlflnnl 31 Bguc player what is mandcd beside talent and spirit to go placés and ulna times out of lo lhell say youve go In gel the breaks Toronlo Maple Lenls so um brcnks but not Just Wednesday nlght They came years an when lnlmny llowpr and Dnvu Keen ware slgnad Both have paid their way along but they played he key roles as the Louis marched lntn Ihu Stanley Cup llnals by whlp plng Montreal Cnnndlenl 50 Seals To Oppose Buckaroos Northern Division Undecided The shutout or 110515 the By mu MacDDUGALL Topogrq cwAsk Na Bowen Keen Supply Breaks For Toronto Turl Tru are Summer Dry FROM 10 DUSK SPORTS HUB Only Mlle from mmla GOLF DRIVING RANGE NOW OPEN HIGHWAY NO 90 Smrinx or lh Seals besides Belisle were Nlck Mlckoskl Tom Thurlby Ed Panngnbkn Eladcs scorers were Flemmlnz Muckell Willie ORee Bob Sol lnzcr and Gord Haworlh Seattle goalgallon were Bab Barlow Bill McFarland and Don Vnrd Edmontnn counter Eva by Chuck Hahn and Bo Seals now go nxnlns the Buck at Portland in bush xcven divlslon championship an rlcs starting Sunday Seattle the Tmems came up wlth enaugh an alter squeeza out 32 victory over Edmonton Flyera and us up the Northern Division ml at gnrna apiece oldest player In the NHL was his second In the series The velcmn goaltender who Is hanged at 38 In lha record books admits tn being 89 and suspected havlng passed made snvml good aavps but pie numberhellgd lhojwer Jacques Plant kept nul27 that or Montreal Belore Bowers shutout In tho IhIrd gums In Montreal Sat urday Lea team had gone 17 pInonI game wIIIwut shutout against tho Canadlens II was Ihv Irst pIayuII mm In the seveu tImu the two clubs have met that Toronto club has fernabla to blank Montreal cc Th3 Lea goaltender had never registered shutout in 35 play olf games helmn lhll lensom Kcon scored the llrsl Toronto goal and asslsled on tho second by Dlek Dull Ron Stewart got lhlrd to ulva Leela 34 lead by 1011 nl the llrsl erlod Kcon scared the only son ul ma acc oud period and delenceman Kent Douglas scored his llrsl Stanley Cup goal In the lhlrd ABS DOWNIIEAWIED The post game the Montreal attack the 35 savcral were on weak or rushed shots amalgam gum Montreal Dld he mean Ihe Canadians hnd ducallst nuluda In the Ierlm Humph Thats not ALL Montreal detencuman Terry Harper was In the penalty box drenlng room was plclure despondency Coach Too Blake Issued urdera than eve one Includlng club nrllclals kept out the dressing mm but later relenled to Inna reporter Howa Detroit Ulimun Dct Hull Chicago Kenn Toronto Annslrong Tor Thundnyl Rculll Delta Chicago Detroit leads best or seven semiIna 32 What Iheso guys need let prayers and change in altitude Elnkn Md hlm Tuxonto Montreal lhunduyl Result Monlreal Tnmnlo Tamra wins best seven semiï¬nal 41 Dnhoil Chlcuzo BY THE CANADIAN PRESS Stanley Cup Play Standings From MOT 01215719 INTHE KNOW WW RIDE 01V Thu lendm Your Domlnlon Tlrc Storo ha llrmon In ml am Wh or your firm Olro prob lom or you or In mod now or und lruok or Irnlcr Hm wo an rndy to ylvo you IVIIY ushhnco Jun phone lways If lho Iorvlco of AT YOUR SERVICE 750 Add $400 wIlhotn Iradolnl Sumo mncilvo nvlngl olhlr tlm $1 Down $1 Weekly TRICYCLES ON THE FARM TIRE SERVICE BICYCLES 1595 Give Us all At PA 85965 Tremendous Tire Value III Serch Series DOMINION ï¬oMImon nomw TIRES and Ill for 2790 VULCANIZING OF ALL SIZES OF FARM TIRES All SIZES 0F FARM TIRES IN SUPER GRIPMASTER IRIRIB GAPIIPIM IO let Am Fm L2 W32 WLFAPI IUBELESS Ulla 146111 Ind Up ROYAL FOR W392 for Tomnlol Hm goal at Me the In gerlod Kean but Planle on ow shot that um Toronto centre Iald Plume Just plain mllludfld The Lu centre dug the puck mm behind the Mantra net to set up nun who scored on 20100 hot It Monty elxhl lacond later Stewart scored on bruklwly Iller helnu put In um elm by Red Kelly Bob Balm Ila pcd ha puck from just In the bluB line Illd Klan Upped It 1m lhu Mflflhlll net lo make 44 ll 127 of the mud period Douzlu rushed mm the Leaf 10M up the let aids and heal Planlu 1127 oHlla lhlrd p6 rlod to close lha scoring He uld he Would prelar meet lnn Chlcnzo In the null hecluu they played rougher unme our ldnd hockey then later revised his opinion to say dont care who It Second game is Acheduied here tonight with the teams moving to Winnipeg or game Sundail Tuesday and Whine day nemmy next wtek lmlnch hnppliy holding court More bevy of repeltau said was one the be Kama weve played thh your SASKATOON CF Saska lnun Quakers edled Winnipeg Mnmcn Thurlduy night to lake lhe npcnlng game In ha Western Canndl Allan Cup bub ofsevcn Ilnl mle before 000 fans Quakers Nip Maroons 43 YOU CAN ENJOY SPRING SUMMER DRIVING WITH NEW RADIO NOW Bmlcs lumenTIM Spln and 5mm Conn BRADFORD PA 86965 STREET THE BAR EXAMINERO ERIDAY APRIL lg SARJEANT CO LTD PA 82461 Assocmmn ram anionll Mmhuon Wainm Dlvhlon St mm 125 Lot Angela 11 Los Angeles lead beatot uvtn ï¬nal 31 THE Lfll Tllk Trmar Tlru Now cm allr you big SAVINGS NOW MIMInah III Prim unlly alumna OVUMI mummy nillulu er mom Irluulul hulnlanflnuchlllinlOll Dlolitll you cqulpmlnl lenuh In lpctlllly hlcndd Ialllx fol ammu Iconnmlul hum mm lor Sunuco summon soon run THE Luna nun Your Guaranteo BASKETBALL HEATING on FARMERS