moms and 33 lieam it years Members of CBC concert party that will tour United Nations Emergency Forces INNISIII NOTES IT moan Herons out bases in Egypt next montlt line up for their Inoculation at the Canadian Annys num Local Reception For The Madilis By itGS The home of lllr and Mrs 1y Trotter at Fennnlls was the scene of reception and tea to enable the Conservative candi date Ellwood itladlli and his wife to meet their friends In this part of the riding In spite of tho inclement weather large number attended at one time over 50 persons were present Mrs Lena ebb acted as re ceptionist at the door with Mrs Trotter and Mr and Mrs Ma dill receiving Pouring tea during the after noon were Mrs Camp bell Mrs William Rowe and others Mr Mndill was Introduced by Arthur Evans MPP Simcoa Con tre who told of the active life of the candidate who last year was warden of Dotterin County Mr illadili spoke briefly saying that when he was elected he could be counted on to see that every district in the riding would receive attention rltszs IIAVOC Early Thursday morning high winds blew part of tree across wires to the homo of John Draka tn Palnswlck iicights Services of both hydro and phone were disrupted hon high tension wire broko it flipped around mail box post and pnlict it out oi the ground lIydro crew will replace the mail box post Later during tho afternoon tree in the yard oi the Pains wick school was blown down and again the services were dls ruptcd Pupils were scat home early as the lack of power stop ped the beating service MINOR HOCKEY Minor hockey teams under the jurisdiction of the Innistil flus incssmoa have completed their playoffs Results follow norrla Examiner It Simpkin Tro phy Squirts t7 to years Tigcr Cubs three games Tor nadoes one girl player Cathy Fisher on the Tiger Cubs was star Achicvrmcat Trophy Town ship of innisiii iianlams tit Giansl Harris canes Sonics Pioneer Trophy Vnrn ica Estate Iecwces 110 it years Jets six games Iiock ets two games Juveniles tao trophy it it years illsons five games Lions games Although these teams were made up oi members from both Iciroy and Strand dislrirll tito rollimlttcn has rcqtlcslcd that ihry not he tilsilmluisitcd by Vii Iaize divisions The trophies will likely be awarded at meeting of the committee later In the spring ItIIIHT WINTER Newspapers re or from Strand Inglaad itll of the sov wl oi the PERIII rumor Flirt Eloisa iii Twrar UP NLUgCAL BTOHMI luutm Times mum narronlla st and mo run It tOttl at It world The County of Gloucester spent mom for snow removal and from Christmas until nearly the first of March treeliag tem pcratures reigned Stroud and the surrounding country are extremely hilly and the roads are very crooked Danger from snow and ice was extreme tins services were sad ly crippled BE SURE TO VOTE it would hardly seem possible after all the federal electioneen ing that there could be anyone whoby now had not decided how to vote However the issue can only be decided fairly if every votcr does their part In getting to the polling booth if voters turn out it will increase the chances oi electing Gov ernment with majority Dont leave it for others to decide still favor spending our dollars for human benefits not nuclear bombs Caoueiie Meets Himself In Effigy ST GEORGES Que CPI teal Caouatte Social Credit deputy leader was greeted by enthusiastic crowds and by his own hanging only in cams pnlgn trip to the licence dis trict which voted solidly Social Credit in the 1902 clcctlon As he drove into this rural centre of 3800 Tuesday night he passed group oi about is pick ets downtown who carried plat ards reading ileil iiitier Kaou cite and showing swastikns An effigy of Mr Caouclia hung from war lines abovo tho intersccton where the pick ets stood The pickets appeared to be mostly to their teens and early 20s and were stationed about half mile from the par ish hail whcro mars him 700 were standing or sitting with group almost as largo listening to loudspeakers outside Mr Coouctte referred briefly to the demonstration in his speech There is no question as adopting iiiticra syl tcm iia drava 60 mile from Sic Ciairc 15 miles south oi Quo hcc City where more than 500 crowded into birth school an dilorium and several hundred more stood outside Mr Caonetla spoke in sup rt of IIcncItlltitl iloulln see In rocicction In Dorchrstrr and Gerard Icrron sacking recicc lion in finance ltrry piled up majorities of 3000 and 5500 rt arrctivciy in last Junos cicc ton Mr Caouctto is scheduled to travel to ltlvlcrciuiaup no miles northeast of Quebec City today NOW SHOWING CONTINUOUS RIIOW MTUIIIMY FROM lill TITSOIITION IS MUCH Will IllIAINI 1o EOMIDY AM Show III ltltAllOUS LID OP MIIINI AND NOISE lllAIiON her six personnel depot in Tomato From left to right are Sgt Glen Chisholm of Antigonisb NS singer Shir Special US Radio Station Is ProPearson icy Harmer band leader Bert Niosi singer Tommy Common and dancer Agota Gabor tCP Vlrcphoto Services For Holy Week STAYNER Staff Special Holy Week services arranged by the Stayner iliinistcrlai As sociation will be held here next week each evening from Mons day through Thursday starting at eight oclock These tolnt services will take place at Crn teanlal United Church announc cd Rev Donald French associa tion president and rector oi the Anglican Church oi the Good Shepherd Guest speaker each evening will be Itev Duncanson Presbyterian minister for past six years in Brit Guiana Stayner ministers will take turns conducting the service each evening Their choirs will also participate in the services Rev Arthur Fletcher will re present Stayacr Baptist Church Rev James Ritchie Jubilee Presbyterian Church ltev Gor don Prosscr Centennial United Church and Rev Donald Preach Church of the Good shepherd The Good Friday service starts at 11 am at Centennial United Church Mr French said No services will be held the next day On Easter Sunday each church will have its own services Special Lenten services in the Stayner Anglican Parish includ cd those Wednesday evenings at the Prince of Peace Church Wasaga Beach one on iltarch 22 at the Church at the Messiah Snanldale and services every Thursday morning at the Church of the Good Shepherd hcre starting at 1030 34 Months To Create Canada How Long For TORONTO tCPtTho Fath ers oi Conicdcration took at months to create Canada It group planning for Canadas moth anniversary has been at work for at months and is war ried that fitting centennial program wont be ready in time The fathers hold their first full meeting at Charlottetown in September tool and completed their assignment with Confcdcr atioa July 1367 Some 50 national organisa tions formed the Canadian Cen tenary Council at Ottawa May 17 low The nongovemmental preparatory group now has 274 affiliated organizations scores of suggestions tnllllme direc tor in Norbert Pretonlaine of Montreal but few firm projects for row The time factor Is bothering lot of us Council President Norman MucKcnzia told press conference here Thursday lie attributed some of the delay to uncertainty in tho fcderai po litical situation lliiith Birthday Dr IliacKenzio was appointed hood of the council following his retirement last November from the presidency of the University of British Columbia Tho Centenary Council will meet in Montreal April taco and the National Centennial Ad ministration of which Dr Mac Kcnzio is director is sched uicd to meet in May Dr MacKenzin sld local groups should decide what they want to do and get working on it instead of waiting for govern ment financial assistance lie indicated federal assist ance for regional projects will spread thinly and predicted competition for sharc oi the funds will mount Only about $15000000 oi the $100000000 pledged by the gov crnment in tool for centenary celebrations will be available for local programs The system calls for federal assistance to be channelled through provins clal governments on the basis of SI head of populationmain lag Ontarios share about to On over and under the sea tho Royal Canadian Navy operates in thrco dimensions as it serves the nation and the cause of peace To keen iit young Canadians who are ready to work hard and learn quickly Canadas modern soagnlag norvlco offers career opportunities as Interesting as they are challenging Find out mor about this exciting future today it you are between 11 and 26 single and physically fit visit or write to your Naval Ilccrultlng Officer at the address below 25 ST CLAIR AVE EAST TORONTO ONTARIO sltllst IIltill tsll lttsi III Ill hm Mavru City of wall IIIIIIIIII MI AJm last school we luttutivliy twatltd ss OTTAWA CPI Dr Andrew Stewart chairman of the board of broadcast governors said Thursday that there is nothing the board can do about an American radio station telling Canadians how to vote Station WYSL Buffalo is 250 wat station heard in thoNla gara Peninsula of Ontario read statement authorized by Ar thur it Halt vicepresident and general manager saying strongly urge Canadians to elect Hon Lester Pearson prime minister onAprli There is only one major Issue defcnce It said Prime Minister Diet enbaircr bogus politician has an ostrichlike attitude toward defence Dr Stewart said that so far as the board is aware the state ment was voluntary action oi the stationitscll We have no knowledge to la contrary There is nothingwe can do about it intita circumstances in Washington ch cral Communications Commie aioa official said he knows of no way to stop the radio station from urging its Canadian listen ers to vote Liberal in next Mon days election The oiilcial said the commis sions first doctrine is to main tain freedom of speech along with fairness in expression of views on controversial issues If station WYSL Buffalo urged support of the Liberals then in all fairness the station might al low the Progressive Conserva tives time to make some state ment to provide balanced viewpoint the official said or swabs Bat frankly youve caught me tiatiooted he added No never before had to deal with political complaint against an American radio station affect Ing Canadian politics if tltoro is complaint wed have to consider that when the stations licence came up for renewal Licences for all New York state stations aredua to expire lane and renewals now are being processed for considera tion The official who handles the renewal branch said he has heard of no formal complaint against the Buffan station The Liberal party described the broadcast as on now ranted intrusion into the Cana dian political scene Sugar Prices To Be Studied TORONTO CPlThe presi dent of Power Super Markets Ltd called Thursday for is fed eral study into rising sugar prices and possibly consumer subsidy Leon Wclnstein said In an in tervicw that public criticism of the rising price of sugar has been greater titan that of any supermarket increase in years TO STUDY RUSSIA TORONTO UPIThe Univer sity of Tomato is establishing centre for the study of Russia and Eastern Europe university officials said Thursday it is headed by Professor Gordon Shilling MATRON IN ATTENDANCE ADAHSSIDN 25o SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE AT ll NOON Doors Open at 116 FEATURE FLIGHT TO MARS PLUS COLOR CARTOONS Bugs Bunny Daffy Duck Gooty and it the gang unous Ptlillt Iiillilf ran IARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY APRth Lil Drive Is Hotel For New Members STAYNEE SteffiChamber of Commerce activities these days are focussed on the drive for new members secretary Mrs Peggy Gilbert said Thursday We had 49 members last year she said This year wore try ing to boost the roster to so Tho membership campaign wentinta high gear otter tho annual meeting in March it will condone until the objective is reached she said Preparations for the tourist season are starting Mrs Gilbert has placed orders for maps brochures and literature to stock the of booth in readiness for inquiries from the public its still too early for people VOTE VOT DquerInSlmcos Progress TODAY and SATURDAY taut Future Saturday at Ll lobe looking at cottages Th roads will have to dry up first she said Meanwhile the In looking for more subscribers among town businessmen for series of of radio broadcasts which will run for another six months First Courteous Service CENTRAL TAXI PA 85555 Radio Equipped Cabs In DufferinSimcoe NIADILL PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Arnaa Canadians Never Had It So Good vs Conservative Association FEATURE TONIGIIT AT 109 and MS IAlt flit PtAttllS more mini t20 045 and p20 pm HURONIA SDAY AP Box Office Opens 645 pm Opening Program ThursFriSat THE OPENING SHOWS lieOiled RIL 11 THE HURONIA HAS MORE TO OFFER TWO COMPLETE SHOWS RAIN 0R SHINE REPREIHMENT BOOTH FREE KIDDIE PLAYGROUND COME AS YOU ARE NO NEED TO DRESS UP MIDNi GHT SHOW SUNDAY APRIL i4 SMASH HITSI SO ENJOY YOURSILF AT THE HURONIA DRIVEiN THEATRE STARTS AT DUSK