Aulwml rnI mu Dflhvlmm um Iv mm mu mu Ilmdul ml nutmm um an AL hillm lulu Alum um Inn Mulllllun CIAILII NAMII Ilnul Mun Illl IRON ll IMII l1 l0 IDWII Ulllllllu MIA mm Dun AM nmII am Ul m1 Mnln Illa rm mm munu Tm an damn 01 doom cm um 14ch M3 1313 73mm ruuï¬auh glmfll CnMIuI Minx ovuma IN ll hlluhlm It 74lth ll Ola Inln matnilde rmlu mm and mo lull nu ml Mun lSl lhomaa TimesJournal When the lumull and lho ahoullng havc suhshlml allor Aprll ll Canada wlll jhavc pcd lhrmmh ll fourlh general vclccllon In Illllc less than six years IA great deal of gas wlll have been pro Iucell over and nlmvu what Ianmla In frlm from lla undorgrmlml rcsuurccx cnnu perhaps lo haal all lhc hnnm 71ml mamas places In clly ahaul he who of Ollnwa or whole cnhl wlnlcr nuch as lhln has lwvn few weeks rum inow mosh nl nu wlll have uruwn weary hcarlnf over aml aver ngahl what llm pollllc ans had lo lay and now laas 00d limo any To pflrllliulitlhlllrn ongwlndml uprochmaklnu II pour way to gain voles It is true that nonCanadian firms have jlocated in our country yet if ï¬rm wishes to locate here for the manufao turc of their products pay taxes and glve employment to many Canadians are we to say No we dont want you Might there not be just little envy on our pan lirookdnlc Stables held anrnuélrlun 01 two and thrccycarolds which avcrag Barrie Northern Advance April 1898 Canon lieiner of Trinity Anglican Church led petitioners at Town Council not to reduce Bandmaster George ilen dersons salary from its present $300 per annum It was decided to make grants to the Barrie and Allandale hands 013250 and $50 respectively Alderman Jack Bennett was opposed to paying any grant at all lo any hand He believed the 29 mill rate advertised the town more than goodband The tax rate was keep ing manufacturers and investors from Barrie he stated Already this year 14 young men had been drlven out own for this reason Alderman Joe Rom ers claimed ltlrt Henderson had paid 5120 out of his salary for music and was con aldered one of the best bandmasters in Ontario Rev McIntosh of Al landalc protested the indecent womens corset blllhpard poster Council appointed William Arm strong road overseer or Allandnlc ward at $125 day John Hines was to gel 8150 per ï¬n qr ply qthpr ivc vardx The fact that Canadians llve alongside the United States is sometimes forgot ten Canadian relationships are deeply routed and permanent There is hardly Canadian of French or English extrac tion who has not relatives in what the political orators sometimes call the great hqnublic to thesouth Probably one of the dlfï¬culties in Canadas relationship with the United States is best understood when it is re meinbered that people in New York neither know much about nor care about hamlet In New England but people who live in the hamlet in New England certainly are conscious or the metro polls They probably know nearly as 65 YEARS AGO AROUND HERE The United States has many million aires and we have sometoo and our millionaires have been responsible or many educational and hospital build ings But Canadian millionaires have not contributed nearly as much as American millionaires have for educa tional and reSeareh projects In that country they seem to be greater philan throplsts and have been aggressive in many more projects than Canadians The Guelph Mercury points out How many llmes have we heard brilliant students and clever research ers leaving Canada for more lucrative position at least one with greater pros pects for their talents Kept at home these people could contribute greatly Friendship Deeply Rooted OTTAWA REPORT Aid Needed And Welcome Towards Developing ation The Barrie Examiner damn SHORT AND SNAPPY WallsPubllsher mam Examinér OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newspapérs Limited 16 Milan Street Ban1e Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE usher Emu Slaighflï¬eneral Manager Hump mm 1m 4133 mud Ollnwn Journal We hlvn no llnuhl that few decades hence mow removal Imrrssol Is now hamllcrl will he cnmhorcd one of In oldfashioned nutlvlllcs our genera 1lnn II In only qumlnn ol llmu unlll Ammo rllemlml In put or on hluhwnyl and nldrwalks An thnl Innw wlll mull ntl It lands iinwovor ihls opiimisiic iororasl in no grcal imos in mans mnrnie in aura vcyn his arm yani niicr inop all of snow glad Ala may lll iim LAA mi shMï¬wi t3 Hï¬iinifmiimih c4 but deepplnllzo yum whfla material mum dwelling on Armani the my IUPPQNTTHI CANADIAN CANCER 30C nlnrt POLITICAL ESCAPISTS Vlnnl lop Fm Press The clearest lesson taught by crlsin temporarily napeer over by an inilow ot speculative torelun money in that fan atln desperately needs inndanlcnial change oi national policy None at lhn essential changes run he carried through wilhoul strong and leniyornrily unpleas ant measures It nonr slllll economic ontolnttn ennnut he made wit Ioul break ing some emu nnd antagonizing xonw votes Tim is the tOllllfll incl which none of our pnlitlclnnx In rrndy to ace on the eve of an cltclinn lhu hnni financial and economic truth are Ihnnl nside nr umnrcd with meat tnlk ihns tn recent weeks nearly nil parly declarnlionn which cannot be tnllml policlrs have nilrlnpletl to nnlbid one nnolher for Public sup porl in an auction nnlo of pie the nky ed $51 per horse Furious driving horse and buggy still indulged by gay young blades on Bradford and Elizabeth streets Henry Couse ï¬repared to erect elevator at 35000 bus ei capacity near Alliston CPR station Angus McKay bought Amos lrains arm of 00 acres near Totlenham for $5000 Bradford had butter amine one day Capt Bruce Colllngwood said This town is in air way to be depo ulated by the rush of young men to the londike Rush from 0rillia described as tre mendous In search or old of the Yuk on Reeve Miller Orlllia visited Ottawa to present petitions from 38 non ricipalitles oi Simeoe and llluskoka asking that Trent Valley Canal be completed to Lake Simeoe this your Myers store at Crossland Flos Township destroyed by fire llaystack ol lons belong ing to lllrr McNahb at Edenvale took fire and though only three feet from the barn and strong wind blowing heroic work of owner and neighbors saved the barn Ice on Nottawasnga River broke up March 15 Flood on he flats was highest in cars Dalston school closed there 0ng measles in nearly every home of the communily There ls another factor we should keep in mind that all the people on the North American continent can get along if they remember that there is stlll hum or in the world and that humor basically ls merely sense proportion It is not then peculiar that the eople of Canada know more about the nited States than Americans know about Can ada The situation presents us with an opportunity through our actions and our comments to show to our cousins across the border that Canada is land of rich heritage country they should know Andiow Carne ie emigrated from Scotland to the SA and since 1911 his fortune has contributed nearly 300 million dollars for over 2500 libraries of which 125 were in Canada one being in Barrie Libraries are only one of the many enterprises that his wealth assists When this man from another country could be such philanthropist toward his adopted country surely native sons could be more generous with their ao cumulated wealth instead of donating it to the government in taxes much about it as the people who actuhl ly live in New York We may not have too many million aires in our immediate midst but Can ada has enough of them and multi mllllonalres and wealthy corporations who could aid and accomplish much in deyg the tape of £1115 notion Unliedustates foundations ha ton tributed considerably to Canada Why dont our own wealthy people and cor mrauons do more imaginative deliberat ng and come up nth more truly Can adxan projecg to our national greatness and add t6 our tradiï¬ons WAITN0 FOE MIRACLE Early In Munch the Wood slnck Scullnrl llcvluw cmlllunnl vulh edllnrlnl qumlm when do lhu lrndcn lurk lho rcnl Luurs lnclnx Cnmldn Thus runnan mu ll wnnmL Thcro Imro hrtn cw Hull mum lhnl IKHNI lllo dun nml lmnKlnnllru nnd unslrudlvn anklnx um Nmuld Ive xlrmnm nlrnlrd hy llmw wlln In Irml lhu pollllrnl dullnlrn ol lhl Thll how cxpnrirnce socks lo camlort those who me uniquely Cmmlinn problem in his llon Mudllm mud at tho wrlnu llrcukup underfml lhe mud Ike pol llicnl hnnkup speechu lmrml ol llmuzht prnliflc lrlvlnlillcs so unpmmlcnl rdly lrnxic In the lmlmoslly which wlll endure nflcr SENT IN GUM By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA We have been living ihe headlines oi history Seldom have hm months wii nessed such an ncwmulaiion oi cvcnis and hands which seem desiincd inr enduring inme That how in year 1963 to date summed up by iho wise and experienced Otinwnns who enjoy grandstand View irum their behind4hcsccnns positions on and around Pnriinmcnl iiiii Thu Vcslurn world appear lo be despemlcly needing new vulurisullon redefined 5mm 01 purposu even young new lcndm to replace lhu nnnnhrum Isms mm HIL Flrsl World War This how older voices speak hagnodal The pollllcal alleglnncc Cnnadlons and he purpose at heir polillcal pmles an In slnle of flux our very political system and even Conlcdcrnllon llsel both slum on loundallons which are being shaken by thn nurglng lid of cvcnls Bul lhis not enllrely Canadian phenomenon Brllnln lho Unllcd Slnlcs Frnnnc and Ger many have lhclr serious pmlr lcms tooo Olher counlrles nru sullcrlng lmm unused produc lhe cnpncily poverly ln lhn mldsl bl plenly wenkenlnu ol lhn clhos ol he moplu luck respect for law und cuslom among ndblcsccnls emply churches Live In Headlines OiCanadian History TRYING TO EXPLAIN IT TO STRANGERS Douglas thnr NDII newl unnhy Nu lmmo 1mm lun Anhur Iflufltsll llml person In If mmu Impomml lhnn muma in our polillu unw nul Imw many Cnnudnl 329 mllllonnlm moslly nelhnnde lmw mnny Cnmullnm Ilslrd In The Dhuclary ol Divcclurs nr hlmolcd lIy lnclunian In Thu Cunmllnn 110 Who are un dillnlu llshurl lop pcrwufll No1 Hill nrrlrr lInnnro Alley he rumHe rump ur Mm tmlrt law lo IMllnmrnl lllll The misleading 511 crowds at elotllnn rallies has again been carefully esumutcd and moasurcdbut the most humor ous Hole was slruck by that humourlru nIHclal who organ lzvd lho Instant Crowd rld mg un lhe Conscrvnllve enm pnlgn Irain through lho lower St Lawrence realm60 ncllvu supporters who jumped out the carriage and ran along cadl slnlion In chcl Ihe prime minislcr he descended 1mm his much Thu pnrty would luau purchasing power In mned Iho prcscnl sllunxlcn ln nhlc lncluncs are nmduring man than um be sold by nmounl ul 32500000000 your ln Can nda proclnlmcd one speaker nul Social Credilcr but none olhnr llmn NDP Lender Tummy Douxlns who mm on Io ouulnu lcn mclhods ol lnuenslu tho mo 11 base railroad plnllorm wrre Killed with borrowed crwd other crowds worn Killed by speaker with borrowed pInl hum counlry through the difï¬cult dngs Elynil But the omlnou evean hnvo been In pan offset by ha wel come nd the whimsical Thu bngus coin of so many rcccnl clecllons the lavish promise Ihn bribing the elmor with Ms own money has been hup plly scancar And how vivldly one remem hus not many years ago when lhe courageous single hecklcr was shushcd with angry one 01 Go him your awn hullf This ycnr more than one pol Ilicinn has hardly been heard above the mar 01 the ml in lhu hall which he hashlrcd Ml yrnr drum wrm mm by Immllrldu nnvl ml Mdu lnunwpnlly um anurnlly than chcmlcnll mu In used properly and In Illnuld wmh he Imdura More We cal 11 Cnrdul dislrlhulnrl are wnwlrnlious nbnul wuhln below me pmducu uvrr rcnrh no xrocnry Ilnru Nulurnlly rrvplu mlnl lhuu chemlcnl or lmnx xnrdem nnd or chard mun hmdlo llmn ullh dun mullnm urlluvn mo lha nroblnm hnml hrm nvrrlmkrd hm nullml wry cnrrlully lmvn nrver nrrn nr ï¬rm at Alnllu 11ml lmm plvpcr my nkllrnllurfl pmhul Cnermmu wumrr mm In lwxllo um mlwncd Ivy nut bcmu rnrrlul ml at llwy um Illmlly ban polmncd Ivy mImu rlcnnmu conumumh Munrle Khmmicnlh um um Imlvln Donl you to lhnl conlinucd use at lnsecllcldc nnd pestl leu will harm our load iupply nnd endanger our hcnllm hnvn heard Um lol 01 purple um dylnx 1mm this llnd thin autumnMu No dont lhlnk lhey will harm our 00d xupply Ind endnnxcr our health Quilo lhu Opposllt Nor lhm my bush or wild slurlu lhnl pcoplo am dying mm Ihla klnd lhlng Ilmul The en ul the Lord the bulnnlnl ol knowledn but fool despise wlsdnm Ind lnl lructlonPrnvuhl 17 WILL SEEK 0111 SITE TORONTO cm11 exam lve dlreckar ol the Easlern Form Equipmum Association 01 Cnnodu hn mrealcnud to Iran lcr the assoclallons Wdela gala convenllon nu November Toronto proceed wllh In pm posed lhreepencenl lnx on ho lrl rooms Sykes sold Thursday In letter to Mayor Donald Summcrvllle lhol as soon as the proposed In be comes cflecllve the association will suck another convention He Dur Dr Molnm 11 almost Impasslhle lhcsc day In buy my mlnhle or lrult that has not been sprayed with charm lul bu klllcr To revere the Lord with hum ble hearts will bring understand lna to and Imp rum pit falls By JOSEPH MOLNEIK BIBLE THOUGHT TO YOUR coon HEALTH Does Not See Harm From Fruit Sprays for tho axpuu pmme of mullnï¬ ind Illklng panonolly wllh the Voter MI Conlmmncy HEBEB SMITH 05 Will Be In His Committee Rooms TONIGHT mm 630 pm to 930 pm ubulhod by The llmcoq Novlh Progrmlvc Conurmln Ame nu erlllmlly Ara om the pmplo who no mnrly minus and your Ikln olllpll Illamll ManJ my be In mwylnl not Ivy urdlnary now Or pnrhupl ho mundm Innu In uur va lo wnr alum uhmmr Illlnl alumnu 54mm Ilnru hue lhrm wllh MUM linlnm 0r ul mu mlr Mmmwt liovu and wear plnln mun llmn undrmulh lhnl your Ilnndl mml Iwul and lb wer nnnl lllllnlu LONDON In an mm appease tho muu uprlslnl of public aflnlon agnlnsl thoghh crease municipal tax ram the chnnccllar oI the exchequlr glvinl serious mmlderallnn to making provision In his budget Agril In mmgerrinl gar at the hurdun at municipal council spanning tn the tmsury This was the mennlnlwhlch was taken out tlatemcnt made by Sir Keith Jbscph mlntstcr 01 housing uni local government at meeting at llrm demand that the government Increase It block grant to local councils by to prr cent in replykhn gave very strong hlnt thnt action In another directlun but Just as cticcilvc beinx considered by by Reginald Maudllnu Ind might came up his budget Since this statement was made to pan fly the Tory rebels it can he taken or granted that there is more in it tllnn mare loan tnlk And he assadallon admits hat present ruling system is causing hardship to many pmple particularly lhe very poor and than on small lxed incomes 5an In dlflercnl loulillu load may come mm mm worm ll nclxhboru nut duor garden or 1mm huck ll Juxl Imcp he uno Inlcly ml In mind Wuh ovmIMnu nmu Imp worrylng In Ihl connecllon the Ruling and Valuation Assoclntlon hn mpclo survey at the rate whlch have been llxed by mnnlclpnl mundl up to dale Figure are now available or mor than une thlrd at the local counclls They show Ihu In 419 councll ml the Imle have Increased But 103 munclls have been able to mnkau rcdumlnn ln lb rules whiloln lwo cases lhm has been no change The Increase made Average about seven Ind ml per cent but the Inn result will be In brinl In In the councllss Iund an lncrense ol somclhlng llke ms mIlllbn And our 00d Iupplyl II vastly more abundant because wa can control lnmu Ind pals For lhe Implul um example wmn people hm an apple Inc In buck ylrd and Wonder why lho hull ll army or nluntod An orchard man would loll Hum why Im tnnuuh Whm dld you spray ll luau nur nr Molnin am hlv Inn krrlble umo with drlth mil lnmu on my hnmll hnvn lrlul mnny InXm bul with no mccrslNM ANALYSIS OF RATES In reply In the question at why the rule generally have gone up by so much he usw lallon spokesman says Mare arcndlnn on educallnn roads paler wellm health services hl her snlnrlns more street alarm ng Including snnw clnnmnce and lower deficiency Fm3 REBUFF Foil TEACHERS Sh Edwnrd Boyle mlnlslar 01 education has Iold the school leather In nu unccmln term that ha galng to Impose on lhnm by law hll lllllly plan which they ablecl The Eurnham Commlueo Jolnl body teacher unlon represenlnllvus and cducnllonnl Authorities ych to plan which wnuld In the name llme 150 Wm kllXcd by Improper me of ordin Iry asplrln Ftdcrnl and other hcnllh Au lhorllle lasl all Lush malerlnl and an to real palm to lhn people In Inlormcd lhe right way to handll hcm Tth chcmlul Ilmply not dunner In our hnnllh REPORT FROM UK By McINHRE HOOD Municipalities May Get Some Tax Relief provide increase of from use in $240 year or all school tenchera The minister reiccled ihl piln Ind sent it back lo the committee demanding um larger line of the increase in cost $63 million should an to teacher will long service spe cial qunliilcnliuns and rcspomi biillles wih less to Illa newar teachers The Bnmham Commlllee lected the ministers suggesllons rammed its adaption ll own plan or slrnlghl Harem acres 111 board and Isked the mlnlsler to accept It or the second tlme Furihcr proof oi the mul ni ihe CDmmunisis in this union in sun in runaway victory ior Frank Chnppie lending unli Communisl cxecuiivc member in an eieclinn ior ihe key p05 ni assistant general secrcinry Thi was iho ï¬rst builul box its for lhu new icudurship oi the Union and mm through wiih ilylnx colors The Commun 15 candidaie iur he si run inr bchlnd in conicsi which Mr Chnpria had an overwhelm ing margn over our oihcr as plranu or tho Pnsl ATTACK 0N PRESS Georle Win Labor MJ inr Dudley inn pllccd moiion be im lho llouse oi Common urg lng ht government lmmcdi Italy to iniroduco lcflisllllon im posing rem ilnnnclnl penaliic on the principal propriclnn oi newlpnperl which courisionlly indulge in adventurous sunni lonnilam ullh illllc regard to ruih or the publi good Presenllnx lhu mollon Mr Win nld ho mnughl the pm wrlelorl ol ncwlpnptrl whlch In am In unsnllonnlhm would be Md £50000 or Iinl nL lcncu and up In 8500000 or Iubmqucnl omnm Bu Sir Edward Boyle would no budge The plan he has lald down going to sack and he intends In have lexlslallon pnu ed through pnrllnmcnt In lmposs it on lhe trachea Thlil llrm handling he sil unllan by the minlsler has brought sharp revolt from lhc Nallnnal Union Teachers vhlch clalms that it mcnns lhe end the mad or lhe Bum hnm Cnmmmee long mom ed In negollallng may or teachers salaries Slr Ronald Gould Secretary of the NUT put it quite blunlly when he said The mlnlstexs actlun wlll re suit In considerable dimnlem among Icachers who will feel not only that their represenln tlves luv been Hunted but that the younger leach nu having particularly raw den ETU BAN 0N REDS The leaders oi he 750000 strong Eleclricnl Trade Union are delermined lo kcc their un ion from again golan under Communisl control Hovan beni en the Communist leadership hands down alter High Court use found the red element zuilly oi conspiracy lo sleal the union communlsls now in conlrol have med acted firmly by shuillnx down lwo oi the iurge union branches which Ira slill controlled by Communists These lwo branches one in Lon don and one In Swindon had deilcd an executive order lo kccp clenr ol unoiiiclni shop slew ards movements The uclion closing down Ihese iwo bran ches is lhe direci ouicomc oi lha unoiiicial working to rule and slow down which unused serious Dower culoils and short ugu during the worst period lhe winters deep lrcezc BRINGS REVBLT I00 me Iofll2 pm pm lo 30 pm HONKY TONK ENTERTAINMENT CLUB 20 THE WELLINGTON HOTEL SATURDAY EVERY FRIDAY