3355 Jean Gascdn Director Successful Company 233 BRADFORD ST IN BARRIE YOUR FMNcï¬Ism 0K DEALER IS He qul medlclna In 1945 and the allowing year won French governman scholarship that nhled Mm lo shldy Abroad for Ive years and to work with lh Bl orunnlzullons In Paris He returned lo Canada In ml and with several friends formed ha Theatre du Nouveau Manda lls reputallnnand his own WQRKED IN PARIS he he was already Inter ested In theatre and while at unlverslly he acted with tho well known company tbs Ume Lo bmpaznonx But It wasnt until after the Second World War Ihat he saw any chance making his lilo in the theatre But not many know hut Jean Gaseon almost dldnl become In new at all When he on rolled as medical student at the Unlverslly of Manlmal ln Bil he planned to become flleyre also aware he lsex ecullve direclm the Nallonal Theatre Sch 001 mm an organization that doc prodi zamu amount for theatre In Can He and his company have been seen and applauded In such centres as Slrnuord 0112 New York Paris and Montreal MONTREAL CP People familiar with theatre In French Canada knmv Jean ancon la launder and diredor of Theatre du Nouveau Monde perhaps North Americnl mus success lul Ihealrlcal company puvwnnconrmiflci ATTHEOKSGM THERES LOT TO LOOK FOR AT THE vle VII II III sco your CHEVROLETOLDSMOBILE franchlned OK usod car and truck donlorl VALUE AND VARIETY mummy morons llMIIED In the age at Hm bomb playwrights have somehnwlost slant of this tradmon Mollere Shakespeare and the Greeks found sublocls or great play at every corner And they gave hon questioned about then lro his knowledge and enthu slnsm seem boundless Speak lnu of lllollereo whose work on speclnlly ol the TNM Gnscon snld Whm humanity there Is In his plays What bliss to play them Hu comes mm great lrndltlononu that understand ml have grown All mm sturdy loot JEAN GASCON Your Churolfl Oldsmohllo Cldllln HELPED BY TV ln lha rest at Canada Inl enled people ï¬nd It necessary to go to he United States or England but In Quebec lulun remninx and bolls away without evnporallng Gnscon rigidIBMUIEP reason or he dynamism Quebec theatre that American tele Its not always my to un derstand Perhaps lta becauso we French Canadians are minority lroup living on kind alluding reserve Even France closed one mason being that there are too many unemployed French no um there So were lhmwn upon ourselves Asked how he explains the Ianlnstlc gmwlh lhentre 1n Quebec during the last 10 years the war and director said Bound Illhlly Inlelher by the lam languagu and cul ture we find the rest North Americawhich has diner cqcullur3closcd la us éomplem picture of 111 not lrazmeula QUEBEC THEATRE VITAL What about theatre 1n 0w bee really Illvol Ccsl extre menl v1vanll W111 11 stay that way ch Gasoon replied em phatically There an nlol theatre companies now all re celvlnz rants to help them nlqnj Then Im convinced Quebec ers wont let theatre die they have kind Ihlrst or II KRVEPUTABLEVBUVSINESSMANx TO KNOW Envoy and Chovram Truck Dulor make It dllflcnll In re new yoursell limes Gaston said Rs like livlng In in whose top not easily pushed open Every once In while ya eelullka gctllgg out badly Bu altogether Gnsmn sccméd hapw with mm In Quebec espgclplly theatre This re moving here and actors an able to practise their unit which is the main thing Ed Sullivan went to Tor onto an liq did for his March at show everyone would Hack to see him In Qucbec they flock to 11lor wum the onp they see on television wmifam the drawbacks in my on an Han mom vlslon has less Influence thug glsgwhem In Canadn By STEWART la PAGE Anlcullnnl Reyrmnhlln Nurth 811mm In mu report we dlsms ed the problems runner dur ing the past 100 year In adv jusllnz to ma rhpld changes In agriculture Durlnx this perlod we have moved tmmn pioneer lnx largely ersubzdstent type What Are Trends In AgriCulture ht ï¬arrtv ï¬xaminvr EENEHAL MOTORS DEALER hm What he Mum Nolhlmz 13 certain In lhese day changing sccleky as well changlnx agriculture but see the picture the allowing The queriion ot Trends in Agriculture cums up at the Rural Lite Worksho session held at Vusey Mnr 15th At thnt time reviewed the change in agriculture duran the past century or an and stressed the tact that the Increased cnpltal requirement to own and operate iarrn was the miller problem ot armor and rural people at the present time During the past twenty years this capital requirement tor tarming has in creased by more than tour times The average term at today re quire an investment of around 000000 to keep it going and on many tarm Ihe capital nccd ed to own and operate term may exceed $4000000 or $50 oi arming through hail cenl ury or more when horswower was suprame in thu present mechanized specialized and commercialized larm set up with its relativelylow labour and high capital requirement PHONE Elf652 Wu are still In the midst of mechanhlnz many arm ope atlans xn expect wa will are more development along this line whlch In turn will Increase the trend inward more IpeclalA lzgd pgoducunp Insafar as this area is con cerned many 01 uur mull farms While we may no iew giant sized arms helluva the moderate nixed iamiiy lnrm oi 100 to 250 Acre oi iillnbia innd will prtdominnle with 2v nmaiieracreagu iar some high value specialized crop or iiva stack production industry personal interest and concern oi 013 am iamin still has runny advantage which should enable the family fnrm to compete sue ccssiuiiy with the larger com mgrcinl far in the main ln my nplnlnn farms oper ated by lull lime lumen wlll tend to ha little larger1n act ual Ill and very considerably larger term volume ol pmducuon Thln lncrensed vol uma of producflon wlll be ob Rained malnly by lncreuad ylelds per aura and more llve slack Fer lnnn made puulble by hel er farming methods us In Improved varlelles more mention to land use and selec tion of crops WWII In some can the Illa la acres on farm wlll ha inclmed by land clearance such us alone or bush removal drnlnage etc are ha most likely hand or my hex deqnqe orao FRIDAY APRIL 11 litlore lhvy Cfllcmld le Mnlk tell Us Hwy oflvrtd Chm wlnn mlnglnd wlm myrrh Myrrh II gum mln 1mm certain Arnhlc Ihruba mod Ianlc and Illmulnnl and In cmbnlmlu ll nlm nrled III nnrwllc or wnn Ilnndnnl prnrllcc War lhu mlxlun wlno and myrrh crlmln Ill nbnul lo he urcultd lo numb Her rnln Allhnuuh Chvhl In nlvmyl Iclurrd In cruclllllun wllh III nullan In lho tron Illnlo wul lho Ilomnn pm curalar Judcn hated by lho Jewl hccnue hu hrouxhl Im Igta Into lho clly oIAJcrusnIcmA who carried Chr an Slmon wul mm Cymw buxlllnu city In North Africa mar Trlmll Tho trlul bclnro Cn nphns lhu hluh prlm was nrumlly pre ceded by nnolhcr lrlnl bduru Annnx recorded only In John 15 MD Thin II lhu Cainphnl mcnllnntd in Luka uhm John the nniuilsflns In In lho wlldcmcsl mum magma mung in ya OFFIGE Thorn has been musldnrablo nrlumont nhnnt lhn exact mcanlng lhls cup whlch Christ ask God remove 11 ssiblu The lmpomnl lesson ls lhnl cvcn Chrlsl wllh lll holy will nah um no llls but Go will prcvnll This Last Supper was Christs lnxmullan colnclding with the Passover Feast regularly cele braled by the Jews As the dlsclplu leave he Supycr room hey pmccd In the Mount Olives About mlln away As they so Ihey sing hymn also an cvalvemcnl from Jewish custom or ha Jews Irndillonnlly sang ho end of lhe Passover Supper the Psalms we The second part this was called ha Hnllel mnunlnx praise tram whlch nur word hnllelujuh de rived so that only the Last Supper alter the betrayal arrangements have been made doc Chris announce 111 Ha Ibout betrayed To make ready the Last Sup per Chils sent Paler nnd John The reason lhcy wera not old directly when la no but old In lollow man benrlng pitcher was perhaps to avold Judas knowlng In advance at the place Chris knew he had arranged to belrny Illm but nld not wnnl Last Supper lnlcrruplcd by His cnplura It thy painLA 0n lhls Palm Sunday our les son concerns as usual Chrlsla cruclllxlan Nollce ï¬rst Ihnl ln he betrayal Judas It was JudH himself not any the Jewlsh olllclals who lnlllnled 0m hélraynl The motlvallng actor was apparcnlly money lhe 5111 covaausnesx Thus we see to what extreme evu the have of malurlnl riches fbcgleuca to Mammnn can ea In UI Far Umqu Minoan an inn Mum IM This week we begin the sec and quarter of the years Sun day School lesson in iL we will finish our examination of the Gospel according In St Mark and go on in study the inspiration provided by the Psalms Bulplnre Mnk Milan By spam Jam The small iarmer is lacing dilemma in that he cannot get along without the use of modern laboursaving machinery and equipment and on the other hand he cannot niiord to own the more costly ty es There are two nnswers to th prohlem cooperative ownership or cus tom use of high cost equipment expect we will nee considerohlo dovelopment along both these linenduring the coming years Another trend of the past Iwo decades which causing many tanner real concern lbs in creaslnz number Vol partUm farmers and urban workers llv Ins In the country This trend L1 likely to continue and may could very well Increase arm revmue substantially by npcclnl Izlnz In the production of small rum and such vegetables as are no grown extensively In our marsh larder are Psalms Source Of Inspiration llpulnllu II SIMCOE Illunnl1h www mo gran whlch um lnr mum nm red donr shown llllnl lur the MM ml mm rm um 100d Ihn mamll arm dlmlw My rapidly 11w volamen noted ulchly ll ml lnln In In ma vnlmlmul dm hunlm In deer In loruu to keep the hen lmm dalmr In Ile nu Ila rnplxl lnlnukm nl ml do lulu ho vullry Um no Innm hronlrnul trnmly Th mm ll Ipvclrl In remote corner at the WIN unlnhahlled Ilmdlml llvu lho only known mluuy ol um nnlnmh or Inknhc fllnhl lm blnl nlmul Um nln utiey Thu Mn mu vellum ullnd unlll lhln mlnny rm Hr mveml cw your 47 WELLINGTON Il Un limited warlnru lmn 1m do MN on ml drcr Nrw 7M Innrll llunflnnd hmmsn Hwy lhrtnlrnnl lhu exlslrnm mo flu wnrldn mm lulnlu In 1062 Iondnn donllst bouth umuhlcdown shan In Norfolk or £100 It had mm room up am down and no Indoor mnlmlnn 11 your almost Joklnnly ho ndvmlscd II In Tho TImu nl £750 wllh no nIInrnIlon whnlcm and dcmollllon order nllnchcd Ila had 30 rthIcs In one Iny and the ma who bouth II ell hed not bargnln of coma did hnvn honey Iucklu mum Um door Nothing Is loo null or loo sleazy In Nmmnnd buyer ha prim L1 low enough and quick pmm can be made by Ina lucky cw The boom may be pnnly due to recent lhrenla la expand munlclpnl Into the green hells surmundlnz Bril lsh clues Government or local council grant award rostom tion historic bulldlnu In another nurncllon But Ihu most likely cause llmply lho soar lng value of lnnd 1n fldlnln Thu hunt or crumbling bargan has developed Into urtivn rum against 001 ploa lacllcs chlflmlo agcnla ndvefllso only cw dcrelld properties so finding one do pcnds on prlvnla spin or stra tcglc questions In vlllngn pubs Deer Threatened NonFlying Bird craze for converting decay lng dwcmngl even cowahed or alnblu with hnylofls sweeping central and wulhenl England It has reached fever pitch In Cheshire whore Man chesler tycoons seeking oounlq hldenwnys will pay up to £14 000 or converted unnwmk ers muago LONDON CPIThe light 01 glossy Rafllwkoyco nosing up arm track towards some derelict cowshed doesnt mean tho dflver has lost bl way Hes probably looking or somov wingammwhe can turn Into weekend collage Plenum or very tall ms are also misleading for such all one would be difï¬cult to fix upright the crosses needed only lo be high enough to keep the victiml Keel of ma ground GOLDEN TEXT For lhls realm lha Fnlherlovu Me became In down My Illa thl mu lulu IxnlnJahn have evidence only 01 His hands being nailed see John 2020 25 Them In suggestion how ever um Um feet were also nalled 1n the prophetic Psalm 2218 In conclusion believe that more education and probably better education is going to be required ii on to meet the increasing complexities and dif Ilculiies oi rural liie in the Ilium This applies to the rural home as well as the inn but we will leave the discussion oi the trends of flu rural ham to our Home Economist very well Increase from pre ferencu or necessity on the pan olhe lndlvlqugl amulet These partlime tanner or urban worker can be an asset or liability iomrai lite do rming on the degree and quin iy their contribution to the community farmer who ne glecia his arm or worker who like no part In locuiaclivl lies is cemin liability bu on the other and there are many who sharoiully in the life oi lira communin and bene iilil accordingly Cowshed 0r Stable Becomes Cottage