len with nu rllml nII yml nu mum hrnllhvl mlm MHII tlmulivlu llvylhul hran Im II hm mul mm ml plmm uwmlh Ilnnnrrl nll llln nunrmruh lltm mn Hm hran uv lmnliuu Hu Innlnnllnu In rxrltyar 1n mmll lur rtlrlrhlnx I1 Im nzlunllnn lilla yullr Hllil llvavll vlrslu ll wild Sudnl mm luluuul ml ur nldn In and my uhllo 11 Min Innnu lmmrll Lmr lrlILlluH rxrukr MIMI III nun mmrlvI Hump nun llw MIur Vllnll hul May In hlltlim inn nu Imhl llln nmu ruulrnrlltm lu Ilnw mm phyulw may wnlnltl luwv pun mum no Mlnhluvpl Miuiy llppl rlc lu Ill Well Ill ll nllh IHHIIIHII null Slml wilh nu any tlllHlL MI mum FHfIUh hm Innku luv umuwy mm mm llw ululrh nllm Iiunmr lillw lllllllillllvi IMI unrl III In =vrmllnllli Mia mum In have more Mllvlly Ils Immlc cnnlruc lion lhnl pmmulm prnmr lunc Ilonlng nl Ilw lmxly burns ml mlrs Mum mur nml xzhm lhul ynunurr llmn wringlime MIlnm lluw 114M nut Ld mrr lhv lmlln Imrlhl lu lxrrciw 51ml unclu and null ml like winning lulu llnll Turn ml Mme Ilwly InnJ llm klml Hm hm yunr cmle Hump III lump uhilr humlud nml lrn mintq vlny Ihu MM He gm hi nick mlnm mm his height or six Irul fmlr lndm OTTAWA CWTile Tnmmo clcgrï¬mahns hgrgud do he Canada Elections Act with illegal publlculiun last Monday 01 an advnnce poll count in the April ll federal clcc lion Chic Electoral Olliccr ï¬lelson Caslonguny said Thurs n32 He said an Inmrmaliun has bccn worn on ngainal The Telegram and MacFar lane its viceprosidum xmd edi mrinchiul fur publishing ho result or purported resull of voting in MI advance pull 1n me Quebec conslflucncy of Term bunnc The deuce IlLUIHlLa pri and pmflls in privulu and xuc cnlcwrisc Mth all of Cuha Industries and hnlvmlu mun Hus nrc luloujwmlcd MONTREAL CPJJulm Rig Six Jacks 36 an athlete slmIwnrkcr nnl laugh RCMP agent who once dispersed an ary mob 200 Mnhzmk In Mm sfnglulmududly died In huspilnl Thursday HAVANA AP guvcrnmcnl plurcd uml scrvius under llulTlIu Iy KEEP IN THE TRIM DOUGLAS national leader lb New Democrnlic Parly go In prelly reception from lllrcoycanold Jennifer CAPSULE NEWS Stretch For Willowy Waist Rhythm Bending Shapes Figure Price Control Iroquois Dies Paper Charged Printed Poll lly IDA JEAN RAIN Thu Cuban nll goods price can lwml Inllnws nnlurnlbc Sumxllnu wllh npnrl hrnd unwrtu bidfwflrlh thnnllnl silken nllm uml nupplu As you Imml lo we mm It yuur rlnhl Imml lldo dawn Ilm lhlxhllnr nlmmx lnwnrd Nu kurr Nnrr mlml yuu rnnl much Um km Think Inlm qu Ilmhcr Innl mm nml lmld lo lha Itv hi1 llmr lrlllnx llm lcll lmnd nlido dnvm lnwnnl the MI knen uunu nml umplur mm mlw luvrlyf kuv you me Inldua nhnpc 1qu Inn hm uull rrl no mm Ihu In MI nu wnsllmz HIM llIlJp vl lino lrrHIIH lluw nlmlxl Milk lullr In rmy uhrn mint In lmnllnu uul nll our In an In and chnnllnz xlrclching mu the gum out Ihc dumps lill Ynull lctl lnllrr nl Hm and lhu mt lrnrc rmn Imlll you lul lmnynnl and slnlchrd Mkmsun 41 ms 11 re Thursday night and charged ilh capital murder In the knile sl of Ggomc Dalton ionic mm nuuen was slnhhul in hcvurnge mom Tdncsduy night nimr an argu mum Born at Iroquols pnrcnls In lhe Cnughnawagn Indian reserve south or Momrcnl he was son at John Vanicntc Jocks one at Canadas ï¬rst Indian law crs WASHINGTON AP The novvrnmum charged Toamsmrs Local 777 of Chicago Thursday MI unfair Inbor pmdiccs in connrclion vilh the Mining of marker at planl the local lried to organize StuIr Rolhmnn chic lnw en forccmcm olIiccr the Ni Iinnal Labor Relnlicns Board whu made the announcement revealed at the same limo that he is lnunching drive In strip hnrgalninu rights Irom lunar nruanlzuliuns whlch resort lo arcc and violence In Inlimldnle workers and mninlain unlun rumor man won hnrdwnn store and bought up knives be fore Mullen was subbed pullu id IIH EXAMINER WANT ADS IHUM AuNH Laxwson Thursday on Ms ml vnl hy plnne in Winnipeg or nnrly rally The young mlss pwscnmd bouquet Said Uniair Murder Charge TORONTO CF anlare smco morons run5 uopy mom 1Imn 51 Sllvclnllrlnu In BODY WORK 11 Any MECHANICAL SERVICE LEADERS SPEND TIME WITH THENONVOTERS mm um VlNNlPEG CPLT Dou glas New Democrallc Party leader has accused he pros dcnt of he Royal Bank nl Cun adn of telling his cmplnyocs hnw to vale In Ihe April clccllnn Mr Douglas said President McLaughlin sent lunar In all employees urging lhem tn me or majority government dunt lhlnk lhe people of Canndn wll npprecinm this type aucmplcd Intimidation Mr Douglas and cnpncily Plny house Theatre crnwd of 1600 at his Inst annr rally before Mon dnya election Mr Douglas uddcd lhn Is carnnlIan Mrs Douglas then was given one he blooms back as ï¬lm shows Mr Douglas CP Vircphom Douglas Says Bank Head Told Employees How To Vote CARLINGRED CAP ï¬ï¬iédflflï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ Midï¬gaggxi strange dny Inr political de mocrncy In Canada when the presidenl bunk lhlnks the wages he pays cnlllle him lo tell the employees how to vote on clecllnn dnyR snid he letter suggeslcd It was deparlure 1mm prece dent but nu are urged to vote lnr majorly government next Monday In Mnnlrcnl Mr McLaughlin snld Mr Douglas had failed to read lhe most lmporlnnz sent ence In the letter The soul cncn was wnuld certainly not presume to suggest how anyone shnuld vole Mr Mb Laughlln said lhe idler also DURING mccpdon at Ell lot Lake ycslcrdny Lester Pearson had low moment The ale behind this bold gold label cant be matched for flavour Prove it for yourself pour yourself Bed Cap Aletoday urged vole Mr Douglas made his charge Inward the end 75minute Inlk to ma pnrllsnn crowd He began by saying he had Just been Informed that Mr Manugmin hnd sun In lellcr to all his bank employees Just before this he said lhu In cnlsf and people of spa cln privilege an swlnglng be hlnd Mr Pearson and the le oral pnrl Mlcr lhemcellng rcporlcrs asked ML Douglas and olhcg my omcinls or copy or the mar but none was available JUST GOT IT Mr Douglas said capy the lollcr was In tho NDPs anal nfllco In Ottawa and lho Inlommllon It cnnlnlnod was r2231 us over me lelcphgnq or the mine vollng genera uan Pearson made flying vhlt lo his own cumuluan The leuer in Wreccwcd be lo his own cansulucncy employed to get out and hank cmploycc Thursday Mr Douglns said If lhls counlry Is to cnpcoL Iicicnlly wilh hu mnny proh lcms fuclng It annrily gov ernment Is csscnï¬al However it was learned else where the letter read as al lows While lhls messagn may be departure lmm precedent neverihnlcss in View the sil ualion which exists in Camrdn today feel it my duty to urge all members of the stall who nrc qualllicd role In exercise this right when the general elec tion takes place April ll would certainly not pro sum to suggesl how unynne should vnle but am sure you wlll agree that would be lrnglc lhrougll luck lnlcrcst on the part at Canndlnns gen Thursday nllenmon before speaking in Sudbury during the evening Cl Vlrepholo OTTAWA CF The CBC said Thursday It plans to brold cnsl reports ol newsworthy po lillcal stagnantm In the 48 hours Xmmcdlately precedlnz tha April federal election and on clccunp day lLsefl Lnlur Governor said them appear to be any violation of the ban on program partisan po litlcnl character durlng this period it may be necessary to Ich court action In an attempt Io get court Interpretation of he lnw KINGSTON CHThe New Democratic Party wlll support Vost Gwilllmbury Council at Its meeting Munday adopted scale of dlscnunh to prompt earner payment of taxes in order to rcducu the bank loans These discnunls are as follows twn pm can on taxes paid Iore July 31 one per cent for payment up lo August 31 and hull per cent allowed when payment are made harm the end September orally clem mandak Were not grpmed Pcnalllc begin by an added three per cent on Nov 16 wlh an added one per cent alter Dec up lo Dec after which half of one per cent Is added each month lhercaner Among he most precious rlghls we as Canadian enjny Is he right to cast vote Let each at us make gnnd use privilege Indifference leads to the destruction of de mncrncy It because he vim 1m porlnnce the earning election hall send this message perm nully to youn ON THE ELECTION TRAIL Early Payments Mean Discounts Will Support To Broadcast If Newsworthy THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL 196 any any with program we Foul endarseg JEColdweLI honorary NDij hresldenl HM In an Interview Thursday Predlciing either Liberal or Progressive Conservative ml noriiy government alter the April lederal elecilan the tab mer CCF leader said Were running to be the gov ernment but Inning that Inland la be responsible and ellectlve opposition AUTOMATIC DELIVERIES For elderly and convales enl patients Excellent laclllues or private or semiprivate link and cold waler In rooms Register ed Nurse In attendance STAYNER NURSING HOME 5115mm ONT SIMEIIE PETflflLEUM PA 82563 MARSHALL Reg PHONE I24 See LTD 15 ANNE ST rurn Baml Industry