Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1963, p. 10

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Im Hr 91 W355 mm 11w nnnm Imw mm mum mrr lml Mr xllll nvml max ukny Wr haw Imm lrnlulhrly runml mm in mm gum1 Iuh null tux vliEI rruwn nm llulrrhuru mm mm Hm wmltl rlmnmlunnhlp LHLrnn fiwiltnvlnml Ind mr In Hm rrlrllmlnlly lnsl Ilmr me unmum an ummh luv 000 Imlu mil 411 yfllvll 17w St IvNInHmh UnL Now 21m luh mm In lLuImhIl lnu It Imh Ikn lhlynv II In Lmm uvur MM lmk NHL urr ul Nrw mk pmhmn nl Ihr NHHunnl Awwlnlhln Ann nllur nmmn An alarming wave of sum arms and training camp injur ius have crippled major league teams as they hand fnlo lhe li nal weekend exhibition gamm prior lo the openingvui the sea son Monday and Tuesday The New York Yankees mldsoxl favorilcs lo rcpcm in the American League have hccn playing wilhaut Roger Maris Whiuy Ford Tony Ku lka Tom Trash and Clcle Boyer Some of them are due to be back before Tuesday Cinclnnall broke camp in Tampa Fln leaving behind Huh Purkcy lhe Hcds ngnmo winner Mnnnxcr Fred unhin son wants In give Punkey chance soak up some vxlm sunshine in hnpcs of shaking off mruncsAinhi right shoulder 11355 Purkpy for any ex IEndud period could be mil cul blow lo the Ikds Irudding pennant hopes Frank Robinson also has been out action Juloly due In sure arm Vnda Pinson slnrling slowly allcr an appendectomy lost more limo due to vrcnchcd right knmr On his return Pinscn was Ahmed to let Iicld giving up comm field to rookln Tommy Harper NIIW YUHK lAI The HIM tlv lupin Hambur fixhlv mum mm mummy mm th ill HR nluy ll lmmd Mull sltuHm Iruuiquo In mm III Hu Hmlltl WIN vy In 115 mum Ilulnl mu llnlmlny Associate Pros Spam Vrller Vnrn Law use of Pimlnughs 19m pennant winners nnd ID name wmucr lflsl year dunno mnslnnl nrm muhlc hopes nn cxvndul sny In Flnridn will re vhn his arm The liralcs are not munling on Law lhl Maui Drlmll also 1m major pmlr 1011 in ank Lury llle Vunkcc lullrr nl olxl nry WM lost most le Mlhull due to arm mu blm ll still hullms lum rw Ymk Mela lune Wm Ihmh of lhrir Icuulnr uulllcld nn Illa Mmh Frank Thnmflx has lure rluhl elbow souve Inr lmm ll culllslon wxlll mm and llm lllcknuln luu ll dzlnmml llmmh LAIW 5TH LIIUUIITFUL CHICAGO GDALIE Glenn Hall roaches down as ho shaves puck nwny mm not on scoring nncmpl by Howie Injuries Hurt Majors As Season Approaches German Champs Set To Come Over llmiilon Eul laugh lxruuk max HAND Gimme £00m Immune QUEENS HOTEL Huntllul VISIT hen John Batman rookie cnlcher who figured to crack the opening day lineup sur fcrcd hairline fracture on linger of his lhmwing hand San Francisco has not been able lo got any help from Billy iiocfl vihnse shoulder was in jured in all and Philadel phias plans have been jumbled by rib injury lo Roy Sicvcr and Tony Gunmicz lei injury The slmus oi Arl Mnhuiley slaicd to pitch he opener Tucs dny remains doubtful MnhaL icy came up with sore nrm nIler his last outing And so it goes acmss the innd Baltimore does not know how much help it can expect imrn Mike McCormick the ex Gluni Kiliebrews light knee has been bothering him bui he expects to be swing ing when the Minnesota Twins open Vnshingiun also has been having problem with an injury Jimmy iicrsuii Kansas Cilys nén misfir as c7 having lmuhle will sure c1 bo The soascn opens Monday Will we specials In the Amer ican League the Washington Scnalnrs will be at home in the tusiumary presidential opcncr against lho llallimoru Orioles Cincinnall also will haw lls lrndilionul home opener wilh lillsliurnli an lllnndny in day alumni oi the real oi lhu Nu lionzll luguc QRK 0N ELBOW Cleveland lndmns and Sun Irnncism Giant repair crew are working un Flayd Wcuvcrl dumnuul elbow and Jack Snn Inrds injurLd pride Ahllc um pire John mm snld he In mm In full upon an Hm Lxhlhl lirm hamhull srnsnns lim no riaus hull incldrnl mlnrxl no winmr for he National nguu clmmplan Gmnu Inst mnan was lllu ul pulnl Hm Imlllu llml an out of mulrnl as San Francisco em down In IL 17m 105 In 26 mums 117 In lhc Indium Thu Minx mom may url crack llw Zvnunn um ll Hwy cum lln US Om mu llm lrnluflm Mhmluln would pl Hm lirrmnn nml umulmn nuulnn IE NEW 4ka AlhllUr luh nl lmwn Maud NV May All ulflrhll Hl lnll mhm Iuh Inhl ll hm mum In mul Iln wwwer new In 11 Trmru aldml mm 1110 mm rrrw will he Hm mum one ml Un Mml HUI mxl Huulml new uml ML rullrnr mu nl Ihiludrlphin July nml lnlrr mm llm nullmml Elllil nl IlIIHuln Mul llvr num nnadlml llrnlry mun nl lmhnnnrl Young not shown Benoit Also shown In the first period action in Chicago last night are Jack Evnns 01 Ch In lhovlomlh lnninu the first Sunnldllo Rand AI Cundlu Rand We GOLFERS DRIVING RANGE NOW OPEN TEES EARRIE GOLF DRIVING RANGE lwo pitches were tlght and Wea vcr danced out the way Weaver was lllllo less agile on the third pitch and it hll him an the right elbow Flat um pire Rlce warned Santnrd which brought San Francisco manager Al Dark hustling out of the dugout Dnrk nskcd why Rlce had not warned met when Wlllie Mays wen sprawling ln lhu llllrd inning then apparently followed wllh remark about American League umplm and was elected in other znmea Milwaukee Braves whipped Philadelphia Phiiiim 92 New York Yankees shut out Piiishurah Pirates and Cincinnati last 95 lo Chi cago White Sex SL Louis Cnrdinnls wallopcd Minnesota Wins Chicago Cubs dclcaicd Lo Angelo Dodgers Detroit Tiger caged New York Mel 32 In In Innings Vnshinglnn Senators nipped Baltimore Orlulcs b3 and lluuslon Coll dawned lo Angola Angels 52 TORONTO CW Guilan wlnds um belowreeling lcm pcrnlum ken lha crowd down to 204 Greenwood Raceway Thursday nlnhl but he olo menu didnt ullrd lhu mum combinnlinn Murruy Vuplc nnd Dcmon Jnhnslon cngo and Gnrdlc Howe of Detroit Wings won the game +2 and now lead the semilin nl series three games to lwa AP Wirupholo Wnples Ill ycnr old driver Iraincr mm Coldwater OnL look Merrie Amos to no post In flu aixlh mm and Mary Luuisc In the cumer tighlh for trwncr lennn Pour hnrnuuh and won Mlh hath hunts Mary Inulsu nlurncd 81120 $4100 and 00 ahm lmllcra will run In the 5000 Trunsnccnnlc Twl Aplil Yunkcu llnccwuy Thry me he in Snvlrl Imnms humus ln be ramd In Ulla caun lry Vnnkrrn llurcwny nlllclnl mud llm Iluulnn lnuru Vllln mu Inlumhlu will he mm mm Ilrrlln nnMnK In New mG Anrll Poor Weather Hurts Crowd AN TROTTEILI DUE YUIIK MU1W To HNIuM IN TI MULTILMH EIIOUI ILAN lnr lllrmlly dlmulun nll In CONTACT HMNK HAMILTON IA 31 II IVAN IA WI DAYS lEFT CHICAGO CPThe Detroit hockey club left town today with lead In games over Chl cago Blank Hawks in bash olseven Stnnley Cup semlflnal and with an sumo damage suit against and its cry delence mqn flow Ynupg ew store lha Red Wings filmed onto ChlcazoSlal dlum Ice and bank the Hawks In the filth gamo Thursday night process server handed general managercoach Sld Abel and delenceman Ynung num man to appear In Chlcaxo cen tral courtAwilhln an dnys The clnlm was filed by Mn Elaine Bmmars of Chicago who was in he mouth by puck flipped Into 1h crowd by Young In the first game of the Ierles her mesqu March The Incident occurféd wheri Young casuallyrlook poke at the puck ha skated tn the It is not our probleman otlidal oi the Red Wing orgm iznllnn said early today ll is the arenn pmble He pointed out that fansgu to gum at their own risk inlu lrom flying pucks the Abclamr Young was BRAZILIAN WINS TOKYO iAPEder Joire oi Brazil the world bantnmweight champion scored his 14th con secutive knockout and 41th pm regional win without defeat Thursday night when he knocked out Japancsa challen ger Kntsutoshl Iioki In the third mum at in scheduled 1ronnd title bout AoiLi won the iirst two round but Joire floored the challenger midway in the hind with smashing lelt emiiE Preu SparuflEdllor AN EXCITING EVENT FOR ALL THE FAMILY Déffbit LéavesTown With Victory Suit Sum Fairgroundl II pm Thvouoh Allundh Along Dunlap To Mulnmr Vlnlln To llnlh Burl Plum Then To Suynlr Ind Colllngwood PK sqmw BARRIE PARADE ROUYE The Kncldent didnt have any etlecl on the Wing who came up wllh their third straight play olt vlclnry alter losing heyopen lnEpnll term available or comm early to my DIDNT BOTBEB WINGS The shah game will he played at Detroit Sunday Ind the MV enlh If necessary back here Tuesday Thursday nlght lama proved that Norm Ullmln any who thrives on In work The chunky Red Wing centre xcnrcd two goals and assisted on the other two just felt good add the llv out en lwmunder played llllle more time than usual the past couplu or games and em to make hlx dllferen He set up the 1m Danle goal by Floyd Smith In the opening period and noted the second early 1n dye ulnn The leka tied it with goals by Kenny Whenram and Bobby Hull and Uliman then set up Parker MacDonald who scored the winning noel late In the lhlrd pcrlod MacDonald look no leng 3i ihe bouncing puck to get behind goalkeeper Glenn mu pm In noc Input named mall or III In Ind nouns Call BARR SPORTS LTD rue men Work mm Ill luv1n RALPH SNELGROVE BARRIE PIPE BAND 40MAN MARCHING BAND Hill who mad desperate Innjehhr That goal was scared whlla Hawk orward Ab McDonald was serving Iveminute ma jor or crassnhecklng Denall de encemnn Doug Barkley The ruck bounced of Hawk de ender and MacDonald took whack at It Ullmnn xiii game out of much of Hawks late In tho lhfl periqd They have to come to us new nald Abe In the Delmlt dressinl room He declined to pmdlcl Ihe outcome ol the but said we just have to win one the two names len thy hpvg g9 win both Asked on me lug the league champlnn Tar onln Maple Lula who wrapped up lllelr seml final against Montreal Canadian our games lo one with victory Thurs ghl Abel sn We just wall and see who wins thls one first Actually had hoped we would meet Tor onto In the semifinals We II waya have good thowdawn and Ihink we would have been readler or them than me Hawksfi In guaranteed 0K usnd awaiting you th5 spring car ram DANGERFIELD MOTORS FUN Ind Slmcoo Noth llbnnl Cmdldllo and Mliorono Corp TRY 39 DUNLDP EAST Publllhud By 10 50mm Navlh leml Amelnllyn ALL NEW DESIGN STOLLAR CONSTRUCTION FULL PRlCE ONLY $1300000 Down Pnyman H200 Ono NHA Marlgnso For Furlhor lnlormallun Cnntacl EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA mu NORM ULLMAN Clan lo School Pumulcn Jfily III STOllAR BEDROOMS SPLIT LEVEL TOMORROW IIITHE BARNE EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL 1333 YANKEES CUT T0 21 FORT LAU IRDALE Fla AP New York Yankees Thursday reduced their squad In 17 players the legul muxl mum Iur npenlng any Slx men were optioned tn the Ilichmund lurm club and one nfieldcr Mike Inlhlesou was returned to Rlchmond The Yankees also nnnnunccd thnt veteran rlxhl hundcr Ar Ditmur wouldbu curried min the regular season PM Far quullly Brimstone uld work work In remun Ibln nrlce call MASONRY CONIRACTOR LIMITED PA HIM or PA 6838 HOME SPROULE CONSTRUCHON Free Esllmnlu PA 60966

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