Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1963, p. 1

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0ité1epiuier For hammer ant phone PA Tae telep Tole hone number to call for the llusima or Editorial Dep BliTTLE0Vilt ros sudrurtt YIlltli Coach Toe Blake flslti ot lilontrcal Canadlens congratu Iatcs coach of the victorious Toronto Maple Leafs Punch 15 Rural lmlach in the dressing room after Toronto defeated liloat real in the Stanley Cup seml final series in Toronto lost Stops For Dieienbaker HAMILTON iCPt long campaign day ended Thursday night for Prime Minister Dlef enbaker in clash with sus what we said we would do Economic growth In Canada last year was the highest in the free world Povtrer tsaisr Violent Thompson In Barrie jForleally At Night OTTAWA CPISocial Credit Leader Thompson goes on fiveeommllnlty tpur oi Ontario today passing the century mark in the number of speeches ha has made when he brings his national campaign to close tonight Mr Thompson planned to fly to Sudbury for noon meeting andthen to Barrie for hell ooptertouriof three other towns night Leafs will meet either Chicago or Detroit for the Stanlcy Cup playoffs CP Wire photo SUDBURY Ont ICPiLib eral leader it struck close to homehis electoral homeThursday night with pledge of direct intervention by Liberal govcmmenl to set up Industries in arena that need them He said Elliot Lake the hard hit and struggling uranium town Pickup Tracie Injures Feat 0i Barrie Boy Barrie city police are looking for the driver of halfton pick tslned heckling and detailed recital of Progressive Conserv ative legislation and plans lie made his usual attack on Liberal party nuclear policy saying that the decision to ac up tnrck that knocked down daild on Frances Si yesterday police department spokes man said the chief would like in his neighboring constituency at Algome East would be one such area But he said there are others that need such federal The prime minister and his wife moved Into this steel city after making 15 stops in ntral Ontario Their day began with 730 am breakfast in Toronto thinly attended About ISOa cept nuclear warheads for the ornarc anti slreralt missile lelt Liberal Leader Pearson in an Impossible situation the usetulncsa otthe Bamarc ended hc saldwhen the ICEM intervention If that is social controlso cialism If you likethat doesnt worry me bit he told packed theatre crowd at 1900 The ball leader flatly re dlcting that he will be pr me the man to report No charg es will be laid the spokesman said the report of Constable George McLeod stated that at 1210 pm yesterday liflchacl liicllrid replaced the manncdbemberms third of theplacesiretwere the mainthrest filled 31x But despite wind snow squaillland blunrsprtngcoid crowds ranging from too to 300 Shortlyafter Admiral liyrda persons turned out to watch the prime minister descend irom nolrfrle polar expedition rclurn cd rpm the land of ice some his private rail carstiake hands one asked one of the men what and say few words As the day progrcsscd the he missed most when he was Earty fcll more than an hour chlnd schedule and finally took Temptation was the brici reply to automobiles to go to liamll Ion for the night meeting There had alsobecn mater address at Owcn Sound at noon One point oi call included Neustadt where Mr Dlefan bakcr and his father were born IIECKLING l8 MILD About 2300 people were In side the Palace Theatre hero Libcrai Lcadcr Pearson drew some 6000 earlier this week at another site The heckling die rected at Mr Dicfcnbakcr Thursday night was mild con Irasicd with the uproar that Mr Pearson Iaccd The prime minister took his customary tabs at the dclunct Liberal party truth squad the Liberal coloring book that Is critical of other parties and also an abortive pan early in the campaign to send some pig cons to Jolicite Que from Lon don Ont lle reviewed at length lrgia Intlnn posscd hy the govern mcnt and sold have done ticnir Knlmnn NDI candi date for Kingston and Nlli honorary president lit inldt writ trlghti join together In ratingulch like an cake Ii at 30 Anni St wasstru by green iruclt snld lhgvliltia to The spokesman for the depart ment said lbedrlvcr stopped asked the child if he was all right thcntirove on The lad is reported to have walked barns and only later felt some pain Xrays at ltoyai Victoria Hospital showed no Iracturu but severe sprain The right rear tender of the truck is said to bequite rusty Cost Of Living Unchanged Fresh Vegetable Prices Rise OTTAWA CPICanadian llv lng costs remained unchanged during February wlur lhecon aumcr price indcx holding at 132 on lifsrch this rccord high reached month earlier The bureau of statistics said today that the indexa riccs yardstick based on row levels equalling looheld steady at the Feb level as decreased food prices oith increases in the cost of housing and clothing The iiinrch Index was lit per cent above the lilnrch m2 ndox of 97 Further substantial price do crcnscs for bccf resulted In the food lnticx falling ilvevtcnihs oi tmu ier to rend hind truck Dents Kalmnrl at party rlinnrr In Kingston Ont last night Iioih will pnrllrlpale in NIII rally In Kin itlti lunlghl Mr Cohlwrll sal NlJi would sup point to use from mi Other price declines wcro ll mltcd to pork fats Ircsh toma tocs lettuce rta and grapefruit lilghcr prices were reported during February for cggs su gar jam oranges and orange juice and mint fresh vegetables SALARIES iNCflEASED The prices iiollowcd an Increase In salaries and wagca in January The index oi average Industrial wages and salaries for Feb Intcst date avnilnblhwns I93 enmpnrell with me month earlier and not year carller 05 llLL TOGETHER NOW pert any minorin rorcrnmvnt with It rugrnnr we could on tinrao rut It nnrltl not find common ground with the rum Faeriel Rotlei Credit lariy lCi Wilrtiwol minister after Mondays voting spoke in Sudbury alter an mils gtomobllefiircuit ihinight he makes the major windup speech of his campaign irt Torontos lilaple Leaf Gnr ens IIllS AT PM hiovlng at fast clip through his riding Thursday lilr Pear son continued to lash out at what he described as Prime Minister chfcnhakcrs antl Americaalsm and his irra tional and irresponsible dc fence statements But the Liberal leader before Social Credit evening rally In Barrie lie will also send verbal message to the closing rally of his party in Montreal before going to Tor onto to return to his home in lied Deer Alta Thursday night in Ottawa with plonncd excursion to Quebec City cancelled by bad flying weather Mr Thompson told gathering of 200 party Pledges Aid To Industry National Development Corpora tion lie said the corporation snmcthing new for Canada would pump public and we hope private funds Into proj ects that private corporations consider too risky liir Pearson also hit hard at his Investment expenditures theme and said now Liberal government wouldnt spend dollar in Its early years that would not bring more dollars back When are you going to get the money ycllcd Sudbury heckler The Liberallcndrr shot back that the money would come out of the growth In the wealth and resources of the people oi Can ada Man Convicted Bilked Nuns DETROIT iAilA man who said he has son studying for the priesthood daughter who is nun and another daughter study for the sisterhood was convicted Thursday at swindllng the Franciscan Sisters of St lo seph oi $100000 US district court jury de liberated ts mlnuics bcloro find ing William Cwik t5 guilty Fcbruary levelling oi plugged even harder at Liberal programs and policies And among them was the proposed NEWS BRIEFS on charges at Interstate trans portation of chcquo obtained by fraud Queen Mother To Visit France rouns Franco trim Quccn liiothcr litlrnbclh mum will visit the famous chairaux oi the Loire Vcllcy April l7Ii local officials announced today licr schedule will include visits to members of ancient French families and the llraxllian arch Itcctdecorator Emilio Tcrry dl Sanrhcr who lives at ltochevotie italian Singer To Marry Farouk ItOhIF tileutcrsi llcnutitul ltnlinn slngcr lrnrh Cnprcs illn utolo was rrporlrd today to have said she will marry former ltlng Farouk of Egypt next month One Man Reaches West Berlin BERLIN inculcer linsi Grmmn lmnlrr gunnlr Ind1y Opened fire on two young East llrrllncra Mm illftl tn rscnpa arrow the bordcr thin the Frcnrh sector of lirrlln police nniti Iliyrnroltl man ruched Wut ltrrlln tcrrltnry nntoly but his Irlrml aged was caught by the East German gunrrls Believe Eggs Caused Typhoid NORWICH England Iiirttlrrat Egg initwrrtnl from Cum muniat Chin are licllrvcd IIy hcrtltir nttilmrltlet here In linvn raurctl outbreaks of pamiyptmid lililll Iurm of typhoid the number of confirmrd cnxrs ni ttlfiiiillf7ltl rrrmrted In Nnrlnlk was most of lhcm children Debbie Reynolds Expects Baby HOLLYWOOD IAI Arlrmt llrlrltln licynnltlu Ifiltl Thursday she is capecling it baby In August film is lltn Min of millionaire Aiif manufacturer Ilnrry Karl hhn Iny mat girl by her marriage to fiddle lisltcr ulmm alln llltltitrli four ycnra ago Iano Powell Files For Divorce MNTA MONICA Calif iAll Actress Jntte lnwrii iilcsi inf divurrn Thursday rhrtrglng Itttalmnd lrllfltk Nernry with extreme cruelty hllrr luwcll lit ntkrtl fnr curttxly of their daughter Lindsay Averill llhc anti Nrrncy 01 Ilevcrly Illlir business man wcrr msrrlnl ln um New OilCampus College Planned TOIIONTO ttil Iinlrmlty of Tumult lrrsideni Claude Illurll announced I1mmluy Ills has lwnistqulral wrrt of Tornnlo for It new ultrnmpus arts and science rollege lupin of letter from Dr lilurll were tccclvrd In the Taroninfleorge lawn nnrlingtnn lrlangir nnnnunclng the charming oi the site Lunik IV Files Near Moon MOSCOW The ftnrlrt linlnna lunk IV firw within to miles at the moon Inlay Tnax reported The finvlct news agency said the llmlttuttil moon probe was about mm In in mm the mu at pm Mmch line no am am The short mm miles from the earth workers he is confident of big gains In Quebec and Alberta and sufficient wins in other parts of the country to give him minority control oi the new House of Commons SAYS WILL WIN Earlier Thursday he flew in from Calgary and drove to liawkrsbury and Alexandria in Eastern Ontarios Glengarry Prescott riding which he says his party will win Rolland Cho Iettc Is the candidate In both at his major addresses Thursday be concentrated on the theme that Canada needs government that will give lead ership without trying to tear down its political opponents llc epitomized the theme by asking farmers in his audience oi 200 st Alexandria whether they would go back to hire farm hand who had proved himself incapable oi doing his work properly just because he hired another who turned out to be just as useless lie told his evening meeting In Voodroiie High School that the Conservative and Liberal parties were so conccmcd with detecting each other that the Social Crcdit party is going to go in right through them Local Weather Cloudy andwarmer Saturday Chance of showers Low tonight 27 High tomorrow 50 For lull summary turn to page two pied Winds Flashlights lire For Kitchener Surgery liy TIIE CANADIAN PRESS Surgery was performed by flashlight and admlnutc Lake Ontario ferry trip took five hours Thursday as winds up to 70 miles an hour whipped across southern Ontario disrupt ing utilities transportation and communications Byearly today the storm had allbut spent itself with the Strikers Flash With Mine Workers PARIS lteuters Diehard strikers in the Lens coal fields of northern France today clashed with icllowtminers rc turalnglto work after Thurs days official settlement at the sixweek strike by 240000 min ers liiust miners throughout the nationalized industry appeared to have accepted the settlement negotiated by their union lead ers but in the Lens arcn shouts ing and bitter arguments broke out when some miners tried to report or work After hot debate some miners still refuscd to return to work and nine mines stayed closed But in the eastern Lorraine coalfleids all miners appeared to have accepted the settlement Loyalists Rebels To Meet Try To End FourDay Revolt EUENOS AilIES IAPlArmy commanders and rebel navy leaders were to meet to end Argentinas fourday revolt Thcrs was no immediate ladl cation whether diehard naval elements at Pucrto ilclgrano7 Ihe rcbcls last stronghold 350 miles south of Bucnos Attes would agree to the pact it calls for cutting the navya 35000 mrtn force at least by half Terms of the conditional agreement were pounded out by loyalist military adcrs and ltcar Admiral El lo Vazquez the rebel fich commander at twohour posttmidnight session in llucnes Alres In terse com munl uo thcy mid agrccmcnt in principle had been reached on rcquremcnts to halt the fighting and rcturn the armed forces to normal SIELLS OUT TEitlilS The communique did not spell out terms Informed sources at llahln lilonca adjoining the luerto ilcigrano base said they callcd for Unconditional surrcnder oi the naval fleet and air force llcductlon of the navya mnlntcnnnco force to skeleton 1500 nicn which would at least halve the showman navy Surrender oi navy men and civilians unslble for the re vnlt to he Ir cd ltcpnlr by nnvnl unit of damage In the hingdnlcno area where the navy nlr inrce drs lroycd nr tlnmngcd clghl lnyniA irt tanks nntl in number oi bulld ingn killing 1s OUSTIID FEIION The nuvys strcnglit has maria it commanding vulco In Ar grntino politics ever since it played lha major part In tho overthrow of dictator Peron In 1955 Therewas no Indication that the army and air forccwhich remained loyal to President President Jose lilarln Guido made any concessions concern ing the Juno presidential and congressional elections The rebels said they rebelled be cause Guido pianncdto let the Pcronists enter candidates and Pcmnist victory was icarcd As his price for peace Vaz qucs hod demanded Guldos re moval and cancellation of the elections Winds Fires Take Lives NEW YORK AP Fire fanacd by roaring winds spread havoc Thursday from lilnlne to Georgia killing at least three pcrsona In New York City workman was killed by WltlillOSSltl plank In Syracuse NY sub urb woman dlcd of electric shock as she slcppcd frorn her car which hntl become cntnn glcd In live wires man died In lassnic NJ whcn ilrr damaged building fillflIiMIl and showcrcd debris on parked Cfli Hundreds of arm of wood land nnl rn nn dew lntrnrll ltnxsh fires went out of control by the demos Winds were ex pccicti to diminish and temper atures Io rho today New England nlnggcrctl under high winds snow equal and frccrlng temperatures in nurth crn Maine the mercury plungcd Into the cor Juan highest winds In the province oi 25 reported at lilount Forest ncarKitchcner The forecast for today was sunny and warmer with light tvincis Serious damage was reported Thursday from such widely sep arated points as Kitchener Kingston lilctrepolitan Toronto and the eastern shoreline of Lake Simeon At St Marys Hospital in Kit chener SImileonhour wlnds blew out transformer cutting off power while five major operations and two lesser ones were in progress All the operations were later described as successful and hos pital olficlnls sold flashlights were used until auxiliary power could be restored TAKES FIVE llOUllS Th fcrry Wolfe Islandertook five hours to complete usual so minute Lake Ontario trip from Kingston to Wolfe island when wind gusts drove ice into the channel separating the ls land item the mainland In the Tomato area two per sons were struck by falling ob jects but not seriously injured litre llelen Nagcr was struck bywooden fcncing ripped from construction site by gales upto 62 rnllesanhourand Albert liubcr II was knocked unconscious by sites which crashedover on to his truck High winds knocked out wit dows littered streets with tele vision antennas and bowled over fences poles and trees which swept down hydro lines as they fell in different parts of On tarlo At least dozen plate glass windows were smashed in grw cry and department stores ami garage and outbuilding roofs were peeled off Seventymile nnhour gusts pilcd Ice to height of about 20 Ich In some Lake Simcoe nrcas Docks and bouthouscs along the shoreline were crushed rowan runs Kitchener rcpnricd rash of snarled traffic signals and false bnnk burglary alarms whcn ovcrhcad wires wcro thrown to gcthcr causing short circuits power failure disrupted examin nllons at the University of Wat erioo ltobcrt James of Tomato os capetl injury when on elm trn crnshcd Into the roar scat of his convertible as he parked outside the anonto Township municipal olIica nl Conksvlilc The strong west and north west winds were Just what conL merciul Ilsilcrmcn along the shore oi Lotto lIrie have been waiting for The commercial fishing season opcncd lilarch but many Ilshcrmrn rcmnlncd Icclockcd in ports or unable to act Ilcis lll of Ice flocs The winds hlcw much of the in titlth lira iakc More Snow Falls On British isles LONDON licutcrr Snow lrll on London and other parts oi linr ntl lnlny warning llril out they hate not yet xcru the ml of the centurys coltlrsl winlrr Tlic wcckrntl wcnlhcr forcrnst was slcct and snow

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