Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1963, p. 6

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Gals at all ms have wlde vanMy of an mumInn nnd colorful variation of spring lushlan mm which to choose Whether Mlxs or Mu an all or 60 or nnywhzru In between mallur what hzr llxuro Jun lor Junlnr pcllle Emma hull size or regular llllc girls ercens Icons their hlg sisters their malhcrl and zrnndmolherl share most lashkm silhouette body skimming frankly 12min he look nul llmn you pay Ilm nnl put llt rmlu In nn rn van wnll mm nolo plIn In Ml yuu lnIll pnylnu or flu uln Jnlu LEGAL GUARDIAN Ir Mu Imlphychnhml mnjor mime nml yrmml my nll MM nhla In wank nu mm ol my problem In ma Styles nverywhm have mln lmum trim The skimmer nu houulle paramount in cut and scanned In curve gently along the slimmest llnu and tho skimmer slurs In all Inshlan Ihgylnzs Anyone Mm hm cm looktd II hmuxy hunk knuwu MI cnunlry madu ml by lorclmun who came hm In mnh lrudnm nnd oppor lunily Wu nll hnru mall in II mncr pm ha unrlvlunlm haprnd to bo Nunh Amul cun In inns ELECTRICAL BILL Im upset mrr lhln and wuld Ilka your mlvlu nn lmw tn hnmlln ll Thank ml in Ill vuncr IIIEHKINU Hill EOLUTIUN Dear Plrlllnl Run II you In alnw lmn you mu Ium uhllo nlIlrI In 15 mlnnlu mm cvnll an hour In my mm MI ricculc lmn 1w nunna you llllnu my clrclrlc Ill II II Bull mnullu Skimmers In dress Hnu range from rnJah Iypc with th 5051ch In your culumn are personal This problem 1n volvu all Nnrlh Amcrlcana Why do we allow lorelunerl In comu In our um and and create problcmfl Then only so much room hm and as many Jobs We mu to our own lruo citizen lo luke cm them first Evcryune known hero thousands nl Jnhks natives Plenty of hm pmplu mo Hv Inx alumx lhu Iorfluncu will work chcn or to my net Hm ruck Jnhs ll lhi Mr our own peoplu ha furclxnm dunl like lhu pullclcs lhclr rcsptcllve cuunlrlca why Ionl lhry Inhl Inr whnl lhey think in rlnhl and znln lhnlr Indcpcndcncn IHOUD RICAN Dmr lmud xcry now and aunln htnr lrom an Ignorant mnlconlcnl who wave lha flux In an nllcmm In dmrl nllzn llnn lrom lhn cunkal problem hh own mlsurnblu Inlluro Dutlnl Hm ml lrw Mrkl lw Mm Ihlnn Ind lmninl my Hnnwn lelu Ihlrlt Ha ha Ilruiullnu lulol lry man ma land am llEIpIflI him uul In Ihlw My My mum wrnrn cur mu Ihlru watch Hlo llllldlmly lrrlu Hm nm nmnluu up Mr rlrrtrlclly MI humm nl lhln nlm lrunlnu XMHNI lecnllnl tlllrdly In mm mm ll Iho Inn Illln alk ln behlnd my lugrk Dur Ann Linda Am an nl our collenn unlnn Hvlnz rnmpul In It prlvnlu home Tn vlhrr my 00 mth nr bnlmuun plus kllchrn prlv Hm EVEN PDODLES llkl to be surrounded by lovely ladies and ashlomnnsclous tulle mcn and sometimes they even ANN LANDERS Preview Of Easter Parade At Spring Fashion ShOw Dm Ann Lnde Most of Unless Were Indians Were All Foreigners lunlu to lonlvlorao drop walsls Inuiuxl plnln 31pm More 011011 lhan nnl lhcsa dresses are stripped none sentials lheyra alccveless col lages and rillless Some an real and sumo are slmulaled split level such an the Onoplea with he wnvplcce 10013 other have Jacket or can mdluannl dressup dresses or youna and old nllka are still impelKant They lollly lluw flnre or hell or dmwp oc casional Mrs Fem Todd were In slunnlnl mcklnll dress chll on nylon over lullela denlnned wllh loose llulnu helm of Chantilly laca and moderately prlged $169 Min Ext encer chosa turquoise blun on ovnr lull lure adult mnnner My ma hn deserted me lure adult mnnnu nomehnw ye ld brynlmn was made Ward 01 the null betuum my parents were unnth la hundlu hlm My 15th In an Alcoholic and my molhcr ls neurollc wllh an urlggnlrollablo gm yur took Henry mo our hnmo My husbnnd and were appolnlcd hls legal gunrdlnm by court The boy has Ihown rel mnrknbla prone Ha lrlendly to operative and does holler In gchuol My mother mlnx tho vnsl lmpmvnmtnl 1mm hut wo Elva hlm back wouldnt con Ilder It And legally she cant aka hlm Iva lold her lhls renlcdlf but Ibo kup harping lcnry Mu anz In her homo um Irishlcncd to death at her thncvcr we came over he ha relapse Wm 11 do SISTER Dcnr Slum VII your mulhor In her home Tell har Iho cannnl to ynurg 1155 hllnx lungt bul Hu Ind Ill nbvioul lhnl hll III III mu mm cruel hul mcnllnl or lho huyl recov er Lell hopn your mum wll com undunlnnd why aka part In ashlon shows Above lha poodles so me complain mention at the younger model who are from DUMMING LLOYD Publlnhod by Dullcrlnlllmcu loch Cm Mmlnllon tin with clever dupe deiall with salt flower caught at lhl wrlll also priced at SIMS Coal dcslunm loo thrill to lhu easylook tailored lnlo spring cant deml fitted mulch Hold and semishaped Aallor 1er an all IN for tha new season Mrs Carl Emma were very smart can in blue laminated waflln wool Ilyled wllh raglan sleeves largo pockell and large pran button trim Priced Jun right at $3199 new cent In the popular Mlna was modelled by Mn Eerlhn Stewart Thu blaze ml was desluned with horizontal wclunl with annealed Ilda poo keu lhrebquartu lunxth sleev co and collarlu neckllna wth the popular lam bullun Mm hat of bamboo mnw oom pleled her conlurno Fashion or the mllron were modelled by Mn Bertha Ser vite 0M oi the mast nutalive ensemble was washahla MH nna llnen suit of pnlu blua wllh whlla piping Ind huuan trim and In own blouse Available Ln mu HI ma Eporuwenr lake In whom dcznnt InlIorl mlddy blousu drawstran Jackets are uvury when Pnnls are Ilsa In the news with alrnluhlHne roulerl cry Ihorl Ihurll and Lulu Illlnl Al the new llylel burl Into aprlnz the semen ahud promlm lo bo colorful provncuuvo And above all chnlne wllh just hlnl tomboy on the mom wear Iccne Nancy Mlll muddled lur quolxa ullml hurlwnlnl Ilrclch wllh My ovalocked mm and man tailored Ihlrl Thu naw nolo was her bubble knit cardigan Yul wllh hound Irm hole and Vneckllna The lMMon lhow was organ lxcd by the Bnyvlew Chlpler of tha Order of The Emcrn Slur and held last nlxht It th Enl ern Sun Room The Inahlmu lhown wm ram chlcrl Limllcd Mndnll lncludtd Mn Kmar no Taylor Mu Carl Emmi Mn 05m Spencer Mn Gord on Todd Mn Dulhl Stnwm Mn um Crnu Mn Blflhl Scrvlcc Mu Vcnner anherl Mlu Mnruarcl Caldwell Min Audrey Burton Mlu Nancy Mllll Mln Gala Gardner MIII Jfllll Crlwlord MIII Lind Glu Mlu nrcndl Hnlcn Hm lm Garry Colo Dlnln Fllk Chum Emmi Robbin Tndd Mines Brendl Cm Lynn Clow the left Bobble Todd Bren du Cato Ann Campbell and Charles Emma Back row rpm lhg 19 Min Gale you AgflNynm TO MEET Cnnndan dedlcnled and dynumlc nmeamnn at tho glam SOCIAL CREDIT campaign wlndup In DARRIE NORTH COLLEGIATE on Friday Apr 800 pm nnndn needs this real lander who wll put nsldo pony pnrty panic and glvo us lound government When you look at lhn Ictlvlliu of the olllcr parllcn you will agree FOR PROGRESS STABILITY ACTION ELECT VITS TIMI FOR THOMPSON DR ROBERT THOMPSON Sprlnu blossom vied or hon ors with flu blossoms on the spring bonnet ol the luhlnn ably armed luau numberlnl npgrnxlmnlely 15m The on was mxiimed by Mu Mlbel Marshnll The Dlflodll emblem of the Canadian Cancer Society was und tncher In the many bouquet adornlnz the spacious ham Mn Howard Dymunt High Street or Ihn Daffodil Tu held ymerdly nunnoon under lhg ansplgg ol lhu JinxIo Unit VRchVelvlni tho guests were Mn Larkln and Mn Wharton This led labia covered with beautiful Madeira cioih wu centred with floral Iiilnlb menioi daffodil Ind willow tape Presldlni were Mu Spellmnn Ham Brennan Tea mmuml Included Mn Wflllam Bird Mrs Dime Mn Wllll Mu Granm Miss Robertson and Mn Ulllllfitull be Clnulu Joana Smilh All Camvbell Fboéles Which Iccompnnhd model ware from floynl View Kannels Commenlllar wu Mn Dar ohy Owner TORONm CHHelen Cnr pcnlcr dlmclor of the Unlvefi ally Nmnln School Nun lng uld Wednesday the pm an Iyulcm of training nunu II out due and Ihould be lelppcd now ype lrnlnlnl uhool hI required Ihu wld In an In Dafiodil Tea Held Yesterday Gardner Mln Joan Craw lnnl Mu Carl Emma Mlu Nancy Mllll Ind MnKath urine Tayloij Needs iUpdating Nursing Schools iExnmInor Photo lha lea lnbla Rosier Mn nd Mrl WH IIOMEC THE th10 MY erroflts BY qutfExpériefiCe By EILEEN DIXON Mn Willrd Klmla win of the Social Credit Candidate Im slmm North II quiet nun sumllu woman who why her hogle 5nd hagan little disc on he ImIIy roullm Ilnce Mr Kinda had been Involved In vuh llc lilo prlor to hi redreQO as Mayor of Barrie In 1m He Hm entered lulu he munlclpll level nneyzm no lo the family has ben modla buy chedulo lg thorhomoi pamch hu Kim hols um In um Mn new Inlerut hu tilled delin In their lives which wu when Mr Klnlla retired as Mlyor She confided lhlt It mmed jun like nldfimn awn LIKE OLD TIMES er announced he would let lame and or nomhmlon and was chosen In uptown the Sodll Credit party In lull rldhm lhu ulephonu lanod rlnllnl dnrlnl meal llmea and hero wen people calllnl all how uld the candldml wlle In our home Mondly night was never relaxred to nrMon day nlxhl but llwayl council night and even After the mnyor retired the hmlly mu referred oblmncfl nlxht mm tom We became IO acmslomm to this while my husband WI mayor ol the city that we were lost wllhoul it when Mrtarm ended the laughed comu to much pm 01 yuur everyday 111a ltrvrmrn very hot hnmld day but the Queen looked lovely My VKlnxloA commented The blggul lhrlll ln Mm Klnzlaa to llm lldy of Harris was when she met The Queenlnd Prlnce Phlllp dur In their visit In 1059 Mrs Klnzlo uya It was In opportun lly she had wllo lbs mlyor that she never would have hnd just plain Mn Klmla She Also recall mendlnz dlnncr IDomnto or the hwyl go In her ml II In hostess ol Ihu clly Mrs Klnzle wnl alien called upon an entemln In many no to 40 people on the upm of thu moment But 11 Admit he enjoyod Ivory moment She lam meeunz people and ulthouzh she often met ham 00min and going an the lmly predated Ill the op nunlllc had to repmuu city fie had to repment in city vuioul uncflonl She even be um Ill expert tel mum llnno lhll In one ha duuel lb was often called upon to pednm Slnca Mr Klmlal retirement Mayor of Bum hh wife Idmlll lhll Ihu hu lelmed lo feel qullu indulerent about the Into some Blrflcl mm Wife Of SC Candidate HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE NEW WAY TO BUY FOOD SHEMEC null remuhbll mw mo Ihod nvel you mlny dole Inn on your weekly ood purchua PHONE PA llm The was um um admits um the all If lhe wu ro lpomlble for every uulo pol hole Now thouyl me can complnln Ilka Anyothar chum without mun guilty about In Howevzr she naylahe will feel the um loyalty lo the people with of politician as lhl did II We of the mayor 19 nos LEADER once Ilaln host the national leader of the Soda Credil puny Hubert 1110mpmnwheuhe wind up hla campaign In Barrla to manow avenlnx rally at Bank North Colic Illa When asked her lmpréu on or Mr Thompson the candldml wllo uld Be In most slncere man who in well versed on his lub Sect and in complmly davoled Mi genera Mr Thompson will land at Borden on Friday and from there will avel by helicopter lhroulh out the nu He will be ac oomplnled by Mr Klnzle and Lloyd Cumming cmdidm in DuilarinSimm Mr and Mn Kinle enter tained the party leader when he visited the city earlier in the cnmpIIKn but had met Mr Thompson law years ago when he spoke at the YMYWCA in Barrie long before became leaflet qdlg Social Crgdll Early The Klnzlea came to Barrie In 1917 with you son Bab when Mr Klnlle first estebllsh ed hll business at Lakevlew Dalry The attractive woman ray that life during those llrst ew week wee rather hectic the baby was only year old and they were living at the Hart Home unlll thelr llvlng quarter were completed next to the Dalry In those daye Mrs Klntle nyl she helped out In the Dalry Bu whenever she was needed hey now reside In spacinus home on Shanty Bay Road over looking Kempenfall Bay Their family includes Bob and George tludenu It North Collulnla and Susan whn ll 311de student at Johnson Strut School Whit Klnlia that Hob Is very Interest II mic and la MI Amernchle Iuppaner SAVE 33 50 MORE Vllun ull Upholstery mu shampoon Shlmpoo Mmltr Complelc Connyn Mle ROLLER AND IM rmle DURING OUR GIGANTIC GOINGIOUT OF BUSINESS SALEI ITS GOING FAST BUT THERE ARE STILL LOTS OF BARGAINS LEFT IN HARDWARE PAINTS HOUSEWARES ETC NOT MUCH TIME LEFT NEW PRICE CUTS DAILY COME IN TODAY AND TAKE HOME YOUR SHARE ALI Ml AMI AMI NAM SHAMPOO KITS 97 217 DEAGLE HARDWARE HOUSEWARE HARDWARE 12612 Penotang $1 Banie AT 5T VINCENU Ha huohown keen Interest In pollllcal science George like any Mher young boy 14 and in inflamed simply becqu hlx father 13 piath My Sum Daddys girl lo mum nnylhlnl he does In okay with hey said the syn 59919 wogrm1 member the Good Ncws Elhle Club Mrs Klnziu visits lchools In the immediate area and the city She has been member or the past 10 yuan and has served dlrcclor and has been known to III In as pianist in an emergency The Blble Club an Interdenomina lonal ornnizauon DEVOTED WORKER She in also devolud member of Emanuel Baptist Church and is associated with me Em manuel Baptist Womenl Mly Ilnnnry Soclely Mrs Kinzie iayl she has been member oi Barrie Unii oi the Canadian Cancer Society or number oi years but my ills aha Just hasnt been able to get out to meeting lately it seem every Monday night when there in meeting somcihinz else always comes up This year it seem to have been illness wliirihu children Ton Sears ago Mrs Klnzle npened hrr home for tho annual mgmdq tea held by gha cps The Harm woman role candidnlea wlle has been both challenzlng and rewarding Mrs Klnzle says she find her self doing an sort at odd Job in mnnecflon will the campulgn have been busy the campaign headquarters mailing out campaign mature and on ma telephone said Mrs Klnzla xmlllng Bu la wanderlul experience and well be better orgnnlzcg nqxt met Mrs Kimle says her Me as wlfe the mayor was wonder Iul training and ha helped her gnu deal In her new role as MI 0pr pglgudng or lhe ulure Mn Klnzle mld that plans are very lndel lnllo at he moment Ilnwcver added If her husband In Ieded to represent Slmcoe North ln Ihe next parliament Mrs Kinzle wm have no mo lam adiusung to thgir new life Jisi 5m his in His past Mumlnum ML PURPOSE Compn 174 ea PRICE SHOVEL mulls Al THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL 1963 TRY EXAMINER WANT AD Compu ll 550 nmnnru 95 ll MRS WILLARD KINZIE nan rick Jaiawggmm SHAMPOO AND SET PHONE PA 34561 ASK FOR THE BUDGET SALON OPEN aszmcs Aluminum $119 Mn null Mum Tuu 11mm 85L In Ill mm Mlll pm L47 277 397 Ill

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