Gordan Mn lru xlln water had mhnlly given mn Icnl III In Mr Herald the new owner 01 lho prowly mutlan WM mluplvd lhnl Hm pumll er the umbllshinz mvlro men at tho warm 21 Ihlcmud and nlh line he nllnwtd provthu lhnl whrn llm new cummlucc nppcnll hnl lmcn mllhorhcd by lhc Dc pnrlmcnl Munkhml Alla Hwy ml In nurmnrnl with llm mlflmg the low AREA PLANNING llOAIlD The planning disirlck helm ulnbllnhml lo Intludc lnnlslll and neighbannz munlclpnlillu wlll have mmlbm More Jmcph Cathrnm one ycar and Itobm Vnrnlcn clmlrmnn In board In ycm Council decided la ask rul ng and in lhc mcnnllmn In Ask the pollen commLulnn lo no lhnl Ihcxe mm are prolcflcd The Municipal World Lu onn mum lhnl la bu wmnclbd or an Authority The quesiiun lo the anti uriiy of ihe Inwnshlp poilce on privnlu roads and lhn need ior police to pnlrui lhcm was brought up In cou1ciii Some older subdivision have new lurnod their rand am he lownship The claim that police do not have iurkdicilon an hm propcriics nnd lhnt property proicruon more not par oi puilco concern This leaves izix parllnn oi Iim mm mm disirlcia wilhoui mixer poiim protection OAS TANKS ll Wm very orderly crowd whlch welcomed lhn party when they ï¬nally draw up Item the spcclnl lruln and Mr chlen hnkcr spoke la the chlldrcm say in that ll was really great feeling lo see them there Lat er he walked am the lines children and many crowded around to grasp his culslrclch ed hand Among the vlsilnrs ta l1md lord or Ihe occnslun was hus laud oi ladies from Barrie whn came to welcome Hm prime Mulder and hLI Indy IQIJCE AUTHORITY hlrl Dlelenhakcr was nearly an hour late ln orrlving ond over 600 school chlldrcn were enlhnslosllc ln lhnlr welcamc In who having been llncd up lor much more than an hour ln wlnd that really hit lhrough henvy clolhlnx Some of the mall glrls who had not hoan cqulnpcd wilh lonn slocklng must have really ell the chill Ve attended Ihe reception ior the prime minister John chicn baker Brndinrd on Wednes day and had ihc pleasure of gelling him in our camera lens cauple oi limes We felt ihnl the strain oi the campaign was slmwing is cifccls on ihn ien lures of Mr Dieienbuker but were very surprised to see how well the first lady looked niler her conilnuous juurneyinx with her husband during 1hr Hips mumw pm Io mo mu EVERY FRIDAY 000 pm In pm INNISFIL NOTES Hundreds of plgeonx swirled pla started how fast to kyward and group peo mark International Frecdam HONKY TONK ENTERTAINMENT CLUB 20 PM At Bradford BGS Is Present THE WELLINGTON HOTEL By ILGS AII armym mm rubII maul him Ml MM Caan AMI AV KHLI 0MB WVNIJ IIMDWARI ML vummm Mrs Holllish cnme in com cil to mxlslcr complnlnt nbnm Ihe water lrom Ihe Carson ditch wmhlng aver Ihe bunk and deslrgying hat lnne and frank age She named two members of cauncil wha Wm mumbnrs that body when untrue was given to he Wlldmnn and Later he immd that the iron nge on the nth line was under the requirements the bylaw On this bush although some ui he work had been done he all he would have lo withdraw Iho nuihuriiy Councii no em powcrcd to give decision and the committee oi udJusImcnis has not yet been oiiiciniiy ac ccpind by the Ontario Munici pni Board DISGUSTED 69 Jnhmon SI SHUR0AIN Turf Avnllnblc H9 Dunlap EM Burl snuunam Turf Special keeps your lawn gaitcomm green because it due the but job of all fertilizers of feedinu lhu moln nlowly nml lhomnghly over long period Lawn mm oxpcrla know llniu which in why nuporiulnulenla at many of Cnnmlan fluent x01 coumn choose UIIUIHMIN munGAIN In economlml too becauw ninqu 4011 ban will feed 4000 nq It lawn FollowlhollumpmmhwnnndGnnlmCaropro gram Gut unuxwunlurfslmlnl oryourluwn today Your Oardn Hudqmmn for 5HUROAIN BRITONS MARK HUNGER WEEK PARSONS SEED CO BEZZANT NURSERIES BARRIE Ind BEETON lsnunnnm Bmlv Rand Supervisor Cowan and Engineer willinm Alnicy inter stated that small culvert and other ï¬ll had been placed over the ditch at gravelvpit mm which material were being tnk an for highway purposes and that the wnier blocked there and Iinniiy came through tale in bunks and flooding aver ihu iunds hlrr Aininy sinlnd la council that he had warned the owner oi the prnperty that lha riiich was in danger and ihnt the culvert should be remnvcd which was not heeded iio cininu this as the cause ni tho flooding not the size of tho watercourse beinw iio wzu In Rhodes ï¬rm She stated Ihey shauld have known that these men we not qualified en linear such prolecl Man bar to whom she rclerrcd were Councillor Todd and Reeve Cochrane who Inter look In rib bing mm olher members Mrs Hullllsh clnlmcd lhal when Ihe drulnnge was extend cd In lske the water mm as far west Churchill Ihe specl llcnllnm on the lower outlet were not sulllclcnl to handle 1th surplus mm EMIICIIICK Iv lllliilfl mqu IrlclAL aw mu llhl mum grgn NIIIIBAWAV from Hunger Week on he steps of SL Pauls Chandra mumcumin wedIa nmll yxgnulwuogwfl PA 60247 PA 85000 Payment $196 was author lzed to Gama Burton or add Honul wnrk alter it was agreed that sumclent holdbuck be re nIncd ensum that the portion of work still nwnllinz complc Ion an attended dont ï¬lnk its so hard said the other ATI ybi do 15 take piece of mnrhlo and knock oi the purl you dont want to use NOTHING TO No small boys watching sculpm at work He must be nwmny mm to sqld nne slructed to bring In report on the manor nqimn ACCOUNT In hndon England erephoto Its on dllplny today Its the car that makes tho lowprlcod hroo lounomol Its lho oxclunl now Morcury 400 Look at It closely Compare It wllh tho caryouworogolnuobuyForlosflhanthroolhounnd dollnn tho lollowlnl lantum llvo valuo wholo now monnlnxInthoIowprlcoclnuExcluslvomvorsoslant roar wlndow that stays clear 01 raln and snow Full 120 whoolbaso for suporlor ride and extra roomlnoss Fnshlonablo Interiors palllculurly suited to car 01 Mercurys callbro Choice of inlorlor coIour schamos Now Is the time to buysales are poppln at your Mercury déaler NEW MERCURY 400 CP private capitai One of the llrnl action an NDP government would he to set up Canadian development fund It would use loan from Insurance compuulun Invest ment llrm and tho puhllc to stimulate both axpnuslon ol prl vale Industry und crenllon of Isa 01va public and He said the mm not that thg Amgrknng 5m awn IMPERIAL Mr Douglas addressing rally in the Vancouver Forum aald Cnnadnl loss or control over It economy the maln reason Iho country has the highest rate of unemployment In tho Western world VANCOUVER CPI Douglas notional lander of the New Democrch Party laid Vednnsday ulzhl hundreds of million of dollars woth of raw material which should ho pro vldlng Jobs In Canada is in slead bcInI shipped out ha county DAFFODILS 700 And1000 PLAY coal at no pm Says Raw Goods Are Shipped OUt TWIST UPA MEICAL STORM PARK MOTORS Barrle LTD 100 Bradford St PA 66596 PERKSHAPM FEE Thu NDP leader reinred to he 1957 federal election calm pain during which tho Pm gresslve Conservatives he said conducted madehuman campnlxn Naw Instead of $700000000 1n the hole were down 81400 000000 Weva come to tho place where theres hardly any The result was Cunadn was paying back to theU5 3700 000000 yur In dlvldend and lnggpslskha aqld What Mr Pearson didnt say was Ihat although we are their best customers we are buying nearly $700000000 more year than they buy from us We have now come in the aim when 10 per cent of our nduery LI awned by foreign In legm Ha uld Liberal Leader Pear son ha asked us to numb that the United Stale In our best customer mscnxmcm Is warm wum mum to count mm snow 1E lenous sun or mum mo nuns nunous NOW SHOWING Mmcuvy 400 door ladn on ol lhu foul Innvly ol line nmducu hum In Cum with matchlng floor covorlng Portormanco and handling ability that makes you the master In any drlvlng sltuatlon Cushion Link suspanslon that turns ruts and bumps Into mam rlpplos by allowingwhools to movo backmndtorward as wall as upanddown Mercurys famous economy consctous sixcylinder unglne 32 cubic toot trunk Extra soundabsovblng lnsulatlon Saltadlustlng brakes And your Marcury doalor ha tull dotalts ot Mercurys 24000 mllos or 24 months Total Warranty Movo up to MorcurleOwlthoulmovlnuutoflholowprlcoclmt All Canadian mug deplore the rowdylsm organized hawk In And plaln bad manners Hugh Marlin leenl Metal campaign chairman In 90 said baton the rally helnd urged that learnl workers take no part In any disruption ol the Douglas rnILv In statement Issued helme his spectrum Dougln said There was vlrtually nu heck llnl from the capuclly cmwd ol 7200 ln the Forum plus 2000 In the adjacent Exhlblllnu Gab den listening by loudspeaker Mr Douglas reception eon lrmed sharply with the shout and calculi which teem Mr Pearsons appearance on the name plaflorm Monday He paused to don cap hear In the words Carry On John which ha and had bean used by the Conservative In 1951 aw moment Inter he re moved the up and pointed aids when he said there note nu the cap was made in Calum us Ohio HECKLEIIS QUIET THE BARBIE TODAY Nil Ind 8mm 39L LDen naflm N88 DVDan EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL AI lhe same time oullcal ï¬gures have become nmlllar ï¬gures lhrou leIavlsIan and no longer Imp we will lcnl rallyJ which have memd recently on the Canadian scene think 1h cause found ultimately in the frustration 01 mn limes He Aid was symptomdo In people living In ear nuclear war audios Jam lhrouzh automation nd nan Economy zu in Kunm nub am In comma Illflfll 56 ml 0U PLAYERS mum olntmufl Only frnua PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE son wAï¬In P1113371 550 FEATURE 700 Ind SHOWN AI with