Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1963, p. 3

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VVLIV Of Group ng periods unemploy menl have deslrucllve ellecl on he individual Some unem ployed continue lo slruggle torreiling knowledge and skills galned during years apprenA tlceshlp and experlence la lake unskilled work other are so lruslrnled by the conslnn de gmdnllun forced on them be fcausc ol the allure of Illelr soclely Io create job mningn that lhclr mnrnle L1 deslmyed end lhey nllen become unem playable We believe too that Cuna dinns nre resourceinl capable and intelligent and thnt they want to conduct their nilairs with in minimum government It you will examine our policies and our iegisiniinn housing transportnlion iarm trnde ex pansion industrial bank loam tax incentives norihern devel opment youwill see that they are all directed in this pur pose Stating Conservative policy further Mr Smilh said Con servatives belleve that the gov ernment must be responsive to he needs oi the people and thcroiore the elected represen intlvcs must govern We not believe ln abdicatan our governmental responsibility to the bureaucratic control oi any selected group or Brains lant Small buslness loans new allilude ln lnduslrlal bank poll cicsa vnsl lechnlcal school building programall those ac tion designed to provlde job or Cnnadlans In Canada These pollcies are succeeding and how mcy succeed In manulnnlurlni cllies like Barrie may very well determine the tale of the nu lion Russell Pague New Democra Ila Party candidate snld Un employment ls the great symp Iom of lhe slcknnss nmlcflng our economy today Hundred ol lhmmnds ol men nnd womv an who look 101 Jobs and young paople leavlnx school find that snclcly ls nol and or lllcfn Four candidates In Slmwe Noah addxused meeting of the United Rubber Worker In Union Hall last night and an swered questions allowing their addresses IIEBER SMITH Haber Smlih Progressive Conservative incumbent said We believe it is the duty of he zuvemment to provide climate where private initia tive can lhrive because it is only through productive and prosperous people that him love of social Justice can be maintained Conservallves believe there should be little lnlerlerence by lhe government In our prl vale lives as possible Conser vallves want to make ll easler orupeoplg la hplp Illumsglves Russth roam Mr Fugue said an lntrem In pmducuve capacity not cnough Even in year such as he Inst one when wa wen nhln to Improve lhe Gross Nn llunal Producl by 73 Mr cent we only nchlcvcd dccllnc ln unemployment nbou one per cm Our nblllly lo produce goods lhrough the rapid inlm ducllun new lethnoMy mm cllnnicnl processes and nulomn inn hm or ouulrlppcd our ablmy to provide Jobs or our people under 15an govern mcnl pollclcs aald factor Ilmt stimulated growth and provided me new Job In Hm chllx mnble or he lulure lnvcnlorlcn grew 14 mllllun dullnu In the Nut quarter Um ycar nml 710 million doll nn In um lhlrd 1m Nor Mr lngue mld Onto again we lune clear lmllcnllun ol llm lnmlllllly rsulllng mm llm lnrk nl ccnnoml plnnnlnz Nun ol the mnlor lmcu lhnl unused Um melh Ipflrl ln um wlll Im nLllvu In nml lime ll na mlllrllco lhnl nny new growlh lurcu wlll nnlvn In lnku llxelr plum Unly ll lhu pmqu tlccl nvrnunwl llml drlmnln rd In plnn Illa emnoluy wlll ll he muslhle ln nchlcvu ll hlulwr ml ol growth nml mlnln ll uvrr Inn pcrlml Huh 11w aninnnl cunnmk Do vrlnpmcnl llnnnll unly mun hrr la mm In mlnry In the chnlnnnn nnd anly he la ull Ilmn All II In rmmwcml In In In any on lmlnl slmllrn In Um mrmlmn ware HIM and um xc€elnrnl mlvlrc 11m nnwrvallvc lnrly no lull lhnn Vvur nundrl pm lnulinn lo mm Imam In emnnmlc plmmln 11w Mlnnllc Mvelwnmnt 114mm It emu more erlrnl II II mnumul nl llu mvm lwu mewnm Ilme SIMCOE NORTH CANDIDATES Tm Tm llnnmlr Dry HEN IMILV WM AM TO DUNK GOLF DRIVING RANGE NOW OPEN HIOIITI UH Only Ml Mllu lmn limb HIGHWAY NO 90 New Democrallc govern ment would make use of the powerlul Instruments 01 mone lnry and fiscal pulley to smooth out the huslnes cycle rather than lollawthe pradlce at other govemmaan whnse commlt men lo balanced hudgaz phll osophy has allowed these devl ea In rcmaln ldle What Canada cannot Mind 600000 unemplnyed and an economy whose growth rate the sickest of any tndustrlallzed country Mr Pagu said WILLARD KINZIE Willard Kinzie Social Credit candidate made strong bid ior the labor vuie To Social Credit the working man one oi the most important people in society because it isvhl labor that produces the goods that the whole community alloys he said in Social Credit the righis ol Ihe individual come iirst We believe that tire sanity and dignity oi the individual de mands guarantee of security and modem The soldiers mm Trinidad were LL 0L Alpha Cnrllan Johnson Ll George Erwyn Goddard and Lt John Desmond Graham Lukc Those ram NI gelIn were 042d Joseph Sm long Mndugu lrnm Kaduna Cdl Paul Chnbrl anla mm Yoln 00d Joscfh Udidn Ugbce from EudIaObu and 0Cdt Adnmu Bnha Umnru lrom Euk Security wllhoul freedom hollow mockery Even though people have complete securlly from he cradle to the grave as soclallsm and communism guaranlee and even as lrndl Ilonnl polillcnl moyegn In tho Slate Ihe have lost soul Willlnm Garner of Barrie and his sun Jack yesterday tank seven soldiers imm Trinidad and Nigeria who are stationed at Cnmp Borden to Toronto to tour the parliament buildings meet the Prime Minister and watch parliament in session MEET MEMBERS In he Cnusus Mom thc sol dlers met and were Introduced he loll owing members Lloyd Lclhcrhy Simon East Ron McNuII Elgin Hurry Minn Soth Middlesax Phll Hoflmnn Tlmlskaminz Hollis Becket York Ensl nnd Mal Mc Kche York Norlh FIGIIT HINGE There is no happiness in security 11 you have lo become slave or prison inmate ur if you have lost the right to They worn nlso Inhoduced Prime Mlnlxlcr John Hobart nnd speaker lha lluusc Wil llum Murdoch Arlhur Evnns member or Simcoo Centre ncccmpnnlcd the group on pan of lhe our and muda lnlmducllonl The auldlcu were plcalnnlly turprlscd when Iran of Mlllnn Vlrlnr Fnlrbnm ol Pcncmngulshcno ha been up olnlcd Jusllcu ol the Peace and or the County Sim toc In noted he lnlcal nun or The Onlurlo anclle wflh checkup anda cheque fileVOW Soldiers Enjoy Of Provincial CANADIIN CANCER IOCIITV null Ind DIlvlfl Ilnll JUSTICE 01 PEACE hp gum of mafiarats ll lhlnlop ll Eu PA $3011 nullun whizld ithen H5 freedom and It Each employee must have reasonable security ln his job must be pmvldcd on joining firm withfi written cnntrac between himscll and his em ployer choaée or fuse the path be my Mr KlmleslaldY Soclal pre dlls first Almlor the worker la Iinnnclal pollcy that will ensure that work avallabla or all whogwanl and that the worker ls properly pald lor the benefit he brlngs to soclety lhllmgh hls mm He oullmedtflo Social Cro dil Workers Charter He outUnod elgm points the lust of which was Every Cun ndian mus hnve the guarantee basic Income sufficient to pnovide minimum standard llvln We helluva that whalewr physically possible deslrnble and mognlly rlghl can and should be made financlnlly pos sible When this is accomplished than automnuon shall be blessing not curse Mr Kin zle suld Ralph Snelgrove Liberal enn dldake said Never More In the history of Canada has it been so Important or the gov emmenl to ace facts One basic incl that Liberal governmem would deal with first the luck that Ennadb needs one mlllIon new jobs in the next fol years WEmist creme each year or lhe next our years 250000 new Jobsmare Ihan twice as Some or lhe cnuntrle repre sented by the student group warn Indin Thnnnnd Borneo Indu nesln Paklstnn Slam and Mal nyn Allhuug he soldlers didnt meet anyone they knew in tha student group may did meet people who came from than home one and knew common mgunlnlnnccs dents mm eight countries study ing at Carleton Unlverslty undel he Colombo linn jolncd lhcm priur to lunch in he parlinmenl buildings The Vsludenl group Included one wnmnn Mrs Knlay Prak obynllnynlfnflnl Thailqnd FROM HOME They were quile Inlcreslcd but sllghuy cnnruscd by parlia men in sesslon bill mm the Nurse Act and the Moss Pnrk development lo pruvldc lacatlan or new nrmorles weft bgimz dlspgsscd One the asked ll thy cuswm when one member spuaklng that all he ml lean over In groups ol lwn or three and talk lo each other while he speaklnul And whnl are they dlscusslngl Every member bolh group was Introduced lo he on Wll Hum Dnvls Minister cl Edurnllon Folléfiihu tho suslun um 30 dim were luken lo Bradford 43$ III 567hlny 1m PARKDALI wmu UMHID fly TIN is different from any other wine its terrific Mr Snelgme emphasized the need for steady andmhla governmenr at Ottawa IL seems unlikely that any party except the Liberal paly canI get majority in ma next par Ilnmentl Every Cangdinn should ask himself whethu hha vote hu cast an April will help or hinder 1he election of an ML active Parliament to conduct the long deiemdbuslnes ol the nation nwny wen wadIn anyw cepgfye He mld1he creativn of one mmlan Jaws no golnz to be easy Itcan be done and the Liberal party has positive pl achievg iiuln plan in which ha Lily erui government would enlisl he cooperation of the provin cinl and municipal overnmenls news Cnnnda plan when the gevcmment wauid ask aid from industry and commerce and would seek assistance and guidance mm Canadas rent trade union movemenl wurId Irade He said mural govern ment would eslabllsh ltd ernl department 01 lnduslry to find way to produce mm In Canada federal agency or arendevelopmenl Municipal Duvclopment and Loan Fund Nntlonal Development Corpora llon pmxram to deal with problem of loss 01 Job and changes of Jobs because ol aulnmallon and other economlc factors and dclermlned bld or Canadas rlghlJu share of where they met Prime Mlnlsler John Dielenbakur Miaheaded PM LAUDS CANDIDATES Progressive Conservative candidniaa in Simcoa County were praised by Prima Min ister Diefenbaker yesterday at Erndlom Community Centre want you to support Ellwood Madlll DuflerIn Simme on April Hes mun of no abllky Rynard Slmme East serves dual cnpnclly In he government lflld tho prlme mlnlsm 110 gm strong me not solely phyalcinn but lhmugh III Horn In agri cullurc soclol lccurlly and strong Cannqlunlsm OI Haber Smllh Slmcoe Nonh he snld want chr back in he ovum mcnl when he doc an out slundlng job Ls contribu Ilons pnrllnulnrly lo Indus try are terrific Thcyre loyal he Tour Parlt nll reincndously lflld sixpalm Olflccrs nr 1961 are Dur rcIl Brownley prcsldn John Cnslon Vicepresldcnl Mer vin Dohsnn lrensumr Jim Torpcy secretary Harold wen and Edward Kelso direc tors Richard Plowrighl Reg Mason and John Boycs 1mm committee and Walter Hum phreys Mrs Ellxubnlh Godfrey nnd Cyril Jackson supervisory commlllee The valnclnl Civil Servants Barrie Credit Unlun held its annual meeting at lhe Depan men of Lands and Faresl 0L lice Mldhursl The unlon declared five per cent dividend on share And 11 per cent Interest rebuke on loans on the 1962 opernlluns Thu treasurer stnled that Wu good ycnr but with up nroxlmntdy 300 prnvlndnl gov ernment employees drawing from it more member are needed lla company Truck Corpornllon le has been awarded con tract by the Dcpnnmcn De4 fence Production The contract or he supply ol llngIo Junzlclmcs valued at 110103 It one unclusslllcd defence conlrncls or 310000 or more awarded by tho depart men during the llrsl hall at March Total vnlun the com um 13 $17109457 It one defence conlrncls more awarded by men during the PRIME MINISTER Divalen bnkcr grins as he turns lo member or his entourage during Ms brief address to school children auulde ha Bradford Community Centre The youngsters braved the Orillia Firm Gets Contract Credit Union Notes Dividend OTIAWA 5110ch An The prlmL mInisler also said Hm this Area was not entirely new lo him know through my heritage ho snld My Kreabgrandmher came to the Elgin am no on tar 1mm here 146 yuan ago DuflcrinASlmcae has had greal Consorvallvc Inndcrship under Earl Rowe the prime minis or mcnzluned believe Ell wood Mndlll will do slmllnrly inn Jab he said This piping remind me oi my great grandfather snid Prime Minister Dicienbuker to an auidence in he audiinrium of he Bradford Community Cen tre yeslcidny My greatgrandfather piped the Selkirk settlers ho snld He made the commean after following youthful piper through the crowd and on to the mstrum In Intmdnclnngr Dlefenba kcr Mr Madill said this an hlslurlc dny fur BrndIord nnd district person was al lowed two votes one would to lo Mrs chfenbnkcr and the other to Mr DIeIenbnkcr ha snld Mr hindiii referred in Mr Dieicnbakcr as the champion oi the righis of parliament iii policy is construction and reconstruction he said cold drizzle or about an hour minister Later In the Audi to men and hear Lha prime torlum Mr Dlefeubakcr adA PM Declares He Knows Area CHANNEL PROFESSORS HIDE AWAY FANSHHHH AND ALL BOYS AND GIRLS Tho Professors Hidoawa your veryspeclal rogran uommoncjasatdm oclock ever day Now more time upsinwgmgmhgfmno Fl 995 WW =1me Lho United Nations Mr NU 11 Ufidayioblg munttuu DIelcnbaker thundercd out for swam said Mr Mndill He dldnt like of his shoe and pound on the desk ML Mndiii said the prime minister and Agrituilure MinA islcr Hamilton pmvide an in4 cenllvu to annexa They en courage the young farmers to stay on the Nme Were going to galn our fourth consecuuva victory on April he concluded The dignllnrle ware welcom ed to tho own by Brndlord mayor Joseph Maxanl Charles Evans lormer presl dent of the DullerInSlmcoe ngrcsslvu Conservative A54 saclnllon was muster olvcere mnnics Jgflmflgtjfiti PERMANENTS $1199 BUDGET SALON PHONE PA H661 Hugh Manna Mk For The ATTENTION HI quesflon dlreclcd lo WHL nrd Klnzle Social Credit can didale for Slmcoe North Under free enterprlsc would be Iran to start dairy In he any Barrie liir Kinzic laid the questioner ha would have in past bond Assuring that he could pny lilo lurmers inr their milk and would have In caniorm to regulation and having dorm nil lhoso lhings he didnt see why he couldnt start dairy in tlru city ui Barrie iiir Kinzla is the praprlcior or large Barrie Dairy questioner brought down the house In laughter alter candl dulus addressed member of tho United Rubber Vnrkcr and Plnsllc workers In Union Hall lnggAnlghl dressed about 900 adults Exd aminer Photo Willard Kinzie Has Answers SOM GRINDLEY $2500 DON PHFRIMMEH Annnluzm winner In KEMPENFELT TRUMPET BAND BOOSTER CLUB Month at March Burton Ava Barrie Ont llllle Luke Road 54m W3 53

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