Jull In III lull limp or luur mum Illnml nnylhlnl MI In lIal 11w mnnnhh Inllnr drllwyl and Mural Ir FASHION FIRST mw ll TIIIZ Inshlnu Mule or um um mu ycur 1m ml wing rrnler hnu mm In About how In wmk Illh Illa mullr nmlrrlnl Nay anrh Hm Marl lnllnl run nut Io mm or ml lh lnhrlc Ihmuuh Um llllrhlml ll niwor cuw yuck Qu ewn Mum MIUMM WI lle WNW In lnyrl Ill Iluuo yamr umkr your hulk Store In Tom Nnnhon Ind Ounwn Mo Ilmwlnz HM lunxer mi ntkrl lml II II Illll nm In Wlnnlm whru wmnrn velar mnply Irlllnml 1mm mnxium am Ihnrl lulu Null Jnrhrll wllh II HI lmnu lnfl Irma hack mlnl lru her In mm uhlln Ilunlnn am an Ihnwinl mm Juk VINI llrll ol IIethnn nuv rxptrlcd Io Imp unl Maw lhn knm In mm Plum nIlhnugh Hlxnpsnnl huh an cnmullnnl In llwinn myn lhl lmmr hrmlinu wlll be arntiunl lhlnu Mm lcnnlll Ally Mm In 1on lhll wring Ind Iummr ATS MHZ Llnrn lcmll he nprlnl alum ullh nrlnltd lllka cul lnns nml nrml jrncyn ullowlng clam lwhiml Nuhhy lwmly nml mnhnlrvlrxluml lnhrlu Mn lvtlnk um In mm mulru hr min and cunln lhn uurvry Ihnwx Toronto wnmrn usunlly wcnr luvy In the Apran bul ycllnw Ind whllc nro Ihc new colon bo lnu whim says Dan Mnl lhcwn Emonl Inshlun tnnsnll Inl And mm In Vnncnuvcr Ed mnnlnn nnd Ollnwn NY to lpOMo hru horn good In lho varllnu limit cmnmy uhlu Says llcgina uslulan can Iullnnl Usunlly mm loll of talk bola spran nbnul how big mvy wil bu but uhnn spring we cunlc my dies dnnl Hulnk than suing lo hflppcn ml ym Plnk nppcars lo ho luvornd In Vancouvnr 0tawn and SI Johns NM whiln nnvy mu taluer in Montreal Halilux Ettmanlnn xyldjlcnip Colors salt pastels mainly pink yellow green and tur quaise and variey brilliant print wilh Keomnlric floral nr Ihslrncl pallcmsnm lhv xci 1m mm In An otherwise undrav mnuc Canadian Inshlnn picturc PINK POPULAR The current version diners Imm Inc chvmlsc or suck dress at 1957 In Um Is snugly over he hlps and through the bus lino Its simple lines an be modified with bells sleeve and many different neckline lo produce me new shirt little boy and liflcd wuln look prominent this year And he 1le lenn rnlhur e19 xnnl look the plnin shit list achieved In the gently Iinz wring coats and suits CrossCaMda by Tho Canadian Press shows he sim ple dress which bypasses Ihe waisl being calmed In smros coast to coast for spring and summer The sack is back but this lime has shape and 14 new name lhe shill or skimmer nlE SACK DRESS 13 making comeback with shape and new namema shin or skim The Sack Is Back Shifts Into Spring VMHIZI NEW SOFTER LINES STYLES POINT UP EASYTOWEAR FASHIONS FEMALE ECflNnMV rmnl Sinucrlponmml lur wy um lhnl nvcrnxo young cnrtcr Air rnn nave mm lhnn um ymrly by mung lhrir awn clolhu hulle mvln Ml money lmwrver hry mm It on new hm Ihnri purm or JewIvy which Hwy muldn nlhrrlm Mrnnl 5mm JohnKS lumh AllinThe Inrkcl drrxx SI Johnl llno dreuu mall and null Lklru man In wlnnlpru Thms piece donbanfl will Tomntonw llulc boy look wilh Ihlrl on And tunic dresses MnnlrulScflrm on every lhlmz nlm hood or lho Law rcgt Ambin look 515 Done navy bran and black Inna nre being shown In most ccnlrcs Black patent is the ï¬rst choice of Winnipeg and Ed manlan unmm and in Saint John sevcral sylns In mauve nnd Inpan shades are being featured omer rcxiannl preferences VancouverSlim mum coal with high waisllinu EdmunlonLlnhl bright pus lcl shades lnr mils and wall wgll as dresses ka Dress and hm qunrlu longlh jacket ensem The sharply pom too be lng replaced by lho sonly rounded crescent toe in many clues aflhnugh Winnipeg Ed monlnn Saint John Halifax and St Johns NM report that line poinls will be hero or an nlhcr year The less shnL look big news in shoes and calmes sling hacks pclforulimls slrapplng and lower hauls PIINTIZD TOE LINGERS most popular in Vancouvcr Ol tawa and Halifax and stares in most cilles are featuring ur bans wilh scarves and chillon draping nr lho Lawrence 01 Arabia luokr met This version modelled Taromo department 51an come In while linen with scalloped bands above lhe hemlineCP Tumum mnnnlmlmrr Eu IMIIH lnr Um Mil ulmml lml ranMulan Imk Vlllt In llrllor In Nwmw 44 Dunlop 5th All lmmrnll mm uchulvo unly Ii II Izlnd Fur ulna annI llfllll nmzrmmll ml lllmlr Inf udnnlrr In vlrw and pmrlmu lhrlr mm Wllrnlrly Ilnvuuml rnl nur lnnllnnnl MIN Mlurl Ind le Ir lerl ï¬lm In Ilium In Furl der II drllzhl unupeclml In dlyhlual Malllfll Alnmlanl ll II dlvr hum Khrupr BETTER DRESS SHOPPE mmzw 3mm amass SHOPPE mnnl nnty turn la lhDUKhll beautiful Inc And lhll nlullon would lully um he masl dcmnndinx nl lulu lap clam pump an lenh ulcmlrr heel lenlurlnk Inpcml Inc Topllne II hnndul In tonirrullnx lulhcr whlch nrcrnhmlu Iha mwul mm ha ï¬de Im Hand Tm overblnuse lean In creasingly this union and with good reason lends lt lcll beautifully In lull AkinI With an estimated 20 or more million boating enthusiasts oi whom eight and oneha million are registered boat owners expected ta crowd the nations coastline and waterway this seasnn it is not surprising that the nautical look has become major trend in nummer ris wear Even Iandlubbern ll be seen this year hooded hihhed and whileducked sporting sig nal flags and drawstring cum pleie with real rally bell hnitomed irouscrL For ihn Spring brlrie For trait xawn thats slcnder read staicly as Gothic chapel Lace etched and fluted with iilmy pleat oi chliian lhi silk norgnnza wedding gown can be converted to trousseau hall gown by unsnapplng the lace petals that attach the hall NauticalLook For Sailing Set spnmn mm SPRING TRENDS IN MILLINERY PA IJVI Ouislandinzly eiexnni gown imm Ipring collection inim duce Parisian silhouella ii iik Iaiieln sineth is uiabarnloiy embroidered with Aicncan lace motifs and is gracefully iilied out wiih weeping back skirt pump wllh Alland look Comm tapered loo wllh wlnrllp mm lnlcnt Italle provldu Um nmnl right nnofllcr claw pump elmme slylul an Inmrvd In MN mtdlum high 11ch In color mulcth lhu vnmxv gown 11 em rodeer Swiss organdy dividing mu panel nvzr cotton argandy akin Slaves are tiny and the neckline ls lumped Spring brides have so many beautiful mum and silhou eues Io choose from In wedding gowns um his seasonshould be blooming wilh Ihe prelllcsl bride ever to walk down the aiule Among the seasons most gxqulxlle creations are demure of Barrio 44 DUNLOP EAST Varied Creations For Spring Brides For The Bride For The Brillcunnhl For The Mother of the Brian Fashions For Your Beautiful JUNE WEDDING Zlmou From Our Wldn Solccllnn TRANSMAN Add lo II Ian cnal dram nllzrrl Ivy mnlrhcd In nu drru llnlnz Irml Ill lncktl Imlcm nr lwrnlll nu tho Worm lnlklnx about me he lvm and Ihrw pnrt lnshlnm umnlly Hurling with hnnd nmclyahaped drum rtlnxcd 1an lhnl um sn ll Mono nnywhuo and everywhere in Inwl Ilyll nw cnscmblu Ira cxccpllnm nlly rxclung lhII ycm bccnuu this lnshlon nrnup provide and 1m oppnrlunlly for color an Inn mlxlnx or mardinnlinz um um mmcr dun Irom lha mos Ilmply Ilnlcd classic or he nfllce Iar lho vncnllon trip or Sunday excur nlon look In hair mnro drmy nnd Iaphlstlcnlcd mm In mw lllkl ovnr averIlla sllk um and olhtr 11mph but elclanl tnbrlu Surh double llIe ennmblu llm drm with WI cont lunlc Jacket are Ideal or ulnm our selling Inn and an bl new lhh uprinz For dramnllc dnle llmc sul Hngl scooped neckline frocks show of when hardylhcre jack on cnpclels nr brlel bolero nro removed lwnpfm enscmhles of aver blnnse nnd skirt are ollcn lapped with casual rnrdiznn jnckcls nod and unllned any 01 those lake vrlnled op lhul coordin am with he lalid colon at Jack al and nklrL Smart haslc draw lnleresl km and excmng by themselves are alien cnhnnced his awn by coals capes and jacket wllh canch smart Inleday and evening ulharlng has en nmblcsnndzstmd lo make grand entrance Top and Ierrlflc or any fashion agendl an the count less tuvlllnu combinations co or and purl lo Ipell nut lha coxtuine GREEN SILK Ihe Iabrlc used or lhis glamornu cocktail costume Onn of he most nul slnndlng designs In lhe Palullm Jo Copeland callccuan the green Costumes Of All Types Keyed To Summers Diversified Fun PA mu mm no llmll lo the many many harmonious groupings Hm Ire made up or spcdalor and activa sport dnlngsthrrc place oulIiu wilh vest and pant ar Ikln plus blnuso anc or two gin plnysufls with over Iklrl louso and thorl not co ordinate for mlxing and match lnz In of shorts panls sklrls overblnuscs slums and Ikimmm vests Jumpers blou Ham and others dress becomes doubly Impurlan In any selling The cxpresslon costume season can be swcet mush lo he can Inshlon conscloun wnmen So 11 good new today as costume and ensemble step out with 31 us or lho My season Mofo more evidence he ensemble lhemu runs hrouzhguh lhgsppnswear acme dress smnalh and slender It sleeveless back is sorlly blouscd and set on by vulumlnoul star at the malcrlnl that is dc curated with large cabbage mes uiWhaTs Frosh oul of H10 halbox flalroving milllnory new Io hoadlino your Eanor parading Son the Spanish look ho dramaticturban Iho om lnino flowou and boautilul bonnet galoro FOR EASTER Mnflnl Junl COLLIIR ITRIT THE HARM EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL 7A JUST TRADED IN MY OLD WATCH FOR FABULOUS NEW BULOVA and had my hair set on he housel In Mm bean to hippy with mulch balowl Thanh lo mdaln alluwnnca an my old muh plid so little ynu could hlvo knocked me aver will humming So got mw huivdo In the bugIn And Iléll hlvan Ipent all the money and an my buauulul buulilul Euluul 15 Dunlap SL Eul PA 83745 PA mu SHOP OF IARRII