Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1963, p. 18

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mm Mflulrd unh wml nr IIII In IM IN lufhlyn rlclurl ma Hm Jacquard um dlmnnk Mn rm In lulu nurnl m1 dru rm anrrnI Iml urulu nr My lo flu lVlI nlumln Ilrlry Iumnm In lan Home min unnl llmnl lulu noun hind Ind mny NuIll Inn drmrnnhr Intu in in mp Llnrn In Irvin uhan In null lml dml WIKMI wnll lnmvmr Ilum llncn all cmxrmlulnnl um llllPIIIMI lo dull and rrnlnl Ilyln For IIIHHR In Hnt or cry armlunnn um lnmlrrllll hnmlcrnflrvl look than crlln luluu nml llncllrn buan Ilzhlnru llynlrnl II wumlulul 11 fl Illrnllnl ha prrulnru n1 lprlnz Hull lhu Inn1y lrlnh llnrn lu lnlrmhnnl Ami Alllrrlrnn luvmllv lnlrrlc or round Hu clmk mum Um Cnluilnlu Ill er9 Inn lloilinrrl II whnm Innlum mm nll lypu In Ihrlr rollldlnm 1111 loot ume sum infHm nr Hwy gnu 9L may to ulrhlo In Cnilumn in nmrilu upcclnlly who 11m ncmmpnny Accnnlinl lo llm Now York Com nnd Suil Assncinlinn here In new In luckclslhty hnvo dcmllillcd 100k nnd man clam In Folly They vnry from he wus aknmwr In lhc hnhydqll Imlrra In lhe Chnncl lnxnirul wrdignn Nu many Ii ch lrnxfll walklnn gun Suits me dlIhrtnl looking more fluttering Ind dullnllcly more wcnrahlu lnr mm wumm um may hnro bun Inr quilu uhllc Irir the uumnn who am In and what unmnn ducsnfl mi Is an Important nun Innson Fabrics for spring chl lex lura story twists bubbles loops hauclus wulllos nubhy pulledand all art loamy lith Color wlsc coats are caplL vming Puskls rclun supremo with powder blue Imd pink lak lnx the npollizhl Thnrcs big ualule loo or red hit and blue Cool Linens Are Hot Items This Spring Thank diveruly Ityles reports In New York Coal and Sui Assaclnliun spring cnals are not confined to any one silhoueue Some nre cased ovebnnwing fitted or Plumb Line other are straight 1mm Ihuuldcr to hem wllh marvel ous undnmlnnlna In lrnnL Some have cascading hark fullncss like chnlr boys surpllm Sam swagger inlo belted ranch type All have llmclcss chlc The new 63 Myles pmpasa avcrylhinz pretty and poetic everything leminine and delight lul lu wear Then wonderlul excuse to buy new Spring coat and suit this yur No mamr how smart your old coat may he il docs nn make new unlcsl In one or the exclliug lex Iured fabric and clcnr paste that are lha hallmarks new Inson coals Soft Fabrics Shape New Coats Suits SILK SERGE In bright red and while mmblnaljon in used huh spring 63 msluml IA THE 31 EXAMINER THURSDAY Tissue weigh labrics in rough lo smooth lcxlurcs lake the limelight Leading the fashion parade are airy waais Crisp dry worslcds wnvepnt tuned silks comm rivulcu nnd grainy ncw synthetics Parllcuinrlyncw looking in light weight Anglo wool In an lnlcrcsling diagonal weave For dressy look the siiks and wnrslcd 1m landing the aprinl um Mug suit hit parade The colors or he scasnn In vlle darembe dillcrcnl com bination xuch as lurquolsa and brawn lawn and my black and while or green and navy There are whlus and of whites whila exciting new clear pastel such as yellow celery lanes corals pinkl powder blue and cilmn xluw smartly an the ICEHC derlul and exciting in Um new whitened bright pastels Ind high calm my blouse II silk print with mflchi jnckcllining suit The sult has bowtied tuxedo jacket nvrr while blnuse than embroidered with red and whlto thka DQACH mmmnn The leader In Mens Fashions Designer go one step further his year than proltclinx your hair against lhc waves ynu lint liule nnd who doesnt lhcse days they have hats at Ilnlinn slrnw la prcvcnl sum bl ed Imir In colours and muu uuu lrlrns It In ch your lwlm can All not Milly each balh In cup In lhe collecllon is made on the amou SnveAWave base This Is an exclusive lnnnr mnxtrucflan that keeps the cap sitting down snugly on ynur hand and your hair dry Every cnp loo is mlour mordinnlcd to exactly match the bnlhlng suit colours lo be uscd lhls coming season by Sea Queen and other anndjan munumclurers There are cap of rubber he looks It had been accordion plealednnd cup wllh the ban dnir look devalopnd to the ra gillly and alrihcss French pastry There are caps glisten lng with gold and allver spray or sparkling with lequinl These are not utilitarian cap for from it they come in start lineg vivid tones oi pink yellow and orange and are made up in the most frivolous styles DaGlo colours will he added trim to childrens cups too boon to mothers who like to keep an eye on their olispring among tho hundreds at the beach This is not all the newsthere are bathing cups that look it they have becnmnde oi atrnw Yes you can wear your straw hat to go swimming The straw is actually fringed braid that is applied row on row and ion pad with new of rubber ilow err Speaking at hinge there are ringed cap too raw unon row oi fringe some at it as line as pencil line to tremble as you walk or talk or even twimi SPARKLING CAPS lhes cap were Frincipally designed lorskln dvers and water aklm Sldo dIVus who are operaflnz In weedy or mur ky water can be readily Ideol mm by other member of helr group Water skiers golno al good pacev who all off lhelr skiis usually submerge or somo seconds seconds that seem Ilka hours to Him watching or lhulr moppearlncc but now with DAGLO cop they can be spot ted Just as soon as 1th heads rise above lhusurlace of tho wnlc maven on dull days SPECIAL DESIGN Now you can have up lhal laws under water So that you can take your bullpoint pen dlvu underwater In sum qulel cave and wrlle lho story your llle by the light of your DaGlo cap To be serious them new chla cap slow on dull day or under water They are bas ed on the ram principal as lhu llourescent helmets supplied to airmen and parachutlstr Neon colour sprayed on tn the nm her cap base to make the col uur unusually vlvld and lull al vltallty I963 STYLE REPORT FROM Basically bathing cap is bathing tap it is simply sumo thing you WEBI to keep your hair dry while you wim Thal the principle of the whole thing What fashion designer have done In this simple wave shot Is something else agninl Bathing Caps Save Curls Glow In Water mm mun lhls popular nannllflfl lnnk lvurd wgh and Inn rmmnh Hmlmuly llmugh nur rmlnmcu rln drum Mm Muma lulu mm In ml nvlh lllo mm Al llnneh Mrnn Mu mu vllnlly lnlrmlm our minimum MIT nuhunmtnl tmphnllu un III In good lnvll Dru In and Ivmm nmmd nur II II Inul you will rnjuy Ilvu vllll WI II you will May he now nulnu Im Mnl filth The lylc tlmw was lhn maul mprmva nnyullrrn and lhll Indude NIw Ymk Inm Moduli wilh hlgh lmhlnn he lay noun lilmnl lulu 111inqu mo ullll lluu lmk Hml nnly Import And Dom nllc Wmllunl nm nrlllrve Gum nprnlur wu Hubert nmn mrul 5er Inn lur Playboy Mnng and Ihl hnnnln Wiesnon rry nuunrxllon mmln nl Um Semlnnr on mmlmmluing Ilqvlny lnlylnl nml urllinu and in an hrlnu dams nl nur Ahup wnh tlllXIIIMII 0n Iprclnllxallnn And hcflrr Ihnp lnr yml Hm vunlnmrr Shnrl Imlxlh AllWmlhrr Conlx in 40 mnxlmum In vnrlrly mluun urn nlm prnmlnrnl In mnnl wnnlrabe lodny IRS 01L con In proudly Ilnplnyrd with um Ammwnlum lulul nl uur um The lonely downlmldcn male or Inn Cnnndmn clnlhlng cm In hr well do 15mm 111 The look um cnlrmrl lhe lubrics he nlylo nm crlxp and diflcrcnl Mlh tmnhnsl on avcrnll good n1 IIIMICE lncnl Gard Roach 1on lander In mfnl cloth lnx rcparLs an the Mnnulnclurcrn Clomlnz Scmlnnr held Mnrch 111211 mm Stepping elcxnnlly lnlo Ilm spotlight ll whlla or bolh lnle day Add évcfilni wear While mlnk and ermlne wlll be seen In sollly draped cape lcl and smnll alolns Styled In Ilulcl wrnp around llnes are nnlurnl wlllla brond lnll lamb Jackal wllh puslyup nlccvts and cnwl collnr llml can he worn as hood or cool er otcnslnnl While lax In ona or more Us In capclcl nnrl stole slylns perennial luvorile nur rmlnmcu Am mm ah ll rflmt WI Al Gaul Vllnlly lnlrlrllrvl In White Furs Styled For Day Evening Tim new Iigurinn silhoueiio is shown ilere in an eiongaind and wiiinwy wniking dress made or lightweight sheer wool in copper coior The rock feature copper lnnc accent bulinns kick pleat both iron limp wl hnuw gfl Hard rn with THE FIGURINE LINE Ihn bolh and back apd nghrm belt which it aslly cenlr an EDWARDS Ior IM Lam In Bvldal Fnhlonl hilly flnmi nllk Iklmmer wllh lumhvull and halenu nKIllnr Ilrem mo Inn lln null ullh plurlmI Im lannl Sllm IIIll mtl bmrdpl Icuilh Alum 1m Frmhhu drmllll ml wllh Allrlluu huhMM tllrd unl Humaunt drawn Jul mum For evcnmg wear the lung dress continua la be favored and will be seen In heswressed circle In chfllona geornllem embroidered organdle and 11155113 or muons The mveredup luhk ul lush neckllnn Icoou down to rdeepAV In buck has Ilny So too an the lemlnlue looks he Ihlrt dress type In flna callous blend all types airy vollns lawn chnmhny broad clgth and xerersucker In usual drum as well In sportswear madra vhed In new darker colorings For evcning lye lung awnnd roulh silks such as Dmnh and silk linen will and shaunlungs and surahs the many roughthread abrlcs like Jute lax In unlap all shape up Elmilflcnnll In Dresm or dayllrne and evo nlng too are often so llrnply styled 1hnHM seasons ashlans Ire shrink the barrier bu tween dress and rporhwear vim up up hoigllu the fillovu to um will be Inn on many qu well on dream and costumes The same general lllhweua curled out in tho long back or lronbhununed nverhlouxe In belted tunic styles Ind In nint lclflly Impjredm¢dlex Fuhlon has many ways dam some lll in blaming In hlu out for bodice Ind mm lubua lumen and re strained 5km lullneu Equale Important arethe son spring labrlu um nu uhlons clam lo the body or and any 10qu Spring Fashion Scene Casts Pygmininity In Leading Role very rcstrline and Ideal for accessorlllnl lherel the shift dress tho lwuler drug and tha aklmmer Shawn loo hnvn In nltogether dlflarcnt look In II no aw son handling All these lheinea are almpllclly personified and In this no their eiannce The Image ashlun on of femlnlnn In who of um not that lrllsuss flourishes and miles art minimum From lhu lap at lhu hand to the Ilp of tha tots the words uhlon In florl relaxed Ind 11mph Volthg impqgnnt new pn this Iémlniie Ila Thar dazenl Ind dozen new varlatlons on classic lwealer theme and them exclllnl For exampie The mere look or sleek woolknll sweater and tunic have lrlm loan uncluumd lines Cropped little cardigan and pulloven lop hell nlred rs Bubbleshaplnx com In long lellculvlnfl pullover with bnw gathered mu Ind In drawstring pullovan or leisure mom and utter acllvu llmcs loi For allunflve than evening dresses wlll comlnue lo be le niflcanl and they wlll hlva III the fashion detnll color Ind exsltemcn the on but Floral And nth udunl print am cuad or Ivanlnl and will ha whirllnx on un lplInl scene Lawcs or takes stole cover p4 Al Edvard AM you In chooslng ydur New Sprlng costume Edwudl youll find wldo lecllon of the most fashion wlu coals mltl Ind drawn with Iccmorlcs lhnl no sun to wmpiumenl Edwudl Mlldand lho finest do pnrlment Ilore nonh of Tor onto wllh 18 dcpnmncnlx Speclnllzed Scrvlco OF MIDLAND HAIR STYLISTS OF DISTINCTION MW huudmg wu emhuflxed Eu gene Outerbrldle nun Bib muda budnessmln and Hand of Mr Bauxy or 15 yearn 0n ambition an Bully re cent painting nd mm hi early work PAINTER HONORED HAMILNN Bermuda CF Earl Ballly plrnlytlc Nov Sco lIn artist who 11m by holding the brush In in teeth recenuy made wheelchllr our art gallery bull In 111 honor The permum two stony hulldxggnggmhumg byiEu Law hembands and lowHun pockets twin Vlalll Ind Ish nus hulklzs galore hill short and middling and dont large the dlvldeud Iwulcrl vllh hoods dick or compan Ion vesll Tamara neckswllh zippered cardlnn Ind pullover with zippered plnckeu all In my ularlly of 51d treatments plack et at contrasting pant In new

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