Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1963, p. 13

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Wllunm Slrglh It Elmvale lhundny Mn Maw II patient In Royal Vlmrln Hospital IMI WM rv mu lnu mm null Hoe rum Mum nnnv ArIuL mm lmmlnn hm rm um luy klqu mum Ann too scum lull no roymn Purl Iw Imu Inqu Vail Eur no mnuy Pun Ir lpmll swam Unllmllld Squm CDC TV Now Wulh Ivom NIII Movl lo Nam nun Arm won Tul Mum ml Good Manual 1050 Emma mm In Nu IIM lamp rm 1UP N00 lupan 1w Mam 0le 7mm Jun IIIKM no m1 nlnl Around Gllnl on IAr Young TM mu 09 832888 fllUllnAV IYIIL too nunu In Him lrnhuur m4 Klddo rmlm In Luv In II II lule lunmun mumoi Hun lhflon Haul In low llll IMO 33nd Mra Douz nmnu 19 1M wackend for short holiday ln antgnlln Two other lucky ruldenfl of the Park FL and Mrs Thompo Poplar Place holidaying 1301 sunny Snulh Mr and Mn Donald McDonald dad ha Iunqranl My Member th Womenl by Illlula made quill or Mn D990 Mn Newman Giflen has turned home mercohvalesclnz the home of lushsyn and dluzhlerlnlaw Mr 1nd Mn Dan Gmen angrflfiWspn Mr and Mn Charlgl Diner vlslled on SundAYJMllI Mr Percy Demand Brhn Ban1e Th Ollicnrx Vlves Club htld le bimonthly bridge on Wad nesday night In the dlnlnz room he Olllcers Men Prize want In Mrs Doug Snowdon Ind Mr Doug limms Mrs John Davie Poplar Place hu her molher Mrs Mann ul Monlml vlsillnx with her Mrs Mann 2mm home al er prolonged visit lo CIlllor Mn and Vlclorla Cl su Sand MrsImik oI Pim Court have let for hulldny in Victoria prior to zulnz oversea this momh wme rE JILIéhnSm ha mil Mr gun mu Batu at Sunnldnlu Corner vlsuédvfux 9nd Mn Dauqu Gulenuq Sun my Mn and rm13mle and daughter vhle Mr and Jack Brook In Tonnlo Vlsltara on Sunday MU Mrfi and Mn HarwGlflemyen Mr and Mrs Haber Waller affllenr cm Ind Mr and Mn NormY Martin and many Enzlowpoclg Nancy Gltfcn is vlsllln urandparenu Mr and Bales Slayner Anne Mam Slralh of filmvllq In vlslllng her Aunt and uncl Mr and Mrs Don McDonald Erundn le spent the week end with Rosanne Dawney and Ciro an visited her grand parenh Mr and Mn Loup heed Sunnldale Corners By GRAY The Womens Auxiliary me an Tuesdny nith in the Social Centre with Mrs Olive Lamln man in Die chain hrlei busi ness meclinl was held followed by games the winner being rim Gray The door prile wenl lo Mrs Daralhy Harding Refreshment were served by the lunch committee includlnz Mn Sue McLeod Ind Mu Lamlnmun Mr and Mn Carson had Incmslul salt last week They have moved Lo lhelr new home In Elmvale AROUND SIMCOEICOUNTY CAMP BOBDEN ll your nvrhr in MI unlnd pl vim luwl In rnnnm Hun hunt mm lunu um MIn lmlluorl manu EM hnhmrl An Cup WI nu Dvflvmd TI VIII um THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICI By MR5 BA MAW TELEVISION PROGRAMS EDENVALE DRIVEYOURS CAM AND TRUCKS CF10 CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU CKVR CHANNEL VALLEY TAXI PA 82433 mile in Wyebrldgu an Sundly Nrynnd Mn Kendrick pnt last week InSa uld sex Burn It Panel Hospital daughterfia Mr Mrs Don PiInca Ladle the Chlpel Gullrl re busy spring cleaning 51ch encnumginz their Mend to do likewise The mm behind WWW 5m tin pm this event bu been mjflm success so rlse ladies loYanumc and help out mln thlyell 111 ha lppreclnled iCRAIGHURST quuuv In No hum nuloun hm mm Mm rmnu Ion mm Hm In II Mu Amu Tn um Munmn In 0mm rm IHII mum MM Tum Wuunm InTIml 33 35 33883 AM In Mnlro mummu mo nm In In Mrunnn Him ml Tm hum JD Popey Muu In Bloom loo Wrumnf Ianan Tndly Ina IMIn Down Chump 4m sonu nm In luq Mrs Mary Wlka hnd birthday recently And war ylaw sully mpriml by my men In her honor by rr John Campbell and Mn thumy Twelve 01 Mllll rind mel And enjoied gnma brldze followed mile and Blrthdny cake Prlm or um Kama wenl tn Mrs Snowan and Mn Beneluxd Sympathy goestn he llmlly of Mrs William Stralh who died wfiflcnly 267 returned Inertial nvery 1ch tan WC Davies Poplar Plan ll enjoylnl leavg ll hame hl currently living In Rockcufle where he has been mnmmd Mn Duvles And the children ham to Join hlm mm the mld dls of Aprll Miss Glendemii been patient1n Pena II General hnspllnl 11 been likan lo Beetm Manor lbr urmeryltarel Mr and Mrs nor mcncken have returned mm Hrjplo ma west coast Mn and Mn Jack Hamel Mr and Mrs nobcn Human and lamlly Preston were week end guests of Mr Ind Mn Barnes Mn Currie Sutton hildhmfl Mu Vukemnn Barrie wer lugsu of Mrs Sam AHen Mn Wiuim McGhmis II vnsiunz relatives ln Oahnwn Mn and Mn Russel McElwnln were guests Mr and MrL Joseph Camemn New Flo eer lerlllrfichlm1 spent lheymkend lnyorm Mr Indllrs EmeslWAlklnI and Georze Walkinaoulbronto allendcd service ULSL John Ewell 9ndyygnomlqz Mr nndrVMrs Max Craig and lamlly visited in Dllsmn Sunday 933 Mr End Mrs Earl Richardson and chlldren Barrie vimcd Mr and Mrs Arthur Dunn Vlsilors with Mr and Mrs mm Elsmere It the weekend were Mr and Mrs Murray Bell and Me Ann and Mr and Mn Dubie of Szrceuvlllo no In Arthur Snider TORONIO BARRIE Punch Ill Ichnlly lhnw lnl Cellmln loom ml lumm Hull hnimy Amhrnu N53 Twmfiafifiu MI Tu Tu mm Gun wm nml NHL mu Jul cm TV Na wmhu Nu Mum Ann Inn 570 Tammun Tmnury Nm lpoflI Dr Kilau Eounlry manna Pull cnc rv NM Walnut Mum Hot mm By MRS ALLEN CROSSLBND am lull Toll In Openlng lendking clubl There ls limit to how at courage would he curled lhl bridle table but when to druv the HM II no nlwnyl clan Look ll lhll hind for example when South dls 1yed the tour ue Ilon mndlnl or turn nolrump doubled humd ol nmnlnx to lha companuvaly uh hlvu three dlunlmds He wnuld mud nice ClaryMn lrlckl In Idll Wut hld ltd undo In South hopcd he would but wm was Iomuwht Iulplcloul About wbll wu nlnl on Ind ltd lhe kin of clu inllud ml lud Ilruck ply din when Em lpulcd with um um Wu renunued By MM BERN JOINITON Glen and Lyle Herrlnllom Don Lemme Gentle Sell and Brynn Johnston yllyedvhec key in orlllll mmmunllyOen Saturdey on the am On Mm ll wn nude up or pupil mm lekestonellmu and Rugby They 1m lhelr um 1m better luck nen yen Ken McLeod Ind Lyle Henlug eon were in Guthrle Frldly try lnl he Slmeoe County public school exam lieoi luck boyl Mr and Mn Howid Maxim Ind lrlend Ind MrILlly done BunI vlallnd lhomu Rodger Mllldflfimn Ellenmom ghee In Qflbllwl on mat the weekend wllh thelr puenu Mr 1114 NHL Len Herrlnxlon 11 mm mun of thc Fed quon Alrlcuflum wlll meet April Ill pm It th norm of Mr and Mn Edwin John wn Mrs Georu Smchlu Orlllln will be the gum Ipelker Everyone is waleomc wx momma um home or Mn Keir mm The mom will be Ilgldy he past work In the present Ind pin for future roll all payment teen pmmm el ection of when and mm 11 ports Indhmch Mu John unn Mm Albert Home Ind Mn An harman Mum Mrs Donald Weir fllrrle vlzked Mr And Mn Willllm Galley Saturdny nlxhl Mr Ind Mm Ed Plrker ol Collluwood Wen Maudy Villtor Mr mderL JH MyCan iha Women lnnilnto wIll glee Ade Mr ind Mn Comle And umllyv v0 moved to Jlmu DAILY CROSSWORD Hail kneel mom of Influx Bum ll luv hula Olin Tnme Ihbn IO Oolnod 11 Hull nua mud hymn Accom lllh nmmodx cub1 lam II If tronIN ml Mud rum IThII mmm East dealer Neither IldI vulnenble hqu Mrllnd Mr Enlluvidlfi human ll IMMI mebug II Iqu find 0L pn mum ll M217 mu ACID Dflutl Bf Mmi 15 mm firu South UTOPIR RUGBY 00 QU incur CONTRACT BRIDGE NOITE on um no hwy mm muAdm km we IBM NlIl Cum mur 101 Iggy BECKER my 10 TIM min 11 Con II ml mu ml Nuw Nmr mu boy ll Noml 1161 Ion lAlnIr IL 14m mm 31Wup IA lho out bu IL 01 In Declartr cashed our dllmond tricks And Wm wu Need to com down In lhrce cardsum K4 nl hurt and In spndu Scum read ha ulunllon cur mlly when he led the seven rpm to lore in ace Ml lhm unis It lhla pain were llu K1 ol nudes Ind queen ol hum but It did hlm n9 pod wm look lhu Ice Ind In Dy lhll lime learned South dlmihuuun relumtd the klnx hum TM pinned lhe ncu And queen lozelhcr Ind 11 mull Wes mud hl Jack hurt to delenl lhc conlrncl hm lrlclu The min lead club lmlud of mademath dmmncn ol our rich In the plly But now led the ten 01 pndu mvered by he jack And queen Wen could not be mm or de clmrl dlilribullnn this point extep lhnl South had lurled wixhnue sudu HI qumed am would but ltd hll curth but lnuead or the ten he had mned with our spades So We and wllh diamond Tnfiwhnwx The nbld by lhl Ipenlul hlddtr Mr And Mn John Muir nl 1mm Sammy night Mr Ind Mn John VIII Cun gen proud znndpmnu ol thy June born In their Ion1n llw and dluzhler Mr And Mn swemon Memor iiJVHoopIm Mllglon on Nani Em 9mm will be held 11151 Gaorlel Church April 230 And on Euler Sunday them will communion Iervlce It oclock 31 ESTHER DOWN Woodl Euchre Club held It weekly leulon Wtdnexday eve ning Whuurx were Dork Maln uwl Roy Holt Flame White Ilde Charles nandnnfl Esther Downer and Clarence Brendon Visitor with Mn Hnel Eml Iey on Sunday war Mr Ind Mn Arnold Rogers wlth daugh ter Lynn and um Barry of Bond Head Mr md Mn Jame Alme and lmlly 01 Holly Mr Ind Mn George Davis and mu Ivy Ind Mn Kmnelh Bmlley Ind Murray Ind Llrry Mn lime Baxland Vera McKenzie and Hum money at tended luhlon Ihaw 1n Cook own Ezbarl United Church Women will meat It the home Mu Cecil Whltulde April 10 130 pm Mrs Hun Bmlley Esther Ind Wilson Downer and Roy Ind Vincent Holt mended the endure In Enter Dunn Hall Slgrday Mr and Mn Cecil Whllelldt wen Sundny In Toronto with Mr and Mrs Row RIM and Mr Ind Mn Funk Inghlm Mr Ind Mu Cllflard Camp nll Ipenl the waekend in Top onto with Mr and Mn Hany Knru Ind Mr and Mn James King with Ihc qulen Ind mother club Declarer mowed to tha Hut club Ind dlmrded heart on the second one but then had Io um Iomewhl leMully with three diamond on the next mm dub lends He couldnt Ilford ho discnd splde fur lur am the dtlmo would ugh flve Ing xrlclu INH TRY AN EXAMINER EGBERT howlfl An Run II Xluxim lulu ll DIV all It SIM nu IV for Pv Mde 01 um inmuln figfiuy In BARN EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL 63 Bio In cm MN CANT iiisaarv us on

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