Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1963, p. 12

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WM Dulmv mmlm In ulhm llury Jada um um 10m Nurl my will NORTH IIM lCll Saul 51 Mull Guyhnumh In lrnln Myth my Trnppm ll Wrdnndny nllhl lo llnmO Ihrh lmlulllm NUIM Junlnr ml ll lwn umu Huh The um and duldlnl nml will flayed In San file Mum Inlay night WEM Mnhl In winnerl wllh lunloul minimum Arc Drum and mmll 11w thllar club llml tanml pml Vuodxluck Alhlrl kn 1l In lhn nmlllnnh he an hoohlnu up mu TlmUmm or me JIM rrnwn The IMAle aurvlvnl trurlllnz ml nmu anm hr lonnrr Nullnnnl ochy lAnguu nm with Tore onto Drlmll Chlcnuu And lho uhl llrmklyn Amoran xuldcd Bulldog In Hm lrnlun cnnnnl wIUI JlIH card In mo In year unlor ranrh ln lhc lrndlllulmllynhnnl 01M nlnr mam In me dwr uumrnl of Mir nine me our Cnnmin In lluslnm urn bombed hy llulllloxl 01 hcir only Inn lhc lour NM le 11w nun lrnm mm mcnlly vrun the world horkry chumplunshm lo ml lnxl Navcmlmr Greyhounds Top North Bay This Is lounh cxpnrlcnccd lenm hm cupublo marina you or prevmllng lhcm mid Watson ncsldcs that all the with Monclnn will be Vinllugr Arm and no wni Hm Domnn llnnlull make II My guy are nggh bcnl nl hame lhlnk were In lho drlverl um mld much Hurry Watson he prepared charges or the openan xnmo Sunday alt Inmml In bcslotmvcn Ensl ml Cunndn final wilh Monclon llnwkx WINDSOR 0m CPWind nor Bulldogs having advancud urlhcr in Domlnlon hockey compcmlon than any predeces wr culcunin no Hluslons about lhclr chnncts ol winninz ho Allan Cup omblcmnllc ol ac nlor mprcmnry In Canada We cnuld have played hlm but it meant taping him up 531d AbcL We didnt wan to hka any chances But Im sun Theyre running nut all his said Abe thn we won that game In Sunday they aald was because my didnt have Bobby Hull They had Hull an Ncsdny and we still won Vhal will may say when we in the next nne1 ilcd nu arrived Wed nusday nlght aner bumpy sue rlde lrom Detroit mlnus lwlpggrlvic Slnsluk who hu Thals the word Detroit Red Wings and Hawks or the showduwn lllh game of the bushelseven Stanley Cup semlHnal They enter the com lost an square lwn name each However all the lalk lsnl scarlng Sld Abcl coach mo Red Wings Bulldogs Have No Illusions About Winning The Illlan Cup CHICAGO CF Chlcago Sladlum hockey fans who de mnnd blood wllh lher sent stubs may not Just that lunlght not lheyll probably wilnes lot shooting by the Black llnwks Clcvclnnd 1le Cal Will le5 ul WSW quflh nnk lng heavyweight In the world plnnl Ms right Inla Ihe moulh Young Jack Johnson at Hawk Fans CouldSee Bloodbath At Stadium pmly MOUTHFUL 0F LEATHER II dtlrncc Include III Mllrhcll Flnyd llud lllllmnn Tam Alkalch Jncqm Deal and Norm Folkr IIIllnum In lhe uldcr hmlhcr ol Cnlcnxo lllnrk Ilnwh Wnymy and Larry the annnlouwnrd unruunvd who playrd wllh annwrlu Thu nnullendnr In rnnkla Wayne nullodn who mund Mlh Nlnnrn Fall Junlor Fly or Ihrco nuns Irloru Jolnlng Wlmhor he nmlon lmnld luxlulue nllrd In our game or Ilnm Inmth wilh Kinflllon In lha IIlnltrn pm lcnlun and nllowul nlnu nonll He ramnllcd 511 lvtrnu In lrnmu pl nlo Irwln GmuBOb Drown Tom Wnlkcf thrmnme he most publlclzed line Thuy swred IDI goal In 47 leaguu nmu rlthlnzrr Drown pac lnx lhu clrcull wllh 41 two mm than Wnlknr Gross mo bnldiu lormcr pm centre wilh Shawlnlnn Falls won the nor Inn llllo with loz polnl Includ Inu 69 nulsll in ulnya mu lo dale Drown hm Iddld more ul Hrs omlln Auululon Dulgorlnflmcu Plowum hon Bulldog la in cxpluslre Imrlnz nunch backed up If cpdonnl dcpih Barring Injur Ics Wan wlll haw Iho prob lzm In every 3mm benchan lhteu mcmbm hll mmnn Iqund Wlndsor hm had mnny ma Spllllrc Junlor and Bulldog Io Nor lcnm alnco lhc Secund Wnrld Vnr but none has ever won an ullOnlarlu NH an lhl ypnr lhcn cousin Ianlnsl Narnndn Aloueues In the nllromnrlu ll nnl In In and ask and Pierre Pllolo hnva hand cull but hue am lncldenlnl In Nallnnnl Lennon Thu Hawks who dmppcd and game on Detroll 1c nIlcr opening tho serlu nl hume wlm and victories have orders In shoal and large about the fancy sllck handling and passing play that marked their name on thu road Still on Ml wlnger Run Murphy He has been In hospllnl Isolation ward for week while doctors have been trying In figure what drug he can Inke with no ill effects for In Inmlcd ankle cul chlw nger with an ad hcsive plusler over his broken nose and wllh bruised right shfluldcr Isnt Jqopcrccnl Were all healthy apart from Stnsluk Couch Rudy Pllaua of the Hawk was Rlum llhaugh he plucked regular from slck buy Wm Dnlcnccmnn Al lllacNell out for couple of game wllh crnckcd rlbs skated 75mmqu prncllce and dgclnred llo play hell play In the slxlh game at he Sundqy nlghg APRIl8 Qunqdlans Never Had It So Good New York In the 1001 round their achedultd 10 at Mon lnn Wllllnms won Ihe all seconds later on TKO The remea flopped buween Iho In DufferlnSimrcbéi TORONTO CPDTam Illlcy drIlnccmnn lur lhu lnrl Unl Jmusiu leuldu wu Aus prndcd lur Ma Wvdncxdny Ivy he uxtcullw of tho Ilnculn Cnunly Srnlnr Hurkry Lrnxutu mlry who had hm Im rcndrd lnr lbm mml mly Um Ichrvlnll MI mm mlr plnym lnvnlvnd In plum Ind rml nllnrk ml Lemma Ircnldrm nun Mmlmnn nflur ulna 3n Thpmhl lrlulny The ur nym we run 11ml ml no olhrrwln renamed lnr lhrlr ullunu The ranlesl wax delayed lnr about halt hour as an lwo occnnlmu In lho lhlrd purlod Midland anlln Churk chell hnd lo rcllro lo lhn drculnx mom Ila had have shouh drr mm one llme lhnn ml la tlznr hll lhront kw minulm lam Tho onnsldtd mnlcst was en llvencd somewhnt lnlu In the ammo when flay Gnrirpy Mldlnnd and Hoytr Brad lnrd numcd ln lho pcnnlly box nolh um banishcd or lhclr lrouhlrs Fraser Dunn conncclcd lwlte or ho Flym Morley Splkcr at UN other Don Glbsun In the some HimI scrumny comm wllh rah mnrkm one or whlch wn ncumlly mm hy Mid lnnda Tom OConnch and Lloyd Boyer nob Hussnrd and horn Davis had linglcs The Exprzzssmcn pul them selves In the envlnble poxllian lnsl nlghl Midland by lrlp plng the has Flym 51 They now lend the bushelseven sur ml with the filth game 1mm nr Bradford lnmormw night Riley Receives Life Suspension Brndrord Mels Express MC just me win In my the Gcor ninn Buy Incrmrd1nle Harkny championship Thu Sixlh wJémrw wlll be played at Delmll Sunday seventh ll necessary wlll be hm 111 day Eric Nestarcnku will cont llnue to shadow Gordio Ilnwe said Pilous Thats our plan and mink hes been doing area Job have no crllldsm his play but cant my Um same or some Ihe others Neslurcnko hm skade wllh Howe runs of um um but big Gordie has sllll scored four nan kl our games Pllous calla Wednesdays prncllco to correct hnl Inuit And no Hawk worn letllnz Hy mm nll direction They had dlmlcd only 39 shot nznlnst Dclroll Enalkmpcr Terry Suw chuk In Inst lwn Kama whllu Ihe Red WInu bombed Giggnjlull wllh 88 Expressmen Close To Championship flamers at 110 of H1 lolh when Vlllinms had Johnson hrmmcd In his own corner Note the aversized goose efl over Johnsons eye Them wm I1 pcnnlllu nll lnm wllh erlnnl liking clam Mild Doug Coulwn hm hm Ind WAan lllrkllnu wn Tnls was he tnurlh game he mlu but uno lhom ended In deadlock The final game wlll bu played Ionlxm John Mchnn clicked lor lwo Raul mldwny through no Hm Ecrlud zlva we the lend on lelwn rounlmd or 5ch Inn with llnule The lone xnnl In ha ucond Irnmo cums all he nllck nl Wayna litany In Grlllm nmcy nddcd mother and Earl McCrnnc Ilnglo lo xlvo 00 195d Jun Iron lhen an was all Sexton Wnyno Ickllnfl nnd Jnhn Wnllun each lound lho mm lwlco Ml Jnhn Ilaughlnn pulhtd lhrauzh Ilnnlo Io mnka 11H Scxlom Shm Halal and Henl lna cnmd out vchnry over 100 Grlll lho nnrria Annn Inst nlzht lo laku tend In name In lhu unrrle Murmu Ino Hockny Lcnxue best or llrn plnyxlawns Sexton Crew Takes Lead In Playofis Pelcrbum managed lo squch by llnmillon to wln 1L5 Junior Squirt series two game In nmhlng Gary Bnynu struck or me lone can or the Kama lu ghc Andy Purmnls the Maul Guelph combined win and lle nnninn Mnera to win lhu second Junior 5ch innl Don Slave and Jnmle Vnn Ry polled Guelph goals Sudbury also look ll EPHL semiHun lvm games lo noth Inz bombing Syracuse 111 Rlck Wrny helped lnshlon the viclury wllh collncllan 51x goals Tom Ennncrmnn was close be hlnd with faur whlIe be Kovncs had finale Varrcnlundy slum ma shutout wilh hlx llnzlclcn Hulwllawn he EPIIL Wkn rerlc won lx semifinal tannins Klngslan lwwamcslonolh with an 81 victory Dnvo Mc Lean and Ray Devlin were the big gun or the winners knock Inn lhmuzh our goal each Brian VdovJak clicked or Klngslons tally The Eradlord and Dlslrlcl Mlmr Hockey Assoclallon held 115 plnyofl at the Bradford trfnu with 10 games filling the Coin Anna and Dunlap Slum Banlc In olher games an Frnn clscn Glanl delomd Clevclnnd Indian 4J3 DclroIl Tiger nlppcd Minnesola Twlns Knnsn Clly Alhkllc belted Chlcuzo Whlle Sax 105 Plus buruh Plrnlu look New York Elsewhnre lwa Hue pllchrnz performance wm turned In Hm Maloney and Jim Bremen ench allowed one hit In shutout by Clnclnnnu nod over New York Mel and Denny LeMasler and Tony Clonlnuer comblncdlor llvahlller Mllwaukeu Brnve edged Enlll more Orioles 32 GIANT BEAT INDIANS Koutnx aka walked three bub 1m whlln slrlklnz rout only lhrce tar below his usual uno Inlnnlnl cllp This year Koplnx pronounced the Inger sound when he np geared or sprlnz trnlnlng an has been bombed or 11 run In 18 Innings and was logged or lrlplc nnd adoubla by Roman Mejia mum Red Sox n¥ped tha Dodgers in In uh blllon Arno Wednesday The delicate dlall belnngn In Sandy Kouflx Lo Angelo Dodges llrebnlllnz somhpaw thn ll lurncd numb last July the Dodger abruptly Karmic nulcd their mnnwny In lhe Nntlonnl Leuguu slndlngl and ulllmalely yielded lbs pennant In San uFrnnclsco Ginnln In plnyofl P1ay0ff Activity In Bradford Loop SCOTTSDALE AIII AP Tho most 1m mnl pm In baseball lnlle another Inst Wednexdw ll THE BM EXAMINER THURSDAY APhfl SouthpawsFinge Fails Test Again CLEANED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE TO YOUR SATISFACTION CAR TO YOU IN LESS lHAN CAR WASH MINUTES The second NHL JamiHm series also ended In lie wlih iirsk Lent taking 34 decision nver Cnnndicns and then lb following up wiih 30 nhuloui Ted Gardner and Clara linn vi paced Torontos victory while Bub Orpei hi or La Hubs in the linnle Iinh Orpel clicked or Iwa mare and John Cox or one to give John Lynn Ihn 00 Egg nw he lirsl snmlflnnl not tied one game each with Detroit Ind hasten lrndlng 30 shulauu John Hughes and Don Gard un ncmunlcd or the Wlnls wln as Joe Lindon look the shutout Steve Knnyo and Hugh Mb Evoy helped Phil Blllcnhlndcr nulch whllcwnsher in second In an MIL Pcuwee double header Quebec blanked nochw bur HI and then salvaged llc wllh same to take the best on0 playdowns John Halnes goal In the opener gave Ell Wood he shutout In Ihe accond Maine matched Rochester Bob Coxs while Ted Vnsey and John Poole tnplcd for Mnrllu The Alhleiic pounded White Sox pitchnr Junn Pizarro Herb Score and Mike Jaycu in 15 hits winning pitcher Diego Se gui providing me oi the bi blluw wllh bnacsAloadcd lri p9 The Glnnls won in lhe nlnlh when Cleveland nulllelder Wal tar Band dropped llne drlvo by Wlllle May and enabled Hm vay Kuenn to score Knenn alto scored lhg llr Francisco nm Dubbn Phillip stroked Ihrcn MI and Jake Wood am In the declslve run wllh Huh Innlng slnglu lhe Thar held 01L lhu Nina Besides Manns oxtrs bass hits Knufsx was touched lllnscorlnx singles by Don clin tnnkand Frank Mnlzons batons Ron Perranoskl flnlshed up with two scoreless Innln is Join Rosebqu had big day or the Dodgers with homer double sngslngls LeMnsler held the Orioles to hm hm In seven Innings on CIanInuer Iinlnhcd up The Brave clInchcd It wIlh We run all Mm Pappn In In IIIIh Inni In an 13 CIInea double and single by Frank BnIIInx And Len anrlelsan xgzunsconas TWICE Tho Red continua in Int inpilinhi pitching with Mnionug and Bmsnnn cuminl lhmug ioliawinu Jim OToolel Ihulout Tuesday Vnda Pinson stroked lhree hit ior Cincinnlii Yankee St Louu Cudlnlh whipped Wnshinzlnn Salmon 04 and Hauslon Cull dawned Lon Angeles Angel In BRENNANS ESSO HOOVERS ESSO CARSONS ESSO lullrld Ind nan SII PA Iv Bridlord Ind Illlh Ell PA in Oualuy Producll Man or the Bhupplnl Malorlll ATLAS TIRES im um Flnl Lm Mllehi 70 Tm rm 12 Now Sony and you cant nay wo dldnl warn you but our stock of Dow Bock floor has run out Howovorwo do make two other groat your round brow or your drinking plenumDow Mo and Dow Klnosboor Try thom soon You wont llnd nny bollor Ask for Dow Now you know what youve been missing all these years BREWERY ONTARIO LIMITED

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