£53124 vi vMll vh In mluw AT Ind mama For Ihn nrnrage New Yorker lhe slrikc mean Ilsrupliun in regular tending habits How do you ï¬nd 11 job or nn Bparlmcnt wimout the wnnk ids or learn about lhc dmlh 3n acquaintance In lime to so 51 the funeral Somchnw maple fuuml out what was nninu on nu nmndway mul lmxrullicc lnhlncss mu nbouL lhu snmu us lust msun Thry huugm more bucks um mnunlinu They kept lnlur ham unnuzh in pm hnskcllmll and hockey lurk to he 1mm And my MNM mum llme Ilsunlmz In lho ludiu um ynlchlnu laicvlslun Jludio Ind lollvisinn lnrrrmcd Hm scum mummy or HuirmM linm CAUSED LOSSES The blarkuut sluwcd the wheels of cummcrcu and gav emmcnl and brought losses In NH citys economy lhul he Publishcra Assnclullnn cs mnlcx II more Hum $111150000 Perhaps he hanks hi1 are blind new stun operators Abnut threequnrlcrs he 25 blind dealers had in close down Many were forced In so on ftclicl tr pcmxIr mnl In nlulvl clubs Ind lrkhnlmnls durlnl lho nlrflw Now npmlnwnl unyml wmml lnngrr Slmk Imrkm gut lvwr unlrm ï¬mrml city nurmlu Inlxl III shikv hullmrlrd lllrlr 1f nrh lulnnnann In lhu vpnrllnrnl MIIIM nllrr ll gum WE lhrishxm mnoll mw lulu1 der by mm 10 pct mm mm In yvur ngu lLUIIS SUI lill TIM Flume unlur MI walks uxrml IIurhullrnms of le mlllo lIum nwnrn nl yn llvmum or more 11va mm an CNS nml MIC anhl lluy ill umlmm mm nl lllc rxmmlvd news NEW YORK MUHow did New York gut along or nearly our months without ils usual daily news rs Aflom 20000 mikurs were made Idle The ï¬gure of bran In than was moved ram this slame or French explorer Sam uel dc Champlain The slamo Is Iomlcd in News Paint Ollnwa pm hich nvcr looks the 0mm Ilncr at the Blind Dealers Forced On Relief Pdirim nun ml INDIAN SPIRITED AWAY GER lulkn xnhl llm an enlflded nn curve nl Hm lop Inn MII Thu lnur ynullm wrm mung an Inning run Mlclmrl Hrrmmn In mllo Illn Ilnd lulull Gulkn l0 Tunmln um bulh Inkrn In us rlnln mmhllnn In hnIpHnL Jnmrx Wnlkrr nl Qutenn homule nl nunr lwml nlmw In mm nr wnl rcporled In rilknl tundlllun In Hnllcvillo Hunpflnl MADDC Onl fCP Law rrmo llvnn In nnd an Vlll xlllll ISI lmlh ol Ilcllcvï¬llc Mn killml Saturday and Hum nlhm wrrc Injumh one rill cnlly In lwcnr cullhlnn ncnr Marin Lake lvm mm 0th or how Onu damninan xlore put many girls in It show win duus and had ham Mile ouk on blackboard dam on Ill spcclul nlu least an brokerage house poml cmpluycex rnllmnd Mnllnns lo pass out In tcmmu on lisl rloslni price on 50 leading slacks The Broadway lhcnlrc set up an Inlarmulion switchboard 0m bundled up to 75000 calls day nbnul what was playing when at Mm lime public The police dcpnrtmcn was in the mlddlc or 41 mm ing drive and expcmed up to 1500 candldmc or an examin ation Only 650 showed up Four newspapers uppcamd tn try ml the gap The New York Standard tabloid wa slalfnd by nuwspnper men from many the closed new pnpcrs and provided mm arm iliar bylincs Newspaper crlllcs reviewers and columnlsls also uppcnred regularly on lclcvlslon Magn IM publlshcd exlrn tccllanl wilh New York news Oulol own newspaper sales soared Two Killed Near Madoc cnlmncc the Rideau Canal opstHe Parliament Hill radio Manon said caller ln farmed its newsroom that Ihe acliun was retalinlion for Ihe toppling of ï¬gure General Wolfe in Quebec Cfly last week CP Virepholn mun FINHIN AT Ill yun BIG HITS an Tho wamnn nhould EDI mulnl or hrnvcry mld Cmul Lulmlo ho SUI llher pmvlnrlnl mllu dllnrhnltnl your W3 31 Klnu mm mamhl pran nl look lho clulldrvn to lmfl Illnnd and pnlnItu Er wlcd back In lha camp lor The propeller broke loose xlrlklnu hlm on Hm head and bulletin Mm 1mm and 11qu girl Mrs Lorena King 12 was alruck by lho propeller klllcd her husband Throdurc 21 Also much was an unmou Hod iourymmld girl who Is Inb haspllnl hm with hrokcn King who wmkrd III End Rlvcr laurlsl camp nbaul 70 mlles north of hen was an hll way back to the ramp with hll me hl lwo chlldrcn aged and and Hm Inurycnruld nflnr plcklnfl up Iuppllu on Huhwny PARRY SOUND Ont CF pruth womnn hcr buck xcrlously Injured Salurdny night crnwlcd 3V mllu across Irenthemus French ï¬lm Ice or he nflcr her husband was klllcd the propdlcr MI mow sled IHE IlliJEKWAIER WAR Ill SHATlflED HIE SEA Road ulna are also mullcr whlch will have he altcntlon the commilltce Mr Belshnm who last all mm for chlnlta dlrccllve sign at the nth mn ccsslon now lnslsL that nlgn gt thy gldnrond and Iho 13m cesslon nawlnslsla that Hail at the as aldnrond and Iho 13m 11m pa place In plain Mum lo whether all these slgm are legal or necessary and It ls posslble some may be clums ed to Yleld slgns Thu cummll lee wlll also look lnln the var lous pnrklng llmlb and zones most ol whlch are establlshcd or summer lrnlllc The Slop slum lhrnughoul lho luwnshlp are be given look sce by the Road Commmco he township clerk and lho road supervlsoy There quesflon Barrie and disirlci residents and perhaps much wider area awoke Sunday marning in Ind that he gas for Iheir car had risen whole seven cenls aver nIghL The ihis rise happened al all stations wnuid indlcale lhnl an underslnndlnp hnd been reached by lhe various com panies whn distribute iha iuel and this should mnke ii sub Jeei oi enquiry Thnl price iix is evident in bureiucedly apparent STOP SIGNS GAS INCREASE The Slmud Cummunlly talk Ing about some sort of celebra tion lhu lcnm mcmbers have glven lho nubllc real vlnlcrs Inn and have pald all their own expenses wm the oxccpflon twentyIve cent gale charge at the plnyofl names nolhlurv was collected The wives and swcclhearts are lalklng uhnul Commilluc lo arrange lhnl public rcccpflan is given the cam The score of 51 showed the style lho play which Strand up or he season One 01 the players was Rlchurd Groh Townshlp Clerk and une tho nnly lasso he learn on was game when Cnuncll mncllnu prevented Groh Irom plnylnx Thev were prcsllllcd wllh lhu Hurt Woman Crawled Miles To Get Help in 05 At Bccion on Saturday night the Simud Senior Hockey icnm lnycd oil the iinol uamo with retio in win he Souih Sim me Lnnuuo championship in hoc key This icnm which hns piny cd mosi ui iheir lame away from homo in order to uso or liiiciul ice have been hard compeiilors in ihi icnguo of iivo teams which itnrled on wiih six team out Booion drop pod out The game Saturday night inooion was the last or lhe cnson niihi rink The ice will he removed hero in order io give ihe in plan an overhaul 1m nMulIE EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL 10 INNISFIL NOTES mum Ivvmhu huhnull Strand Hockey Team if Wins Championship VALIANT II 700 me rnnrm TIME It Im IMPERIAL TODAY Ind TUESDAY as our Emir who will rcnlly nildlhlnxs done Otlnwl ha Lloyd whu nssurcd he aud Ience Ml hu fully expeclmi lo be chosen representative for the DuflerlnSlmcue riding allowing the elecllon snld that Wu latter careful Mudy and deep appreclntlon the puny lender um he had decided lo become candldnlu for tha Soclnl Credit Party We du nut try to 1m nursclvn hy pushlng other down how came to rulizu that we hnve glnnl mgn While on the way Io Iim Slmud Hockey mnich Beeion on SA urdny evening we stopped oil at Thornion Ian ennuxh lo hear Soclul Credit candidate Linyd Cumminx spunk in about lhiriy five people anthcrcd there in the commqnilp hnil Several other minor washout have been remedied hy lho rand depnrimeni 0n the whoib iho roads have eomn hrough in good shape Rand ins eclion re port indicated that lere were many bad spot which will mm the usual lime in dry up but mud which have received lhe rebuilding process have winter ed well Resident nn somoai iheso claim lhul snowpiowinu had not been required during he past winter ll good worm ruin would benelll bulh crops pasiures nd roads and remove ihe irosi CUMMING AT THORNTON DHNGEHPIELI Some of the discussion at the regular Cuuncli meeting Monday will he nhuut culvert and wash ouu One ihcsc on Io slde road below tho alh lino meant lho mmulinn ui lho high school bus when both side at the cul vert all in nller lire biz bu had gone over it Another wash out was mused when some materials In muko crossing oi the newly constructed Canon Vlilngc ditch caused an over flow um washed out much of hi bunk and sent the wulers nerds Khoyropcrliyi Ray Loughccd who some time back asked lhnl lhe lencu along tho dovelnpmcnl mud on lhe wm side ho township ho replac ed had urlth complain when sum his cltlo wan dered ofl Tho Reeve nnd Dcp my chvn nru xnld lo havn nel nd ns rounderuppers and are now ready to sea Ihnl the once replaced Immediately vgsnomsjmmmm showing no Nth no dlrccllun ROAD FENCE cm of Du llslenerl was MOTORS Service Contra Collier um Le uur upon mechanch ndd zlp In our car WI volll put min of lun In your drivan lhll Iprlnl Cam In today FOR PLEASIN SPRING SEASON Get The iilrdlln Intulna veteran lonnnr political hnl tlea Wllllnm Eonkc who told the candldnln helm lhu meetlnn belan 1th n1 Inns some seven hundred candldmgs would not My elected and mnnYnf hem wguld ao lhelr dwell The Thompsonl had unnlher Slmud encounter on their trip wen Thty leltcd lhu Grand Canyon and whllo lookan lnlo policy oi asking lhmunii mayor or divlna Kuidnnce in haw 10 vain as he ieil that voiurs could not distinguish party prumplinn SE VIlhIn low hours after wu let Strand Oklahoma nnnlhcr Stmud Ontario valtor Had and dlrcclcd Mr Harald Hughes Mr and Mrs Hurry Thompson Iormer operator of the atom 111 Inc nth line and Highway 11 won rcturhlnz mm Calllornlaand Ilnppod In Walk The surprise ollhe Oklahoma officials In havn lwo an on day was appruclulcd NOW YOU CAN GQWTH BUSINESS INTERPHONE Bells new unique integrated INTERCOMTELEPHONE donslacklotlcommunicationjhnld 11aclg lyourlhusiness Whatever ho nature of your buslhosscalos com lco manulactUrlnnwholovor the sin of your bmlnnsslamo or smallyou can beneï¬t from the speed lnloorallan floxlblllly and lochnloal pom tlon olunllonownuslnoss lnlorplwno Homuro some mo foaturon only Eunlnosa lntorphono can olfun Inuamlom Tolophono non and Intercom chum nola om comblnod In one Instrumentyo bom can be used at the sum llmol lpndx lnslanlanoous voicemica 0mm Mlh anyone In your plant or omenat the touch of bullonl Thu most exciting breakthrough In vnIco communication over offered to Canadian husinossl Only from Bolll WWWam Bunmu Imorplmnaonb In Condom lhl chasm mr nuim sun ru mnrkcd to hyiinn er lhni Ihero was nulmilnr mic oi deep river in weaium Caundn uni nearly so big but oi like np eurnncei The person whom dlrecled his remarks said lhul in was Canadian also mid hm rclailm mound Simud Ontario nilhuuxh he lives ncur Edmonion not in 1mm ihu cut mcnllancd by Mr Thommnn iii name was We Rlchurdsun and hl inlhcr had lived on the DUI feat hurnm wlmx lhey have been Ivan hommby Mr ffhomp wnl brother FISII HOUSES IN Over lhe weekend over dab rn Illh house were taken all the baby at Mlma Folnl Inw nvurlho rubblsh alill remnlna Io lonk lntn the mom with lhu Tnnond to your mum Ni units oi Business iniorphono am mmpailbio with one another will be insialicd to fit your exact needs ioduyor your changing noods any time in the Mural IN SHORT Bell Dmlnosa Iniotphaqo In tho unlauo Inimanielophono system lhal doc mom for you andpur bmlnm than airy Maple and 5620 mfo Intercom system could mt do bqloml To an In lull story lust mil Bull No obnoluconcumllhough Buslncss lnlcrphbno ls tho mos modem equlpmont avallubh today any fulum lmprovumunln oro youn without extra charge slnco tho system Is ronlud not boughll undom opurlllanl Hm microphones and speakers lot you work whllo you talksave mo olfort misunderstandings Clullcul Gmln The Lulcll lllll AllTim lllll Ehnet Mmla Dunlap £429 See Us Fur All Your lluslcnl Need MUSIC T0 llnc Small warld KEENANS PLEAss YOU omitmm Ice we watched one or more Isheununvxil out all duy In the cold wlnd butdld nnt lmvc the glasses him when he mad catch IN 30 NUMBERS ll REGULAR ROUNDS SHARE THE WEALTH DOOR PRIZE WEDNESDAY Jacpot $290 LEGION HALL 71 COLLIER ST lEGlON BINGO EVERY