Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Mar 1963, p. 6

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Wpfin viii li If is Comm mopemllon wlll In puk durlnn Mondayl urly houn to you would hnvn no trouble In ygulllnx or brllhl In Bo cnmful ln perwnnl relu Honshlpl durlnl enrly Junu and mldrNovrmber Tth manlhl can be slimumlnu 1mm Io dnl Ilnndpohu but ynu may haw lo excrcllo ml diplo mncy In dammit nndomunlL menial mnllcu Trnvcl and mnncu wlll In hvomd In Au gm And Dmmberlhe latter nn AILround good month or In Arlcnl vvlnfi Vncw mclhndl The mm ruukliam mm mm llnu Intu ln Hm chlld born on lhl day will be lnlclllgenl Ind wannhurlad but may mm In curb ltnd rncy hywnrd monopollxinz mn crmlicns DAY Arum TOMORROW rm Immuulm Innulmm MINNIWMI InnMW ullh mu rlumrvlonulqmlll mmlum um ol mm Donl however expect 1m mcdlnln mum You probably wont see 11 ml uplrcnd unlil Septembcr flu or lust le months Ihcmller you should Inne Imwlh Ialllnz it Iamormw In your birthday your hnmxcope indieex ihnl ambitious pilnl lion Job and imnnclni llnu couplad with en znzy and dolerminalian in car rylnl liucm out could prove highly remuncralivo by yearl fond Keep nierl lhcreiore and cupilalize on all nvnlinblc op portunlliu to display your in genuity nnd spirit oi enlcrpriso Sam plmclnry mlrlcflonl ind nled In family and Mn llmenkll ralallumhlpl on Sun day Mnny person will be highly lense Ind unollonll And you my have In rend llghlly Indeed In denllnl win them Do alen Do your pm lo maintain harmony Fol THE BIRTHDAY FOR TOMORROW OR IN DIJMIMINHING Before Iha arrived had time In on and Ind prepare the vegunhlu or dinner In be tween time made dessert and Inllhed up law odd them around the kitchen The time of day really en joy Ihe mm ll alter dinner when get caught on th lnlul new In the ly new paper while the chlldrtn do he dinner dlshu nld the presi dcnl by pHchln lqo Mrs Calvert explained Last night for example arrived home Ironn school at tha usual tlmc Ind bum in prepre din ner The phonn rang and wll memhzr of my executive who wanted to and um 1n mud whlch she had on hand mnmnm murrcj man mxmvmnn 14 mu mummy she orgnnlml dinner when she go hams mm school and was able lo be out awn before oclock In nllend polilkal mggllnngr rqcapllgm we manlxlnl her own home he active womln in on tho Iuchlnl mu St Marys School Ind Ieachu ndu threa and our Her achoo dunes con lnue throum ma Parcnu Teacher Association which ah Illqnch gupporler nhlp qulmles Mrs Culvert uyl they probava mm mm havan to be arunlzed In her homl when her children were young she nund time to do things than and nu continued through the yem COMBINE ROLE Mrs Culvert president ha Burris Womens Liberal Assnclltlon and he molher alghl children look lime out hom her busy schedule to ans wgr luv pyrljneng qugsllqns Interviewed lust such My man duran Iler lunch hour lhls Week and an have the answer or than ol you who have been Wandeflnl Her secret In organ IzatIon omnInlIon In her home In her work and In lie exegullye at By EILEEN DIXON You probably know of one woman In ynur graup who outstanding because the con mbullon she mnkel to each as sociation she belonxs Io Shes tha ono woman that other wo men always comment about and wgnger Howdpcs shedo In ORGANIZATION IS THE ANSWER By oclock Th5 Calverc had uflm rt President Reveals Secret Of How SheTFinds Time WHAT THE STARS SAY THE BARRIE EXAMINER EBIREUJIA hymld sum um Personal rclnllomhlps will undtr generally nod lipocll or next Iwclve month an Inn except lnr brlcl pcrlods In early June late September and mldNnvnmbcr you should find your dormsllc soclnl and nnllmenlal llln qulln enjoyable lack or chnnm to travel In Mllllll and Docambtr ll sln new ramnu during an mne du niuiua born on day will be hlhly IyIlullha and wm bc DROVE LOCOMOTIVE Sum yum no one ho bcsl known lommollvu drlvm Cam In wu Hvyurold girl Carmen Ventm ll Monday ll yaur blrlhdly your horoscope lndlcalu lhnl llmn Ind ellorl expended now will pay all well In late 1061 and early 1964 langplndlnl huslness and or lab allllrl shnnld reach happy conclusion by Scptcmbtr and Ihcro ll also liktlihood Illa lho same month wlll dellnlle HP land In ynur linnnclal smul Avald specullklon however upeclully ln Illa Aprll mld July nnd Oclobcr muuml lcndérln whichever Hrld In choom for tamer 1qu fin nmmmw nmldenl ol the association um um Mn Calvert ny Ihe II mum much bullet during cumpllm Um other Umu but Ihe enjoy the uclle menu Sm feel the Is mlklng mall gqnlrflguuon In the onus helluva In Imwever so be guided in Mrs Cnlvert commended her xecullve member and mm beta of lhe Bnrrle VLA why in her words have given wonderful minute and havo thawn Iuch wllungneu to work On an evening when 111 ilnt going out and mm have been icw and tar bciween slncu nieciion campaign shined inlo high gear Mrs Calvert mut spend Anywhere imm on in two hours an the ielephona checkinz out details with her organizing commiilee members Nat ailing la mention that she Aisn find time durinx lha evening or aiier animal in ortpara school leuonl 10 he ialiowinz day let her Rose 5L ruldenci to mm with arrangement or lha flnll card my the aerlca which wn lr of Columbus Hull Barely St Hu avenlnz ended In we man hours of lha momma After she had named lha card purly 1103mm wllh the dlshc Ind cleanlnu up he hall NOW AND THEN Am mmr Ihnp ll ranunfln mum ANNOUNCAMENTJ INFORMALS ACCESSORIEJ mm 17m In Mill MR5 CALVERT WLA Pellaent PERMANENTS unnum ham SOFT WATER EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PA in 550 yin birthdly Indlcam lhnl exmfied now The Imillc pace the president hu been keeolnl mun be me He Ind ye Ihn thaw no 10 um 01 hum have Illel lupported he Liberal party lines mnvlnz to Harrie Ind lhll llma have such an over nhundance ol enemy Ind drive um Ins m1 lvu not to hncklnl winnor Ihu uld Imlllnl JUST REWARD The man nwudlnl thin um um happen to me 13 nlly II to In clndldnle hlve been worklnz or became un next MP tar Simeon North The Calvert have two Iona Iuendinx University John student Unlvmlly Monlo Garry ls attending College at Balllmoro Maryland other chil dren home Ire Terry who Is grad student at North Collegiate 10 trade 12 slu dcnl St Josephs Hllh School and Marl Brian and PM who altng St Marys Schooer Marx who are both neat help to their mauler dur Ing these husy limes can count on mm In In mama and know they wlll came Ihmugh fung In sald proudlyh in me me married Jack Cai verl The couple and their iam iiy moved lo Burris Inven yam ago where Mr Calvert in the humer huslnen with one of 11157 sung Niche mmvggngcwm Mill ILIWM IAIIII0MM0 MMIMM the women in my million are much better or Inlzed than Mr berm Ind ererora we are able lo work In rbup and so much morn on hehln our candl MICllvlrl ghe Attended Jo ol eza school In anonto Ind later attended the University Tor onto where she look course lnHausehold Sclencc agcqmgs 251mm The mldent Iud word of pulse or Mr tel hone com qu II he ggl3y Mn Harold human SEE has evemhln under control laid the areal um Mu Cl rthuuurom Phelp Ilon Indll the runner Mary Coughlln She says she comes from Ian llne of liberal but doesnt like to be referred to dyegln1hgxgool Mb Chm mm mm new law coal dosluunnll modem comlnrlnb hnmcn fnr cilv or suburb or culmlly You will bu Iurprlwd nt lhn low monthly paqunla and your houu will bu paid for oomphwa in 12 youl Now you can own your own modem homo this convoniont low cost wuyl We will build an Imperial SelfHelp on your lot comflolcly fin ished for you on your lot complete fimshed for you or you can do the flnialnng yourself YOUGANBUYANSELFHELPHOMEFOR WHY PAY RENT lESS THAN RENT Lila mum ulm ml when ynu finish your own ham 100 FINANCING 0N YOURLAND The school ml rm xllll hid so mlnnm or her lunch hour left when we llnllhed our Inlan vlow Just enough llma or qulck sandwloh llld en calm Sho wu buck behln her duk at school In Inn to but the school bell rlnxl Dymenl Hlxh SL from 230 until oclack Mrs MI be Marshall convenlnl Lin afflir It will be woth III the Klmu All 61101131 laid AM Calvert The annual Dallodil Ten under the nusplces ol the Burl unit of the Canadlnn Cancer £1er wlll he held Wednesday legacy at lharhngmral Mrs Mrs Lannluz of Rose Strcct have been halt duying for lhopast two week In Flurtda highllght the hnliduy was vlslt to Silver Sprlngs Including trip an the glass bottom bout to explom lhe underwater world DAN0le EA Simpkln or Miners Pain have returned to Iheir homa ioilowlng hm moniha vncallon in me ounny luuih Mr and Mn Slmpkin open uu winter month Maderiu Belch Flodidl En mnie home they motored to simud Oklahoma where they were enterillned by lhe Sucrelv ary of the Internallonal Erick Throwing Cammluec Harold Hughes and Mn Hughes 99mm in roomm MNTER HOLIDAY THE BARR EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH lo 10 Tho Iprlnl mullnz of thc ex ecutlva or slmcoe Womenl 1m mum was held the Oflllll YMCA rooms with the pml dent Mn smiley Evml pm 61M rifimutlnl wan hlld lolorln ulale plus for Eu 51mm gstdcunnuul to be held May The suslon wlll be held at lho Wuhan Unlled Church wllh mo mamlnz suslon com menclnl 31 oclock The rail all or the bunch will be The uldul In In your community District Annual Planned By WI SOCIAL NOTES DRAPERY TRACK FREE MAKING READYMADE DRAPES NEW LOCATION 69 MAPLE AVE RMSTRONG CORLONS ASK ABOUT OUR FREE HOMI CONSULTATION SIRVICI KEITH YOUNG Yowvgx 0351mm by the yard 20 on regular prlco on any roll in stock ll Heavy duty lBcam track Reg 40 price slngle doub1e Ind triple widths In shorllea and full lcnnlh on all materials at 250Iper yard and up Oller applies only to or ders placed from Aprll 151 to Aprlls Sllo Frln 25 IO We invite one and all to come in and see our new showrooms at 69 Maple Avenue next to Woolworths parking lot The showroom lust recently opened is stocked with the most com plete selection of drapery fabrics that are available from both Canadian and American fabric suppliers Ask us about our home decorating service both for drapery and floor coverings We carry name brand carpets by HardingBarrymore Human and BMK We also carry thecompiete Armstrong floor cover ings In both tile and yard goods All Installations on drapery and floor coverings are installed by fully qualified men When you come in Mrs Eileen Horvath our showroom representative or Mr Bob Rehlll our home representative or myself will be happy to discuss your home decorating problems with you We have 20 years experience at your service at no cost to you RUGS OUR NEW STORE AT 69 MAPLE AVENUI BROADLOOM mo rubber undorpnd or any room llzo rug free lnstallnllon the ucklm method by Iully qualified carpet mochnniu on any Will to wall In slnllatlon PLEASE CALL PA 83588

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