To Show Display Of $21000 Gold Next Wednesday MnnlrnlGmpnrd Fnulcux 55 tonne llculcnunbuovcmor nl Quchcc hmlhrr Mr Jusv 1m Gerald Fnulcux he Su prcme Court of Canada nnd Iormnr Ilousool Common Speaker lnrhllcnry nordmux n1 éFrmch nnvellxl nml member cl ha French Acmlrmy It doesnt maller whether yuu drive lruck compact prey use car passenger bus or sports car whclher you are ex perienced skillful slow or last you cannot nflonl accldcnls and accidents will happen tuvyou ll you insist on driving too close In lhe car VahendA Tailcnd accidents ncmun or great percentage 01 molorinx mishaps and often result in scr lous Inlury damage and loss driving privileges hr the 011w lug driver Gold bulllon valued at $21 000 and gold coim the world will be exhibited at the West End Shopping Plnza in Barrie next Saturday by lhe Bank of Nova ScuUn All dlsplnya will form pm Ihe nclhilicn lhe llumnln Numismnllc Assoclnllon second nnnunl hnnqucl The display wlll be set up In nu um um DunnJohn Mnnlnxuc £5 nxsishml dlndnr vl pcrum ncl lor he post 0mm drpm mm Rocky Illll ConnllJIIIAKUI TIHN 76 rrllnd hmd mm of llm anan llnxpllnl PAD nmn Cnnnl Zone and tar yrun npcrnllng mm or Hm mm llmlon uxrnotm Um lnln Dr ank ll Lullry Edmnnkm Kdlh Douglm Tnylar do mrdmnlcnl rnllncrr Mm Wu the perm In Iixl moman rcnlnl lnr Itrlghll SHI NM will nn nrllflclnl kldney mnpllcallom Mllan mm the dllmw There will also be dispiny supplied by ihn Cnnudinn im pcrlnl Bank of Commerce at Barrie mu oiiicr exhibitions which will be 0pm in the puir lic lmm 12 noon in pm DESIGNED r011 YOUR SAFETY EARL DOEY Banl2 Yes eel Ill loyearold should vote basically hecause of mil itary reusnns If young man can accept military msponsi bilities then he could accept responslbililies ln clvillnn life Also if youngmnn wurks and contributes taxes then he should have the privilage lo volcl THE CANADIAN PRESS ENQUIRING REPORTER ASILS DIVNLO KART Should Canadian 718YearOlds Be Allowed To Vote STOlLAR CONSTRUCTION Dawn Paymml 100 Ono NNA Morvgngc For Furlhor Inlormlllon Comm ALL NEW DESIGN DEATHS Clan lo School PomIIIou July in STOllAR FULL PRICE ONLY $1300000 BEDROOMS SPLIT lEVEL Io lhc Royal Bank in the Plum Home table sol up by mln dcalm Imm Owcn Sound Tor nnto Ennle nd other centres or Southern Ontario will be up crnllng at lhl lime If he stops quickly youll hlt him and YOU CANT BLAME HIM FOR THE ACCIDENT Has your accident happened ya 11 so whn was responsible Fm drnw lickcis will be hand ed out at the exhibition for prim supplied by merchants oi Barrie and members oi in ur onln Numismatic Association The bnnqucl dinner will be strvcd ln tho Rob My rcsluumnl durlng lhc cvenlng and tho dJn ncr will be lollawcd by ooln nuctlon Gucsl speaker or he hnnqunt wlll be lJoyd Smllh nl lllc Londun Numlxmullc so CIM Ills subject will be Coln Collectan far hm 0r Pmï¬L Gum ol harlot wlll b0 Mayor bu Cookn ol Barrie Vheiher your reflexes are as cr or slower Ihan lhe driver ahead makes liuladiflerence ll ynu nil to drive reasnnnble distance behind he other fellow Whm lempled to creep up on the cm ahead give yourself brake Tickcln for the banquet tnn he obtained lrnm mu Bradley Brndleyl llnhhy Cwlrc an Dunlap sum wed land must be purdmscd belch Frldny April pm Pm hm prrsldcni nl the lIunmlu umlsrnallc modu llun mld All at our mtmbcu mu lnklnu keen Interest In hll dhplny nud hnnqutl and It In hoped lhu public wlll dm In and look over mm Km wry wonhwhlln dluplnyl rmn BROWN Barrie No do not think loyeamlds are old enough to make up their minds They dont know en ough about lovornmenL They cant by reason of lheir ag Not even when they are in the service think there is too much hereditary influence on the majority oi leyearolds PERMANEle SE99 Juan arrlck MalL Siqï¬sts CONITHUHXON LIMITED IA nm um HOME oIm nvnhiuhu IONE PA um nUDlilIl MLON All For The bought onemule dairy busi4 ness in Guelph Ho recall that aner buylng it he went home and Iold his wile the wars dnlry have ever seen but bought It because it was lhe only one Um would accept my meagre damA paymu Mr Klnzlu still found lime or polillcs Ho served 15 months as alderman in your deputy rccve lwo years move and Ive year 19571061 as mnynr There were annual elccllons for mynr durlqg ghglllmo Willard learned lhe dalryhusl ncss worklng lot one of his uncles With Willard doing aw pas qurizing and delivery and Mrs Kinzic washing bottle they built lhe business up In two your to three routes In 1941 lhn Klnzlcs came to nnrrlc and with the help ol bank loan and encouragement mm the Chamber of Commerce purchased the Lnkcvlnw Dnlry It has expanded sevml me and is now the largest dnlry noth of Toronto In Dntnrla Ho any ho lr lr up more Interest In clccllom whlla he was mayor um lhn pcrccnl mu valor rose mm 10 lo Willard Kinzle exAmnyur at Barrie and proprietor oi Lake vlew Dairy was born in 1919 in Blair Oni His father Isaiah Klnzle and three uncles ran the Kinzie Brulherl Maple Leaf Dairy in Blair and distributed milk in Preston During the war he jolntd the army as private went over seas and rclumed us 5le sergeant He is prunder win ning the mill race In Iour min mas and 22 seconds than he at his war recnm HUMBLE START lln recalls Vhrn was may or was never nculrul and lhls somcllmu led Io nccusnuons my bclna micmun nhaw Willard mya The hlnml nlnnle lhlnu In my arm ul Ilcu was llnrrlu becoman clly lot at people um uznlnst It cm or Mini HAROLD MAER Barrie Yes For ha very um rea son one of the prominent patty lenders recently said that if young man is ald enough to serve hIs counlry in mnr ltary way he shank be old enough to vale or his country WILLARD KINZIE SOCIAL CREDIT Till Iouflh In Ierles Irflclel an Inn clndld am In the orthcomlng elec tion This urtlcl nboul Willrd Kllult Snell Cred animal or Simeon North He Was Instrumental In Barrie Being City Wood Gumly Company mild I00 IEIIHKNTATIVII RIM 176 erlingon SunI Im Honk Tverm mm lm Unilcd Corporations Limilul in cloudcurl luvcmncnl lruut incormmlcd in 1913 HI prcmn policy in In Invest In divcuifml link 01 Canadian and luxciuu curiliu The nmkct value of the Companys portfolio the 1an nl 1961 mu over 17 million We nflrr nu printipaln luhircl lo prinr Ml Ind clmnxc in price lluc new innuu oll Atlrncï¬vo Now United Corpomtlons leltcd pwspcclun II available on mluuh lrlcox 30 per sham yield Cunullnllvn Rcdccmnhlo Preferred Shares I963 Sorlu of the nu vnluu nl 30 each Preferred Shares Mail vlllflmru nqmnn In nmw rump ullmllon He married Ruth Snider of New Dundee in 1942 and they have two sons Bob and George daughter Susan and an adopt ed Korean daughter Kame Soon Boat racing Is Willardu major sport and his hobby is mllecllng nnd drlvlng anthuu and classic cars iie says The Social Crcdll Party is the party that still he icvc in the competitive Iran enlerprlse system This is the system that In the past has made Canada mum nallon and sham Indlvldunl ch people Our pioneers did not get spoon fed from lho cradle In line grave he xnld In spgcch prjqr lo hjg nominally THE BARBIE EXAMINER wlllard ls acllve on the Enr rle lnduslrlnl Commlsslnn chair man Zone nl the Georglnn Bay Development Assoclnllun and has been makan an attempt to lengthen the lnurlsl season He ls chnlrman of the Barrie Unllcd AppenL Some fell the the calmly sen would be moved from Barrie others thought Barrie would lnse Rs charm and still others thought it would lose business think when Barri became city the publicity gave Impetus to gruwth We Immediately em barked an fiveyear improve ment pramum and we are the ï¬rst clty in mm America In Bavq complete fluorescent street 0m cauldprobabrly suni up In eflorl in two words no lryl DDNJMEAN 19 Earth Yes you work and pay taxes lo the country you should be able to vote the Government In If guy works he can llgure out things for himself No olher reasons smounlflmw poso DONT MISS TRICK noN mun rnarrla Yes People of are warm In the servlces If they work and light or ILIr country they should he enulled to have part In heir countrys des IF YOU RENT FRAME OR BRICK VENEER HOUSE APARTMENT OR DUPLEX WILLARD KINZIE COLLIER STRIIT We can Insure YOU BENTLEY 00 PROTECTION IS OUR PRODUCT SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS FOR SAVINGS 0N INSURANCEINSURE WITH PM THE UNIOUI AGENCY PEATQRES OPEN FRIDAY TO PM OPEN SATURDAY TO PM TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE UNTIL l0 PM DAILY YES Barrie Exhlblllon tho annual autumn even wened as he Mr yearround proiecl at Barrie Agrlwflmal Soddy Sev eral aspect ll Wm discuss ed the band dIreclors muellqg bl 499k Much of the help according to Frank Hersey came mm convention of lha Onlnrln Ay socjntlnn ol Agricullural Societ IDLWMEh he gtlended The convention urged societies to lune their prize ltsla to the Interests of the respective areas Inline wlth this thtnklng tha dlreclor endorsed Mr Herseya plan to hm Christmas tm class Another ldaa out the com venuon repurted by Mr Hersey was that the heavy horse show bo mnda featura attraction rather than just am Aspect ï¬fths show The tree would be cut from their natural habitat and dis plnycd all nlhcr veletauon mlcles JOHN KOBE Barrie Yes If man L1 old enough to marry without permission and old enough to ban or crime he may have committed then he certainly is old enough tor almost anything else in this country think thnt by the time people are 13 they or mature enough This depends on tha individual reaction Fair Tunes To Local Interest To Add Christmas Tree Class alum he Klnme Club or WE CAN ISSUE YOU POLICY COVERING $400000 Flu and Exllndod Covonnc $400000 Th $150000 Flrn IVIIY tom prlmhn $150000 Thu away ram pumlm No00 Addlllcnll lelng Expum $2500000 Parsonnl Llnbllliy lmunnn 50000 Modlul Paymonh 15000 Val Pruplrly Dunm Barrio and group from Burton Avenue United Church were awarded permanan concesskm booths at all alum aka The director plauded the groups for their hair standard food andrservlce noting that they were credfls to lhgapqp£ucular Mr Hersey aald Because the standards are no high and because this major fund raising project for them they can depend on the air prgjec The directors anmnled that other assoclallons that cauld regularly meek um hlgh ilnn durd would be given dmllzu guarantees APPOINT PRITHE OTKAWA CPiKen Fril lie ha been appointed chiei of the trade de amneuil media relations divis on the civil serv ice commission announced Fri day The divide is respomibie ior publicity on trade fairs irnda mission Ind deparimm ill programs REGNALD BOORMAN Elmla The layeaMlda at day havo the maturity reqnlr ed lo vote and there thon be some form 01 legislature Ihmuh la enable these la vale feel they are old enough to make their dad ions particularly dechlon of thl 31le In lha pollllcal scene Examiner Photos ALL FOR Mr Tenant THE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH 80 GSI Cumin Ev Smith Ind Ml Mend Sally will mum to Button Awmu DIM butch tomorrow Captain Smith was formerly with CKVIMV of Barrie and now ha and Sally work for urn Unlted Church of Canada mm It London headquarters He will be guest speaker at mens Early Bird bnlkfast at 830 Arrangements for the breakfast have been made by Bruce Brawn Rabat Conlulu and Mike Hour Children will Re chance meet Captain Smith and Saily Family Desscrt Social in Ihc church auditorium Con vcnera the evening pump in are Mrs Gordon Roach Curl Mitchell and Fwd Cook The YMCA program for chil dren L1 as follow Saturday Gym Pflnce of Wales School 915 to 10 mm girl It year and up Oakley Park Public School an5 eight and over 315 in Hlllcrcst Public School his eight and ovcr 915 Advanced Gym Tuesday Norlh Collegiate girls 10 Ind aver at 630 and hey and ever Codrington Public School girl elghl and over 915 Kins Edward Public School bay dim and over 915 Capt Smith And Salty Retuming Activities The McKINNON FURS 150 Miulmga Street Em 0RllllA 326d736 645 m4