Lufkin Rule Manager Sciys iTour Successful new Australian company was formed recently by the Bar rie firm of Lufltin Rule Co and the Australian firm of Turner Manufacturing Ltd This was announced by Robert iiauck general manager and Vicepro sldent of Lufkin Rule iiir iiauck returned Tuesday from fivewcek promotional tour in the South Pacific and visited Auckland New Zealand Suva in the Fiji islands Pap eete Tahiti andlionoiulu Turner Manufacturing he said has been in business for 30 years it is substantial Aus tralian manufacturer The com pany produces small hand tools lawnmowers washers dryers hacksaw blades and builders hardware Mr Hauck said Barrie Luikin will supply the newlytermed company with basic supplies and materials for an ant mucd fu ture Among some or the mat crisis will be finished products cases packaging and parts it lsnt economical for thorn in pro duce parts due to limited We ductinn COMPARISON How does Australia compare to Canada it is modern country Take for example the city of Mel bournc if you substituted the city of Toronto for this Austral ian metropolis the only dir fcrcnce would be in the greater number of highrise buildings in Toronto ltir iiauck said that on the surface Australia resembles Canada very much iic stated that an ordinary small commun ity couldbe transposed and it would be difficult to ditfercnti ate either one This difference be mcntioned begins with the cars Over there they consider Chevrolet Ford or Chrysier limousine Their family car is compact car The country is prosperous looking one He referred to TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Compiled by Flynn 93 Dunlop St llarrle Stltlrttul Summary for tha Waek inï¬ll March 11 106 AVIIIABI nuns IN Average Stock Yields Burks 13 Preferred and Stock si Common Indurlrlu Mlnlnl finish are its 31 has us YearAgo aunscrm anions Shawinigan Water And Power Co Net income for the fiscal year ended December 31 1962 amounted to 510742769 or $149 per share compared with $13 756359 or $151 per share in Join Totaioperating revenues werc $92032169 against $80075 914 in the previous year Westcnast Transmission Co iLtd Net income for thc nino rnonlhs ended December 31 1962 amounted to 51861313 or 30 cents per share as compared with $133323 or 21 cents per share for the corresponding per iod last year Canadian Breweries Ltd The Company has served formal no tice that under the provisions of section 118 of the Companies Act it intends to purchase thoso common shares of WesternCan ada Breweries Ltd which re main in the hands of sharehold crs The purchase price is $36 per share the same us under the recent offer to Western Can ada Breweries shareholders Great Lakes Paper Company Limited The Annual chort states that the Company esti matcs 106 newsprint shipments to be approximately 211500 ions an increase over 1902 of about 1sooo ions or per cent The estimate represents an operat ing ratio of about 80 per cent of rated capacity Dominion Textile Co Ltd Dominion Textile Co Ltd dc clared final dividend of 40 cents per common share in rcs pcct of the fiscal your ending March it 1961 payable April 15 to shareholders oi record March it Last year final dividend oi 35 cents was paid Daniels President has stated that sales of the company for the current fiscal year ending hiarch 31 1961 will increase approximately 10 per cent over sales for the preceding year British American Oil Company Limited Preliminary net income for the fiscal year ended Dec cmbcr ill 1062 amounted to $5594000 or $159 per share mmpnrcd wiili sszrooooo or SIM per share In the previous year Show earnings for 1901 are based on grcatcr numbcr of shares than those for tDï¬l iho consolidated enrniilgs re ported for 1002 Include llll Oils proportionate share of tho enrnlngs of lioyallto Oil Ltd for the fill year it Loughnry Ircsidrni sintcs lut cornings front production of oil and gas lncrrnstti rullttoniinlly during the year because of high er toluinu rind trllfi while earnings from rriinni products rlmllnrd because of price oom petition Tlnllifyn Ltd NM Income for the fiscal tr ended Dec cmlnr ion nnuamtcd Iu Sarian or Ti fwr shore with pond with worn or 21 per ahnre In the provlous ycnr stint mno lo 007031 from alumni in too BOOKLET Ways To HearBetter you have some in slight haiku loss wheth you need housing aid or not dont miss this bitmth rteIv Millet its or trume iiiHe for every mom with hearing wtvlmu its gusts lofted to Irpr you cony firing Waugh better Imiifl ll Yirel urnunnunuuue MAICO lilARfot unvns an man as maowro wa trill Please no in mint Nam Admt It thvMd nuIIIlwllIIIlll Hudsons Bay Oil Gas Co Ltd The Company has acquired and now holds more than 50 per cent of the outstanding shares at Ses curity Freehold Pctrolcums Ltd and intends to make share exchange offer for the remain ing shares Details at the ac quisition and proposed otter wero not disclosed Macmillan Bioedel And iow ell rtlver Ltd Net income for the fiscal year endcd December 31 1982 amounted to $36001 809 or $173 per share against $27395968 or SIM ln 196l Gmss income increased to $330669 DIT from 3315313117 Traders Finance Corp Ltd th income for the fiscal year ended December 31 1962 mounted io $46t3576 or $101 per class and Class share as compared with $472406 or Silt in 1961 Total income was Little changed at $3661130 com pared with 6529011 in the previous year Willmott President says lower earnings resulted from higher interest ralcs increased costs and re duccd underwriting profits of the three subsidiary insurance cam panics The Company states that the overall volume of business in 1963 Is cxpeclcd to increase moderately Centralvbel Rlo Oils lelitd th Income for the fiscal year ended December 31 1962 amounted to si10iirtl or 20 cents per share compared with $1600175 or 20 cents per share in 1961 Gross income rose to $6271518 from 5206290 in the previous ycar income taxes In 1962 amaunicd to sectors com pared with 3200140 In 1961 Productionof oil increased in 2730476 bnrrcls from 1587 barrels in the previous year Northern Ontario Natural las Limited Net Income for tho tis cul year ended Dcccmher 31 1901 amounted to 470573 or 00 cents per share as compared with lJtJJGI or 82 ccnts per share In i001 Gus sales rose in LEIOJGI from Mmle In the previous year Canada Maltan Ltd Ntl liittim for the fiscal year cnricri December 1062 amounth in Humans or to it pcr share colnpnrcd with 75536 0r $593 per share in the previous year learral lerl War Ltd Ytir the sent your riiding Member at 1002 not loss amauntcd lo Ii0JtltiZ nv rwiipurcd with in net profit of $341230 oin ml PM oi the 1901 lost rcsultrd from an Increase of £120267 to provision for liiid nnil doubtful accounts and Intrlnse ni tm at In olnoirte Intriilury writes oils and 113270i more charged to rntztnccfln and tooling co ROBERT HAUCK what he saw as lot of obvious activity in new buildings and road construction Theyre just getting started with their sup er highways Mr iiauck noted that another difference was the way they built super highways They seem to build them In the city first then in the country complete reversal in our atyl es About the Australians themsel ves Theyre on the bit will ing to learn ready to work and eager to receive anyone who wants to invest In the land He noted theapparcnt lack of un employment problems in spite of the fact that their climate is much warmer and more moist than ours For them the lowest temper ature would be at degrees and thats only on rare occasions Their pace is quite slower than ours SATISFIED Mr iiauck stated he was sat isfied with his tour He opened an agency in the Fiji islands to serve that area and the Amer ican Samoa lie added as an afterthought that he performed must of his work in the islands while livinl in thatched hut TheseFiii islanders are purported to be the cleanest people in the world he said Everything was almost immaculate in its splendid color ful surrounrilngsI As far as Tahiti goes it ll really the pearl of tbs Pacific tremendous beauty spot And iiawaii itll be cheaper for me to go to Florida because its almost the same thing WEATHER Synopsis Cold air is surging southward across Northern 0n tnrio accompanied by snow llurries This colder air will push into eastern Ontario by Sunday morning The outlook for Sunday calls for mainly sunny skies and cooler temper atures exccpt In southwestern Ontario where temperatures will be near normal Lake St Clair Lalte Erie Niagara regions Windsor llam ilton liainly sunny and mild Sunday Winds light Sunday Lake Ontario lfaiiburton re gions Toronto hioinly sunny on Sunday cooler Sunday Lake Huron southern Georg Ian Ilny rcgiuns London few shawors clearing tonight Mainly sunny and cooler on Sunday Winds northerly 15 to Sunday Northern Gcorglan Day tim ogaml regions North 111 Sud hury Sunny and colder on Sun tiny Winds becoming northerly is to on Sunday Algoma White River regions Soult Ste Marie Partly cloudy toriin and Sunday Turning coldcr late today Winds becom ing northerly 15 lo 15 Sunday Forecast rempmium itiln flips 40 I0 40 SI 35 $0 35 30 d0 35 Windsor St Tiiumna London Kllrheoe llniilioin ilomllion it Cathnrlnrs 53 dd Toronto 45 do BARRIE SKATING CLUB Presents The Eleventh Annual ICE VARIETIES BANNIE ARENA Sat April 6th pm FEATURINOI Intolsl NIIJIII liailn ma Mm It nun Ann is on lea uneasy Ia an in am pm lalullay do II All Tkltia an Iosrlvvl It III Ait tithi mha in Ilflillllll Pluto nali nstlnntNA nttilmwanl llll Iltl arm ma Mull rlllltilAI RAND seen the limits of lirar sumo Arm Vilma lltllllitTlDN Hunts 1011 fast Local III nah hating rlsb modem inset be hanged at the lfirc for menus gs ti II TITE ARR EXAMINER Thryeiiawdattodila you have seen people wearing on their is pets are to advertise the house tohousa canvass oi Barrie and District Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society campaign which begins Monday and runs through out April Battlie fight against cancer lasts 65 days year Mrs dean Bird is unit secret ary of the Barrie unit She start ed to work for the society in the fall of 1060 Mrs Bird recalls ihera were eight patients under our care then Now there are more than so There are four branches in the Barrie Unlincam Borden Beetan Allfrtoa an Tetten bam1 Mrs Bird thinks there is not an increase In cancer but that ubliclty and education is pay off and doctors an referring patients to the society The office is open every Mons day Tuesday Thursday and Fri day from 130 to 430 pm FORM COMMITTEE Barrie Agricultural Society will form capital works com mittee to discuss proposed build ings and sites The board of dir ectors was told this week it had credit oi $80000 with the fed eral government This money is for assisting the societys build ing prograra WANTED Jerry Coughila of Barrie Agri euliuraiSociety has been asked by the Colllngwood Fair to be master of ceremonies at the silipinriidldgtowns annual fail event Mr Coughlln Idvlsed the local society of this at board at directors meeting VISIT HOLLAND BITTIC mlli II Illlld one Police Have Brief For Govemment Officers of the Barrie City Poi ies Department will go to Tor onto on Monday with hundreds of other officers across Ontario to support the Police Association of Ontario in its presentation oi brief to the Provincial Gov ernmcnt reliable source in Barrie said that the association will pre sent brief to the Legislative Assembly proposing amend incline to the Ontprio Police The proposed amendments would serve the purpose of ro tecting the civil rights of on Ice men th source said Bandmaster lit Meeting The Codrlngtoo Rome and School Association will hold short meeting at lzit in Codrington Public School meeting will include the It Register Fisher teacher at Central Collegiate and director of Barrie Collegiate band will direct his music students in Ed ucational Entertainment Tha prercntatloa is designed to show the relative proiicisnclea of group of Grade 1X stu dents who have been studying music for few months com pared to 95 Grade if students The meeting is open to every one and refreshments will be served You Can Help CRIPPLED CHILDREN by Supporting the EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN Mail Contribution Ta KIWANIS am or rams slirunoiiv Mltncn so ms Cancer Society Starts Campaign airs Birds hippo phone num ber PA own is listed as an alt emate number so that patients can reach her at home it it is after office hoursI or on days that the office lsnt open Gordon Larkin is campaign chairman and Rory ODonal Is publicity chairman The Canadian Cancer Society was incorporated as national body in loss as result of action taken by the Canadian Medical Association and lay groups in some provinces it grew out of rcquaerom doctors for lay medical organ isation that would help bring cancer atlents into their of fices ear ler The society bu tried to piece pamphlets 12 Questions Ans wered about your Cancer Soci ety and Cancer Facts 196s in every home in Harris to ac quaint peopie with the work of the aocIaty and with some facts about cancer LOCAL AND GENERAL of the 75 nextofirio of Canadian war dead buried in Holland who will visit that country next week The first of four punishgas will leave Dorvai on the evening of April Thelocal man is Donsmore DEFEATED Barrie Peewees lost the sec and game of the OMHA playt downs to Peterborough at Peter borough last night The defeat citirmiaated Barrie from the play HOURS The Barrie Fire Department as of 015 this morning has gone through as hours without fire call The last call was on Monday morning to go to Anne and John streets and put out car fire When firemen got there the car owner had taken care of the sit ualion ACCIDENT Barrie City Police are still investigating an accident which occurred at the corner of Maple and Dunlap streets early this morning According to Constable Ralph Harry Harry Cooper 65 of Harris as being pushed by tow truck and his car collided with panel tnlck driven by idyearod Michael Cheevcrs also of Barrio PC MEETING Arthur Evans MPP fon Sim cos Centre and Jack Garner of Barrie will speak in support of DufierinSlmcoe Progressive Conservative candidate Ellwood liadiil at public meeting in Stroud Community liall next Thursday at no pm Advance polls certainly do come in handy in Barrie to day at least two women had good reasons to appreciate the polls convenience Mrs Heb cr Smith ABOVE wife of Progresive Conservative Cen didate for Simcoe North voted today because she expects to give birth to child almost any day Mrs Harry Nesbitt BELOW voted today because she will not be in Canada on April It the official federal election day iiirs Nesbitt is leaving for England April 1er is the first vote in Canada for Mrs Nesbitt Although she has been In the country few years she did not feel she had enough knowledge of Can adian politics befora this year with both electors is deputy returning officer Ephraim Me Fadden Examiner Photos FARMERS MARKET With spring in the air and fresh geraniums all made for good attendance this morning Eggs sold for 15c to die dozen according to size There was plentiful supply of veg etables including turnlpr 10c 15c 2°C with small white tur alps at 19c pkg Rhubarb 20c bunch celery bunches 29c carrots lb We parsnip 19c good cooking onions 19c pkg potatoes 10 lbs sac Them was short supply at HEBER SMITH LIEERAL FANTASY CONSERVATIVE FACT LIBERAL FANTASY CONSERVATIVE FACT LIBERAL FANTASY CONSERVATIVE FACT ON APRIL 0TH LIBERAL FANTASY CONSERVATIVE FACT LIBERAL FANTASY CONSERVATIVE FACT pickles and iam offered rea sonably lioney was priced from BC to $100 aceording to rise of container Baking included eiderberry and Nd currant pics date squares butter tarts mutfins cookies ete Fancy goods included baby sets mittens pillow cmcs no mas and corsnges IIIcCUTCIiBDN TO SPEAK itiayar Les Cooke or his rap resentative will rcccive the lion Wallace McCuichcon at the city hall 12 noon itiondiiy Jack illit chinson general manager of the Canadian General Electric will Introduce llir McCutchcon at Fcilowshlp all where he will speak immcdiaieiy aitcr leav ing city hall WHO WAS RIGHT THE STORY OF THE DOLLAR PEOGING CONSERVATIVE FACT Tlio Canadinn dollar Is sound dollar one of thc strongest turrtnb Its in the world The Canadian dollar is itiocenl dollar in Canada it still buys motcats worth of Canadian goods Dollar pcgging has hcpcd room the value of exporlsto record Time iiaearlnc October 20 1001 11 nallon coniprrist allilua lhnt Canada has The Governments rlccishinto peg the doiinr will mean higher pilrts for Canadians Intli Iltliurhftlll Siiuticiiatndlc hilly I002 President Kennedy cslllnnlrd today Cuntldn ntliicirri the heist re rurd oi price stability among all the motor industrial countries Canadian Press January 1n tutti The coil oi living is going In increase because of dollar treading Irslcr Icitrroo Wniinrchurg Ontario Iuna II 1002 of rrtnll prlca inrrcnscs our 11 fittlililll been the must siltrrsriul In keeping flown the cost of living The Cnnadlan Inciciisr was lust under ifnlttllllnn llirsiiicu September 1061 Dollar prgglng to too grrat buidc rxtrinsl halaiite for the conuiiun man to hear Paul Martin June ii tails flcvniuallnn has lfmllliil ii pnurrfui tnrcr contributing to trim lntrrnml lttxltltlltlfl and more employment hirrtauitle Ilntth itI innnlln November tat1 in iorf loitnlla chnlkrsl up Um iiilltral growth role of any Atlantic Continually country IIIlIInrsI Work Ilrnirllltr 01 The Illwrala rinlntcd that lirvaltlnilon would Increase the itilll of illlm car In H115 ltciurrn the day the dollar was prgirsl and the end of let1 the price of that lRllll isprrloo rsr Ill dun lvmto 0100100 The Liberals rInIinerl that the price of ills 00 clrtlrtc alovl would Increase in so The priie oi that more tum rlrriric simi Irnl own to mg 10 SMITH HEBER Iahllhrd lly Aimm North reignsIre tinssatiri Association vors TO itsELECT amiisnam than