0n Enslcr Day the women came lo the lamb lookinx for dead Chrlst and found lhu tomb amply Peter and John came 1nd found lhu graves clothes nol unwound but cullnpscd be cause he body had passed through Ihun Clcopas Ind his wilc met Ihc rkcn Chris an the mad lo Emmnus The dlsclplu mm 10 men Christ lnIhc up pcr mm and when these peoplu 1an and knew lhn Juux was allvc Me asmndcd Inlo heaven land He senl His Splrfl NEW TUIIICS Twn ulmrvorl mm lhc Mn cnw mhlmchlur the us Ilnn Ollhndnx Church erndrd Iho Hm mslnn he Ecumeni Il count Ilnlcr hc lender Ukrnlnlnnrllc thnllu In lho Smlrl Unlnn Archhlshnp Jnsyp Sllryl nlm nrnrly la ytnn drlcmlnm Fnr mnsl was lhrlr Hm dim cnnlncl wim lhc Vullcnn INN many ycnrs cl lsulnllon More hlshnps lrnm Cummw nhl cnunlrlcs ure cxpcrlrd hm lhc ecumenical council lhr churchl in mm mem My lor nmly crnlury re nsscmblr hm Scpl Slnltnwnl mm hnlh Ihe anknu nnd lhr Kumlln nppml lnr tntrlnl corxlmnrn In lh Now am hImull hns hnkcn hnnd In the Vullcnn with Alcxnl Adflmbcl snnI law Sorlc Prcmlcr Khrush thEV and member the So Hut Communist party ccnlnl cummillce Mnny thIcvn lha Pups Johns lnlk wilh Adzhuhci hns cleared the way or him to naive Khrushchev xhnuld tho Sovch slalcsmnn lsll ane Small conllnnenls nl hlshops rum Poland Hungary thn Ilmukla nnd Yugoslale were allnwtrl by lhc Cnmmunlsl Au thorium lo allcnd lhe lim 54 31ml of tho anlrnn ecumcnlcnl councll He cnmlnmntd he Mirth WP 10 he lhc ï¬rst In shnkc hands and cxchnnna smile wllh Hm nppresmrs the church ROME fleulcmDcsplle currcnl haw bdwncn lhc Rn mnn Cnlhallc Church and Due Snvict Unlon lherc no sum any comprumise hclwccn 0mm nnpsscnllnls Icrflindcr of lhc conllnulng undrflyin lcnsinn ls provided by nuhllc nxhlhillnn hem enA lillcd The Mnrlyrcd Church at Today mhlch dlsplnys the sub minus of Roman Calhnlics in Cnmmunis counlrlcs In 1960 Alhcdn Cardlnal lnviunl sccyclary nl lhe Vall cnns Supreme Cnnzrcï¬nunn he 1on Dulce puhllcly crill cizcd cnnlncls hulmn Vcslcrn slalcsmcn nnd lhnsc who slap Ihe hm God IIIE VEN READ lrlnlty Anlllcnn Church Tom was once student whn prim hit shown drun ed his mm In black durinz the 103m of Lent leul he did nuke one good point Lcnl lhnuld be nlmnsphem that surround us In upcrlcnco that xcls into our flesh Ind uur honv vs wny 01 We and no alm ply lima when we give up one or lwn lining and pal our selm an the back or our pk Iy The root at Lent Is Jesus Cnrlsl Himwfl cruciï¬ed risen ascendcd muran oulm uer on His Church Thu mat of Lent is that God we HI Son lo give us lite and Ihal this mm was prnclulmcd In mu world on Easter Day when God rnlscd Jesus yam lhc dont ill HARRIS EXAMINER amvnnn MARCH In 198 Martyred Church Of Today Name For Catholic Persecution Autumnllr 4mm ll nl II mum hvltlnl pmum Illurlnl nu mmplm Ind nnm ml1 klnl um 10 Co LlMlTED Lent Should Be Way Of Life llrplmnmnl mm Al mnlmu mlm II lupllml SIRVICE INCLUIED WITH YOUR Tlm Salran II mmwd nllr ml IIle lmhnm mth MCI ullh mlr Hum Ilrmluu ml nmrml CHECKTHESE rmunzs SUNDEO HEATING 0H CBHTRHCT Vow BFch HERVK HUGE FUIINALE CLEAN OUT HI IIMTING ICQUIIMILNT INSIIICHON AND AHJI HIENT PA 82461 Drxcrvinu climb wldnws 1n the London pnrlsh St Harlholcmcw rm Rircn he crass hun and new sixpcncc cvcry Gund Friday wnm does he churbh mean by Lenl Flrst all Am is far more than an lmllannn at our Blesst Lords 4D dnys In hr lldcrness Lung before lhm ware the to days Chris The Mnrlyrtd Church Tn day cxhlhlllon use the Most display lechnlqucs to paint picture Icprcsslvc measure Inkcn nnnlnsl he 63739000 mnn Cnllmlics who live under Communist rule They mum soul 12 pcr con In world Ronmn thullc populauon CnlhuHcs hnpc for more ram dam for believers In Commu nist counltlu and an op nrlu why In rcpnlr some at tho moc wrought under Slnllnlsl typo rczimcs Orixlnllly Lent was only am day iong To prqpnro for lhu triumphant Easter Communlan lhe carllcsl of lho Chrlsllan lu lhnls the Church spun lhu nlghl in prayer and lastlng and the paschn vlgu was held Then It wru Ienxlhunrd lo last Wu days By tho lhlrd cchlury 1n the Church Alexandm Lent nxlcndcd tn whan week By ha and 01 lhe lhlrd century Rome had inst at lhrm weeks By lhu Inurlh century there were slx week of lhsllnl Fin aly alter derrcM rcckonlngs It was sclllcd that Ash Vcdnos day ruuld be lhe opening day of LLIIL JunId Ind the nvnldnncc of force In scllllnx dispum Bul lie hitter Inï¬ncy ms rnr years has not been farml on The not at Lcn ls in all lhcso lhlngs Chris crucified risen ascended lllld sending HL Holy Spirit Lent ls me call dlu with Christ our dear Lard Ind lo nrly agnlnwlh Hlm In How nfo Tn Holy Spirit Church nbldo within the Church In such way and In such measuru lhll H6 can pop form In In all ï¬nal nmmry or our salvullon Fnr Fne Hullmlle thoul Uhllflllnn lnour MITCHELLAIRE EDGAR ONT TRADITION WHITE 10 PA 666 lhe power mi Sn ynur local nulllmlmd 21minch dulu lien In Len died Io sin in or der to iive wlih Christ bent in dyinx in communion with am dying Lord we we might rise with Him in clerniiy Because this was so tremendous xnwom derini and such rieh religioun experience lutinl becnmo pun aI lire pro arnlion iI WM nnl simply niv up somelhing for lhe sake oi giving up snme Ihlnz Sinee Iii ereulien be lansed In God mini nilawed he ChrLstinn Io give up same of he ereaIion so Iiral ihero wouiri be more nvaiilbie In be used in Gods service Fnsiinx also we praellsed on he principle lira nii erenilnn beinngedlu God and Iilereiom creailon musi neI hin der man in paying due nilenlion In Gad in kmpinu Loni we iurn in faiIil Ind hope Io our redeeming Lord emptying our hand ni evoryihlnz eke so Ihnl we may be ready in lnke His giil oi uii snivnlion 233 BRADFORD ST Hum mun lllll Chrlst and HI dlsclnlcs came out or tho lcmplo on mesday Hnly Vcnk mm of tho dlsclplu Idmlred the tem plo beauw Chrlst com Preparatibn For biixisls Coming ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY scgom LESSON By BliredIBuesHe1 Chevy 11 100 2Doov Sudan Chevy II 100 001 Sudan DANGERFIELD MOTORS lIMIlED was SA mm mm Dec Sudan 00 to your ï¬lialmint donark see why GHEWHIs fan Thlrdly Lnn In lhn early Church Included lhe vreparnflnn at tho penllcnl or thelr realm ugh go hurch Thu ashes Ash Wednesday wcro used llrsl lnr Iha grievous innen In llme the whale Church were Ihcm to show the solemn can sccrnllan the whale cummum fly at the benlnnlnu ol the Lou lcn lust Lent today L1 still the llme when we learn la diu more Completely lo sin so lhal we Secondly Len wax the lime tnr hapllsm Baptism In lha early Church was always on Ensm an that converts prepar ed or ler hapllsm which was death to sin und new blth larixhlcousnm might the parallel In Ibo death our Lord on Good Friday And HI mur rccllon on Euler So Instruc lInn WM pm of Lent Io pm pm or lho rut mystery of Inlllnllnn Into he Church mcnted that the slum would not be let slandlnLMark 1311 When they had cllmb lho um lnp 013 Mount Ollm opposite lhu temple Peter James John and An Ilu mu Io flomnu on It CIIGTV nuan ma Sumluy Cheri vnur lacl lulu In rAuncl Ind llnu Your Chavvolfl Oldlmobtlo mum lnvoy Ind Chwolu Tnuk Dull Sunni canyonbl coup am mgwu lmm Mly yau plan In dalun It you llhl Tim ha ucul Chlvy Ila luc ctnltn Ilu lam1y cu IMF gal tomMing In aulybodr your my mi no Ialyownll N0 WONDER CHEVY IT IS 806 SPEGMGUMR SAZES SUGGESS TIMES AN GlflVG WUEPAUH M0051 SUIT EVERYDIVES PlfASlflf may God Thu lhe meaning of Lin Ls not simply xlvlnz up an exlra service or Iwo Lent llmu Inlcnalve lralnlnl In Chm llanlly drew drew Him aside and asked Him prlvnicly what no mean and when It would hm pomMark 1334 In am ou discount He old hem ml after 110 Gospel was SummitMilk IHIu llvn mare complflcly or preached lo all nallnns there would come llma of Area lrlhlllutlon alter whleh Chrlsl would return In llls glory and he elect he ï¬ntheredllnrk 13547 The prnvlnus Snlur day evenlnm when lln dined with Slmon lhe leper Mary cl Bclhany nnolnled Christ wllll enslly Jar ol ointment Chrlsl pralsed llur lor ll Mnrk 1114 GOLDEN TEXT Mark 23 GUESTS EV SMITH Ind SALTY Formerly with CKVRTV FAMILY DESSERT SOCIAL Come and Enlny The Friendly Chmllln Fellnmhlp SUNDAY MARCH lhl BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH Sundly Evanlng 630 pm FIGHT GAMER witha cheekup and cheque Well0M CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETV BunIa Ind DIflrlcl Unll Dunlap Bl Em Chevy II Nava 400 Spbvt Coup PA 63012 Chevy II 300 Woo Sedan PHONE PA 646521 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA lMfl Plan your hbme now Learn how you put when ya vbiilvd MAIL coupon mm HALLI DAY Like hundreds of thrifty homeowners you cap Saw The Hallidny Way by acting as your owncon tractor anil aliplylng Iomo ï¬nishing touches yourself Ynur fllllldu Dulu BRYCE BOWNESI Shirley Avenul Harrle Phone PA MN 1m HALL WWW luflhflnl Mulmllmfllhllï¬hh human All Winchnun $2000