Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Mar 1963, p. 8

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Tum hu IUfl ulmoal our hllllmn nmalrrhnu II AM Im look Ilm Irlml Ilnnll In Im an Qunu 11m TMI will Illa Ion Ilmt In rlddm In the MUD Hunk rule valnglfl run nnl mom oddl at Ownl 5am mom nor It Ill be mm our the mull vaunted imploding Jorhoyl In lllllnh Ind lrtlnndrnl Tum Wuh nl lullonm hmuu Ice and mm have Ml mlng lnrm In doubl Hui um Ill placlnl lhrlr mod In our llrluln II xlrclrlnl lhnl Park It lha mm in Inflow Partyalum mrm null wm mlmd Inr Hm thus our lour mil RM ynnhI url can In whlrh ochyn and ride mull nuollnla no lomfll alum In Thryll Ilnll nlmul 10 EST lhu luluml llrld hr drculr The record 1an In Wu in In 1901 Hum 57 ham MN law In Ilul Irlu Illar wlnlrr II hull m1 lml Ir lln Hue nnu lb llrllllh lull nurvlvod England AP The Kllll nvr decided than only run horn lo lnllnw In Sal urdnyn mm runnlnl lhu Grand anlnnnl filemlorlmn lllm nlnr Gregory lctkl Owenl Cum Lul ytnrl clubs whkh will mum In lho told me Slewnrtn Gnrnn llhcn Lunch Im Mo lar th Torah Auwmollvm Brlxlowl Plumban and Heating IICAF Sumon Edgar And Mino nlng 111mm Elvdnc hnl will drawn Thu loop received pliuflon or entry mm IZlmva upro Ienm by Pnul msz and Harry why The daemon on lhll club will be nude on or before April 15 The moellnz nl The Examlncr Ibo elected Bill an and Ill Rnymfl vita pmldcnll In meeting next Wodnmdny he leano hope In be able tn elm or npwlnl new secretary lrtnmrcr Film Stars Horse Gets Girls Votes Jim Short was elected meA dent of Harris Distdct Scnlor 50mm Angus last night Aside from their poor Kower plays the Canadlens Played great game one ich they might just as easv ly have won One seldom sees an effort like the Can adiens put up go down the drain Their defence was almost 100 Ber cent better than Tuesday night and their attack ad the Montreal zip of old We will be back promised coach Toe Blake in the dressing room afterwards it we had flayed well Tuesday night the series would be tie up now We shall return slapped all the hard shots and let in two soft goals and we lost explained goalie Jacques Plantei He was referring to markers by Dave Keon and George Amstrong Keons goal the eventual winner Army stole the puck from Donnie Marshall mov ed in close and took his shot at open side of the net Turn to page nine please One mlght point out that Toronto had man ml vanlage the same number of times and also couldnt capatallze While thls Is fact We also true that Leafs were in on goal more often and mlssed out on sure goals number of times due to the effectlvenessol one Jacques Plante TOUqHLQSS FOR HABS Short Elected Loop President Leafs opened the third frame with one minute and 31 seconds remaining in penalty to lied Kelly Heb couldnt score At the 734 mark Kelly went oi again still no goal for Montreal Irue they were in on Bower often but their min was wry all end Lem had the luck of the Irish their layer Leafs actually made them look stck but most at the credlt had ta go to that wonderful llttle hockeyplayer Dave Kenn He was all over the lee check ng here and checking there and shootln the puck down the lee He wouldnt allow them to out on the net And when Dave went off George Armstrong carried an equally as well Then followed situation in the middle period which really put the visitors to shame With Puliord off for hooking and Horton for interference Montreal had twoman advantage for one minute and 47 sec onds This was the third time in two game they played live attackers against three no goal Take or instance the first Leaf penalty high stlcklng call to blg Frank Mahovllch It 245 of the open lng period The Hub had thelr blg guns out and ready to go fellows llke Henrl Rlchnrd and Bemle Geolfrton and the llke Toronto had two defencemen toward and Davy Kean For full two mlnutes the hometown ers controlled the puck keepln Montreal back of the bluellne Canadlens had nary 51 ot The last ttvo Stanley Cup semifinals between the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Canadians Indicated that opposition goalies no longer have to cringe whenever one of their own players goes off for penalty or even two In days gone by whenever the Hub had man ad vantage this was the sign of goal coming up and those watching didnt have to Wait longs The Canadian attackers would streak down the ice im bum boom and the red light flashed LIKE LITTLEJACKIE PAPERS who cgme no more to play with Putt the Magic dragon so Vanished the feared Montreal Canadian power play that used to be the best In the league POWER PLAY POOR SPORTS CHATTER By JERRV GLADMAN fill HARM EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH Seagrams Star Rated Best PicaInt Mik Imoothor HM bonertuning um mom ntiuiyinu in genuinely lino whilky at popuinr pxioo hith in toll nhor tout nitor mat ngninnt thu mm loading hrnndl in in prion oinnu Cnnndinnu iikod tho unto of Bongmmu Star but lilvo you tried thi gront wiiluky you if not do to loan So if you dont gm with tho vordluc of thouundl of other Canadian and ram it boll Tniodundulhculllclllluponhlon oinluvilnI mmuh ounnluliafl CANADANI RVE WHISKV fiEAGRAMB FIVE STAR IN MINORS gust 1060 he took rnlcd walk lhen wound Lp the mlhars Allur he com pllnd IN record Indlnnup olII wllh earned run ave In whh New Yolk Glanls In 1953 pllchI In lwnvhll shutout against Phlladelphla Phllllc and al lowlnz wllh nfourhll shutout against Brooklyn Dodgers have agalnwa hal eflccllve pawn wlnnlng record only In when ha was 117 fur Vorihinxinn bank in Cincinnnll Reds iry in to resume where he sinned He mad strong pitch for Job Thursday limitinl New York Yankm to one hit in even inning as the Reds mm the exhlhliinn name hero In 11 innlngs Ten yam lit non nut on the mound standing the hat ter on lhelr ears pltchlug Ihutouu In his first two major lemm mu Two year nun ha stood up and strode nut 01 the Chicago Vhlte Sax camp by way at pmtesllng slgnatenl in methods he onsldered un elhlcnlt By MIKE RATllEl lORT LAUDERDALE Flu AmNoll even Allan Worllr lnxlonwnuld deny that fur pllcher whose record Ihnws 31 vlctarlu In seven sensnns Allan Wurlhlnxlun has had Iundoul mnlor league carger GOALIE JOHNNY HOWE Ile flll on ha Ice lo ry And Ilop shot by Jenn Bellwnu Worthington Had Standout Career lo helnfinur league MEI has Thomusvflle Ga SEND 10 MINORS MIAMI Fla Ml Ball more OrIalcs lent Ihrm former farm 1mm nlnxcmbucLleu minors Thursday culllnl lhclr spring mining squad mslcr lo Pitcher Billy Short and Herman Stnrmlu were as slgnod to Hammer NY and shoqslop pan Vpllnco was sent Mlnncsaln Nina edged Kun Clly Alhlellc Lo AII Kola Angela nlppcd Cleveland Indians Washlngmn Sonn lur dclcnled Dclmll Tiger 54 Houston Coll blasted Boslnn Red Sax 124 and he Dodurs whi pad New York In It nnlngs No shutouts were pastedJn olher Kainu Ernle Brozllo and Dlumedes Ollvo each allowed Milwaukee Brnvu nna hll In 11 lrlumph or St on Car dinals Harvey llnddlx and Tommy Sisk combined 10 lourhlllcr as Pittsburgh my blanked Ballimoru Oriole The dated was the mm In 19 games or the world chnmplon Yankees The National mane champion San hanclm Glam meanwhllt ell Into the ND In with 615 record after defeat by Chlcuo Cubs rage lha Red decided on £21000 looksee that so In ha been rewardlnx no In picture of Montreal Canadian but ho puck rcady In the not in mu Linda Spring paced iho gals with 332 double and 178 single Jimmy Bowman icd lhe buy WiUI his fill 163 set Tnmpax Bowling Luau Standings Comhlnm 31 Cul im 13 Assembler 22 Winders Packers la Ruulls Asscmlflers Com blue Cutters Pucker Winder Gerry Suhnrland puree xnmu lame lwlrlcd lop triple and slnglc with 719 mm High smrnr or the boys wcm Ron Rnbonson with 158 slnzlo and James Hrlslow with lrlplc of 611 For Ihe unis It was Llndn Rnlls wilh 459 mm threename set Kempvlcw Junior Lcnlun slnndlnw Flint Rough nn Randy 54 Denies l7 Snugglcpms 35 Yon near 23 Goofy Goons Kempvlew Teenage Loan slandlnn Uncnlchnhlc 120 Sharks 109Unlncky Five 89 Corvettes 72 Alley Cuts 50 Vhlz Deng 54 and name ho National Hockey Dengue besbofsevnn scmillnnl series In Torunlo last night Lcnfs Bob Bnun 2H and Frank Mnhovllch 27 sknlo In Toronto won 32 and now lend the series 20 Wimphoo We Service All Merchandise We Sell EXCLUSIVE REMINGTofiiSEhLERs IN BARRIE REGULAR PRICE Now $22770 wm vm mu ONLY lelllweluhmlnhl coll pulrd lmlum Yulnllondlnl Iholnm um mnde Mlldllnllflllflbllflll film Inan and flm mall lnmllml on melwr BOWLING SEE THE NEW ROBINSQIIIEHMRQWARE AND BARRIE SPORTS lIMITED flawW aJmyM ahags RIFLES and SHOTGUNS ERANCHISED REMINGTON 75A The largo Solocllon of REMINGTON Rm And Shoofium Al 31 DUNLOP ST Art Chicago 10 EN Detroit 03 6100 Chicago 10nd bestolsevon scmlvflnnl sexlo 24 The leaders All Toronto Montreal so Tomnlo lend busbolvmvcn scmlHnnl series 20 WW Kean hnd Montreal dulencw mnn Teny Hnrper Inunlng on him andwna holding all Hur pcr with one hand The puck which dldnt leavo the lee had llon more than ll own momen Iunm to cum 1t lhnl was at 35 tho sec ond period and try they would lhn Canadians could not No Ihu gnmc nnnough they played much better than In Tor ontos 31 Ilrslnnmc victory Kcon was lrylng to cross In wffifinma See The New line REMINGTON TORONTO CF gentle onehandcd shnvo by tile Dave Km did all Ihu damage In strenuous hockey game Thurb dnLnI Thu Impound caner eased the puck Ihrough narmw unenlnl between Mlle Jacques Plnnte and Um compost glvo annnlo Mapln Leafs 32 vlc Rory nvcr lho Cnnndlpns In their Stanley Cup seml final sending lhc lenms to Montreal wlIh the beat lcndlnu the best nl vcn Vscrrlcs 20 By THE CANADIAN PRESS sales Stanley Cup Statistics Gentle Shove By Kéon Gives Leafs 32 Win 113 Dunlap St PA 6l4l2 New wood Ind mm Duller lhcludwmmAMuh lonltonlml Eulullvu PawnMull Izllnn LEASE I963 CARS NOW By CALDWELL 5115 VENSDN Suits 11 AVIS 15825 Pls Pen wme 20106 0376100 Jenn Bellveuu no or Montreal on Toronto delcn slvc goo and Harper added the other Canadian goal The second by defenceman Allan Stanley on shot mm the blue llne bounced In all or ward Ralph Backa 315 of tho 52Cde perlod Flame also had reason on be dlsgusled the other two 1431 goals Tho first by Georgi Armstrong at 01 um first period bounced of Plnnlau slick Into the net alter the Lea capan stole the punk tom Montmal DanMarshaU Huxr Emilf He uses in brain Hes mu be one the lsmartest hockey player In the engu £5ch scorlnl Ihq winning gun Kean also played Ira mendo rdefelnslvg Esme The centre has been used pcnallyklller all season but tho 007 fans hem will prob ably be long llme folHellan the way he dld it Thursday night Leela wcru lwo men short or mlnule and 47 sec ondsl Na delencumen and Kcon were assigned to hold bl 110 Canadian and they dld It so cflectlvcly lhnl only am Montreal player not and thyme to More Tho Lea player admitted 1M wns trying to do lust um but when he couldnt ha ust took advantage ol the law Inch open ne avallnble to him Tomnlaimanager conch Punch Imlad said of his prize centre Hes fantastic nkatcr and Inc or avcrylhlny from of he netinn he was Plant exclaimed mar Ihu game He was lrylnzlo hook In from or shot my OPENING ms GMC TRUCK Lon wheel base thank and cab rclnlorccd frame good 825x20 liru very clean rcady or the road Wns $1099 DANGEMIELD MOTORS WED 25 llndlnrd SI PA 66521 5c JIM FINLEY Jim Finleys OK Special SHUR SHOT SHELLS AT 325 par box Remington Buys FOR GUN FUN REMINGTON MODEL 12 GAUGE AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN Rogulr Prlcu $l64l0 NOW $9950 REMINGTON MODEL 700 ADL 221 cu $15865 Roqulnr Pllu $3600 NOW $6495 Cnmplm Lin Romlnmon Nylon 66 76 21 From $5485 to $7930 REMINGTON PLASTIC SHOTGUN SHELLS my Nnvcr Lou Tholr Pawlr Now Comdlm Pvlcu $195 For Box Now $895 COLLIER ST BRNO 571 22 CAL BOLT ACTION Check These Other Glllcs lrcmblny slapped an elbow ln lhe am Thursday nlzhl hul club olllclnl sald he will be ready to play Sat urday The Mammal lull winger said Vhls upper llp split and jaw ls sllll Plume who snld alter we came the nskhma he picked up before Tuesdays game Ks bom erlna him no longer made 14 saves Bower stopped 29 Mant lea shots Jvhn Macmillan out of Leafs Hnaup or In Week and hull with an elbow Injury didnt play Thursday night but he expected luck or lhn lhlrd game ha seriesIn Mon rnl Saturday and Tuesday In Into he Toronto ton on the play lhnl resulted In hl goal 614 of lhe second period Thu dc tcncemnn passed to centre Ilean erhurd who got um puck back km from lho car nur Harman red 15100 pngg Bawcrn BelIveau stale thu puck mm delenceman Bab Balm and r1 lea bullcblika shut past Tor unlo gunltender Jnlmny Bower alum of Ihq lrsj pcrlod merrate lxuom lmmge ouems HOTEL The Hamlin VISIT

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