Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Mar 1963, p. 10

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MESA Arlz AmChicago Cub traded outfielder Bunny Mumhyt 10 ycar otd 5125000 bonus boy and pitcher Dave Gcrnrd lo ttausmn Coll Thurs day or Ictbhundcd pitcher chk Lcmny it and catcher Merrill Itnncw 21 The Cubs are to receive thtrd player as yet unnamed CHESS MATCH DRAWN MOSCOW MUThu lhlrd game In Hm Zdgame world chnsx lournamnn lmolvlnz do lending champion Mlkhall Bo Hnnlk and Tlxrnn Puronynn was dcclnrtd drnw Thursday nllcr B7 mum Both the pluy us me usslnn TIN mulch was adjourned chnrsduy nflcr ll mum Ilolvlnnlk uuw hm hm mink nnd Iclmsynn une BOSTON AN The MEIM thustlls House or Illpxtmflllh Inca refusal Thursday In con Aldur lcghlnunn to ban pmlml Hana Imxinn In huxurhuwun Hm pmposnl Wm 1nd by lop BQXING PROPOSAL Kll Tennis soc lion hm uskmd that this years CnnaduvMLxico Davis Cup lie be played in Ms munlry Jim Muckcn of Vnncnuvcr vice rcsident CLTA sald Ihul he Cnnndinn bid is arceplcd more Is an excellent chnncu the He will be held hart lhcy going to do hold up he rnpcs Ortiz Pucrtu meanborn New Yorker is muklng lhc sec ond defence of he Illln he won rum Joe Brown last April 21 William is Cuban now llxhk In out Miami The parks and rccrenliun nd mlnlslrulion whlch nms all spark in Puma Rica urdcrcd he more Thursday Forms rheavyxécluht chum plan Jnmcs Braddock who willrcerce the bout Vic STASIUK 11 oi De theirsecond Stanley troll raises arms as he scares pinyaii game last nighL against Chicago in first period cago goalie Glenn iinll DOCTORS AT RING SAN JUAN MUA dnclur will he placed at each of he four corner the ring for the 15min liuhiwcighl lilln bout Saturday night hclwccn cham pion Carlos Ortiz and Doug Valllnnh SEEKS DAVIS CUP VANCOUVER CPIThe Ca cvns TRADE Ulunv SCISSOBED SPORT 1hvncInInamllm Waummlmmnollm Sludulmkor ulcluslvefillde ha mulal moi lovwmdandsMoXyrnloylhucpnn sky hnslmlvlunolncomnluhln Runrwlndnwdlsnpnnma lutollw1n1lgato1hn Wnnounlm In ovulythlnu In All peopleu loamy Iodnn ll dnlhlnu convlmblo rugged donll truck flight winger Bobby 11mm who scored 41 Rank to pace Hm 01M senior clrcuit Ulla year let Windsor tluh pluynl ord by rnpplng livu inllha vast lOymmld Marc Cnrbn in Iho Nnramln goall Bulldogs champions of the Ontario Hockey Absnclnllan Senior League and Aloucllus ulnncrs ol lhc Nonhcrn 0n Inrlo Hockey Assoclulion senior Inn will mm in the second game hon Friday night with Hue rcmainlng mutt15 sched uled or Noranda beginning Sunduy4 The wlmwr mccls cliher Show hrooke or Mnnclan In the Ensl cm Canudn innl Mu Dcnda xrnrcd lwlro while Irwin Grass Tum Wnlkrr Jim luwphsun and Hum memms Icmcd once each Holly Fan scoml Imlh Nor nndu goals one coming qun Windsor md lvm mun in lho pmillly box on lo trounce Noran cllcs 12 In the first game 01 he besIoHivc series or he nlernlarlo senior Hockey Mlle IIXIECTS GRANTS MONTREAL CPI Ken Farmer Montreal chalnnun the National Fitness Council says he expects he govern nwnl Io make an nnnuuncemunt in low duys nppmvinu the $00000 In grams commended by the council Farmer said he puvcrnmcm In indiculcd Illu planned expenditure or he ycnr slnrlinn April is $2000 000 and lhc $900000 alrcudy earmarked Is pm at lhe loin WINDSOR Onl CPVlnd sar Bulldogs cxplndod or scvm gnals In me first In minutes 1ch Wednesday night and went Bulldogs Explode For 112 Victory rosunlanvc Gordon Boynlnn Doslun Republlcnn Because the deadline fur filing hils is lmsl he needed twominis vote have it udmmed for cumidemlinn The Yale was 35 againfl suspension of the rules theirsecond Stanley Cup player game last nighL Chi cago goalie Glenn Hall OF CANADA LIMITED Iliumr sidlllnml wifll hmer leg mud of last mson lms indimlod he wanl to play wilh the Argonnuu Immune he mlu job In TuruMn Trimhlc lllrcd Inst February as cnnrh or lhc Eastern Foam Cnnlmncl Munlrcal Alnucllrs chl Thursday nlxM Io sample nruullnlinns with Toronto Arm mulls nml Hnmlllnn TilerCal for rude Involving Intensive munr Iinrlmcku Hon InMr The nthcr quarterfinal mnlchcs in mens singles saw world champion Erland Kops Denmark dclcnl mu Berry San Diego Calif 1512 154 US rllnmplan Jlm Pool San Dingo defeat nubcrl Mo Cnig Scotland 1541 1511 and Chanrnng nnuann SaenxSu an of Thailandranked num hnr hm In lhc world to Kons Allhnugh 22yearold Wayne Macdannull lost his single match he Canadlan cham pionships he did it with lair And before Snugob Ilnuannsorn of Thailandone of he 10 Iap mnde players in the world vbent Mucdunncll he lost one game and Irailed badly In an than The score In the quarterinn mulch was 715 lalliv 157 MacdonnLII led Snngnh 114 in the second game More he lost Ihc sting in his lorchnnd sinashus and started to scram The rcsull hnnslnd the slack Canadian uflicinls who each year bring European and Asian players to Canada to set an ex ample at the Dnminlon chum piunships It also showed rc mm for money spent to send Mncdunncll In Europe recently for experience In major com pclilions CHAMPION WINS VANCOUVER CPA yuung Vancouver player pmved Thursday night lhaLCnnada ls making big strides In warld badminton ranks To Trade Brewe Trimhle Looking Be Three car gmup on one elbow Ion are Norm Ullmnn of Dr mm and Pierre Pilot Chicago AP Wirephnlo Vancouver Player Takes Big Stride Moumm cm Jim find out for yourself how good Studebaker models really areTake Test Max Mckilok drilled lwn short goal or Iho Comet In the inn period adding to this marker made by cammnloz Slcve Wlliuk In goal mouth scramble By THE CANADIAN PRESS San Francisco Seals rouncui Spokane Comets 73 Thursday night In the Vcslcm Hockey Lenguel only game Nick Mlckuskl Danny Belisle and Len Haley snared Iwn goals each or lho Seals while Duke Itdmundson picked up the other Tornnlos Marjorie Shedd moved closer In another wom ens singles title by delenling Eleanor DGorrnan Winnipeg 114 Joinan her In semi final matches oda will be Mr Joan Miller Montreal the second seed and Toronto players Doralhy Tinline and Sharon Whillaker Following their 54 fixMama victory Chime holds 24 edge lnrrthe pastelseven serles Dclrnit Olympln nr third and fourth glmcs Sunday and hlcs day Before leaving Chlcugo Rad Wing coach Sid Abel got in low partqu ghnls ive Io Ihreo all night and that relerce sure looked llke homer he thundered mlnutes alter the rouslng pnnalIyrlddcn contest whlch sen Hawk big gun Babby Hull Io lggspltnl The outburstflcnuld cost Abel hunllhy fine from National bent Torontos Jim Carnwarth 156 157 There were few other unex pccled results with the new tion of an upset In Junior wom ens singles where unrnnked 15yearold Anne McDiurmid at Winnipeg defeated tnpscedcd Judy Number of Victoria 116 13 113 The Red Wing lost 51 Thursday night giving up our powerpiay goals as lhcy heal steady path to the penalty box whlle the Hawks skated and checked in burst of power 3m here havent seen in Ion me in Ihe second game or Ihe Stanley Cup scmlfinals against he InjuryMI Chlcngo Black Hawks CHICAGO CF Bmlllng and healthy Detroit Red Wing club lndny headed for the friendly conflnesol home Ice convinced they so bum rap he ccond game or Vlhe Seals Trounce Spokane 73 Cantil spoita Edna Déirdit Diimpéd 52 BY aHcths Penalties Dnrrle Elnmlntr fllflltld Mutt up SULLIVAN I40 BRADFORD STREET BARRIF JACKJON MOTORS LIMITED Rad Wing players spunl 37 minutes In the penalty box cum pared with 10 minutes served by the Hawks on eight minor calls Hulls injury with 511 seconds left in the second period was declared an accident by Abel Coach Rudy Filings and owner Jim Norris of ihe Hnwks agree but Simv apparmiy didnt see hat wny Hullficked he kid Mam Gregori and was on his way when he lumed into the suck Abel saidi Youd Ihink the kid had done something inlenional Theres noihing In the book about iiveminuie penaily ior drawing biood The kid was more surprsed than anyone when Huil went down was sort oi accidcni commented Pilous NOflRIS JOINS CHORUS Sure wn Van accident choruscd Nnrris whn said he had never seen boxer with Hockey League prcsldcnl Clar ence Cnmphell whu mwns on such vexan blusls nthls men In striped shirts But it could be nnlhlng compared wllh Hawk wncs ll llull whn went nul vllh blondynnd broken nose until ln continue the scrlcs Abels were me ed at referee 1m 5an who called 21 penalties 13 lo Ihc Red Wingsincluding llvcmlnuta min In Bruce lllacGrcgor whose llck felled llullnnd mmlnule mlsconduc ta Norm Ullmnn who sasscd the official IlldnoollomudgimuInllunlullnmumlllm Wnuonnlm lo Hm aky Only Um Sludnlmkur Wnunnnlm ccnvovll lnlo ullllly plckup 5mm lonklnu mo ALLOW WILLARD TO DO FOR SIMCOE NORTH WHAT HE DID for BARRIE SOCIAL CREDIT has the ANSWERS an April 81h VOTE DAIRYMAN WHILE WILLARD WAS MAYOR 0F BARRIE THIS OCCURRED THE MAN YOU CAN TALK TO THE MAN WHO GETS THINGS DONE Publlghud by Slmcoo Nonh Soclnl Crodlf Amcllllan Most Dynamic Growth lowered Debt And Taxes Per Capita Barrie Became Ontarios Mosl Prosperous City He scored the goal but lied lhe game 11 midway through the first periodhis ihlrd oi lhe seriesand Ihni set the Hawks on lire alier Detroits Vic Sins uk had opened lhe scoring Be fore Hull deoancd he set up lincmnio Red Hay ior niiiy goal with three minutes remain ing in Ihe Second period iihy not unoihcr one earlier in the middle session to bring his serles produciion to three Siah hliklia and Ab McDonald added lhe others in nu iinal minutes mm qms om Gordie Howe of the Wings feclivciy shadowed by Eric an lerenko Ihraugh most 01 um game steered In drive by de fencumnn Bill Gadsby 1051 otlhc thlrd period but by lull Mme Ihu damgge was done Wings were short man when Howe scored and Mac Gregur was serving his major when Nikita tallied his nose more splattprcd over Mirage hnn Hubby was lough break or Hull already suflcrlng with glmpy right shoulder But he had done enough damage to the Wings helore he went out or the 10smch Job on his nose The crew 15987 hm ha booing Detroit delcnceman Hnwlc Young who squlrmed in the penalty box whlle Iwo the llawks goals were scored Norris ls IonEm présldeni ol Ihe deluncl International Box ing Club WILLARD KINZIE Is voun MAN IImucnuInanolirnnallylnlo yauvuamuvl pmallgsonanmlumdamncunvnvlihlo opunlollm um and nlmdy pickup All ml 10on than most luulv puvpusn Imale can Hawks écnlrn Ron Murphy missed the game because Ion Inlccflnn He prahnbly wlll be out for lhe next game or two SHERBROOKE Que CF Gllcs Dube pinylnx coach Sherbrouke warned Moncmn Hawk Thursday night about trying any rounh slut in their Allan Cup uric open lhg here tonight The unllre bestolllve Ensl ern Canada Allan Cup 52ml linals will played here The Marlllmes have repu tation Im prod cln Hugh teams Dubs said our strat egy will depend upon mw ha referees ac toward any rough slufl ll they cant control wcu we hnva guys who on Do rough too Secnnd game scheduled for Sunday with the third xnma Monday other games nec essary wlll be played next Wednesday and Friday WINS SOCCER GAME LONDON fleulersWnrk ington ann beat Dancastcr Rovers 10 In an English League fourthdivision soccer match Worklnztan nursday night Warning Given By Gillis Dube PHONE PA 66505 Vworccsm AI Joe Comes 163 Worcester Larry Carney 163 Lowell Mnss Mllmlchl Forte I55 Ml aml stnppcd Vince Hcpbum 190 New York nyfllllE ASSOCIATED PRESS FIGHT RESULTS MUSIC TO ClmlcI Gruu The Lulu lllll AllTim Hill Sheet Mmlo Dunlap PA H290 See II For All Your Muslul Need tdrlye today KEENANS SID ADEL PLEASE YOU

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