Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1963, p. 8

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Mn Donn Martin And In ml at NOVHI an Infil dnylnl lor um Ink wllh Mn AIMInlnl parmll Mr Inan Chulu Raw suunldm NAM Nnml III II mnllnm lwfnr mumq Danny Knya ll mm cnlun Tnmnla mm dny ullmrmm wuu Mr Ind Mu lIrd Nun Mr Iml Mu Hny Llrlnxllm Mr and Mn Mnurku llmlzlry Mr and Mn Edward inm Mu Jnck liuyu Mn 1M IIlllrk Mr and Mn 1mm 5am nmk lllu Inna Nndmnnld and 1m Man Ray Mumm holh New mum NORTH IMY IUMH Mu hon MIMI 04 Halo SIJM mu hmlm III nflomoon Man And many mm on Wed nwlny lur Mr nml Mn mm fimllh Mn Vllllml Illnlon Jr Iulmd Mr Minn OflHF liNTIlE Mn ulm WW Slmnly Buy llnnd enman Al mnrnhur mum pnrly Wrdm dny In hunur Mr and Mr rmr Smllh Mn Cnmrrnn nulmd lhe lmtru PARTIES wry INK note the nbundnnto ol mum lone In tho Iuhlom LIIOWIL Bella In very Ihnda rungan lrnm lhl pales creamy Innu lo mly mnltndmllk mmle rol Iu or umnI bmwn INQHUI Gwyn hlnhlluhlod wIIh thny hlnLk pnlenl MoouorkL mum an the Imhlm plcluu warn the pInkI rum pnIcsI Ahtll to deeper cmdud urnbony len dcr In 1mm lunny bamboo yellow Ami blue wInl with Aummcr Aky or hrllhlnm III lmnltd with whlIn Itmnorlu AddInl brlghl who 01 cola Mn Zelda Spcam modullbd lwoplece lull Iollowlna lhn Chlmel lines In Im coral uhadc The perlcct tnsemble la drug up or down and Mail for the mnluru figure cqum NOTES lager muons um humd Lhmuxhou lhe mow cm which was especially cya cnlchinx was wlllow green and whlw Ilrlpcd Ihlnmaknr dc llxn wlm rollup ulcer In easy loura lar lnhrlc klsnn was uh plecu ensemble In what pronAIM to be on Ihe masonn must compllmem nry cola plnk Thu mlddy blouse lvpped box pleated skirt reIreshlnz summer my lumc when lunmcd with whlu Ioccuorlcs wop ecu slub wave In nnlurnl bclxe was mod elled by Mrs ShIrley Stewart Mock tapestry embroidered In contrasting shades enhanced the Vmcckllne The Vncckllne is one the most Important luhlon nulu thl season In the easy lo wear ash Ions walsllines are natural cloche skirts it over the hips wuh small folds xlvlnx gentle lullnm The mumed them we lo gnsy shlndeslmr Jewellry leading Ishlon rend hls season and used In varier of designs and co or to enhance the uncluuend llnca Fashion Commentator Mm Mursz chnnobry were one the sensanl hottest shade of plnk in lwtrplcce knitled lull which she complemented with flower garden hut in mnl chlnz thadu pink MEADle TREND Natural contours will be the leading silhouette for spring and summer inshlnn 196 Distinc liva new styles were shuwn at the eleventh annual Spring Fash ion Show Dessert nnd Cuties iurty held by the Burton Avo nue United Church Women durc tug three shnwings yesterday Illermon and evening SOCIAL NOTES allwhile coal allowing ha llnu with silk brlld rim edging the collar and pockets In Your Easter Bonnet Youll Be Fashions Darling DONNA nozan wear One H10 urnnut qu lhe enllro parade was clever design In Inc pln lulpe wllh Iu own blouse Ind modelled by Mn Ham While mm are back an un spam scene and were Ihnwn wllh one especlnlly rim Ind and while slrlped topper IN THE PINK Keeping In the pink of the Icmn Ihort sleeved Iwuler was wmn wllh mulchan pleated Ikim during the mend hall the show One H10 mmch null 01 lhe enllro parade wu clever genlgn In Inc pln Iulpe wllh Sportswear this season hrs been designed with hoflux set In mind Many jacket featured Urelr ownhooda and wm worn wllh the popular rllms Bulky cardigan were Ipcclul lavorlte and were mod elkd with Southampton slickl Jamnlca shoru Ind surfer pwear emu or the Junior Miss mmlnluent of Grandpal mm mm TM shorty lype gown was mm by Gangwuy In llngerle lashlons pclxnulr set In heavenly blue wllh wall lcnglh gown wns worn by Mlu Audrey lilo Tho averpopulur wmte pell nolr set was Ihown by Mn Donna our and com com plete with L1 awn baby doll pyjamas sllp elc Either umble would be perfect trgugau addition was scarlet allweather coal and whlsunzall sunhul lop plnz gay swim suit wearing beige mllon anI with vertical llflpel In pales colfca shade from Under lhe coat Mrs Hater CunmV lnlngu you bunllrully kmlnlno nylon IMO Il the paring ixfcol pgxlunrd wllh hunk ubuyuu mun Fallon111ml cu 1va hick am am dzcollclo mmV ll Innineg lovely In dcllula but Ilunly nylon lncc Sco CurveV today Pmlurtd SIyIaNo 1367 ADandCtup1SluM to 33 Dunlop Sm Wm PA 896 LINGERIE SPORTSWEAR Inn4V Dr Charla Hes Toronlo codlscnw cm 01 Insulin will rccclvu 1m humlnllulln award Cnnadhn Bnai nrllh II was announccd hlesdny He will re ceive plaque Ipcclal din ner here May Models wm Mls Audrey Elan Mrs Ann Dickimn Mrs Lynn Garruway Mrs Donna Hour Mm Caumlne Lambert Mrl Zelll Spenm Ind Mn Shirley Slewnrt Convcnnu wen lmr Charles Spearn and Mrl Dorothy Armstrong Mu uayd Foster prcsldcnl group recoiwd lhl luem Mrs Servlco went home one hat richur She was the lucky winner of blue whimsy fashioned by Miss nick Ending lilo thew on gay note dressy suit was shown in mpberly shade with deinchnhie while la in trim an the lhmquuior lenxih clam The model completed the ensemble with black amt caries Ioppul with blink ilc uric hrnid in high cmwncd cithcha acctriled with lishnai Thl season he hat lemuro larger brlms say Miss Evelyn Tuck whose hn creation com plemenlcd many costumes Mls luck my hat lashiun are re lumlng lo the xlylc that people will wear everywhere no just on special occasions shoulder to hem on the right Hunt ha drcs and min Lle belt She completes her ensemhle wllh beige flower ed clothe hammer Photo BEST at noxonan jCPJDr inmovs EVERY MOMENT 1119 Theresa St hum In whch he Snellmves hive lived Ilnce thvlr mmlngo on May 13 mm In lulled blah on hlll over When man eels udedl med pomch my husband does nnd eels compelled lo de vole Ill his time and energy Ice ll lhewlles respon llhlllly to assist In every pot xlhla my also the wifes duly In me that her husblnd ls dolnz what makes hlm hlp pleat llld the nllucllve woman HI ha thrown himself Into this campnlm lg completel um he eat and Ileep at ll hour 01 Ihe day It stuns nld lhgtlndldnles wife Being newcomer to cum palmlnx Mu Snellmve says everylhlnz In an experience to her lee my key rule to lump the home Hm bumlnl and to sea lhl Ralph hu dlnllal even If it might be an hour Inlir than usual and proper res could no clearly what hm Snelmva had meant In In Her Italement regarding me change In their pnuem ol llvlnl and commented on it was even lhinklnu ol runnan ln ihis el aciion nnill ha announced to me day or No beiore um ha waa zolnu lo ml the nomin alion she sold couraa was apprehensive about ha change in our pattern oi life but have adJusled in it com ylelely now she laughed am ceNainly enjoying being port oi all iha xcihmeni and aciivlella that avolva amnd ha life of the candidala There is no one who enjoys political coma party man than hlra Snalmve And this Is cemlnly stroke of luck since ha candidates wile has been accompanying her husband to at lusi ona coilaa party day or iha past two weeks Sha has also aliandad Liberal nul llos held in other areas of 51m me North which usually wind coilaa recepilon ly EILEEN 1on Mn Ralph Snalmve take her mm with cum Ind sum she doesnt much at her husband used but content herself with nod music book and telavhlun and palm cnmpllunlnu on his hchlll elmova is the wife the Liberal Candldula or Elm tua North and her lnlllnuun to politics um complete surprise comm sunnusm Spring BZHCK RIGHT Liberal Candidates Wife Adjusts Life To Campaign Ellen lo ll MM to Femlnlnu Footwear high luhlon pump in gleaming black patent and pollnhcd black klrl The 31 are little less In tercsicd Mu Snelgrove added Inhouxh Iha know they an anxious Ice Ihelr lather wln they are not demonstrative lhe bnyl typical mother there is no luhiect closer in Mn Snel mvel hurt than her children She was nnce Alain caught up in the whirl oi campaign ex citement aha inid mu oi the wonderful usistanca the boys are givlnl in heiYin their inihor with his umpaznng 01 how they Ire maxing lheir own llltla contribution and at how excit edthey Ire Thu Hve Snelgrava chlldren run in year 1mm 18 to 21 Lyn mum at Draka Unl versily In Iowa Timothy El oln and Nonmm Ire Iludenu ll Bmla North Collczlate and Elimbelh Is Auden ll Hav ergn Cpllgze ljomnga lhe bnyl mtbeth Ind Eloisa are holh very Irtlsllcllly Inclined and El nupposa you mum call It whirlwind courtship Mm Snulgmva said her blue eyes dancing Ilnce we were mar rled sevpn weeks lam Our nmlly grew overnight and It has been wanderlul for ml at mm Im happy to my that they are load Mands loyal to on another Ind very proud olone innolher looking the clly They Illat met It receonn held tho Bar rl Armour or persons who had nsslucd with arrangements er the Annull Harris Skulan 01931 mumm OFF HER FEET Mr Snelumvo was vlcwml dent of tha club at that um and widower Mrs Snelmve had been widow or Ive years MR5 RALPH SNELOROVE also his won prlm or he at work lhuy hope to study In this summer at Ihs now school It Hockley Valley xald Mu Sngylmva Since moving lo Banlo hm Snelmvnl Inumu 1n commun lly nflnln have been varied She wu one of In In mem ber 01 the 1hrth Board or Dixcolon She is Ilsa member ol lho lewlnz group 01 Ho pllnl Auxlllnry which meal weekly at the new Hospital Aux Illnry room In the McCarthy mldmm And for lwn weeks during Ihe summer months Ihe Snelgrom alter the use their lemmlnl ppol Ind change housa fnr swim mlnfl classcx conducted for he gym amen swams Mn Snclmvo has always been deeply concerned about the welIm oI Icnlor clllzcns and In 1955 she declded to do whit qhe could to use the lancllnes whichroIIen null Intn lhe dull lives menu persons amp ed on by nklnn out older per son from Ibo odd Fbllowa llama ln Aumdnle ld lake them Im rldo mund the own down by tho buy or on In he cauner Ind they enjoyed much decided to call law nI my Irlends no sea II hey would joln me and take some 01 um older residents In IheIr un Tnls roulIno continued unu1 lho summer nl 1950 when Mn Elna Rechnllzer friend of Mrs Snellmve altered the use her Shanty Bay aummu ldence meeting In for than older persons lch now Included members at the Senior Cltlzena Club Now that it has become an eslahushed mmmer reject or lhu senior clllzenl In Snel zmva eel lhnl In Independent amnlnllon xhnnld be armed to curry nn thII work in the event some unforeseen change She ml Ihnl lhcse lummnr togelharl mean so much to Harris older residents that It then ed Inqeflnlgelx During the tumour Lyn Snel xrova works at In adufl work shop the Bards and Dhlrlcl Assnclallon or Retarded Child ten Th1 weekly oullng which was established lhen lhroulh the 10 or Mrs Snelgrova and Mn Donnie Tali his continued each Iummer I001 Our nprlnx hondpccol nlmply danloull rhow became Ihn allow during lhu Acrmon old nboul ll Allhough new lo your congrculllon you hm Id mlred lhls womnn before Such delightful per sonnlllyl New lo our communlly as well aha has made her bunlnm to neck out lumen and value She never mlsm our ndl We can loll you now her mm porloclly com plunwnlml wnnlrobo llcs ln her own nxcollonl lulo nnd occmlonal vlnll lo Tho Enbrlc Shop Almul Iho han become lhu symbol of our cunlonh llml lho vary lalcsl llbrlu luhlon lug rsllonl and ex ulnllo hall from our NY BOX xpoxo youmll world ol mhlon Ind oconomy Were inlklng uboul lilo womln in church with lho hnl lhnt was no cimrmingly feminine Everyone ndorcri this imi anvn the minmer and even he smell just that accrcuy In Just um her pictures uo chnpunu afforlng nuch promlso of firing rut alolo he Jaw at HARM EXAMINER manic ma warm Remand Chlldrenl Amelallon nmms AT HOME Mr and Mn Snellrova and heir family In mumbmol hlnlty Anglican Church When Inked ll Illa would Ic company her husband to Ottaw ll he wins the electlon Mn Snalmve nld Iha millha wlll mud purl ol the llmo here but he wont llvn than Mm all wa luvs home lull ol leenmu Ind they In qulle rosponxlhlllly Ihl added Beudel ho to hm Ioml lime or garden lhll summar ha nlwuyl been my demo to spend more llma putturlnx around 1h garden love lo watch lhlngl grow And baalhw has alwm bean one at my orlm Inmmer mom In her doomdoor clmpll nmund Iho neighborhood and city Mn Snalurova fly the hu fuel name 01 um mm In teresting people she never Colllu and mm Roban and SImI Culller an um Excllemenl her $11041 From Th Lullnl HIS SMJIII SHOP BARRII You know when in de clded In out and Introduce myull Barrie resident wunt um could as through with But WI amulng what you can brlnr youmll In do when you dec dc to support thl candldnla 01 your cholcb necIally 11 that candidala hap pen to be your hulblnd tries mnvm people In hat canvemllonl with them but hr mad more interested In hm lnx their vlawx mmann MARCH 10 um ELECTED SPEAKER EDMONTON CPLArthur Dlxun SC Calmy South EMU wn eluted Spam lhe Album lellllamre Tuudny Ha Incceedl Rev Polar Dlw aon who dled Sundl It was In in tlmo eleclun of Spaakar hlduver hm forced by the pnvloua Spankerl dnun durlnl lilting ol the Alhem lulllntura McKINNON FURS 150 Mlulmgl Street Em 0RIIlA 3262736

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