Running arm is main unticrlakinfl ML Clark feel it is not Just lab to take up without previous preparation Having lived on iarm Iii his liic he hurdlcd the Digï¬cst chai Icngcs at am management with Emnllnns are relieved when mil xrowm pass resolutions dcplorim the high cnsl of pul Icidcs Thats all thats ucomp llshcd mushand cast dont come dawn But mlvim lcdcml tnlomol axial Dr Marshall hero III tiledhe way lcssening lhu may billby comma or turmch nprayinu In comcllva spraying you may only when you must You donl mny nccordlnx to pm lrrnnxml srhcdule not immune nu lhlnk pm mluhl mnem izc ml pmcnlivc sprlyinx It an expenslvo hnhll Nnr In uu prny brause lhu moan In In propillous vlmso nnr hcmuso your nclxhbor in mrnylnu The icscarchcr who Is hand at Summer nd Brilish Colum hlyi cxplni SHANTY BAY SlamCondi ions in todays rm moving world AN refleded In farm me at well as In our clues and towns case In point ls he dalry farm or Ivan Clark Shan Bay farmer today has to keep changing and lmpmvlng his melhnds lannlng Mr Clark poinled oul On mall farm persun has to depend an qual lly instead quantity Less land well managed more pro Ible than lot of land hall worked mvan the name of UN Clarks Imam arm on Um No On Township just east Highway 11 It Is comhlnallon of Wu names Ivan and his with name Mnldle FARM NINE YEARS minz her for nine years ane Ivanx pare ants ML and Mrs Gordon Clark retired and moved in Codnnglon SI Barrie They have thrcu children Andy years old Carl years aid and Bruce whn Is in grade Ihree al Shanlyflay LIDDL Finds Sound Way 01 Lessening Cost Spray Bill 0n Farm LISTENING TO Bible aréAndyClIrkrlghlnnd his brother cm nary md by Ghen mother Conditions In World Reflected On arm SHIRLEY MACDONALD Aulnmallc lullnry 1an In mam Imuu pmnm IIIIIIII my ud unlm ml7 II II but ï¬ll The c0 LIMIYED SERVICE IS ntplnumrnl mm Al modmlo prim roqnlml INCLUDID WITH YOUR CHECK THESE FEMURES nxn Radunt Co ll Elma In all ynu lhln lnrlnsivu mvlu puma wllh your pm llolUnl Conlutl SUNIJCO HERTINE 0H CUNTRHCT Vow HI ERIEIIH EIZIIVICI Ill UIINACE CLEAN OUT Hi EATING EQUIPMENT INSPECTION AND IIIIJUbTIIENI PA 461 chrnrchcrs plan to esubllxh large dcmnmlrnllon Mock In live llrlllsh Columblnl main lrull melug men In haw hnw the grower cnn keep those dnl Ian In hil poem Yau use your Inlclligcnce In stead of your inslinct or your um tn conform You disregard that Ilick symbol modem llv lag lha nrmuln You never lose silk of lhe Incl um ynu havo Insect lrlmdl In lhe orchard ll well lnsecl entmlu Yau do you an to nvnid unnecessary kllllng nl your Mend lhnl they may rviva Dr Marshall adds um ll Summcrlnnd cnrrccllvc spray In shaved about 25 an Mn Iprny casll Ila nolcs UM yen in Ind year out lhlla funsldcmuon worth Incond oak out on much dmiculty Thu ï¬rst live yam wen the hunt ha remlnisccd VCounling calvcsrhls dairy herd now numbers 60 head Hal stelns He also has about 50 plus Community Icllvlues In Add Inn In his arm chutes add to Mr Clarks work but they 9150 help him kenp upwdalo on lha latest trends In agriculture he Dairy Club in 0m second vicepresident ol the North Sim me Crop Improvement Associa tion Ind cnnlrman dlrcc lors for Oro Township and superintendent ol the Sunday IIth Gulhrlu Unltad Church lind he lnshucllun re oelved whlle call club member very useful In hulldlnz herd lllr Clark lald Through the Crop Improvement Assacllion person learns about Ihe new variellcs crap being dovcllr pod It also provides forum where yaungcr farmers can learn mm the cxpericnc of older members Twaycars ago Mr Clark re claimed 13 acres ln one ï¬eld when dralnake pmhlcm ex lslcd About 4000 fourinch Iile were lnld about mm deep in the section where water used to collect Now his area can he sccdcd wilhoul car at having hs crop CLUB LEADER Household appliances cut down considerably on work In the home Mn Clark says ll freezer elimlnnlcs much nl he cannlng plckllnz Ind preservan udl summzr the wax anon Iha only way lo km meats vegetables and lrult In winter um We ed bcc rcccnlly and now hive he lrnozer lilled with meal us well berrlc and vcucuhlcs we med mm lasl summer Mrs Clark ex plnlncd Also In Mr ullIily mum near lha kllrhen In washer and drier which she finds nun help cspcclnlly In lha winler lime than lppllunccs Inch rcrrlxcrnlnr and electric on pro twu nlï¬cr llmemvm which Mr sill Ilsa the team for haul lnx oul wood Mr Clark said When an Examiner repoflnr visited me Clark farm ha mld ol March the harm wen my wllh another useful ye unglunomu duty hauling Influxa IWIY mm flu bum ya Average milk pmducllan or the whole herd In 1961 was 1067 pounds per cow Average bul ter at content was 360 lbs One 01 his Huts mllk producnrs with the stable name at Made was sired by Browns Beldinl Annnn Ind Roland Reflection Suvcrchn dam 11am was classiï¬ed very load In her ï¬rst luchnn with production 01 over 1100 lbs In 5912s Inf days FILL FREEZER Electricity has bmugm mild to heavy machinery in all phase work on Iho tum However the muni nnd in Accessories havent dispiaced the horses com pletely 1m team comm inio ll own parilcuiuriy in the winiu limeI when snow keeps the luc ior hemmed innmund the ham USE FOR AULING Mr Clark partlclpallnl In dairy herd Improvement pm lrlm HI herd hull is from Citadel sin Ind mm Tri une Achllle darn drowned out when spell of mi weather come For all year economy Clark much pale 0in III Man with fanf pmlnlomhnm mm on nl Vnrllul uhml and 12well olocMul mm mnndud oqulpmnnl IkXHMWJpINWOO lowwOOl4I law 9000 am an tplw pot Mum and plow Bupu Duh muhml pumnmmcmplolocv0 mud or cormnflunll lrlnlmlulonl Indo pondont Innumlulon PTO much maul FORD DIESEL TRACTORS IOWmmD mm MW MINA In IIINTJIINH MINESING MOTORS Th mw tndnnemlnl lull Ihla An upllanll nxlenslnn In CIAI hm hm thlllly Inllq This endorsement extends Farm Family Liability Insurance choice of $10000 $50000 or $100000 to cover LIABILITY TO EMPLOYEES It aIso provldes benefits In varyIng amounts or ACCIDENTS arising out of FARM WORK for EMPLOVEES FARMERS and certain other relatives 52 Ncwion Noisy childrens programs suppertlme give Mn Clark hard me either have to adjust supperIlme the pm grams or 15 drug lhe children to the lab the said LIVE IN DUBLIN The papulallon Dublin up Ital ol the Republic 01 Irelnnd Ix Iboul 515000 CIA he oldlime wood slave or cook lng and the cellar or keeping food cool In ï¬ha summer Television one the elect mule marvels ula lamlly eon alder mixed hlesdng Some programs are wnnhwhlle they tee but mmy are nut worth watching IVAN CLARK teen hen ndmtrinz one at his flue mnk CIA Has Added FARM WORK ACCIDENT ENDORSEMENT To In Farm Fumin Protection Plan WILBUR WALTON For more ddalll all Cnopmlnrl lnmmm Auochtln PHONE PA 84000 producers Maria who wu clusltied my good In her first human Ska had pm ducllon remand of over 1200 pound in 39 test In 3054 period She ï¬red by Bmwns Beldlm Annnn Ind Rahnd Reflection Sovereign dam Enmlner Photo 31 Radical Rluh on your him Novr momn wnhd you all In lor Hr nrvlu WIII on no lob In con llquulppud In go your Illllld ulpmlnl rulllng 4m Good on Olm and GoodyIr proud urvlu molhodl our Ipmlullyl to un whon you mm luv clan onyourhrm ur BEERS TIRE BARRIES ARGEST MOST COMPLEIE FARM TIRE DEALER It wn round genenfly that seed ylatd wm About the saml nr both Clnadlnn and Ruxslan varietlu but the lutten all com tent was to 10 per cent higher the pint were mm mm Inches to two teat taller and Ill wm susceptible to rust No or chm Rusalan vnrlelles matur ed about on week liter thin Advent Seven varieties or Russian nun Iowan were flown lut yan under text condition at the Canndn Department of Amul tunx experimentl arm at Maxdeg Mutual Dr Pun Ipeclllhl In the breeding hit mum Ill ed Canadian hybrid Advent Itnndard of comparison Advant Illd lama HI Impom Wm Ilsa grown at 10 mm prglrlu lngllons None the Russlln vlrIelles Ilcemed In Cunndn and they cannot be told hm or leading pyjamas Hawever an lmporler can have cm pawn for him In paged uu qunlracl or snlu IO0P3 D0 WELL Swedenl consumer ump enllva retail mm had went Incluse In business In to um cmhln Industry 33d iii man no 695 Ind VNIiMK 65w varieties Tests Varieties 0f Sunflowers From The USSR SERVICE LTD mr mm llrcs are unbeulnhlu for offlclenc 300 Ind lrncllon tire lhal roall gets down nrlh Elm deep lugs nclunlly wed tho so between them griiv Ind hold llko leo to cut own on time and fuel wut ng slippage They glvo you Tom Trlcllon unrnntoos are beyond reproach Vo guarantee 300W our Farm The tor years thereby protecting your Investment When you deal with Goodyear you not flood dul better lionmuohfme atncrlng too In fact hold influx1 row almost by llsulL Unlquu Rim Shlold keeps dirt and Item mm being lodged bolwocn Ira Ind rim Hm mob ower lrahllrm and durhbllllévvnur lh buy TH AND YOULL BUY 600 HR glm mdai Iron tractor tires in way out In front In panc lrathg povycrzumlquo ycgpflbpguqq 1ch you Around on your lrnclor let you ml Insured 300 lhgt yguro wgrylng with Vlho by oulng Fluan NEEDa varied thing In animals In Modem air lermlnnls mull quannllno Ind flllpmenll 911171 Ipeclll quarter for Inch old bulllun THE BARR mum THURSDAY MARCH 28 SSA liqcijiiyi and ï¬iï¬rlbllfl yblirlriithbllln uniI Fur Your Convenlenca DIV at Evenlnl Pickup 1AM mi