Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1963, p. 2

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Alliston Cooperative Has New Directors Majur capxtal expenditures in we included purchase of twn trucks new lead delivery truck wilh improved bulk un loading equipment and new fllvcsluck truck plus new mixer 10 elnver and grass weed ALLISTON Slam Three new dinems nr the Allismn Farmerx Comparative are far mcr associaln directors Eric Gallaugher and Polar Schcp and Glen Thompson The than were acclaimed In mice when the other three men nominated Jnhn Buyers Her Kidnle and Irwin Beynqlds wihdrcw Rel duredors were pres denl Alman anlor Gordon Blelt and Willard Cole They were not eligible for reduction because each had sqrvm three we year terms lherclore no cording to map bylnws my will have In slay or the board ol dircclnrs or at 1ch my pr secretary Jnhn Hrhgin polnted out Ihnl Ihe rcHrIm director had ml In combin period 17 years sen vce CHp sales 12638 and lh Invlmzs of $75 Mr Enxm repurt NEW TRUCKS NEW DIRECTORS for 1h Allislan Furmers Coopera lve Association are seen here gelling same polnlm rom In 1961 lmnmvcmcnts were made In the stare shelving and warehousing the grinder and uat roller both had to be com plcely rccondflioncd To tm pmv Ihe unilormlly or malass load installation new vertical mtm was aulhorilcd Th molasses heating tnnk whlth sprang leak was plltld Alum slux Alumlnlum nk ol Mont lllnk N9 IIth TlL mullhn ILA on tun Imp nx um n1 llrlwrr cm Ccmunl Mmiul ry lnlu Con mu hm Cum at Axndll Comm IIInlum hullll mennmmu um nun Nu 1mm um um 71 mm up Unlum up runnmo nncl IXCHAMII mull no down II Mum up ll m1 sales or 1M2 ware £38 and he conp had net 25 of $7533 or ha year Buxlu menlloned in his my nub up Iluwmlln le ml lllo Hum TODAYS STOCK PRICES Flynn Dunlap mule nvr on Acnvl Inc Alumlulumv In Com Mm Amllflnl Km 15h in Eiv 15 mi 20 in II ON APRIL MI VOTE T0 RIILECT hillM Dy llmm NMD rmnulu nunflu Amman Luna low lllv Mum nu hulltlu Mumm mum 14qu man In Inm nulum unn Ill Amu 3an Keelry INDUHIHAL MINING The dimlnn decldcd against Installation of bulk fertilizer la cililles because at he low mur gin and limited return possibla lrom crlilizLL lnslcad Keiih Chnnller will hlndle hulk ler lilizer or he Allislon Ccrop from his warehouse Mr Bax lcr said run assets or 1m were lined $213059 on he nudllm re pnrt with total current liabil Mu n1 msm Comparative figuru or 1961 wen $249598 and $133837 CURRENT ASSETS flors suggested Ihnr ugh their mprnsenmive Doug Hall lhal the 1M2 provislnn of 524021 for bad dchx was not enough loprnvlde or probable Inssu ll IhouId be lnmaszd by abguz 31 lhey tell ln Wm his recommcn dalion the secretaryannounced here would be no palmnngu dividend declared vn the 1962 not savings $7531 The audi lnrs thought it wlse In put last years surplus lnln Ihe general mum Ind forage dcclarlnl divldcngl he explllncd the three Ulhll dlredors In the back row from the loll are 11 naw men Glen Thompson Eric Gnllluzher Anolher cnnlrlhutlng nclor was mentioned In the manamn rcpan Thls was dllliculty met in trying to collect ouutnndlng accnunls Eaxly 1962 It hm came apparent that credit to slowcrrpuylng patrol5 would have In be curtailed Ind can ccnlraltd effort made to re duce nccounu receivabl to more current position former mnnngu John McIntyre wrote In his rnpnrl Mr Mclnlyrel resignation look elltd March 15 He now in the mm of movan to the In on up CONSERVATIVE POLICIES AIIE POSITIVE CANADIANISM Olhcr cnunlrlu mpccl us or II encouraged Amerinn companion lo lncrem reduction In their Barrio plant Ind pmvldn fob or nrrio rcsldonul VOTE FOR THE MAN AND THI REVALUINO THE CANADIAN DOLLAR hu mi 1N IN gru In my 16 GOVERNMENT WHO PUT CANADA FIRSTI Hnnllul Lem Wllkvr GLW lmnh Nuw Ilmu 11th avmulll ImMunr rmo mo mom on rm lan mum lll wnlm wumy SMITH HEBER Iu lli ya my arm ha bought mar Shtlhurnl The new mmzu Gnnt Cues could not nltand the annual meeting becluse he wu Lick with the flu So wu Mnyar Jack Mitchell who enl greet lnla on behnll of the town through Mr Euler who WII master ceremonlu hr the banquet and Innunl meeting held In the are hall here yea bars Rusemont Womens In slllule entered or the bannuel scrvlng turkey dlnnen ha gugsls Some lhose nunndinu felt lhe amndancc wu down alight ly 1mm other yam mmny be cause muddy mldl Ind 01 incidence flu Jabba Orches Cnalutawn provided music luring 51mg Inerulhu manly Clifl Pompw Hanuver Un llcd CMpenuvu of Ontario area xupcrvkm or Allislon presented the manager report or Mr Cakes and Peter Schep Seated the retiring directors 1mm M° PEEK The map collecllon pro gram was only partially succexs In Account wera reduced by about $21 Mr Pclflgruw snidr Salu volume dropped about 3mm below the 1961 mark 50ml Isle hld lo ha mmnd away because the man would hnva bid to carry credit beyond lu arml emu Feed andJerilllzer department ac counted or bulk ol 1M ul dmpr Cole and prealden Almnn Bum couldnt run 1h hundred ynrd dash hut Im In iood my Raymond Cimpbell RR Farm made thI autumn yesv clday in court when lcstliylnl on hls own behalf Ha chuzed wllh assault causlnl bodlly harm to James OConnor Pennant sheet Feb Queslloned by delcnce counsel John Cackbum Campbell nld thnl OConnor had In several occulmu boasted at his Iblllly nl Judo Ind kamle and tar mm nan nppennd Innoytd at him and had lhrulencd him Reserve Judgment In Assault Case Anhounh mpltd lo mum wllh OConnor Camp bell lcsllflzd the Lmubll am In head when OConnor en lcrcd buvernla room when Campbell wu drinklnu and mm hlm la coma ouulde Campbell Mllcd ha almck OConnor one wllh tho Md MI hnnd Indlhru llmu wilh hll ll Mu hid Ilrunk hlm becluu ha learcd OConnurl tellpm clnlmcd 11mm Mo and la la he Inld Milluh immd judxmeM In flu can Crawuumlncd by Amislnnl Crown Allomty 1L Kennedy Campbell could Iva no reason to why ha had not confldcr td dlmellm lhl beau pm ol Mar and mod OConnorl chnllopn hither promulinn Munu had been dcdmd Imuh Ivy Mumula ll Folm Whtn clllmed lo luv orlnllm Ivan in Imo mgp In pollu Emu Bmwne president Centre Simone Pmmdve Con iervatIvc Alsocllllon Inst night muted Helm Smllh PC In cumbent or Slmcoe North that he wu behind him 100 per cent Speakinu Pmmssive Conservnliva rniiy in lhc Can Idiln union Hill in Elmvaie Mr Brown laid We are et UIIg ied up with the television with nnlhinz but Liberalism and Liberalism Followan Mr Bmwm Bill Gunm Barrie Ipoke briefly on the 2qu ol the devniualed dollar Ha 0n houdayl he Amerlca ah some mancy In mm on good time flare they at 101 cents or their dal lu Ind cm get In American gluon ol gasoline in flight mom than dollar Where else In th viorld cln you thls Inlhe beak GUEST SPEAKER Juilan Smith nuke th with CW mun we who erodub ed him and den Hobzln rim who thanked hlm Mr fissures Smith Support The no renon lo cry Mr Glmqr nl¢ It was annmmccd on Toronto radio stations last night that tnurlsu me going In be hen this yen never before They Are not Interested in our politics ney wll bu hm mxmless the gloom that his been Mr Gnmer mentioned the re cent Altllng nudulls In North Cullen during lnzlnl °°P° Inan 1iIadma Iomcbody up Ind uld what In lme lbgjzmlgn ls om nalpna flux uy national flag Ha know boner than that There In more 1m ponlnl things than the Issuu the flan Mr Gamer said Lake St Clair Lake ErIr Lake Huron Nluln qulhem Gtorulan any Hlllburlon Ah Onluio unions Wlndwr Lan don Ihmlllan Toronto Sunny with cloudy inurvall and warmer Southwest winds 15 lo 15 Friday PamII Temprrflnru bow Tonlm llllh Irldv Wlndsor so Id SL Ihomn so Landon Kllchtner Wlnlhnm Hlmlllon St Calhurl anunln 55 ugsszauzgsgunag Kapulkulnx Synoplln new alarm has Awepl from lhe Pnclflc Ind wlll um um Ihu Prnlrlcs loduy It will bring warm Ilr buck In Onlnrlo Fxldny Ind threatens upper lake raglan wllh Ihowm or even Iome we Innw Ylnlm lull nun Mann nmmnu ll Mum In ml cum Ilmu 11m ulm cmunun nANn IIIWIIII of VIII MIDI AN INI ruomvrnox 07 Noll Your WI II mu II Mm All film Inn All doll thud mm In mi mth um um II in mm for mm do WEATHER ussszauzgsguaaus BARRIE SKATING lUB hr IBIII mmum nmmnum ml cum um 11 ullul COMInn HAND IIIWIIII of VIII MIDI AN INI ruomvrnox 07 Noll Your Th Bnrria Exlmlner Ls pro leual 1n the opinion Rum president ol In Anml Dnlarln Pmmuivu Conserva Hve Association Speaking In suppon oi Hebe Smith in packed house Con mvallve raily in Elmvlle Cm ndion Legion hail lut nlxhi Mr ilowe said think The Darrin Examiner is alwm or Riph He quolcd from In Inlcll about Rulph Snelxmvc 1n yes terdayl Exlmlner on had lo sum up Rllph Snelmve personality In our word could not do helm than HI gel thlnus done Slld Mr Rowe Ho cu thlnu donl Ill fight Smith distribution dlvlslon manager or flu United Co openum ol Onlmo dunlb ed the mm mp anter prIsex In pmvlnco Ho Remring lo Bill Gun whu apnku belora him Mr Rom 5am uka Blll Im unina led up on lelevislom Mr Row lald luvenl baud too much about Comer VIUlm lately hen Io Ibou nuclear Irma Ind flu ec onomy and lo on but we dont aim100 much about Constru Alter min the Oxford ch llonnry deflnonn or prozrmlvc and or conservative Mr Rum uld Iikn mu Ind Ith why Illkg Haber Smkh lhl definition FITS MEANING Mr Row Ink Dle poslllon wa Ind ourselvu In lodly Dual have never Ind 11 to flood We hive so much pm ncrily hm that we wnnl to travel nbroad So the prosverlky is many the cause of nut ex chnnga vnluc They fled min um Npgluqon of mlacoynlry héva bun honest in show ln Mann our orelm lrndc Lusk year had national balance undo Thll la in NH mud lhl crisis last June was the lmsponslblo Inns lbs leeth and than are the people who In uklnx yvu lo und lhem lo ouan la invem SIL April 6th pm Tiey have right In Any lhzy am only puny Ibll to send majorlly government lo 0th fianiflnu mm paper of New day Juno 11Y 1m Mn flown Things Are Great Says PC Rowe ICE VARIETIES $112355 PERMANENTS 839 Eleventh Annual FEATURING HARRIS ARENA Mph Avon Present Tho BUDGET IALON IIIUNB IA MM Mk For wu apnan fill 2m ll null main of tho Allumn Fannau Coopemvll held night ILIHI jun hllL Examiner Phntml Iald Pearson predch hls party will win no In 170 rents What mlku hlm lhlnk he my mum right now than he wu then he ukcd TURN IN MEDAL Mr Raw said We hnva our unlly quurcll In no up Lo are going onward step by alcp Ind Ihe policies of this lovemmen have been good Frankly think Pearson should mm In the medal he got mm lhat gun powder expert ovErA where was It Sweden flefurrlnl In In udvmlscment In The Barrie Examlner lor Willard Klnzle Mr Rowe uld Wlllnrd did do lol or Bnrrle but durng the llmu ha did all lhls he was Conscrvallvo We dont know what hox olng be Ilka Soclal Credilcr Thé nreal cxfiifisldn Enr rle has happened since 1051 Ind he mnynr was Camervnllve Mn Rowe anid think um prams will conunue but It wont conlinuu It dont have malorily government wa When Ihc govcmmcnl Ienl lo Ollawn last ytnr he ruled prolrlm we formulnb ed by and minted by lhl opposllionl lust or power ROWE 43 armHr HEIDI ma unmu mm umnnn Try TIN TINI is different from any other wine ALLISTON Stall Julian Smith Weston In nllht told memberl of tho Allliton Farm Convent Aslocllllnn lhlt they belonged In ml flanlllcmt om 1n pnv nee Terms The 2501 Important Farce its terrific 9111 BARIEJXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH will Mr Smllh dialrlbuuon mm ler ol the United Coopemlm Onmlo wu lesl maker the coopn 2131 1mm met in and ban uak In Win in lmducggy ll Pathway Hyu over um um Idfifilluflfl Amman Ducrlblnz map the coop movement In the province he laid were wm over I00 of them In Ohmla 11 ulam Iflllmed with lhl UCO They do 0200000 worth of buxlneu magi hm 51000 memhm It mlny bunches conkrlhulu lo the map movumlnll llrenflh Coop and union provide loam It mlunlblu me lo nlvn money or loin based on thunder no on man lm ucurlw 1r Smlflz nld umus YENIURE Onu unique mp venlun 1n Sudhury served need And proved Iumulul It in co operallvu underlnkln ulahlixh menl when member In 20 per tent dhcunnr an tunerII in the comp medial promm member haveth Idvnnme ol mun Illeswhlch live mm memo and pnlecllnn no ml vale company an live It the nme rate Mr Smllh conun ml now how pen work Inl lolelher can meet nwn needs reasonable cost The Cooperative Immnce Aa soclallon CIA I1 Insurance pramm under ha nrunlullon and comml the am my ernuve movemenla In Ohmic he nnled was In nm In lnruncu lroup In Onlnrln to pm vlde extended medical ply menu lur penunx Injund In Fred Klnumill London Depuly for Ouluiav Iddrtssed member and clndldalu cl Ban rla Lodge of Function Scoulah Elle Mlsons at the banquet lasl nlzhl In TrInlly Plrllh Hall Illustrious Brother Klnllmlllx rupom wu Elven to Ihe has to Supreme Come by Kirkpalrlck unlor rand war Help the 19d wax the 4am unnunl Sprlnl Reunion when de me work mm mm to lull was nerlormcd on why ev ening and day Wednasdny It Barrie Masonic Temple There was large Allendlnu durlnl he Immunch when muslc rllual was curled nu under dlmllun of NHnrd In the banquet lho Invoca llon WM given by Howard Fell hunarary number ol Sup Ith Count The head table was lnlroduccd by Allred Shepherd pnsl TPGM Team lo the rundidalu wu glvcn by James wmon zrnnd mum of ocrunnnlcs the lodge nanom wax made by Fraser CImphzll rr Ontario Deputy Attends Barrie Scottish Rite Spring Reunion The ladle Trlnny Guild who pruvldnd he dinner were lhnnked by Walk Junlor my wankp 0mm ol Dnrrh India Perledlon for mu Thrice Pulunnl Grand Muller Danlld motor vdxlcluccldenu fAlew yum when Ichoal bu plunked Inlu lho lake II Bunlo mum in lhlydhulcl rmlvad CIA Ingram lor ireImam need Lhclrvjnlured child livestock mlrkadnl openuon It the Toronto flock ylrda omnked in ms to pro tect the lumen lnlmsu now handle 35 per can an lnd done mere You can out Rum packing houu lumen WI lhulr In make prom No mlmr how Imacllvo their you me emu ll alwm not Poultry markeunl is anoiher lieid when coops are makinl their mm Al the mp pw ceasing pink St Peimbnrl neu Kitchener chicken picked ha me at so plr minute Mr Smith laid Pouiuy producer lured by mmch olieu 1mm prime processor hue and their income cut by downmdinl oi pair offalinn By coniraxi the price oiieh ed Ii the St Peienburl plant In initially lower Bu um pro duccr lei mm money bacausu yhi punilry in ilirly mdad ll bird quailile or Grade 115 it all Mn Smith In In Kent And Essex counllu 10 per cent the min grown II mnrketed coopmllvely MID he Unlled Dairy Ind Poultry Conpunllva only hm Canadianowned milk pmqu rllnt operated In Onuflo whlch owned by producers ho added You people here 11 mm hm lnrm mpply coop Mr Smith uld PmImp mm you lake It program for xrlnlod Your own director uhllxh lha budw Ind tell mm uemgnl how to run 110 hush um hlpllnlz Klrkpalrlck and Walkcr wudcnx Alllson lecrelary ll Shepherd treasurer Dr Sudden nrnlar Slnclnln almunrr Wllsun Rev John ll nlddrl chlpllln Hurry Mlchlc expcn Loverlnl mman expert Tullard orunnlsl Chlrlu Gorhnm caplaln the hall Luna Crook lyler Mac Donald and ll l1 Mlchle Iudl Ian Eldon Greer hlunnla Temple Ca rcprmntallve Alllson Chllllck Ollvcr Cameron Shrpherd Kenntlh Cnmcrnn lrualm TUPLING TPGM

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