Then for lvll mum and then he look In oul lo loo nnolhrr side of Max Slcclu 3r This course clme alter hed ahnwn us nmncmuu poems hed cum Turn to page nine nu In any Ive had my hml yonr cmrllnu ed Max ï¬n ml lhu boys are the runmn W0 Int prncllclnur SIX rurka apiece We try every shnl nn ll nuru hells In lhu local honspkls Play mmtly with Max Jr ml tho 0th are movln In Ever nlnru Jnlnlm lho Elmvn limb Max haw hm rcal successor and lnmln IL llo puhllnhorl the rurl ng annual fur Ilvn years solllng 500 cnplr 1500 each In 1950 lhuy had no rlnk mul nq ice bul hold tho nnnunl ImnwkI Harris and still managed in no ml of lhu bucks Weve dune uvorylhlng In his club though he rnya One one ulllnfrluwn lnur we sent the good news homo by hmnln xlguout lhe ludn were just lhrlllnd Wh In 1052 no unod lco Io pmcllcu on we wont lo llnnlr in the Governor icneral plnydnwns and losl Io Kngslun The hunt important thing is harmony In team he said and thats why we do so well together Max Jr has the most splendid record of all tour owing to the fact hes been up in all the scheduled games lie skipped one or the rinks in the Governor General playduwns led lIlmvales Colts to wins In Zone and ti plaioiis and represented iChnvale in the Call Finals In On ville lie had the dlsllnction of finishing amongst the top eight winners In competition which saw 261 elnhs start Jack is the mod lnek charm of the crew having flayed with numerous eele enmhinatlmm lhe stran hlnp aliont it is lhat unk doesnt curl alnl Max hr wont Lilltii him to swee Next year he will John the Elmva tint and Pop thinks he le1 he ltMilll curl er in seven imnsphtr over the past three yearn Jacks rinks have live lira and one second leler tum hat very prutllahle year his rinks won the leruna Moore lrlniinyz Trophy the iweddle Chick lrnph and the llryanl Jewellers Trophy at the Ienetany nterama He has heen in Ihe nleney four out of his last live trips to llanlc thIq nml nn Kat out of hls Iasl Ilw lIILIS lu liar urdny March 22 hlv rm HAD pEsT YEAR umu wueu uunspiel 1n Midland up ealerl to him The bug stuck in his crew and he joined tie Elmvnle Curling Club where he was pre sident for tour yours broke into Maxs cenvcrsallon to ask about the numerous trophies knickknucks and vhnthnveyou that filled the room Almost everything in this room won in curling he claimed with pride Max eonfided that he couldnt have won all these without help numel his three sons First there is Max Steele Jr then Jucl and finally young icter Max finims they are successful as team because thev nil WMu an mum new take great enjoyment In curling and they g1 feclly While at school he filled in on rink with old men and halved Ihcm win the Snuff Box Rams llorn Trophy on Witch his name is Inscribed This took Elace 53 years ago in 1910 and Ilia trophy can still found in the Fergus clubs WAR INTERRUPTED CURLING lllnx was gassed in the first world war and was told to abstaln from any further sports parllcipatlonl lle kept out of the game until 1948 honsplcl in Mllllnml mmmlmt in um Yours truly took trip up to Elmvale yesterday afternoon for an Interview with chap Ive heard so much about but never had the pleasure at meeting must admit thinking in terms of meeting 70yearold gentleman was bit flabbergasted after spending two minutes with him This is no ordinary man who ramps around as does person half his age and possesses most cheerful ersonality Max Steele Srl is one of those rarities who we the simple pleasures of life and the world around him especially if it has to do with euriin The way see it curling is as close to religion as can be he related in the comfort of his bachelor cottage love curling live it Ill do anything to help the game Max says it with deep sincerity and you know he means it Max was raised in curling town but surprisingly enough didnt really take to the game until 15 years ago He was born in Fergus Ontario small town which boasts of the oldest Curling Club in Ontario 1834 The Steele family have been membersol the club for 80 years AT 70 YEARS of age Maxuétecle Sr of Elmvale is probably the most active curler around today he would rather curl than eat CURLING IslIS MIJDLE NAME THE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH 25 his home or day of curling equipped with Ihc implements or Ms trade Max and his thme sonsMax Jr Jack MAX STEELE 51L well SPORTS CHATTER By JERRY GLADMAN tcnmbccausc they and Peterhave one Ihn busiest rinks In Onlario Mnx has won counllcss trophles and prizes nnd Is member of Elmvalc Curling Club Ex amlner Pholo gel nlongpéi High men nu lhc night were Jack MQQMIK 171 and Dan Wood 239 Myrtle Knapp 240 Dally June 601 2191 Eileen McGlllvray 671 Doris Gnrvln 61 232 Dlane Lewis 64 I238 Josie Krncker 616 220 Sandra Tuckey 273 Helen DAmbmsla 285 and Agnes Ferguson 750 mm How we nesulls Lucky Dogs Sklck nicks Spulnicks Square Head In Rclwccns Square Leaping Wonder Hat Tops sunmugs Square 11141111723 Lucky Bugs 93 Lcnping Wonders as Squares B1 Slrlcknlcks 79 Hard Tops 78 Sputnicks 78 In Bulwccns 77 Eileen MncGlllwrny teak high single 231 while Sandra chA oy had lap triple of 786 other good score were turned in by Gwen Giay 247 Elm Timmln Resulls Jucksans Grill Hubhcrls Grocery Berlrnm Brothers Tnllcrsalls Insur ance Queen Halal Drill wood Robinson Grocery Clnrkson Halo Lemays Ex cavation The 50 Clarke and Clarke Lakcslde Cabin Sundlngs Clarke and Clarke In Queens Hotel Lakesldr Cabin 56 Tunersalls Insurance 53 The 50s 50 Roblnsuns Groo cry 49 Bertram Brothers 45 Lemays Excavatlnn 32 Hub berls Grocery 27 Jackson Grill 27 Driftwood 28 Clarkson Hotel 15 Your taste Among the more vocal chls lulau were Sen Estes Kahu CALL yon comnons Leghla rs mcnnw He were calling or more rIgId controI an the spurtor Its nboIIlIon whlle Pope John XXIII cast gnlcd ï¬st IlghL as contrary to natural pflnclplcs and salt It was bnrhnric to hmlher ngpInst hrqlhe Rum ys nck from Moores law and red ram weeping repealed ov er and over no se no se man dont know dont know anything when he Wns asked Monday If he planned to fight again damage musing Moores death was db scribed by paliwiogist something that could happen on your iron porch it filled newlycmwned chumpian Sugar Ramos with indecision about deiending the innihnrweighl Ii in he look imm Moon in last Thysdnyqiaiai ElIt LOS ANGELES AP Thu death or Davey Moore from ring injuries brouth mixed ward of censure lnr tile sport and praise ior the champion ioiied legisin live lenders into steps aimed at further regulating or banning prnicssinnni boxing and let his mnnnemr on Ihe rope Lndles Clty Bowling League Every drop or Culvert Old flyo mun pull no risk qunllly control chucks bntoro loinInn our dintlllnry Your mm In the 97m chock Try gm nmoom Galvan Old nyn Davey Mporefs Death Starts Up Confusion is the 97 check Calvert 01d Rye BOWLING SCOBEE Hollywood wuhexn Von bu rg 131 Germany knocked 9m clu Gonlnlu 17v minus 11chry Hunk Duhon knocked out Dick Young 168 Philadelphia LmrAiuchcs Phlladalphln Joey Glar delln 161 Phllndclphlu oul poincd Ernla Burfnrd 1M Mcmphls Tenn 10 Lewluon MILRudy Davis 215 Phllndelphlu knocked nut Billy Tisdnle Bridgeport Co MlnmIGnry McLundan Dublln 63 slapped Santa Flgrq ngUSan Juan High trlple of 61 went Io Haul Murphy while Bultrcy look low Iinglo 70 708 Far lhe ladies was Elda llosllnxs 268 and tha Caldwell 694 Olher score come from lllla Caldwell 322 Jenn Sander son 531 216 Don Wood 289 Jim Caldwell 6081249 Eldu Hosllnls 671 Jack McQuolg 580 Howard Caldwell 555 and George Cameron 471 191 Ludlu Monday Night Leanne Slnndlnn Phllllpl Ladles Wear 134 Ken Sunocn 132 Torgus Stars 124 lo Book keeping 118 Smiths Dolry lllI Stewarts Constructlnn 90 Mc Faddcna Paving 90 nggins Fun as Astronauts 71 Spul nlck5 61 In Calflornla Connecticut 11 Hnuls Oregan and New Jersey ull major states where boxlng has flourished ln lhe instom c151 promised to push for nc Hon against boxlnl Keiauver said ha understand Allquem Ruben Kennedy has agreed in have the commission established in the iuslica de parimenl move which Ken nedy greeted wiill reluctance previously Agrin 1N snwss Carey blasted proiessional boxing In mannged mayhem or money with thousand iightcra maimed disillurod and hail senseless on the humnn junk pile for every on who gels to be champion Keiuuver mid he would rein troduce his billwhich died in commillee Inst sessionfur cs lablishing federal boxing com mission with broad authority to reguinle he ypr hnva last two courageous champions 1n yearBenny Pm and Davey Moore salt var Dem Term who called or Iederal regulation 01 boxing and Rep Hugh Carey Dem MY who luld he will Intro dune Ieglslntion to outlaw the FIGHT RESULTS cadore Curphcy reporting the ï¬ndings 01 two hour autopsy snld than were small hemorrhages and edema or Ihe structure lhe brain stem and also large contusion in the mldllne at the cerebral hemlsphcre which were pro ably one Ike major factor In brlnglng about his mans do miss mum ckward plunge unto the lower strand the rope believed by autopsy surgeon Ia have caused the masslve damage that resulted In death early Muner The scores of joltan lens that Ra rnos ralncd tn the head and law of Ihe lealherwelght cham plan were described contrllr uting molars LOS ANGELES AHA cnr nncrs autapny shows that Dnvcy Moore suffered three time Ihe amnun braln dam age nrlginally Indicated by an cncephalogmm after hls Mal flg 3511151 gugarARamrns Far ey salt the percentnge ol fatalities In baxlng ex tremer low see no reason to nugaw ï¬ne spar Gov Kimm cï¬lled boxing good manly art managed anter and above board 0n tins olhu side ni he Irgu men weru such men Jam Farley iormer postmaster gencrnl and onetime chairman oi lilo Ntw York State oninz Commission and Iiiinais Gov Olin Kamer ogposn Mdvns New Jersey Stale Sen Nelson Shmler Introduced resolu tion proposing study the advisability ol abolishing bux lng similar resolullan was In troduccd by Slamler alter Par eta death Gov Edmund Pat Brown ni California when the Ramos iiioom light was held stead iasily held that boxinl should be abolished He said he would ask the legislature to submit constitutional amendment to the voter in 1964 to eliminnta box in in the state Autopsy Shows More Damage MI Mikel RamonMe Rum Tu Cnmpnnlu Ind lndlvldunll TRY AVIS in BARRIE ll DUNLOI 51 EAST CAR LEASING PA 61412 PHONE DRIVES 01 MP8 INDIANAPOLIS tAPScatl road racer Jim Clark out two hot lap at the indianapolis Motor Speedway Monday in rearwngina Lotus Ford Ford Motor Compnny oiiiciais ImmEA diater confirmed their direct tnterest in the car Clark who lost the 1962 world road racing championship to Graham Hill of England in the seasons iinnl Grand Prix in South Africa was timed at it and lies mllcs an hour on the successive laps Ramsay clulmed he was not backed by the learn executlvu In dlspule wlth playingconch Doug McPhee who lelt the team Saturday lor 24hour perlodhlcPhee veteran mar lner campalgncr returned in lime to handle the learn ln ll vlmw ovar Prescott Kemplvllle Combines Sunday night Director George Holmes Sr wlll manage the club or the rest 01 the season MONCTON NB CMMun nzer Don Ramsay of Mencken Hawks reslgned Monday In Una latestdavelopment In an execu llva iquabbla By MIKE RATIIET TUCSON M11 AP Jae Adcock 111le be just the medl cine man Elrdja Tehbelu wantad for his Cleveland Indi In Moncton Coach Quits Position Tebbetts Needs Medicine Man Ioe Bdcock Could Bé The One Chumplon NYLON armh 0M1 Im mud Man In 11quIlilnmlmlvm mlme warm lamu Imd an Olhor FIRES TONE NYLON TIRE VALUES MONIII tun NAIIH mini chcvbcfmchavnyoubccnableInmmploiclynulhlynurcarwilhsalr new 4ply rivcslnnc Nylnn lives mud lowpiccVuull 51th 355 sinmull SaIcIyrmlllicd Iimlunc Nylonaim Iim Youll alm xcl firmlonuilanmus Helium Guavanlrc 15 Munlh Road llalanl Guaranlcc lhal lwnuurcd by 0ch wax Dcalm auoss Canada and the United Slam nunmow 1m uuovuIo Inn omv lmldnvcim Nu OIIIIflIUI All mas mpcllly muunlcd no BINl durum New Yurk Yankees defeated Los Angeles Dodgers 51 B05 lan Red Sox hen San Francisco Giants 42 St Louis Cnrdlnuls edged Chlcago While Sox 43 Kansas Cily Athletics wnllopcd Clnclnnall Reds 1H and Ch cago Cubs dawned Lo Angela Angels 74 In oftlhnlleld activity the Snlnly Champion NYLON mud Nurva nu hMy luvmmluylmuud ml upmlmy Mr other ouulanding IndIvIdunl pcrIormance were turned In by PIIIIndeIphIns Paul Brown who pllchcd nlne Innlng andshu an MInnnsoIa Nina on st hIIa and Bubba PhIIIips who slroked Ive single In Delrull Tlgers 1N bclIIng cl WnshIng Ion SennIars in par of extrainning al ialrs Jim Hickmana nthinn ing immu gnve the surprising New York Met 43 triumph over Milwaukee and Baltimore Orioles edged Piltsburgh Pi rates 54 mm wm Adcockn bnltlunï¬ Muse dipped lo 241 last season but he 79 homers and drove in Iflrnms Admck proved Monday that he can supply the power The 35 year old first baseman smashed iwo threonm homer and singled to get another three nm uprising staried as ihein dinn whipped Houston Colts 1131 eghibitlion game When Tebhetta went to Cleve and last wlnwr 1mm Milwau kee he talked the Braves into lettan Adcock go In trade for pitcher Frank Funk and out ï¬elder Don Dillard Now the In diam can count on big gun tar Ihelr attack Instead of bunch of baw Aand arrorws lull mmv nunmu MON STORES NYLON 300 mm up In my nuvpn pl um NMM vl MM Mm mm an mu MVH 7H 27 1211 Mela released veteran out ciderBob Cerv who said he would retire and Cincinnati sold pitcher Johnny Klippslein to Philadelphia Tha Yankees and the Mel clalmed Duke Snldcr of the Dodgers as general manager Buule Bavasl placed the vet cram outï¬elder an waivers My mum awnll BIRDIE TEBBETTS PA 66585 mm