nl nulrlllnn ll Wllh lhu nulrlllnn ll on but WlIhmxl an nlnmdnnru 01 Pm ltln Ind Ihe mlnrrnll pumm lnrly cnlrlum and nun lhu In mm wllmr VIImin am under loo Yrm hnck ruluc lnl hnd In In reruullon lh More lha Iclenm pnu nl wllh hullhy llnuo build lhm mull ll manl udfllhblV around uro lecllvc 19min snm from Nah Irbohydmn In hllll proluln nd ou wlll In wnlcr and In Ind 1y up nllmnrn VlIhmxl an nlnmdnnru pm Helm you Item Ink crI llcnl Ipuk at your and hubln II you xnImd the surpan welah on um IInrch Iwccll and nucculrnl flu whlla IIIRIIUHI the loud uhlch vada the nu IrIIuII urtdcd nr renulr and urvlclni Ihcu you an over Ied bur poorly nourhhcd You art not In good murlllonnI Illluu Your Ilnuu nro Hubby and your rrduclnl lure muxl no In mtrely ndrqunlo In tho prn lecllva nulrIrnII Il musl bu ap lImum In Ihnrl you Imve lama ulthln uv do nulrIIlounlly In order In Imlnlnr rurnInn lln qu hum nllcmpllul lo pull all nny rummht No man 01 any ale wanll la rink looklng alder you re duca on In mum d1 Ind do not try In an on hm you In look younmr fur brlnzlnz lam lo healthy normal By IDA JEAN KMN Slimman down In normal Weigh lvu person lonier Iem on henllhler life Then in no Ionw any doubt an lhnl Icaro Sllll many middle ngn DVOTWEIEM Inl lhu unmy ecl Inl lhnl reduclnu wlll cnum her lo look oIdnr and reluctant to dirt avtn Ihuuih rcduclnx will lnmme hzr chance longevity And Mn Hurry Wilson Eugenia Street spent the wtek end vklllxlg lhelr Iamlly In Southm Ontarlv clues v15 mun others Auxiliary Third Barrio Brownie will hold min rummage sale on March 29 In thu vacnnl store at tho West End Plan Anna and Wel llnllan mm The as com mantel 2pm This one of the Hm projecu ornnhed by the qullilry and member are leaking cnoperullnn Brnwnla molhcra For plck up call Mn Batten PA NM Mn Punks £51m Mn Dnbaky PA ugqu MLE gap IN THE TRIM Nam In blended to tour In uncnl Ioclll Illa ol the clly Ind dhtrlct Vedfllnl Innlnmrlel blrthdlyl brldn pnllu comlnxnluo pulled vhllorl Ind lnvcll en In an Item lnlmfl to wamen rudm ol lIIlI pm Your help In lupplylnl lhll lu lomnuon wm be nully Ip nmlnled Plem nhnne The Bulls Enmlner II MW and Ink or Ellun Dlxnn or Audrey Coullon II Iha wom enl Departmenl Mu ery Ferguson of Mn Beach California do lermlncd to no two week without food flock at he Maintaining Normal Weight Provides Longer Lease On Life ï¬AIï¬ING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES II did ï¬ll lilo new lnnu lb 1an Inln rnc lnnu In Ihlo lhn wotld THE POUNDS ARE MELTING AWAY OUR FREEZERS ARE THE BEST IloMEC THE BIKINI ll Prnleln thfllfl lun mrnl Chm llur nnkcd lnlo Mnunrnm nmn vurlnb Culvry udluhl Frull lruh Helm nllrlnI Aklm milk Appmlmnh Regard lha mo Ion Skln conlracllon nbvlausly plnyl lhu beauty mlo 1n reduclnm an hnvo been currylnl cans an able execs or more yum than you can to Ice II will lulu llmo lo conlrncl ho skin In smooth coverlni You can rcduca bcnulllully II Iho ml at lhrcoAqunrlerI In on pound week This my Item slow but II II to 50 pound In year Jud dnnl overlook Ihu var extrclln plnyl In helpan you to hop yaunu ank In tho mh Mr or mlln or twu ever dny Thcrn ll nmhlnz mm It lo mloro lho bloom NollIn chnlc Ground round Ilak rooktd wl or Grilled thlckcn llml or um callus chem Thln Illco brrnd Glm Ildm milk or bull mHk Mlxcd men ulld Punch Drcnlnu llup Smnll mle lruIl even while drnwlnl on ex cu for par your en try and Oranu Juice or any way yau Mk Thin Illm cull Mnmuxlne 14 pa Comu H®M°EC FlaJme Mlu Ruby McCarthy pm Pmldom the Buslncs and Prnrcssionnl Womens Club Harris attended the Unlled Na llans Semlnu Sltumny March 23 1963 which was held the Royal York Haul One ho oumandlng women In the PMI Ipplnes Helena Emile was flap speaker mm Benita mm ManilaV bgad ol Ihe am Unlvemly lb Phil ty nwï¬Ã©m mm npumvul PM Fri HI IHrIlnw nr pyotrclllm had mum lilr and Mn Michael Boxer and Mr Ami Mrl William Dy menl oi Pcei sum mended Chareomphic Travelogue held an House University 01 Tomnio on Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Dymenll daugh er Mmiyn Mrs Gilbert Snm Mn Toronin is member tile Willy Blair Hanson Group ATTEND UN HEiillNAE Ind dauzhicrimiaw Mr and Mn Don Wilson oi beaming lon lhcir son and daughterin iaw Mr and Mrs Jim Wilson Cilnlham and their daugh ter Miss Carolina Willon Reg of undonsmrin the week end Mr and Mn Wilson and their inmiiy also mailed to anflL TRAVELOGUE couplalweye may ol their non cuendnndmc thawinl her progress in 1min pounds Yosicrdayu weight 52 loss no of poundl Her 03 ormlyn IATTEIlN vurlnblo udlohrl lruh um ruh unnrd mun llrlnu ml Dlnnu HIh nr onct lo Ii put rllurlurnoo nr mlor work mle dnuzhlt Mn anly Chnpcl Camp Bur den wnl lhu nclllnu the wrdrllnu 01 Ml ilnrln Jrnn MrKInnty KCMC Cmnp llordun lo IGCI Dnnuld Lmnpbrll tnnndlun Ploth The Inigo in he grnnd Thl was an nlldny semlmu opening with panel dlscuulan on Decade of Development Speakers lhu alternoun ln eluded Guy Sellers from ha Cnnndlnn UN Mlsslon New York hlls Benllez was the bum quel speaker POTENTATES BALL Among the guests at the SM nerr Ball held at lho Royal York Hotel Torunto on Frldny evening were Dr and Mn Frank Shannan lllr and Mrs Robert Shannan lllr and Mrs Cross Mr and Mrs Armstrong lllr and Mn Waller Glal Mr and Mrs Frank lay lar Rev and Mrs John Rld del all of Durrlc Mr and lllrs Roy Cllne lllr and Mn Vcldon Cnnnr ol Orlllla SUNDAY CONCERT Mr and Mrs 15me son and daughter KrLsUn ol mum 52 were In London Out for the weekend where they al endcd ho Sunday nluhl com can prescnled by the sludenu ol the College of Music West cm Onlurln lllr and Mrs Emhmunl daughler Knrcn Emberson was trumpet solulsl lho concert Ipplnu founded by her mother and vicepresident Ihc Com mission on he Slum 01 Women currently In nesslnn at mu UN 0mm clam guano door mm Amid you car Ihr In IIMW ll mfll MHM MUN IIMI mlmlldlulyAuhmvlkiplnlwllldmlulllunun GIIIINNIIMJM wulm timlumromu umnlut luvmum May ll mt by next Sunday ï¬gure wow thy new Easier dress Mrs Ferguson consumes only coma 1m and boullllan AP Vlrcpholo COUPLE WED AT CAMP BORDEN BERRY AUTOMATIC and Mri Phllllp allot of Mnrcll Que bec The bridegroom ma non of Mn Zoom Campbell and Um Intn Mr Cnmpbcll nl lrcmlllu Slnrl Orlllln Cu Humor nlllrlnlod nl lg umnony Photo My Lu Cow prrl Sp uslc was pmvldcd by trio composed Mn 11 Armslmnz Mn Welsh and Mn James Mrs Mccualu was he nccompunlsL Mrn Mchun gave Gen ml mporl 01 um Slmmu Pres Thu Unlich Church Women oi Collier Street United Church held the March meeting in he Sunday School Roompwiih the president Mu Bmce Johnston presiding Mrs Johnson led In ha duyouonnls presldcnia key role during the campalgnlng Is misllng with organlzailon 7an menu hours an iha telephone ammu inz or campaign cotter panic which will commence ihls mar nlng re name Jill and Mrs Earle Williams Steel Siml Arranging for calico parties also mums calling voi in he particular ward and extending personal lnvliniion maths pray pregldenl My min an assistant ornnlz or also Involves mnllln out let lcrs lnvltalloxu ulcl although campalgnlng lllemluro la mulled out dlrcctly mm the Cnmpalglnl Hgadquarlers Mu Noble add The sonispakcn wnman wha radiates warmth and Irlendllnesu received apeclnl vote or thanks from Huber Smllll PC Candidate or slmcoe North or her Hm argunlxallonnl qualllles Mrs Noble was In chemo of mania Looking nner her flvnyearold grandson Timmy Pnrr who lcnd Kin Edworq Public School one Ihe main reasons Mrs liohiea doy gun on to an early nr mday in he llln Mn Herbert Noble usually commun an early hour during normal limes Bu In lhu midst of an alecllan cnmpnlgn the maiden the Enrrla Progressive Canscrvallva Womens Assoclntlon has many exlm activities to puck Into he buy Achcdulc Report Of Simcoe Presbytery Given To Collier Street UCW FOR PC CANDIDATE THE BAMUE EXAMINER TUESDAY MARC 28 1363 Womens President Assists In Campaign Organization JimL PADHOO $2154 mfwcuker tinkey Mrn Im Mmr Tia 11 mrctlï¬l will held April 21 Dr Dclnncy lpokn on Moulh To Mouth Iluuncllnllon and hiuhlluhlod hll talk with fllm enlltllcd Thnl nmyynx lep The with de volons by Ml Dorothy Lam Roll call wu Imwmd by mrmhm Follawlnl IDIan buslncu Iion Mn Marhall ln troduced lhu mm Ipcukcr Dr ngberl chnncy The Evening Vomcnl Auxlll nry at SL Andrewl Prubylrrlan Church mu In the ladIcI parlor the church or he March Inecllnx with lha pmldcnk Mn Allen in Slrachnn Orlllla wnx our gum and make on Chrlsllan Sewardshlp Nra Slruchnn urncd that when lend ershlp was needed In the church lhnl pcoplu volunlcer fur nerv lce lmlend of walking to be an pninlcd Mrs Slrnchan hnd Inna recordlnu made by her Ion Lloyd and wile the armor Caml Denver of Barrie Tho yaunz couple are our loan mls llonurlcs 1n nmll and they told of the need or help lhm en poclnlly In lhu Held 01 Agriculn lugs lbs mnlxlu inquylry THU mecllnz dosed with nodal hour Doctor Is Speaker At Evening WA It was announced that the Spran Ten and Bake Sale May will feature Pravlew Showing of baxaar Irflclu Orders will be taken and M59 will ha ready or our November anaar of Barrie DUNLOP IT n31 bylcry Annual meeting of lhu UCW which was held In Coll lngmod Mn Steele lava the Ihlanclnl report on the Pm bylcry Budzct Mrs Noble Is wellversed on the Important role women play during an election campalzn slnbe the has been an active member the auoclutlon since 1543 It In leadmhtp at this quality coupled with the assistance of Interested women vote that builds valuable support or the candidate menu or the Inclnoon In held at St Georla Pulsh Hill on Thursday at which Jean Cluel man spoke in Nagpur Mr Smlth For lho Drido For The llrldcsmlld For The Mother of tho Urldn MR5 HERBERT NOBLE Fashions For Your Beautiful JUNE WEDDING Choose From Our Wklo SolonHon TRANSMAN Ion ncwlyelcclcd prudnnl he Icdcrnlcd Womenl Inalflule Onlnrlo wlll bu ans lhu mnln Ipenkm mhor lplflklll will lnrludo represrnlnllvo ol the Mnnulnclurlnl Indullry nprmmnllvo Nu Cnnmflln Anoclnllan ol Cumumm and lawyer to Ipcnk on tho llnllfl wumcn Mrs Rum McElwnln ol Phelpltan preside at lhu Slm coo Arm Womenl Instiluln rm Ildcd at the uxccullvo meeting held at be home Mrs any annnn Vancouver SL yum dny nflernoon wns held In dil cuu plnna or lhu WI mum an In be mm Illa Cnldwalcr Unlltd Church In lhc all The homo of lhc convtnllnn will ha ltlnkeBuy Ind 39H Canadian student Barrie Dls rlct Cenml Cofleginte Miss Embcrxan was membw he tmmpel Iccllon lb Barrie Cullcnlau Band Into her busy school rauuna Ihe also Ind llma to as mercury of tho Unlvmlly Band and member ghnmbcra Orchtsm Lou on Executive Meet Miss Embers nner the Kiwnnls compulllan held at London Sb In second year an wigh mgslq oplloAn To Plan Conclave For Simcoe WI Sunday evenlnz program was result of the winner the mnccflo companion who were relented by lha muIc Ad Judlcntors of the University Karen mherm mood year tendon at University West em Ontario London was trum pet soloist at Iho Sunday Nlno oclock program presented by the students the College Music Mk5 Embmon played Trumpet Cnnceflo in nu ma Jcr second movement by flydn Mrs oble has words great pulse or her ellow members The women ln our assoclallan Ind ln ha clty are worklnl an the elecllon an poll captain and canvasserx typan home tele phonan from home or head quaï¬en Thoy an devollnu gring 1an pl ï¬nal Ilme Vllqllawlnz In her mulhcra ooh steps Mrs lama Parr hasalso lakcn an acuva pm In panties prawn Mrs Pnrr is secre tary the Young Progressive Canurvallvel MnrNobieurved presi den of the PC Women in 1551 when Haber Smith wu nu ei ecied MP oi Simeon North uninvii 1956 end 1062 it is very rewarding io have taken Em in eiectinz member win an achieved Iuch high major ity laid the nnlee woman Mrs Noble we referring in the June mil election when Mr Smith deieelod the Liberal Candide byn miscrin pi 5515 She Is also devoted wnrker In her church St Georges Am gllcan at Burton Avenue At pre senl aha hand SL George Evening Guild at which she has been devoted member or number of years Mrs Nohla also member ho Steward shlg hilph 91 the church Assisting Mrs Noble in organ itinx ovenla during this cam pnicn are wnrd chairmen Mn Lame Giihooly Mn Alvin Mik nhell Miss Bella Miller and Mrai Kgn Chaniier 1n addlllan In her role as pre Ildzm or PC Womens Assocll tlon Mu Noble third Vice Pmldenl of the PC Cantu D1 flc Advisory Board and mm her the executive the Bar rie Prozrwlva Conservative Anuclnlion Thu resident has also taken an nave pm In enumemung which lnvolvu approximately WWW 9911 work Karen Emberson Is Trumpet Soloist PA Hm TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA MAM DEM Down with Al should write all ha hum relallves and learn from be experience auld be cnucd with tho plllenl rclm live ar not helm ha work done Th In no class not In He ml them all modal bills whlch they used to my 1le uld boy had wanted to pay lhcy wauld hnvu mm to High mlulnr experienced den llst What can he do about mm How can he pravcnl lush mur encc ln tho humorDOWN WITH RELATIVES Thu problem la our relatives No aunts and an uncle have calm to Al or denlal work They all sald aomcllllnz about bclng wllllnz 20 aka chant on young lnexperlenced denv list because they know ha need he practlce They made sound as they worn doing Al lavar ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landem Our son recently grudnaled mm school dentistry and opened an olflce In he suburbs A1 an ticipaled that Lthgs would be slow It aka while or young pmlessional man to build upma pragljco mm scratch Du Ann Linden married widow with sevewycamld sun She Is line woman and we went lmlher tor Ilmoll two years so Its ml at we were strange The mime needs pmlessinnal help She Is dcslmylng her mnr rim and ruining her wn llle FREE LOADEM Our wedding wu Christmal week and we went away or tenday honeymoon The neven yenMid boy stayed with his grandmother The evening we returned from our honeymoon my wifo told mo Ihe boy wanted to nice in her bed and would mlnd llceplnl In the guest room or night or twounul lho chlld became accustomed to having stepfather didn 11kg Ihq idealbul agreed Ive been In Illa guest room ever since and Im darned lick of Ive told my wit damn time that my paflcncu is wear Ing lhln She keeps saying um boy mum and she doesnL wan to disturb him emotion ally Last nlzh Ihe called me aqfanlmal Im an animal plea loll mo not tell her Think you GUEST IN MY HOME Dear Guexi Your wife has insured this neurotic dcpend envy in her son because she daemi wan to be wile This alecplng arrnnnemenl will both chiiiidrcn Just dyndy Mlnlon Anmlrll 5150 775 Wad wood Ll 995 795 Roy Doulion Arud 595 50 Spodo Plnk Town 040 710 Royal Albert ForgotMINo 950 850 OTIHCII PATTERN HID THE MIOVT FALTIIHIIIJ REDUCED ACCORDINOLY Fur My 319M mlf $011 Due to rmnl mmull of lhe mrclmm an new 5qu mrnln ol Janllm Dom Chlnl wa unoxhlnu the Ian lxy lmnmlimly mind our wlm on lho Ilnu nlfrctcd In cludinz dock on hand Joan arrlck QEYEASEWS Groom Is The Guest In His Guest Rdom PRICE REDUCTIIJN 30 anla Xvenua OPEN EVENING SHAMPOO AND SET PHONEPA Meal ASK ran nu mmcm mum Now Is The Time to Buy From $119 ENGLISH CHINA GIFT SHOP Cor Collln Bayflnld klllifl IETTING IlllE For Example Illlrnl PA 81395 Dunlap 5L Dur No Nume Some older women are fluttered by the allentlnm ol young Day It makes them feel younger lhnn springtime Other oldrr women who take up with young boy are looking or male chlld to mother plenty slck no mat ter how you look at It ll Indellcale ll wlll prevel future misunderstandings YOWH AND Aux1 Its about our l7yeaMld boy Ho handsome built like million dollars and due pretty well in his sludies He never nozlced the am until about year ago Than ha begun In gut coweyed over neighbor girl 16 They went together or cw month and suddenlf he lost Interest In her Wu tell you why as Iona crazy over 31yearold divorcee She sling huh In beanery downtown We didnt even know our boy wgnt juice llkulhnl He thinks she wonderful but we told him well take his word for It because we dont want In meet her In undarslandnbh um young kid could becqu Imlnulnd with woman ha world Bu why In heavens name would 31yeamld look twice high school kid What can she be looklng or anyway NO NAME OF COURSE nafne would twice What can Delr Ann Llndm My wit INIer to write lo you but aha broke down In the mlddla nl lhgleltgr nnd 93 lukhqucru W©W KitchenAid Now millbla will HillIll capacin for l2 Ind Guided Action wnh Ind Flo1th drylni lhn mubx chum ddubrlghlcrPomhlnlnxzrlor Ind lid DoubleMl commie Ilon fm cool quiet upemlon Glumlnl whllu wilh chatted Izcanu Wau fulurln KitchtnMd pullbll In wuhzr valueprim Thml KllchenAld for mu Huh my budget ROBINSON HARDWARE lel lvln lnIrnl PA mm