Hg mome nme 337$ Callers Urge Manson Carry NDP Standard AM Ilrmy an Im lltlpalrd Hull I41 meu wllhln hm huh IJuI urnr lhe mll Irr Humml mum member mlulul wt lhnl II ml nn ml or lho um to uh tn yum In ramplola lvnnndlnn ludl um Ily nunrll grlllun mule hmmllrnl wllh Hm UNIX or III dcln In mu mound lo Hm llmurr munclll pllrthnllnl Ilw UNI property lxljnrvnl lo llnrrle IanalI llamle luld wuncll hul mm xlnwnlnwn Intr haul puny umrl about Ihlu In mlllu lmmvlnnl Hul muullu lhll rvpfllr and do It lmnmllnlrly ln Ill nu duwn llvrru mun nulmnl um NI Iln uur duly In In ntflllnl mnullï¬nl inn un mm lrl In laudl ullll Ihp UNI my allvfln Tmoyulo llo xald slulllllc win but All npply ghnir In 1601 lin wom 35577 nc Mauls mnumml lo 941 but ycnr 1m wm 10 per cont Oli SKL Iii Iimircwx uskcd HIM qunsuon yrsicrdny when in received Iho 1m imiilc Iiullslic figures lmm lim Accident Slal isiks Division he Deputi mml Highway which show an Increase in nlmost my culrgury oi nrcldcnu Impl clnmor who lho weed Ilmlu an our lulzhwnyl nnllI nnd my dont own lrl IBM Ilnllsllu mlnr Into lhrlr mludl In Ihe words Mr Human and NW nlllclal Lewis Mur rn also of Darrin Socln Codi would have picked up Mr Manson anld he was en couraged run by several tele phone can on this weekend Them wen Int people down that way whn col their vnlo wnuld have been wnslcd than win no NDP candidate he snld couldnt let them down snld lhu campaign man ner mmcll Pozuc NDP standard bcnrcr 1n Slmcoa North City Anxious To Make Deal Derrick Human Barrie swearold huslnus representa tive fur the Carpenter Dislricl Council Jolncd lho ranlu candidnm at 140 pm yeslcr day He L1 mnning an Um New Dcmocmllc Party lickm Just 20 minute before dead line Duflcrinslmm velar got another cnndldalc fur the April Iodch election Yesterday nitcmoon tittom delighted audience at high school students at St Josephs Iiigh Schqai John Henderson technical expert with Consum ers Gus and his assistant Gicnn Gnndy put on minin uic dcmonstraiion oi an in the world today Mr iicndersbn said Gasa ram is thoughtprovoking in content and attractiva in The show empiaya The warld 01 May has mm ramns nquurnmns sklnramns and every other type mum lhut one could lhlnk at The Cansumcrs Gas Sys cm has Gasarama Ihe science at lhe an industry in nclion Highway Fatals Anger Officer IN DUFFERINSIMCOE AUDREY MONEY and John Henderson look anxiously at Alvin mo guinea pig in the bluscd box Mr Hendersnn was one two demouslrnlars Gasarama Illustrates Science Can Be Fun Iyphold lum or laws nlher dlunw had much and llflcd th mm number 01 pmplo laid Ell Andrew lhm would be howllnl over by plnce Driven klllcd In nccldcnll ncmunkd or per can 01 lho Iolnl numb Hum In 1m Thu wnl decrer of per mm over 1m ycnrl gum And our per ton lncrenlo our 1055 Five hundnd and Iourty Iavcn driwrl wm HIM hm year Iyphold lum or lama Incmnsl The Iota numbcr 01 death In mu was 91 With Earl own PC mem ber or many yearn out 01 lbs plclun the ï¬eld should be wlde open he lnllmuud 1ch we can cl lame drum lucceu An NDP in tin run nlnu xlvu lhe people anmher chalet Important to de mucrqcylhnl evqry one be Ibll Ve inkan to In our lander Tommy Doullns carn tho ban he suld Hulda wa farmed In hurry And dont uwhatoo much money in war VII the protest volu In bulletin Simcoe ND Ind not put man in the running th oniy two weeks remnln lnz before the new Mr Manson admin lherel mu lime or cqmpalgnlng Thu Hummer 1n the rldlnz wll do mas lhe work he mld they decide they want me or meeting or Hm Ill In hum per cent more wllh Lida Bulb In 61 and 1363 In 1m Amonu some of Ola exped mcnls displayed was natural Kudrlven englne which de veloped one form of energy metrical lo lluht up lhe nu lurnl gas blua neon sign Intn another guinea pig culled Alvin was used to prove that natural gas was nonIaxlc and an electrch circuit was used to detect he an in the con lainer Bypmducl of natural were ably demonstrated by Miss Audny Money Comumm Ga employen In Barrie Her entire ensemble Includlnx ho lary and gloves wen bypnr 551on 12 upgrknenls isbik turdg to prova sclenca can be fun stimulat ingand Interest 1o 01 Gunam display pm senied yesterday at Ju epifl Auditorium in hilh school studenu Misx Money was displaying inhrics menu ï¬lm INTERN IMOORIMIVK umMNllAflON Pononal Commercial Indumlal INSURANCE swam INSURANCI AGINCY mm IMIN lum or laws had much and WILL DATE NEWFON ROBINSON OnL CmEarl Ilawc who WM la have taken over us lloulcnnnl Manor Onlnrlo Mardl laid Monday he will let dc Inlto data or his Inauguration as won in In In mm ho hnl mmplclcly movmd from ro ccnl Mle lnllurnzn Mr Howo tnld In lclaphono lnlcr View mm In home HIM ho wlll Frolmbly wnll unlll nflrr he Moral dccllm Aprll In Aumo 0mm II has been 10 your dues NDP CCF had candldaln In Dullerinï¬imm Mr Manson was candldala Ill be pluvln clnl election In ma Ghiarhmn is uvnllnhie to high schools and other educauonnl mum without tharxe The cut assumed by the com pany keep these Shaw Ko lug Mom 31 cents per pupil said Mr Henderson Tomohw Ihe um loci lo Baffle North Collqglyge dug of nugurn gu Thmughout the program commentaries were delivered by Messrs Hendersun and ï¬rm dy who also took urn de scribing some of the upm meuls Mr Henderson said the Gasa ram ls usually dlspluyed three time week during the schual seam but In Bml around llnr rle lhrm wlll be Ilve presen tallgns ln lva dayg natured as natural as by products The balloon Mr Henderson 13 hnldlng yin HI ed with nnlural go to demon strate lighterthunk qunlillus Examiner Pholn wimwmummMuu mm lenln provid by local bulm llrml lhn Imam In Imund Ivy II Chunk hr ll Cammm Any kmrhnk umm lo Memo ll DIM lent In med all um DERRICK MANSON Shopping Service Ell In nylon nl Kale Ind nlml ham nalld rolnml Imlblrl ud wlu lle Ollflrll Myluln fullw Iln II In NITI loot luv unm lo ynll uh Th rd cl lullI HI will WANTED FOUND nmdvam MM wuss wm 1m Mkflnpd Inn 1n he um PARTICIPATE28 Mnmncld Rubber Co of BM tlu wlll be one many Onlnrio llrml pmiclpnllng 1n the Can ndlnn Sampch Show to be hgld April and in CNE ulomollv unqlng nnrlhow NEAIIS END The Bunin 102 Air Cndol Squadron ll nearlnz completion of unhaan lchcdule and II randyan Bell 01 he nnnunl Inspection mid Squadron Ad juunl Slnn Shler lhh momlnl Ho nlso anld Iho lquadmn aim has mom nr morn cadets Nur mnl complement In so Ind ha Squadron now hll about 55 cm cls porn on and Markan W010er by Du purlmcnl of Trade In Cam moron In ounwn Over 00 d1 plny booth wlll be up In tho bulldlnn the Ihaw Ian elun buycu will Impact cun Iumcr good 1mm ulry pm vlnco MM he Cidiimi 1le In IN THE BLACK Reliable mum hm are early indicailnm that ma winier carnival commit mlth possibly wind up in iho blntk and lum enough lo my all an debh and llnli serve and lot the 1064 cumian Jud Dal slnne carnival chairman laid meeting will be held shorin lo dvicrmlne anally the ilnan icnl posliian the clrnivgl Were mu walling ior bills he snld nanIa ï¬re department wu called out early lhll morning to quell cm Im on John 52 near the Sunshine Unilorm Sup by Co ud By tho um they 10¢ them th car vwner Bud name had the in out no used loam lype ullnxulshr No cause was Indium luuwsllyulh lamwars Chic Weaynwulh and he found um object on Bay Street In Iron of the LCBO store and mud 300 yard to flu work deglryneql shgd The unit containing ndlo kalype of Irldlum was to be sent to Kerr Flying In Mid land or ra Thu wde yellow minim er new to Shanks North American Inspeclm Sen vim Oakvflle must have prcd over onllLI side and pushed the locked lwlnz door mg and yell out ¢1conililnex£ nilyratizisacuw men was an ear day morning in Midland and covered by Midland polio chief Gegm Weaymgulhi lieslrlcuons are null 6n and will my on am this epldamlc hprndded Tho board heard Ieller 1mm Stewart Eaten Menuk and mm to tho alrch that Mlu mm Lount hang let the baud $1000 In hu Ninrse emanation will bu the ï¬rst Wednede In June pm atï¬nrthgnllegigle wfll Harry Young has bean given the tenderrlor painting th ex During lha worst line flu egdemlc to per pent the if Royal Victqrn Hosplnl wna away Don Cunmn anh tnm adgnlnlsufator and ham aecmury old Heard mecllnz yesterday ll ha made tremendou dmerenca In both patient and Mali since we stopped vialqu own coming In Mr Cuneron aaid We Inn on visitor Ixcgptbqr Vlmqnedlatg relnllyu Parcel Radioactive Metal Last And PoundIn Midland Inn mm mm mm union HT BVH later in flu Illuman he uFlu Cut Stgfj KEY 10 PerilCént WENDY ICU comm FINAL HENRI LOCAL AND GENERAL Eul DIVE 85 publisher and $le ol lhl weekly Gm Bay Recorder wu lmmd mm In death Sumday Police um alum rule was beside bimonnbedlnhilmmmr Dnvl Ieamed lha print ï¬nd with The Bards Exlmlner and In 1915 Joined the m1 of tha Sudhury Star All the Elm World War he went la Gare Bny with he Recuxder Met buying It The newnpnper wax hem opesud by Mr Dnvls We and their Ian Thorn Ezra Day on Mmltoufln II DOCTOR SPEAK Dr Nelle Sllverthomo con Iulunl In pnedlnldu Hospital or Sick Children Toronto will Iddrcu lhe congrazulion EM Hold Presbyterlln Chuxch Wednesday avenlnu In the now nudllorlum or the church lubiect will bu Thu Chal lenge Our Thu 11 public In Invllcd JOIN VOICE Tho Mldlnnd Durbmhowerl were luau the limit Barbar Ihapperl at St Geoml Anili Church hull In nlzhl Dlr tor at tho Dmll Dlrbmhop mm Hockey League ï¬nal mics Wednudny nlzht Further date have not yd been at It was omintu feared that Iameone had mien the lead container and press mic and television were read to issue wlmiuu int main nu mama Iecnmcu repn genan nid nus mu dum al any time the camera was Iealed He also Inld um company truck would be prolwled against any llmllu occurrence In the in driver lbs truck Jim Cole ï¬gemr St Toronto report ed object lost and mg the OFF alflcea In VIclorh Har bour when the Midlnnd poll unlined them In containm wu laund km brouth buck to Oak lle or dunno Ion ech cal rents viians are under way or the annual graduation lea will be held April 143 Ind there will be dance or the hospnnl lull mg board Also up or dimmion at yu erdwu meeting was paving 01 um parking ioQ At present dirt in trucked from the puking lot mg the corridors Iha mind muting will be 5515 Aprll In an mam Re iiimanor of plum II was vtabgynncaunnd the board will wall or another repm nu nun me did bulldan of we houpluL baud discussed opening of the gm 1pr but it was agreed there wu no polnl In npanlna ll angling epidemic 11 our mu Tbe all aha wfll be mated by vulumeus an ll L1 and II will be open or New urn the afternoon Ind ln tho ovum lulor MJPI 9m tmwmwmuhn Ibclptlo hm In 11wa flh ruin mn Mlmuflhwwmhlngum mklly and low you Ann counl whirth You an whh len MWWM In Iddldon Lum Io bornomywlum lhl Rayl mnnll Inna umomytm Iohnlpyon rrrrr mnmp mo Knew unqulng bomwinl And olhor com down For men In uulul when your ndnbowbood um MVMHIMWflWuIOM mm nmicn mmumr SAVINGWA Ald elxey snidWo hope be able to loIL nut In any case 1L will not be thrown ywu at one meeting AM Robert wnmtd am uolng make sure hero is no cnlherbeddlng th year Them was bl of It Lu yum wnn detail and want to know Mm our Quin costs ms worshxb him lego said Maybe your cholcn rd wns not good the mayor zolng to cu mo about my cholcc wordsT Bu was my choice of words and my lhgrv was fench gm Ray Amman expressed one that ha member mm Midland might ï¬nd Imu In ulna mm frequently wllh Barrio Tcmperl flared at cilycoun all list man when the matter the cayhnl budget was up or discussion Md Newton 15de the ï¬nance committee was go In to make its pmposnl prlor Rm Orlando FilmGeorge Clinlon Blue Sr 70 former presi den and annual manager cl Allnnln Newspapers Inn cancer Dal Annie Dnvey Moore 29 former thtrwalght boxan champion of brain dnmnne sul tergd In 038 rlng Emadc MexlcoBarnardo Ramirez Hernandez birth aertlflcnle showed him to ha 133 yean old Baxbade Wllllnm ollvcr flow 74 chairman lhu board of nxdhapo Specialties mind and president of Can ada Wood Specially Company 01 make and hear ntlnck ï¬ldennan Wants To Know Details By THE CANADIAN PRESS Mm Cooke rccnllczj that JOAN FREEMAN left and her slsler Ruth appear bul fled by Illa painted and turn DEATHS nuuuu cume mm to paying bllln It cm mo yon money choqua on Pmoml quulnu com only mg Every will you uumm plus your can lkd anua at you hop luck olmblu PAYINGiBILES Iï¬m The budget was voted on and passed unanimously and then was no menum of lentherbed dlnu at that time mtrnppemd it and lb mat ter um ind mun bird populnllon consist of 1000 of Hm worldl 5000 known bkdl In Warsnk humid ha had new on mjplglo cyclllg chap 1351 mm complete cyclic change and managed to Idenlfly about 200 oflhaoo hhdl ygruw The Freeman chumm Ruth 12 and Joan 10 wero nho In nnflvo dress at the making For Ilma they ware tho only while children In ank said Mr Freeman no younulen continued thoh education Reg Freeman ptesldent 01 lb Hrerelon Field Naturalists Club made the observation at club $9011 in lhl Library HID Int Mr Frecmnn who spent lha last year mkan on the War nk Dnm Pmch In Pakistan wore natlva Pakistan dress and lllustrawd hi addrcu with cnjar nudes Spring In Pakistan In marked by lhn departure ol the birds rather than their arrival ll mg c1153 In Canada ed up toesonthelaklshnl Ionk like thal Examiner shoes Their lee just dont Phat Birds Departure Heralds Spring Jflgggï¬ PERMANENTS SE99 BUDGET SALON PHONE PA H6 mum Aim Auk For Yb and uh lb or Join at Mo upmlillmx In good Mm dcplele Venturing bu um mm mm AM mm mm Men In men dum nbhofhnmh lug Ihnolnwhm ROYAL BANK BORROWING THE BARRIE EXAMINER chum manned may would 11h to return to Pakistan only or visit Mrs Freeman acqu lmher tho children expcrlcnc ed limo difï¬culty In rcadjusting to school upon their return to Cancun thrpugl corpspondeqco camson HI Dunlap St 1m iDaNr mo mum RENTACAR TRUCK SERVICE PA 61412 ml um imam