Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1963, p. 1

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All 65 Hotels Close In Alps Policy Pearson Can Have Both 1mm uhhh null Al Ihu lhn Mulluhum hm hu III Ipm lnr um um and may more ran bu fimmnvll mg In lenled Ikl lillell Thrlr drclnInnuwln llm mliullml lncnl llrnllh aw lhnvlllruwn nunmmml la pm mnmmw nflrr In nrw mu 011mm urn dlm HUI dmlng lll uwhrmlquh In Ilve ml in nrmly lhll lullllumhle IH mu nuruah All uvI hy Ihn nl llu wwk Mumn II Mmlvl whwuu quh rMmNI Iun Iler ZICHMATT Mflmlnnd tllnl Mn Ilnlrl own Irlldml Inllllfylfv rlpfn ml 11 lmlrll in ii nppcnl lnr lurlikinnnl hll Lomnwnutnllh nml nrlrl lrmlo rnnlcrrnu Mum In llw mnlnlnud Tuesday In mnlinuv cmnnnlnm Inn In Um nrbllsh nIumMn In lmlvvr fnr llm Anxll to annual clculun Annmmdnn len Inlenllun mnlm my rnhrl or Ihu nrmnl arm and rlvll mmnl In tho pnllnl cutlumx nnll nnlmllnl mvlcrl rrlmarlhe In IAM cl Mr lepnhnkcr nlIn mm VICTORIA ltPlIrimu Mln mcr Dichnhnkrr rhuw lhv de rncMnnncinus city Vlclnrin lo well am hls zlrlcncc pnllcy In dclnll Mnndny night In one point seemingly ur xnnizcd group hIcnchm flanking the msle put up that Wu wnn policy nnly la drovmcd out Chan We want Pcnmn wollnd up You can have holh Mr Pearson said um he wns hrrklrd lhruuzh oul hls 50mnulu Innch HAMILTON CPD Lihcml Leader Pearson with purlisnn help imm iiumiilnn iurum crowd of 8000 mcrcnmc steady and buihlnrous hockiing Monday night and wont rm to promise Indcml inhor code unri chnl ienne what he culled dcmnnog utry and disinriinn by Primu Minister Dicicubakcr NEW TYPHOID OUTBREAK PM Emphasizes Deience Policy Conditions Altered Greatly bundled up Helm Klnbcn of Brooklyn NY is cnnied mm rescue plum at Wat son Lake by Gordon Tonl loll Deparlmrnl of Trnns port meanrnlomsL and 0n drlcncr Mr Ilhlrnhymr Your No 72 The croud csllmnlu IllJR GAR RENOUS Ice For Examiner Want Ad Tait phone PA azm The elaphono number to call or the Buxlnul or Editorial Dept PA 66531 Our Telephones nud nu Iy hm 71w IHNI nmnnaln lump nlmul 20 who luml Man In 7M mall unlrl Inrlurumi hum wlm rump Alumni nlrrrnn whrn ll limbI man Illrm haw may nu mung lml lamina lhelt vmlnlflun um In VAnrnmrr mm mm ulm rrlumnl um Inn in mumluml mm Hwy ma Inn unly wlfumlnvy unm lnnllun lur 1mm Ivy wnllh nullmulm nl mu unrr Inlu nnllnnnl lhpml work nfiu ll wnl JAumml wllh 7000 lllln Ml mnw hu lrl nwnon mlnulr wr mm empty Thu only mer uumlrd plm In an Illmuvnry mlpllnl III 70 MN un 1w In lmlrvl Up In yenr Ann Hm mrh whnlmlnl danger In mnnkln wna mm he munntll Inmlrr hr lflld Today llm nuhxl dan ger II from he Interronllmnlnl mlullo nnd lhern in nu drlrnru unlml In like lryinu In Ihaol lmllcl duwn ullh Im ler hullrl nrfuro unumnn nurlrnr vmr hrmh lnr Cnnndlnn Inrru mm In NORM nr nhlnnd Im drr NATO Hemo pnIlry luu In In rmmul nnvl Hu lulnrn INIIMIINI hr MMCIL NEEDS ll tmphnllzrd Ihnl Hm ltrhnlqurs phosnphy nl Htmu hum Hr nmwmd hls hccklcr ncvrml nnlnls hnl ILspite rc cnlcd call What nbnul lhu nmh Mikl he did nu deal nl length wllh lhu lenrnl nu clnnr polity any dnmncnlcy in ntllnn the Lihcrnl leudrr cammcnlcd nnc minL Lnlcr In spmh he mid he has been htrklcd hy cxlvvrls but Im no min In In Morrlrd lo nlnh made by Farum Munngcr Sam Hohschoncr who suld It was he biggest In Forum history Thu hecklcrs appeared to ho moslly ynmhs helium to In clude some undenls hut nmunz them were some ndulls ln eluding man who sang Can nda hrnuuh flu lnillul part at Itumms speech Jorgcnsnn in charge the Ir radio xlminn at Wuhan Lake Mlss Klnben and nil Ralph Flow 42 of San Dru na CnliL spent 50 dnys In Ihuwllds aflor lhcir light plane crashed CF Wimpho lo nor GIRLRESCUED NOFOODFOR6WEEKS 112 4132 mi Examinvr 11m DImWnumvcn me ha lnsl our slrlklng unlnnslhe mlwr lhrte mo lhc slrrrolyn In mnllrrs um prlnlvrsln rnnw In umlrml mm undnr formula muknl out by he mnynr Thu ultlrmrnl 0ch In mn lncnumvurn Mul puhluhcrx nctrplnl by Imlh EMPI MUM Ilium he mil Hm lDJday alnkc NEW YORK AP Mayor Ruben VIILncr nnnnunctd mrly allay lllul puhlishcr New Ynxks MM clnml duily newspapcrs hml nrrcplcd his lcrms lnr ending 11 alriko by lhr Phulnrnumrrra Unlnn But unlnn ncnnlinturs wnnl mum llmu In mmhhr lhn sulllumtnl Inrmuln Vngnvr ald TORONTO CP Onlnrinl legislators are wurncd Mon day that mo of dcclslnn lmmlncnl uhm he cnmlorl Imd alumnus of In Mll have he hnlnnccd attains the bum lils 01 education William Dms It 31 lhe youngest member of flu Onha ria whimL lahl down he chain as he prunnlcd his hrs mt HUNDRED 0r mu unl nl mum lay nmlor mm Al Hm ullgp an Need More Time To Consider Plan in mm RALPH FLORES 42 miss lng or 50 days In dense hush mumry In Inrnarthcm Cnn ndn allur his small alrcmn Tells Ont Legislature Pleasure vs Schéolvr Mr leun nccuml the winch Nun dopmh 5an pletlnunl rnnmrnhd an unacll In rcvinlnn he pub lc Mlmul rurrlculum nrllll rlnlly arpumtlnn he tIrmcnl nry 1mm llu Actomhuy Inch rdurnllnn Thu Hhcrul puny mhuerI Funncr schonl lczmhnr on Nixon illnrnml lcmllnx oppnlltlan qucsllnnlnk urged malriculnllan In Onlnrlnl public xclmola In year In nlcml ma prescnl 13 and nyultm pnncrhnck lcxl Imuk which would nllaw more llcxiblljw In he rurrlculum lmuml Im Huh MIING um Ilnllln Ind mum Mo bolll um II AM Mr In in mm mmum lvm mum nun mm mar1mm my mm III lb Ahwldn Hm lwllnl mm mm mm It fit children were lo benefit mm hlghrr cducnliun It be cumin mlhrr painfully clear lhu we muslyrnrk or lodny us well as lomarmw he nuid Cnnndinns cunnnl have every thing they wunl nll at once he added an musl decide Mm uruulul Imporlnm and ulml must he done Hm mule as minlslcr education record lulnl $39553200 easily in comics dcparlment nmnnl rcprcxcnllnx more um lhird ma prov Inces cnllre budget Up mi pnlnl wc have hum nhle lo proceed on almost All lmnls cducnlinnnl econo mlc and on all at the aamn limo Mr Davis mld is helped 71min rescue plan by an unidentified mounds and Keith Jorgenson In crgshuiquo muuntnlrlqlde Birrlo Onhrla Cuudl Tuudly Much 16 1963 Ulliclnl nominallnn pmmrd In Mnmlny law the lmxrcx m1 anwvnllm and Hhernls name cnmndnlu or All as mu lnrxcsl movinan hluc In Ihc cumwth lhu New Denm crnllc lnrly mumd Socml thl and hr ommunlsl Hm Thmx nm tlxhl lndenrnd nnlx Vhllc nnminnllnns VHM me nucmdlnn ln cxpmhh Unns lho New Dcmncmu mldrd TORONTO CF Onmrio lhe bl hnulcxmund the ch trnl general clccllnn in lcrms Inprmnmnnm will have all candidnm bullln nr as Com mnn man an April The figure he same In Hm number rnlrrcd or the alccllon 01 last June can or esscnllnl material or sludcnu he said with no pantmuck pruvldlnn the cm material He descrlbcd educa Unnnl lclcvlslon lhc most Imporlanl nnw method hm musl bu dovelupcd In lhi prov Inte Ontario Nomination Total Is 331 Same As Last Iune charm of the lll radio sta lirm In Wnlsnn Luke YA Flora was taken In hospital In Whitehorse YT 11ml lcn llm nulan Conserv nlho Mrl Jenn Cnmlmnn Mr llnMI daughterIn KM it nut nzninsl horn and NI npponcnls Fifteen women nu him In Onlnrln Including nlhm ma two In tho Inrllnmrnl Soclnl Crcdil nddrd lhrce and aublmclcd our mm lhcir pre nnmlnulinn dny llsl The ncl In at on cam when Villinm DIIannunh lumcd up 10 mlnulua plul lhe pm EST drndlinu in GrmvilleDumlus and was dlsqunlmml om luslminule enlry He was Dmick Mnnmn in Duflnrln Simcoc urmcr ml on Hnrl Rowe recently uppolnlcrl Illicuunnnl Governor at Onlu nn lnlurcd Feb when plane carrylng llwm to sum from Fnlrbnnks Alaska plunged lnln heavily crested mnunlaln side 215 mllcs snulhunsl of here Ralph Flores 42 01 Sun llnmo CAM and Helen Kla bcn Dmaklyn were glvcn up for dead when search plnucs lound no clue to lhcir where abnulsl An trumped the snow led rescuers ln them Sun dayr They had been without and ar six wank in subzern cold leanrlo was lhcir only shelter They mulled snow or drinking water The dlslress messaga was spotted by Chuck llnmlllon nl Walson Lake YT llylng sup ply run up the dcsnlule vnllcy He dlreclcd lwa lndlnn trapper woman passen ucr snatched lrom slow deal In he nurlhern Brillsh Conm bln wilderness were own In hospllnl her late Monday The story at lhclr mday survlvnl after mountnlnside plane crash was one almusl unheA Movable orliludev LONDON lumen Ilve hundred wllca allth In hour lechtd blltle uulsld lho donn Punan MIL ifilh 6001 jobleh men who trled Ia area then my lulu the House or Commpnl In the billerul IIich bllllo London In mu Into the mac munnled pollen chnrxrd lnlu lhe rlnkl ol demonstra nrl whn hurled hone mnnuro nnd Ahmed lntlll MK and Hill ll Illa Guano wgnanom v1 cm Held Onto Their Faith In SubZero Weather BULLETIN run lwn lnsl Vlltn lflW uhrm ll wM Ina IMP he mid Inn Innmml rm and lha 111nm plunxcd lnln thlck lurnl 1000 SLEEP COMFDRTAH In hnspilnl lnlerview Flares nnld ho mu Inln mow and lo as ho llrw from WhIhhnm 1000 miln nurlhwrsl nl Edmun lnn lawnrds Fort St Jnhn HC Feb Mm 110 ml mnlml Ill the rndlo beam In drowpcd 15000 Incl mm 7000 In an hls bearings Dr Ncsln Jnmu said my hm mclvud 1mm scdnlim and wcre sleeping comlurluhly She said they could leave or home as man lhcy wlshcd Miss Klnhcna gangrene was not nu mm rim Icnml Dr Jnmu mld however we might 1an mm nr lwn lnrx SulIcrinx from cxpnsure and mnlnulnlion as chl as he ln Jurie received In lhe crash they were mumle lnlc Monday to be doing In well could ha rxpcclcd nl Whitehorse General Hospilnl They were taken 75 mllcs lo Walan Luke lnr first aid nnd shorlly nflurwards Canndlnn Pacific Alrlinc plnne made an unsrhcdulvd mm to plck them and lly them In Whlluhorsc Flnre said when he heard the Indians approachlnl Sunday night hlx body was just trill Int with cmullon They gav hlm bread and some moose meal rested with hlm ovarc night than lmkhlm lo thrus cue plane Ho had lrnclured right rib and Injured vna leg In lhc crash Mnnnwhllc lhe Indians Chur llc Porter and Louis Boyn the Lower Post am Inund Flores attempting In trek to the Alaska Highway or help He had trav elled live miles on snowshoes fashioned branchés and birch hark lwlgs He had 60 more miles In nu Dnclnn said later it was un likely hn could havn lived mom than our days Miss Kinbcn might have lasted annlhcr weak Jack MnCalIum who atcnm pnnind Hamillon said Miss Kla bcn cried in his arms when he reached her Three plane wen area early Monday SH equipped plane landed three mllcs ram the crush scene hlke on snowshoes brought Hamilton In primillve survival camp where Mlss Klnben her lcfl nrm matured lay almnsl helpless with an Injurcd leg In wlflch gangrene bag tnkcn hold Hamiiloi carried her three miles on his back the plane LOCATE PILOT wllh dog team In the scene No Man Than Pu CopyM Pagu Mom Showers may Sunny and ieaaonable Wednesday law night 31 High Ionnarrow L1 For lull summary turn to page lwo Local Weather lrflly wcll ha Irplml all Mcrpl nna Atherl 1m like he mum at mling AHI nru wublc Ihm 7d mm mm it Humour um MI llur neighlmr KLHII md hull oknd lo klndunnnm or two mnnlh an do you Me kln drrflnllrn mkulv Also aboard the plane was cnpy poem by Hubert Serv lce lollan harrowing days In the Yukon In the xnld rush days She said she lhnunhl hrlr awn lurk wns prclly had until she read the hook Then Iha renllmd ll could be wnrso Volcrnn hush pilnl Ilnl Knm lsh one lhe rcscum said Hm wny lhe lane wrrcknne was canccnlcd he limhcr would not have been lnund In mo um hey hm stayed wllh ll mmislcr In Um Mormnn Church Flores carried wall wnrn pockn Blhlc Miss Klnhen said he read It from cover to much dld not now II was gain In make the road hm had Inilh was going lo he Inund he snId Yes had IaiIh cause Ihpve Iallh in he lard Only food in the plane was two lins of sardines two can 011nm salad and hnx ol crackers They had plnnly of clothing and mulchcs They warmed all he and bermu eat lng In week It was zone They nle two lubcs of tooth pasle In an lnlorvlcw nhnard CM plane is Kluhen inked with repelera Mm lhal it was breakfast walgr for water or supper They could hcar occaslonal airplane nearby but must wen on hlzh nr nn thoalher sidenf the mnunlalns and did not see Flnru Inaan xlznal hy smoke re and hand mlr Flores sold hr Ihnughl ha wuld walk to he Alaska High wax In ahqu 101 flolh ware knocked uncen sclous When they rccuvnrcd consclausncss lhcy had suf fered some fmslbilu In the 44 hclowAzcm weather Despite his Injuries Floral hnhblcd Ihmugh deep snuw to lushlon leantn from hunches and larpnulln used to cover he planes engine Vilh no gun and no axe Flam tried In vain lo snare rnbblls or ood If used his only tools ivchlnch hunting knlrc hammer and chl sel to cu wood and kccp lira gning Temperatures dipped 40 below 1m feet up the side at Lamina mounlnln mm mm our HERES ONE water or lunch and

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