Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Mar 1963, p. 9

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HAMILTON CP Records In In prolusion hm Saturday night as lnlcrnallanal track and held stars banned past time in the asu annual indoor meet staged by the 91 Highlanden Athletic Association Four Canadian Indoor marks were established seven nnnory mark all and am was equalled in the nlghla shnw after ellmlnmlons In the anar naon had pmduccd unolhcr hull dozen marks 111m evnnis siood out with lha amazing Bruce Kidd oi Tor onto drawing standing avaiinn by charging to new Canadian iuniar indoor mile record and hen iiilingin or an ailing IcamAmate to assist University ni Toronto in winning iha uni versin mile xciay 4CISSOBED SPORT IIEAKH llElOIH TICMIIZ MIL lMl Iltnr Carr Avlmnn Klaln Univ Illy Irwlu lha wnlhll rmvrd qr mum dmh Rnlmdny nlzhl leh on munxlnl llmv ma ll muml llvml In an mnny mut hu hu lwllmd ll nllltlnl mi 11 mm In lwolcnlm urnmi lulu than lha Ilalnl wnvld 1m nm at 705 Ihmvl luy Him Amlrlunl Kidd shnrcd honor for 1h night will his teamma Bill Brothers who breezcd in new FORT MUDERDALE F15 Aml the 1962 New York Ynnkm had null 11 wonk Msx was luck of pllchlnl dCPUL It wasnt enough lo keep them from wlnnlng Iho World Series but that was lho Haw the cgpcru panned oug So lho Ynniu Wen but nnd got pitcher Slnn Wllllnma hulklnz rlghlhnndcr counted on by the Yank ln becumo mclr fourth runlnr nlurtlnn pllclwr lumod ln one al lhn hellu Jobs of llu Iprlnx oxblblllon Mason Sun day nlluwlng only slnxln lull and but lhrco basemnnm ln xlnnlglz pitchan Your Jlm Damon Hnlshtd up Ihu Ins hm lnnlnns pmscn In tho nnohlucr and hnplna the Ynnluu In 10 vlclnry ovnr lhcir homoown anlonnl um rivnll lhn Mm IQDRES OUTFlANDING HIT TO IIMW NEW YORK AP Wlly Willla lmlmno nl MIMI and hodrhnnglnn Wnynu nmrnlnn louuhl lo xlrnw Kalunlny Mum In mull wruuml lrluvlllnn Huh Madlwn Square Inn drn mornlvn nmmmd nllL Md Imth lMImno II well Iml lhn rrlum wn um mm all In my NOLA WINK LOUISVILLE Ky Ml Ayala Unlvmlly mirage won lh UH Nullnnal Calla ulnle lmnkrlhall rlmmmnmhlp Ballmlay nluhl wllh mm vlflmy nvrr Iwollmo hnmphm Inllmnll Lou Ann Dadum nlm not It wild pllchlnz Job out Johnny Iodm nw myonrold lrny hrcnmn the fin Dodger In In ulna lnnlnun In In nlxrhlt Humnh ovrr autumn lndm ulner out nlnu Ind walkrd UuN ABBY HOFFMAN of Toron oo hlu Ike tape In teard hteakmg effan she wins the hall mila even the 9152 Highlandm 38th unnqu Kidd Draws Standing Ovation In Hamilton Hurler Williams Adds Some Depth armory record In 109 halting the mark he himself held and xurpassing the Canadinn Indoor yards open in which Tr Kenney of Fordham University pushed me anonln star but couldnt get close on the final lap Crnlhm ran great anchor in the Unlvlrslly mile open re lay but the East York Track Club or which he ran had be content with second place SL Johns Unlvcrslly nl Ja maica NY whlch tct mu record of KIDD LAN RUNNER Kidd vowing In in film rec ord in the mile or boy 19 and under lapped levers nmners finished in 097 against the existing reward of MEL and shattered the armory open rec nrdi whichwsrmd Ii Toni 0Han wLhu Mond tpeedslcr from Chlcngnl loy ol Univznlly won Lb open in other name Milwaukee whipped Si Innis l4 Bernie Alknl ainxln dmvo in the win ning run in hiinnmlal 12 inning vldory over Philach phin Kansas City but Washing ton 65 the Chicago While So edged Detroit in lo Innings Piuaburxh binned Cincinnati in Cleveland bent Boston 74 in Angel Angel came lmm behind and dawned llousion 65 and San Francisco whipped Chi cano Cubs Wllllnml loot Ind no pounds come In lhu Yank mm tho Dodger In nxchnnzo or um baseman mu sknwmn The myenmld hurlcr had 11 recon with 1M Anguch Inn mum and ox dtd Joln Whltey Ford ph Terry and mu Sutton lhl Yun km 1111 bur NOMNDA Que CWKn mkmlnu Knpl low any lhm um In to lmzuc nnd uhya unme In Ihn Nnrlhem nlnro Hockoy Anoclnllon 5min Mnxue Sunday on Mr mm In raw In Nur nndn MomHM lhl Quch Ernlor IMIUI Ind now on Ihn Ildollm Noland hen Knpullmlnl hon nuplrd wllh wln FrMny nluhl It uvn lhrm nu MudHum Ml ml In lvm llolnml Fluell Imml lhrn lime or Nmndn Includlnu Um lylnl all Iml It In 1m mm lly Cunnnllar Jennnuy mm and VM Mitchn Ha wnlkcd only we the only hnlcrunnm In ullowtd bulch Al Judson who ruled Ihnrply In rlnhl Nnrnmll nqw mull wlndnnr flulhlnn dumplnm un 0n lnxln llnckoy Awlnurm Smlnr Mann In Hm lvrxtolnven mm Irulnr nemHlnl Lu yern Knvuknnlnu lwnl Wlm If on II lmvr IIIIIRMEMII Nnmmlm wlnnvrl ol lhe Qua lvcc Scnklr Ian whlch mmru IInlrr NOIM urlldlcllon Ill InnMM mlrluy llltllulh lhu mum vlnd helm wmlnl lmrk wll lhmv nlrllnhl call In Ihe mom an Innlhrr In In Um Hllnl uwnl Ilnaln unall Fur KmvIurng Orv Tn Ilrr sum llmnai uwl Nltk Mukulnl and ant unh lnlemadonal tuck met In Hamlluon Saturday night 319 ran her lasiesl 860 yards u13d elbch three iécdnds of 11 Vcanmdlan Kapuskasing Drops Second In Row mlla ln ha recordshattering tlme at 4016 winning as he pleased and spurred undoubt edly by vision of Klddl are run In the junior event OHaraa strongest opposition the open mile came from Jimmy runs of Toronto In NJ Maureen Bardoe the Harn llton Olympic Club who had shattered the Cnnadlnn record oxtho up open Wynnfl dgsh In the nIlemnnn prelImlnarIu raced Io victory In the nl ht Ilnnl In slx seconds flnt IEI record Ilecnrds all In no Ward glrll reIa 16 and under lha glrls 880 nvIlntIon In whlch Torunlnu Abby IIoIIman so North AmcrIcnn mark 2129 agaInsl 1135 Ind tho I100 yard run In thch Funk To mec oI Fordham no 111 la break Iha 112 mark at In 1S5 by GnIIney nI VIIIanovn Mmlln Snuul hy lwo Ilmkcl ulna lnln lha lnsl nlnn holu lhn JZycnrold Slku nhol 11mman urnqu on tho 101b than plnyed caulloul var no lhl as nl um way Snead mndo powerful Md wllh blnfla on um um and um and Mu lcfl only am make that Ionlnl Ml young npponcn lulu mayo MIAMI Fln AmSlender Dun 511m who dmrled law cnrtar to 101an lbs alfln lrull flood all man dua lrnxo hy lhn old velcrnn Sum Snrnd Sunday and mm hll um MK tournament lhc $50000 Dornl open lwnumlcrplr 70 1an Iran on ha 1020er Darnl count whlch hml lnulrnled he work but lullnrl or our mm 000 mp pr wlh 711101 tan llvu umlrr var fillmmln fium 50yearold mar 91 ml millr on who mmd mnunlllcrnuy uh limpan lmlllh In lmxmamnnl an mu ell lml Dllfil 71 or and umml mom mm Tony Luna clan4 wllh the but muml nu day lnl guhhod lhlnl plnu with lnul Ilnmry Hye mlmlur wllll Sixu and Snead the and ll lhlnl rvund IM II 71 and llnldml In hmth Ih wllh AI llaldin ul Tnmnla Ind mu nugn M1 LEADS WORLD The IMHNI filuln ludl IMM In lslwry pmhlrll filthhuylnx Hum hm mum 61 cord and was 61061 sec ond faster than the North Am erican mark which she hold1 Sho followed closely by Noreen Deming of Whmipez mgaKnude nl Tvmula finlnlm out lhl nlnnuy Ihoqlln lull rmxpd pl m1 7D or nm iélnl Slender Sikes Takes Tourney STAN WILLIAMS prlnflleld Indians are only men points out the lead In the Easttm Dlvlslpn lhu American Hockey League but It might at well be ma point Pittsburgh Hamel trail by in the Western plvhlon Both cluba are out HI dl vlalan playoflu but the Indian put up In lam Eddie Shorel Springfleid dub won It 8011 and am game during Um weekend Mnth 70 point but um seven backnt the firstplies valdenco Red and five paint behind Quebec Acel who hold the lhlrd and last playofl positlon The Indium defendlnx league chlmplons have on two Imus lea In the at 70 mm schedule that endsthin week Twn win would give them In addmnnnl four points ml enough to catch th phy 0n the other hand Pittsburgh lost it lb and 45th James at the season durinl the weekend letting league recard with streak of 21 losses In row Pittsburgh trails the Western Division ieuderl Bniiaio Bison by 46 puinu ACES SPELL END VSEEInHKEXd bee Quebec Saturday nlghl and Baltimore guppy74 Sullday my hut It was Quehac that Ipelled hi and for the Indians The Ace heal Rochester Amerlcans Sunday night to clad third place In othar weekend action Providence bent Bullnlo 24 Sub urdny and Pittsburgh 61 Sun day night Cleveland Baronsand Hershey Bears tied 33 in over mun Saturday Baltimore beat Plllsburlh Saturday and Cleveland beat Bmfnlo Sun day night In overtime Quebec cinched ll playoll spot on lwo thirdperiod goal by veteran Dnnny Lewch SEBRING Fla AmTho Ilnllm made shambles ol the 12hour Sewing endurance rm Saturday as the sleek Fern mnchlnes mm the Mir den Italy laclory swept the first 11x positions The winning car covered 1084 mllm an avarago xpecd ol 0039 chs an hour Ferrari mny have uncovered new alm In John Surtees 28yearold Englishman whu used In be ha world motor cycleflung champ Sumac learned will Italyl Lodavlw Scarllnm veteran drlver lo wln this gruellinz marathon aver tho lwlxdng 52 mile mum on an Ibundoncd nir port Wu Surlees first rum in Fermi sport car prolo ype THE CANADIAN Pnsss Spriiiigfield Indians Put Up Great Battle The American challench were Hub to match the stay lna power the Italian mn dlinu whlnh have won at bran In IL 01 1h 1m CIR yelly The best Ihowlng Among Ca nndinn driver cultred wu by John Cannon of Mammal who tenmod wllh Joe mm ol Sweden In Ferrari or mn plncu Inlsh Cnnn cur Iniesman ha coma inla prominence in racinl circles in iho inst two yenrn and now in considered on Ca ndnl op driven Italians Sweep Sebring Race MERIT INSURANCE All MWNW cowm Colllor rod PA 85945 David McDoonl aim Rochester Bill Dlneen Icond the other Quebec gun and Dick Gamble and Gene Ubhaco Icored or Rochemr Cleveland beat Bullalo on Haul Clulaa ml alter llve mlnules overuma Bison llad men 11 lead early thaller parlod on on by Larry Wllmn and Bury Cullen Wayne Buddy scored or Cleve land m9 tlmrperrlod Ind Providenco moving into iirui piece with it twp iriumphs scored iiivu unamwered goals in the firal period against Pm hnrlh Donny Poiilianl had two with Zellio Toppauini Ed Mn zur Ind Bob Bracken zoom the other George Rania scored lira other Providence toll and Howie Menard neared log Pit Sprmudfln us win aver $533 Jolin Shaver anolhgr Royal 5nd pug by Btu munded nut thclr coring George Ford Dava Creighlnn Sun Baudrehult and Ted Hamplan scored for Baltimore COUNTS TWO GOALS Saturday vaIdam heal Buffalo on two goal by Spider Mam In the third riod Billy Den Iconad for Eu ala WANT ADS are bargain any way you use them Whon you have somoihlng to sell WANT AD Is the most inexpensive way In the world to to people about it Far as little as 96c for one day $216 for threo days you can toll thousands of Examiner readers about the Ihings youre offerlng for sale Just call PA 82414 10 place your ad Or If thoros something you nocd to buy WANT ADS are always your best but for bargains Youll find what you want at real money saving prices So whulhor or not you huvo nose for bargains mmombor tho biggest bargains of all are right under your noso tho Clnislflod page of The Barrio Exumlnur evory day Some people can smell bargain mile awayl But the biggest bargains are right under your nose every slngle day Hampwn Jean Ralellc Ted Taylor and Sandy Mamem handled lhe Enlumm ucuxlng agnlnsl he hapless Plluburgh club Johnson Don Chlx and Hutch Marlin neared for tha losers Springfield not two goals from Sweeney and flush goal mm Dala Anderson White Ind Bob McCard Saturday Bill Sulhexu land had two for uehec and One Hoekslra the er Hershey on point back of Provldnnce got two goals 1mm chk Helmet and one gum DgJorgyor Hi In 31 Cleveland foddy Dick Van Impo and Cluln mud or Clgveland Dual WlIh cfnlnl Onuflna LIImt We could no hnva be come the largest dcnler without customer candid ence Were looking 1an ward to gaining your 17 GOWAN 51 Ind 111 BRADFORD STREET VIAU RAMBLER SONE PEOPLE HAVE NOSE FOR SAVING MONEY DEALER TORONTO CF Ontario harness racing mnku It um an In hltlory tonllht an old truck with new name and paddocbmll of chanles Raciui tans chomle at the bit since last fall wlll coan ale at Gman Raceway new name nthstorln 01d Wood blne track or ninean card pncys and mu Thamaln dunno at Gmn wood will be new system dusflylng horses Theman In alphabetical and munulcnl lyllem of classllylng has been scrapped or divislon Iynem 111E HARM EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH 13 1M Greenwood Hosts Hgmess Racing Fm Summcr Tumup Fm MldWlnllr Impefllen Fm 24Hr Emlrgmcy 5min 177 WELLINGTON 51 BAHOME HEATING SERVICE INCLUDES For Furlhu lnIormnNun Call FRANK BEMROSE iive divisions Shake and Mun ides early and lnia dosing conditioned claiming and open at invitational events m1 yanhogelu wlll gagq in 15pm Imtud nu or ill nfiu Ind shouguu BARBIE SPORTS LTD Call St PA um PA 82307

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