WmmnlluM Innmam llrlluna him In wildly lnnc rumlu him or whole Cnnndu ll um would be nxllnxcd lu know llml Unlnrln anynnh Mo on lho Innm lnllludo Ilunlu nnmllnns In ch nro nul mud plonrcr lrrnkn Imllllnx way In Mlllu Arcllc lmnllrr lwillxhl hwy any IImpy lot of lIunvpomu Mm MW chnncv Io emlurnln ml only wnlwnnll Ivul mull lo fllY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE He ouIIined lhreepoin pm gram 1ar economic develop man explained the NDP stand on nuclear arms and described the proposed Columhln River Ircaly as sellout Cnnudn and 130 CmRaymond Ollurley de an0 praducHun minister and candidate in Mlblniere riding mid Sunday the opposillnn par Ilc Iorccd nn clccliun because they feared the presenlallon of the budget by he Prngrcsslvc Conservnglvc guvcmmcnl preferred lo unleash an vlccunn that vrlll cos mlllions In Canadian tax payers Mr OHurlny old LONDON CF Exploding myth ulmu Canada Is the aim un nrllclc by IMritk Kcuh icy who wrilé hr The Guard an Kcnllcy furmcrly Vnncau vcr any writer he past crwlcd an erroneous Idea 01 Cunnd lhul pmlsls Hum any point In lrylng pumlc the humid ln lass ll whh the noose MW 5in Keallcy nncr rclcrrlnu to wtlllngs by Rupert Brooke KIXIIIIIR Snmuel Hull nnd Haber Service Hullcr In In unncc wu Um unc Mm mum nul wih 0h find Monkan Kcullcy wrilca us dc ply ollcmlcd Cnnndlnn lrylng lo nmcdy he lmlrh par lmylnu nnmlu nu luml lcu and mow Mme lhe only Mull sfghll would be Indl Ilnl lqunum unrl mwbvyl Imlcnd Cnnndn In counlr when muzth 75 par cwnl HM pmple llvo In lownl III In llrllnhI Mr Douglas was aboard plane from Vancouver which was unable lo lund nearby Cranber because of wrnllmr cnndillnus and went on tn Cal gary Mn Douglas arrlved at the mcellng late alter mlle romCalgmy Democratic Party Lender Douglas Saturday night made 11 700mi1e detour to reach thls east Kootenny arming centre or meeting in support at local candidate thllnm Mundy Tries To Correct Canadian Myths SALLYS SALLIES Feared Budget ON THE ELECTION TRle McCormlck of Ireland mm is greeted at Mon real alrport by Mayor Jean Drapcau 12 and James Hemp usim caman 50L QPJï¬ey ET APOLL1NA River Treaty BC Sellout BUYERS ARRIVE FOR OPERATION WORLD MARKETS AMQUI Que CmTrans pan Minister Leon Balccr snld Sunday lecrnl Leader Lester Pearson is lrylng In tho military vore by saying now that Canada will have to have nuclear mlsxilcs UXDHIDGE Ont CplLa bor Mlnlslcr Starr campaign paigning In his lawn milcs norlh of Oshawa in his homo riding 01 Ontario said Saturday the Dicfunlmkor government has nn unsurpassed rccord In passing snclu Jusllcc loglslzv llnn YIIMVA CF Liberal Leader Pearson at home In lawa for weekend break in his election campalgn Sunday took part in recorded televi sion press cantononce1 Theproiznm one of series with party leaders was pr pared for Inter broadcast We want peace bui not by acquiring nuclear arms Mr Balccr snld campaign rally In lhls own 210 miles nonh cast of Quebec City More social justice legisla llon has been mst by he Diclmbukcr governmcnl In ï¬ve ycar Hum In any similar period Canadas hlslury he told rally at nhoul 50 women MONTREAL CF Gerard llmnl Quebec New Dcmo crnllc Pnrly chief said Sunday he puny mlmcmcs hlllnzunl lam throughout Canada and nut only In the puhllc service transport rnmpnnlu and the dlplumnllc Hold Ho also 0111 mm confer cnce Ihnl he NDI lawn um nbullllon mmmerciul adver Ilalnx on Um CBC knvu lhnl Held In prlvnlu slalluns rally In Ihls rural community 17 miles southwest of Quebec City ProBilingual Pearson On TV Praises Record Military Vote Roberts Deputy Mlnlsfcr of Trade and Commerce sec and from 191 Mr McCor mlck is among the ï¬rst of 171 T0 DAY Ind MY ll OIIAYIIT IUDIARINI PIOYUR join The Board of Trade has advised the South Durham Steel and Iron Company it is free to 5211 oil pipe to the Ray sians Tho 3230000130 Middle bomugh iinn has been losing money iatcly it hope to pick up orders for pipeline equip ment whld West German com panics had to cancel as re sult at government cmbnrno Britains refusal to join in genernl Atlantic alliance em bargo of steel pipe sales to Rus sia has been criticized in Bonn and Washington The Drillsh cabinet I150 mnsldcring Moscow offer In sell Britain up In 2000000 Ian olSavlict ycar he usslam have lndlcaled hwy will plum onch with the hardAprcsscd Briï¬sh shipbuilding lnduslry on Cnlbomo Clmlhnm and Sfurban Sandwich East Tom LONDON AMThe Erlllsh government plagued by export dlmcullics and hlgh unemploy ment quleuy seulng the stage or lmpartanl newhnsia ness dank with Russia and Red China GETS EIGHT MONTHS WINDSOR CPJIlannld Lo melin 20 of Welland was sen tenced eight manlhs dcflnln nnd 12 month Indefinlle Frldny hen he pleaded gullly breaking Inlo slums and serv ice slnllups In Vrllnnd landon Two big contrncis with he Russians are repnrled under siudy Each seems certain to heighten conlmvusyin West cm capitals They are England To Begin Trading Now With Russians Chinese Others machinery buyers being brought to Canada as pan of Operation World Markets an xpoxt trade promotion WEDNESDAY Jackpot $270 IN 25 NUMBERS REGULAR ROUNDS SHARE THE WEALTH DOOR PRIZE lEGION HAIL 71 COLlIER ST lEGION BINGO ma 10 1mm EVERY 700 mu LII Comylrll bhow ll Ha Im This caunlry must upon or die one senior authority said We are traditionally trading natiwn and damn exist in mi suiiiciency as the United State coum do We would do husinesi with lho devil provided be my In general the British hava no inhibitions toward trading in nonvstrategic good with lha Russians Chinese and other Cammunisi lands drive sponsored by tha De paflment Trade and Com merce Whephoto THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Planning for retirement is one nrcn whcrc ï¬nancial xisks have no pl1ccThlts why millions oannndiuns dcpcnd on pcmmncnt Life Insurance to provide long tcrmsnvings for the future 15 well as protection now Pcnuancnt Life Insurance valucs er guardHad All thc amounts are carcfullylzid outright there in your pollcyThcnmount ofthc protcction is thctcthccash values are listed clearly stating thc monctaty worth of your Savings invcstmcnt or fututc ycats You can plan on retirement for example with absolute cct minty that the income promised in yourpolicy will PROTECTION WHILE YOU SAVEUNIQUE ADVANTAGE 0F PERMANENT LIFE INSURANCE TORONTO CHd Pidb ersgiii was drowned out several time Saturday night by heck iara and Liberal party support er alike when he attacked Prime Minister Dieienbaker and the Canservalive govern mgyir regard Mr Pickmgili former Lih era minister oi citizenship and immlgrntiun seeking reelection 1n the Newionndland riding BonavlsuNlllinzute told VANCOUVER CF The United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union iindJ Sunday nigh sent telegram urging the iedeml gnvernment not to sign new iisherirs irealy which would permit Japanese fisher men iish nii the Queen Char intln islands and the eastern Bering Sea Al its annual convention hero the union laid in telegrams to Prime Minister Dieienhaker Emma Miain Minister Green and Fisheries Minister McLean that British Columbias 375000000532 fishing indus irxjouid be juineiiL The pmposa lo allow Japan lo Isl halibut and herring aor mnlly caught by Canadians Is major ï¬rst step toward com Fishing Union Protests Treaty For Japanese In BC Waters STARTS WEDNESDAY MARCH 27 BayswillbeBgys Heqklers Drown Pickérsfgill Talk um mum The retirement income you cant outlive mumzmmmm crowd or about not in Toronto Spadlna riding that Mr Dieiur baker is denouncing whai the prime minister terms United Sintea Intervention in Canadian puiitica during ihaAprii ciao mamale Alter the appalllnz cofln so at our money system Mr el enhaker crawled an bl hands and knees to Washlnztan He was glad enough nl American htlp on that necaslpn pleln dlsaster he Ishemena Inflqn saldhlrn statement Japan will nu stop at Berlng Sea halibut or Queen Charlotte Islflds herring She wants the works chiefly lalmnn some of which she already catching In her mid acfllc mathership opegqtlon Steva Stavanu president of the unlon Iold the convention that the new trealy maps that mllllons at baby salmon would be caught tdgelher with herrlng 3y the hue Japanese flshlnu eets anadlnn and Unlled Slates fishermen are not ermllted to take baby salmon said but Japanese ï¬shermen use herrlng nets lhal would inevitably take salmon well be paid With permanent Life Insurance there is no guesswork no spcculuionThcsc arc snfcgqus no other long term savings plan can oflcr While pcnnnncnt Life Insurance policy is in force its valuc as loan collateral increases annually And it Can scrvc you whcncvcr opportunitiesor cmcrgcncicsarisc lcmuncnt Life Insurance provides dollm when they arc most nccdcdguauntccd protection for prcscnt peace of mindnnd sure and proficablc savings plan or future that is ï¬nancially secure MERE EXAMINER MONDAY 15 The remaxk drew shuuu abuse mm grbup ol hackle seated together and the uproar continued 01 the rest of Mr Pickerszllljl hourlong address Lets haw your plallonn tho hackle demanded time and agaln mel supporter hearlng placards marched In the alxle cl the collegiate nudlmrlum waving banners 111 Inn of the hackle and he In to make much of tho 5p erl remarks Inaudlhle flAS TBE GALL shouted Mr ckmllll Mr Dlefenbaker has the gall Iho Impudenca to say wa have nb almond him that we were re sponslble or his not bringing in budgeL tell ynu no one man has ever done much olr almctlng He said Mr Dlelenbnkur had recently told televlslon and enca that ha had last eight with TDM EWELL FEATURE TIMES WINE man ONE PLUS om ml 10 Color and Clnemllcopl GIRL CANT HELP It months of he Canadlnn elec lors time New he was asking for redecllnn so he can lose another our years of your time Ihe urmer Liberal minister seemed to enjoy he heckllng waving his arm the taunts one polnl he called out regret um yaur can am not half as much npen as your mouths nu ma lull Irmman mm um unnum OalL 1v amen mm menuu nu mummy1nanamumamen mun mun nna xxxnan mmunm mun nn nnml ovam Inlxuvuu nun am An nu do an mm mm unluu um Inn ox um In mall on clunlnl In muu nuanflYBflxu Ilu nn nmlmln min mum Rhuunnle mm nun mu mum Ind mumdu nu nu mm mm led mu BACKACIIE any MEMIM392 mummy