52 Spring Ls here and many pm ple thlnk WI time for some spring cleanlng around the Ish tng hula on Lake Simeon Through the winter 4700 Ice Ilshlng huts and numerous ï¬sh ermen have 19 residue garbage and other lillcr on the ice around heir huts Fiskar or the OMarIo Department Lzmds and For esls is keenly Interested In kpeplnx the lnka auracllvc and In preserving its ulcly for healing waler skiing and swim mlng Saurday Mr Fisknr flew an aircraft equipped wllh loudA speaker over the ML ma ï¬shermen enjoylng what might be Ihe last good day an lhelce Swooping low over each clus ter of hm the weaker boomed message to urge ï¬shermen to clean up before my left mew mumon John Rich Irds RR Churchill second from lclt receive mumm Garbage and liner mean pour ï¬shing Clean up Mr Fiskar appealed P00 SFORTSMANSIIIP me the plane many exam ple of poor sportsmanshlp were vlslblo abandoned plnl onus plank and general rub bish lhnt could mnsmula sum mer haunt was reported that mound many huts and lormer silos huls were circle of homes cardboard ham cans plunkx shelving and wit bmkcu There were many wooden blocks and bumd wllh nails Garbage Left On Bay More Than An Eyesore One Iepor shtcd lhnl Typl ca number of plum wal one Mar Barrie Imermlnxlcd wuh cans crates and boulc hlch one Imd lo crass Io reach the door hul were ha leanings mnny lLsh awar cnlly lhrown lmm inside the hut where the llshcrmon In nenlh pimp photo Sircwn nrnund the rent wm even ling each wclnhlng about mrn pnund nnd tdihle Than wen few mean in Ilzns the plane crln crmscd nnd lrclcd lhe lnke Opcrnlon who rent huh uully made an Illcmpl control llllcr by plnclnl drum Imu flically and muny Indlvldulll who owned Mir lqu laok md irulmxs cur ol lhclr mm nrcul durlng and the and lhrlr Vlllll Sam at lhm wm cub ringed lho conduct 01h Somebody ahnuld Ill In The Junk hclnn lrll hrhlnd ha ml mmmtnml Thoma Lord 01 Scnrhom as unmlncd ml drlnk can lmbcddcd In lhu 1m LII ONTIIOL litmus cu lam ran Alloml Mu Mumlnlum Mum Tr Nd lulu fllnl ml Nl lml Tol mumn III II lnu nlmnmlm fln mum ilu Anne all Imp mu ll Mn mun MI Kiln la IIMII pullMI 11mm urnMM runn1 mm llny Imu an bill lim TODAYS STOCK PRICES umpllrrdï¬hry Flynn Dunlap lilnll nu mm M11 Imru llvll Tillrlhnn Nhli MUM Nihmd lulIu tummm up uflun up yum wanna Imu new lawn UIMI runway In In Arl ulml up hm up ll yun in up IIA 15H no in mm cv It Ill qund Darn mm mu rm mam um all ml Mm blind In Nu mmu II mu 1n mnun hum Lulu Alan IAnrmm INIM unmm MINI IL Hum mnqu NHIM In In Aan InIIM Nll lulu NmI Inm lvmmu 0an Ply hum lluh llhll mnui nlAl MININII In Jr on in up II punrm Hy ml muld In exercised Pele Fowler Scarbqro this mornlng or com menl Mayor Cooke said Thls lhlng mus havn delcrloh sled havent been out on tha Ice lately havo mud lnqulrlcs Ind out what nur authority 1L It has dalerlnrated well have In lake 50111ch We wnuld hriVerla examlnc It In thullghl or what belng done in other centres here very lmle lhls wilhln hr cilyrlinllls We shnuld inquire ln ind out how many are dning Ulla wllhln the cily mils And well expect thcr communities In clean up 00 IBu dont think he is speak Ing of the urea wilhln the clly limils we are lnlcrnslcd In ohcr place since we are taking Ilcps to clean up and we urn willing Io coopumle with any olhcr centre In clun up lhc bay In net We havo already nhown man we Ire willinl In lhls Mr Cook was rev min sewnze disposal In enerai In lhe buy not Just to llshlng hula TAKE ACTION llnn lmm Copaco rcllrlng d1 rcclnr Gordan Todd Barrie Dlreclnu rulecmd or two hm Burro cm Police Ed Txchlrhlrt nzrccd wilh Mn Cook lhnl Mr Flskar was like ly reigning lo arena oulsldo lhe city Gllhcrl Wulnn lthaol Iupcrlnlrndwl nt Delh ll Prnlrcmul Church Mumx er Ilml llvrd up lo hll pm Sald Chic Tschlrhnrl lhlnk cm na 11 lid 1i no um ll mm Wm MW hnlm mund Haw Nun yumn hum1M runml have ll Alum Mn 11 Ind MM on mum mun BREAKS RECORD snld LN Ill Im II In to mnlnlnln He cleanliness some action may have be taken At present have no cumplulnu was an lhere and more are marker to mnrk Ihe danger spots but these course are necessary Mlnd you lhese ï¬lings may look unslxhuy mm the air but an on he slde look pretty clean Some arm licensing may he necessarynot for mummy gnln but for conlroL nwnrl presid ent of Darrin Dislrlcl Humor and Anglers Conservation Club said he was against Humbugs re gnrdlcss at where they do lholr damage year terms were Dyer Elmvalc Ian and Ree kle Camperdown righg COULD BE FATAL Mr Stewart snld he was nnl so concerned about garbage left on ma ice but of the amine ï¬sh shanty abandoned For some llme Alter lha Ice malls lho shanty wlll llnut Ju below lha surlncc ol llla wnlcr You can magma ï¬e msdlt whcn yaur boat piles Into lhu ablex It could grqyn gnu Slow sald Fodcmllon of Anglers and un has rcmmmendcd in tho Dcpnnmcm 01 Land and Forests that number be painted on the roots or shamlcs they cllm be cnslly Identified tom the at who lhu conscqucnccs would he lhc dclinqucnl owner dont know he nld mlw nnd In lh nnslnr luv chrao Tunkl math man over his hcml Sumlny morn Inu Iln prnmlml la lnku lhn lrrnlmrnl the PIMIDIII Sun dny nhml nlrmlnnce mum of H7 wnl uupnmd On March 11 fl III II Mr Tunkl ud mlnlnlrrcd lhn ceremony Ilur In Sumlny uhml chum yn ltnlny Nuw llm Sunday nuhml ll liming new lllrndnnn mink loo hy Emlrr Sundny llixnmlnrr Illolo ON APRIL Blh VOTE T0 REELECT Ihllml ly llmm NutIPMnulu Colmum Amelnllu Largest sales volume and dol lar sale ln he hlslory ol the Flrrt Cooperallvu Packer of Onlarlo reached ln 1962 were oulllncd at Copacos 32nd unnu al meerlng by presldenl Llnd sny Inglls The moellng was held at lhe parish hall 01 Trin ily Anullcan Church here Total sales volume last year was just short 01 21 milllon pounds 11 123159012 compared 10 millan pound ln 1952 Counllng lncdlble products such as grease and lerlllizer the 10131 sales volume exceeded 25 mllllnn pounds in 1962 GUEST SPEAKER lbs 32nd annual mccllng the First Covenant Packers of omurln Saturday was Pmlcssar Forshaw right Prof Forshaw Is lumbarge al swlne work In the animal Dollar sales In 1962 reached £9197501 compared to sum 940 1n 1955 and $3439198 In 1951 ASSETS RISE Tomi current assets in 1962 rose in $51053557 as against $31577Bi78 in mi current iii biiliics Mr Inglis pointed oul whlie reviewing lhe iinnncial sulemeni with the members In 1961 35ch ninlled swa 2595 llnhjiiiing1419197 ilmlili up over 1961 Th 1961 tally was 1112 lbs yep bglgre $22353 Hog 111111 rose to 10117114 1m year Irom 107101 year ore Beef kill were up from 6311 In 1961 101 Imuycnn Mr Ingiil laid wmiia diu dislanco limit ram Bur rio rmnlly imyosed by tho gavemmcni membcnhip qualiï¬cation in Copncn would noi appiy Io prnscni mamberl living outside he boundaries However new member ouiside the lam tquid nnl encccpid Copaco Reports Best Operations II It his rnslrlclian would slnbillle membership ul around 2300 In tulqu ycm lhu mm Is now Active member now 10ml L500 lhn mhcr 700 bclnl lnacllvc anmrs pur llcipnflng In lha presem mar kcllnz schema cnnl lrnnsm lhclr Copucn mnmbcrlhlp Ia mhm llvlnz oulzidu lho llmfl he added lnnlslil mm Joe Cndlrnne Hnlly wax one or the top Mne llchrlu In cheque nnw uolnl out or sumo in I939 pnuonnna dlvldcnth and Interest 1H payment tomes lo $5 The pnlronikodlï¬dcnd dr clam or 1902 In npnmxlmnlc ly 0000 Mr Inï¬ll pointed EXPANSION Gcnornl mnnnnur 5mm um cnbornlcd on txpnmlan in lho heel dmnrlmenl NM cilillu Al the plum lmvn lm woml ulnuxhluinx Ind rem eernn cnplcmu Wu um Munr mark or bed nru we um klll morn mule Our now equipmnnl will an Ill Inmnxo nlume loan In ptrmfl Nu przml lha turrcnl nus nl hm llm plum II ND per hour This upernllnn hu been pulled tho nzrkuhur nlJnxpcdm mld lm iavrnvdlmdm vurn reekan or lwo yrnr Mwh lolnl lrarle In 1M1 ullh cmmhln mzlfll umammw he hlxhnl ulno mr with TM lepmenlnl lulu uvwmimlely wr an em lha pmlmu malt ol lul your CONSERVATIVE POLICIES MADE BARRIE GROWI CONSERVATIVE POLICIES MADE CANADA GROW hmlnhn I1lmlll ll Mllhllu Iomo at IIwu Elwm um Illnullrlnltl In nnh ITAV WITH THE WIOVEN POLICW lm EUI Illï¬ EXIEII SMITH HEBER tcmu and one new dlreclor thn Richards RR Church 111 rgplacyq Gogdag T9dcj Bar rléY K0 election hushnndry dcpnrtmenl ha Ontario Agricunural Collage Guelph Here ha comparing new with Stewart Page Bar HO North Simcne agricultural cprcscnlnuve Examinet pho as Buckle Camperdown and Joseph Dyer Elmvale were reclecled In llnu wtiCupacos Heady expansion members Edema moliun npprpvi Ian incr in tha board of dlreclarl rum sevnn lo nine members 11 wlll be considered by the exec quo Invlhu year ahead means of enslng the work load one the presgnt board The pros rm cans DI the recent agreement reached by Copnco and the Ontarln Hag Producers Mnrkellng Board were nlrcd by the members ln qucsllans llrcd at Mr lnzlls nnd Mr Slmpson When ll was all over Copnco member Ray Laughed rm llrrrrle pro posed mollon commcndlnz he director for working out nallsluclory sclllcmenl wth the murkcllng ponrd dldnl II the chug from the floor during mu dlswsllan that the agreement sold Copaco member down the river hl sam ordon Hill Toronto mim mung lhc Ontario Fnrm Prod ucu Markuan Board hi Onlnrio Dcparlmcnl of Agricul ture aLm congratulated Co pacn on reaching ho num mcnl col lhe prcsnn he murkclln setup lakes he hm possible advanlate ol the com pclillon nvnllalglc Ill Ilwnyl helm when producers cm come 10 agreements wlunlanly among lhemsclvcs than or III to be forced to arbilmle CUNEO Ilnly Remm llcllmplcrl and round patrol loduy conllnued lo unrch um Ilallan Air or the Comet jet malt Klnz Sand Stud Arnhln mmlux with In lbfllld Ilnca Wadnuday on mm from Swlmrland to NIH lmnu Polka here said lhcy had nu cnnllrmnllon re enrller lodly hy tho llnl In new nztucy Anu Um lha plum had born Ignited by Punch and Italian elicopku Still Searching For Kings Plane nan arrlck 939 513715 SHAMPOO AND SET 5118 PHONE ARK THE DUDGET IALON dii opium 6er Hummus In his day when su much ls dongle In we must cone Aider more ways tn dn thing for ourselvcsg Professor 11 Farshaw told members mend inn the 31nd annual meeting he Firs Citoperative Packers Ontario When people do lhlnll or you they can also do thin lo you Dont LetGearge Do It All Spéaker Urges Prolessar Formaw was must weaker It the meeting Sutur day which bezan wliil lunchA 1min hlnily Anglican chum parish hall He is in charge lena wnrk lnr the Devanmenl nl Animal Husbandry Ontario Agricultural College Gueip The cohperauve movement L1 an ampla hnw rnplu with common use can In people to adlee them hnw to run theh own buslnass sald It Add dlinlky lo peep to work co operatively but mops dont aulomlflcnlly hran succqs In ol work loyalty Ind patron nglmn he member need Cwop businesses are but or the people in the Ian run Il Ihouzh mop buslnesns Ind prl Vile bullnwe must work to gather he Added In hog productlon today hlgh percentage lean and very little tat must be turned out to meet cnnsumer demands Mr Farshnw emphnxlzcd nle possibility the bonus belnz kept on grade hogs ls great er production standards up Ontario is about ï¬ve times behind Alberta ln mde hog outputi rocsnsr Forshaw sald he was no lnleresled In bonus on Ilfldu hogs Such hon us would encourage quanlily nag hcubellcved Euler hreedmg siock must be used In Ontarla Wu Ire DUNLOP EAST PA 60106 TillVlSOL PARAMETTES SALBTYN ASA TABLETS CUBA Plaslic BANDAGES COLEATE TOOTH PASTE NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM TAMBLYN SAVES You MONEY SPEOIAL VALUES FOR THIS WEEK BAN DEODIIBANT NIVEA CREME MOTHK TECNHIUE NYLONS TWTILLATE w1=°=wl75 emï¬if ===== 125 IBYAL an Rm LI 30¢ SKIN IIBMINII Rug 150 CIIMI SUIIII Rog 75 DOIV MMUIM3DO17S MCI NWO log 275 NITIAVINO CHAN Reg IOUNDAIION LOTION Rm lle UNION 949 175 AND MANY OTHER DU BARRY PRODUCTS DIHIT HOW DEODORANT Thu new Permanunt ml actually hlghlluhl hair color and Impmm halt condlllon MILINA IIMTIINS HOME PERMANENT Thall Actually uumm GOOD Io Your Huh NOW TAMBLYN DRUG STORE la pull ahead he suld Thug you lnleresled ln Kelllng ï¬end boars should comm your agricultural represcnlallva who has Hal There are three good baconhrecds In Canada now lavor regular cross breedlnz prairnm Yw magg fluay from hylyrlq wipe Mai plucannn slam lull lecdlnz 1th through to market so that mu necessary Io grew them qulckb In 175 pound hen mm slowly to market weight Hind feeding form of Hmlled Indium ll be lnz superseded by sell aedlnz to get away mm the hlxh labor cast1 he galda The biggest dlscuslsun In the has lnduflry today in the mechnnlznllon limited mt synnplh Coldtr Ah Issac sled wllh highpressure nrcn crasslnl Hudson Bay wlll cause consldemhly cooler weather In the upper lake mzlona today and In souwern Onllrio Tues fly Lake Ontario Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lako Huron Nu Haliburton 3mm Wind sar London Hamilton Toronto Cloudy with thowara uan clearing and lurnlng cooler mesday Whlds becoming can erly 15 mesday Northern Georgian Bay Al xoma xuulhem Walt lllver Timagami regions North Bay Sudhury Clearing and turning cooler this nilernoon Cloudy wilh few amwllurrie mw day clearing by midday Winds becoming easterly this afternoon ORR XPIRLS MARCH 109 PAMDICNLOIMNllNl VITAL Pretty Perm mm PAH wTATHER FORECAST VITAMIN HOHCTION Fol TNI GROWING VIARS CIIAM OI ROLL0N 130 VALlIl 350 WWI L01 Ml SAVE 25 LARGE SIZE SALE 100 WITH 15 Flu MCI NWO log 275 100 NI IAVINO CLIANHI Reg 175 100 VOUNDAIION LOTION qu 175 100 lle UNION 949 175 LW 014M OL WITH JO II In an alternallve to going all the way to sell feeding Ra cenl expelmenu wlth nulomm llc eedm Iva each pl 13 ounces ol feed alx limes day TM brought saving or $3 each in raklng lhls Inter as compared In yuerjlqglh Management and dlsme con trol Is the third challenza ho productinm he laid Sametlmu It is beuer Ia clean out lha herd dun lo lalerme afllnz pigs They need muth mm feed before they are ready or MW North slmcoe agricultural rr presentallve Stewart Plze Bar rie Introduced Prnlessor For ï¬rm He was thanknd by Lindlsgyjngln Dundalk Como pmldenl Northern While River Coch rnna regions Cloudy tonight with law mowfiurrie but clearing morning Emmy wind nur 15 rarerIi Temperalum Low tonight High nmdny Windsor 45 so St Thomas 45 50 London 40 50 Kiichennr in so Winghnm 35 45 Hamilton 40 50 Si Catharine 40 50 Toronin in Si Peterimrouzh 15 £5 iirenton 35 45 Kiilaioe 78 40 Murkaka 32 40 Nnflh Bay 25 Sudbury 25 Kapuskusinx 10 so While River 10 35 Scull Ste Marie 25 35 IMI Ll VALUI Io VALUI VALUI GIAIN 560 399 159 107 FREE CITY DELIVIIY