1000 TI TIN TIN YNII luau TV NIu IN an rum Pm nnlrm an nunu mum Khllln In In Made In llur llaul vlu In runnld IIv n1 7M TM ï¬rm lmllnl AI Mn If rm Hduvlv rum an HM uy ImNnAr Mum Um Lm Ur lrnhuor Ilflu Kmo all rmul num in mm To Tm TM mu 1v MnNIMY mac mu Inn pr rm loo num Dun rum Th summary day or run 13ng will ha held April IM Fellm Temple Bah no It 130 pm Spetdy recovery wishad Jnck Hauling who Min 11 Royal Victoria Hospllal Bar Congratulnflons In Douglas Spam firs your student at the Onlnrlo Agricullural College who rcccnlly was dtlllltd re aerva champlnn sheep showman at lhe annual Cnllcn Royal held ll Guelph WV WI The March meellnz nl Ivy Womens Institute was my home of Mrs Arnqu Hunting The roll call DIIIeren ways keep young mop on the firm we nnswergg by 12 menppm The brcsidcnl Mrs Henry Davh conduclcd lhu business By MRS DOWNING Mrs BeMky Humavllle spent lhe weekmd with bar Sun and IamlLv Mr nnd Mn Bentley On Sunday lhey vlsllcd the Inrmers mother at Breton MrsJ Nelson iRus Greenn pnllenl In Sqqnthgk HospilglL Torgnlp Holly Home and School At soclaiian will meeiin in iloiiy Schwl March 25 at pm The program will be based on heailh under the convenershlp oi Mrs Vighi member oi Ihe Association Mr Hincksinck ni the Simcoe County Health Unit will speak It is hoped everyone will com or this mceling he Loughccd who was In her 90th year was hurind Mundny She is survived by three sons She was highly respected In the commnnlly She was cenlly still dolnz housework She was member 01 Holly United Church UCW and charter member Littles Hill Vl Mrs Collum and Kenn spent Eunday with relatlvu It ramp on Congratulallons tn the Thorn tonllolly Young Peoples Unllad on winning lho Shane County 1110qu for mu second aucccsslvo year or lhelr play Slsler Sun They lake their play to Tumnlo Ihla Salurday evening Mm Jorys again patient El the nuan Vlclorla Hosplml Kiri In the Barrie Llllles llill Womens lnslilule will meet ln Holly Schnol March 26 at pm The menu is Good loud means good henllhl Roll call lsBring gill valued at 50 cents or the chlldrcn of Orll liu llospllal lllrs Dykslrn will convene the program on health and wlll shmv ï¬lm Lunch being convened by Mrs Bentley Mrs Brlmslin and Mrs Brown By MRS WILMER WILSON Mn Gunï¬re Hounrlh tnnA AROUND SIMCOE COUNT ll your union nul mind plo yhou AM rap mu Drllvmd In lhm THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR TH SIRVICI lollllnl Fury Nam wmhu spam mun hy nan In cnnlmm ury Mann Show Inqu TV mu uh smu Squlfl TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCK CFTO CHANNEL HOLLY CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL IVY Ivan PA 82433 lixé lollflrll lrllflull no 71 Bunnl lulp leuh 71mm mm Ino ltIV Nun nu mm all llun luln llnul wumunu Mum you man no Human ID llrhflll nm nu my mo Klvlflo memmmu 833° 833333338385 Kmao nur nun vll In Conflkll Chum nmm Wk TN loallnl IIM lm rumnon Km Jm Ilduly lmmla And wmlm Inn mm Wm ruvvl MMIC rv Mn er Dduglii Clll was hostess an allernoon tea at the no Iory for tha member nl St Lukes Womans Auxiliary Th succlal zuut WI Mrs Gow nl anonlo who was the former M15 Kulhletn Sllden only daughter Mr and Mn GIL ban Sladen Mn Gow whu was married In St mhl Church In January was accom Mr and Mrs Ken Mclnlosh proprlelress the Creedon Nurslnl flame have kind lhu home or Mrs Ethel Sldall win cmwded wndillons ll hl nurslnl hum1 Bobble the only Ion at Mr and Mrs sun Lanzlord And was an of 52 sludcnu push out at class or 300 hay PRESENT GIFT Venor nlj culture Ind Clnld Jan Indus WI in china the program medal Inuk omm unable to nmmd due to death Ln um lunlly Mrs Hozzanh gave two readings Funnel1 Ll and Thu Audrey Wilson Tomnlo spam the wackcnd with her parenu Mr Ind Mn Slewan Vllson Mrs Arthur Mnundnll South hlmplom Pm returned home ur spendinz week with her sister Mm McKHlllcun Mia Harvey Feiguso loll lnsx week on Huh England where she le vim relallvu Mr and Mrs Dyer Toronto and Mrs Faye Judson Lu aldn vlsiled their cousin Mrs Vanon and Mr Watson Tom Dunslan of Tnmnlo ls spending few days with hl Parents Mr Ind Mrs Harold Dunstan Mrs Helen Hannah is under lmlmenl at he Colllinzwood h0pllL Mrs Meryl Cnnle hu iusl recelvcd the good news hat her nnndsun nyeamld Bobbi Lenglord nl Bgllimgrg hu pas ed lh required higherpermnt at his Enslar exams lhul give Mm min 35000 This prlu cavern roam band and lulllon Ice or our year high schaol an yup juqlor collggg Mrst Amnld Banan conducted rchelrsal of lhe program held 111 Simon Minot thufollnwlng social hour was spent nver lhc ten cups yllh Mn Gordon Cochrnne Mrs nus Chlpchnse and Mrs Lama Carrulherl as listing the hostess Funeral service was held March 18 ram St Johns Unn ed Church for the lite Robert Jnhn Rllehie who dled March l8 ll the Creemure Nun In Home Burial we In Crer more Unlon Cemetery Mrs Shnrpe Toronto spem the weekend wkh her mo lhgf Mrs VllUlnl Yunnx mm ml TORONIO BARRIE mm My Thm 60M 11 nun romlul lolnluINDP PulllltllSd lelmllnlm TV Nail INK Nll my Ilan Tcmb im 9mm Gnod nornln sum rm New um um Noon Input Mule mum Iu Morocco Inl mu Mound ml ourI lamll Vnunl anu rm nun mmu IIH Illmvlon rm Dan Im bum llnrlluhnr llnuud rum By MRS IllEAH mum aunlry Jflhtï¬ï¬‚ll cm TV Nm Wanker spam Mumn CBEEMORB Forquel lhcn hld Ihm dln llandl Ind eventually arrved ll dllmonda Inu Norm Guano hld mud hlm 1n dllmondt VThernflwu nothing much In Hm plly4 Th In Ipndu wn Itd And lhll wn Inc In trick Pu Dbl Openlnl leadace nudes This hand wu played duran the world champlonshlp tourna ment xlngcd In New York Inst year It occumd In lhe mulch bdweon lIly Ind Lha Uniltd Slate His first inhie Iha Amul tan Ensi Coon opened the bidding wlih made South lForqucU nvcrcnllcd wlih iuo hurls which Wes Murray doubled Coon hnvinx tinned wiih lubpnr openlnx hid couldnl nd for he double and hid 1h expressing much on ll gm Mrs Mild shl llnnad to use It on ed which Id been lhu property or her husbandl gran mat xrand plrenu CREEMDRE RINK wms The lrlnlly Unlled Church Ex plorer Group held their second llll ceremony recenin during he rclular expedition on tho Missionary Project at Cami Schandlen hnmu Carol Rnush Ellen Roush and Deborah Schul dlen received lhtll red slurs while bluu stars were nwardcd in Dcnlso Hill and Susan Hop kins Those receiving gold lint were Chrisilne Flnkbelner Ind Carol Schundlen The iailer two girls will be graduating mm Egloma ihlyenr panled by her huband Ind inr Gnls During the malaillltrnnon Mrs Georfle Wlnta on banal ha WA prnsenled Mrs Gow with handmnda quilt which had been especially made by ï¬ne membur lhe organ oo For the second ilme in tow Creemnre rink capiured ihu district Lulon bunspirl hm Taking the Labnil imghy and handsome trays was local tin lie Weslbronif Harold Crawford Osclr Simpson Ind Clarence liccuichnon The name lmphy up or mmpellflan year no was won by Creemm enlry oi llarvey Ppiiigyew Thu day Itcond prize was another entry nl Hurry Rlnn which Included hm nther Flm World War veterans Thcy were Harold Evans of Cnokslnwn Russell McArthur Creemore mg Dr Ive Slnynpr The dny consolation went to Pick Scan Gard Munn George Ransier Ind Jim Falls third Crumoro winner Slxly cuchre an were In ï¬lly for the Mrs March social eld In Wednesday In the Thornton Oranle Hull and sponsored by DAILY CROSSWORD ileum hr unlit II nunm ncululu colloq In In Cuplul 03 Norway it 0n x0 or IM EBBu at my II um mm 31 Hyu ll locum ll Dummy I1 nounth local maul Wm otlubrlu um 11 runnyat amnion mm mum Mini 11 mdwlch wzsr uuoo mm qxoaa Thu bldélnn Nnrlh Eu North dealer Both sldu vulnerlble lunch THORNTON CONTRACT BRIDGE éuoï¬nin 39 nonm 4913 cu mun nun EAST KJMH ox man so South By JAY BECKER Belladonnn knawlnx hl partner hid club Ilrenxlh db cldcd land club Al mull mule tho mtkl Ind norm 21m polnls ThInA ancnnllnzgnl kalï¬cd 1560 lnla on the dim the lnrmunulo unln ol lho enlirn mhard mnlrh Mama thawed powerlul hand by cuchldding spade dlmlly Bdlndnnnl mm to our Ipndcs In an mm In trump the bidding ur lhu op panenu Von der Patten hm hld Iva Ipndts uklnz Math Io comm or Ilnm In be sult Mllhe ohllnd by blddinl le dlomonda whlch Belldorm doubled Van der Parlen shaw lng excepllonll conlldencl In Mnlhta enrller cuchid ra duublod The two Iplde bld by Avlrel ll plnylug the complicated Roman Club Iynlcm wllh ll luvarlla partner Belladonna shuwnd hand conlalnlnx at ml live Ipndu mad lean our clubs um Thurman Womenl Immule The prizes or hlzh mend high Ind consolation were Iwnrded allows Mn Walla And rewx Bradford Mrs Wmlllll Rough Mrs Bud Heb am Nevllx Blll Simpa Keith Bully March prize went to Mrs Bill Skrps Mn Ben Stem Bradlnrd Mn Nelson Ivy 8an Schlnhl Barrie Keith Bully and George Holt Foun Iecn ublu were phyed By MRS MONT Weekend lellurl Brnwnl were Mr and Mn Lloyd Langley and girl Coid water and Mr and mu Brgwn yld Iznyg quyh imo Biun Dodge weekly ench re in Ihe parish hnil Mondny evening had men table in play Prize wenl to indies Mn Boyd Mrs Rumm Mn GGnihraiha menl Bur mun lnlick Ind Glen Fra iick Lona hand travelling priu want In Mn Boyd ihI nm euphre will be March 15 Veckcnd vlalton wflh Mn DAnglo were Mn Falmx Tollenhnm Mn Colburn Ind daughter Fly and friend Ind Mr and Mrs Colemln Ind LHY 89° Then wen loll or ï¬rework at the aecnnd table when the NarlhASoulh curds wm held by Ihn Amcrlcan pair nl Von dcr Parlcn and Malhe The bidding aimed In hlzhly unusunl lnshlnn when III our phym 1n um bld spade It went North Eut Baum Wu FA Pm Du Redhla Mrlnd Mn Colllns Em were Sunday visllorl with My mi Mr VColllnL Mrs Monk11h spent hes duy wllh Mr and Mn Brown of Barrie Verie Reed Sudbury Ind Mer vin Reid Toronto spent the weekend with their mother and also visited their father who in still in hospital Friend and relative called on Mr and Mn Alex McKee on Sunday In wish them the best ol luck and In eonmtulnu mum on their 60th wedding An nlycrsary Sympan from our cammun Ily we to Jones Ind Eleanor whose wlle Ind mmher VIII huricd on Monday In Min mm or the defame Tha Illllanl legged 620 poly on 91 deg Tnmunowx ud hie MIDHURST STN mun ILNa Ihul mm WI WWW MIN mm HARM EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH 154135 vsuuo mm 5AM lwnwnwu numr mg mm