Wflf IL mm Llvnmï¬my nd head 010 Km Emmi VODKA WM IMO IHIZVZ MOSCOW lMlA thlun mm In luml Mrl and dawn on Mun of mpplylnl rlumlmm wllh Imm lhlne lilll hnm an lllual llfll In Ilul rhurrh ery la encuur no Illrmlnm VIM MMINME Dill 0lK MJIlulh ll nnrr pirï¬drul FEMINIST DIES NEW YORK AWFeminist Dorlx Slevtn 70 who Ipenl her Illa Nahum or equal mm lor womrn Iled Frldny nlxhl lwo wtokl nfltr IUHCIIM Ilruka She was lrnlented In 50 day lmnrlsnnmunl ln m1 tnr unemplan In million Pru Idcnl Woodrow Wilson on bellll nullonnl nuMnIe hut urvcd only pm hi unlcnu VIN GNUfl BODY PHOENIX Arlx AMTho budy or II 21yrnrnld Iludcnt dnughlnr Tun Judge wu mind In an nhnndnnrd prom Inrl lunan MII llmrnlx Silur may by mm mm Ihnolm hhe hm hm Ihol la denlh Im Ilro hlenlmrd Mr Jlnl Landon Furl Worth DIllTll FUIIOWB DEATH LONGVHIW Wllh AllA um wan drlhcnd by Cnmmn Ircllun Friday In lo mlnum err In nmxher dint Thu mulhrn Mm Munlino Tullum dlcd hurl Aliment MII lwlng lulun lo hnnpllL llcr um wan rrvurlrd In nod con dillon FANCIE TENT 03 LONDON llrnlullA Her In 1le Dally Mail lmlly Inlnll lhnl Ilrllltll Fnlrllln ynerllny rlrhrnlrd In 30111 nnnlmnry nl Illllrrl urnw at 10pm mwa In Irnunny by mrrlly mung luvqu In lnml Mde null The pawr In Huey llml hnml mall on Xollvu limb llvo plnl hnou ml llmlnxlun rump In 0an ll WIUINI lle rm and III pullrd mm In the pan HITS GOVERNMENT LIVERPOOL England AP Harold Vllsnn leader of H1 ap paslunn thor pnrly nid Sat urday he gnvnrnmcnl nunan the press and lhrulcnlnu ll Imdom with administrallvn rcd lnpc Spnnklnz party gamma mccllnl Wllson laid was unhappy wllh lha way Ihe xuvcrnmcm rm In public rclallom dinn misslonnrics repurleq Sun day ï¬nding the wreckage convmed US bomber and thru bodlu on Sierra Nevada Mounlaln near Colomblun lanllc court The plane tour englnu m7 bomber used nnrly In Ihe Second World Win up parcnlly wan down lhrea mnnlhs The Prolcslanl mlsslonlrlcs were Vlclor Len Ind Ros Clemenler N8l TO GET PLANT HALIFAX CPlThl Chron lclcvllmld lay in copyrith Iimy from iiaillax England that ieadlng British carpet making lirm wlil bulid manu laclurlng plant at lruro NS The paper says the lrm John Crassiey Ind Sam lelled which Iupplles more than half of lhe Brillsh rug Ind carpets said in Canada Hun publlsher of Momrul Le Devolr or almost In your wu guest humor Sllurday night at hanquel marking hlr db ï¬nrlure 1mm ha newspaper to rad the Quebec guvernmmtl general Investment Corpora on SEAMAN DIE HALIFAX CP RCA arch and rescue said Sunday one 01 two lumen burned ln an Accldcn them In French trawler Belle Normandle dled whlla beln taken la hospllal by lha trumped dcparlment lce breaker Sir Humphrey Gllberl The second man was flown to hospital Nllllngnle Nfldl by lhu lcehreakerl hellcoplrr ASK FOR CLEANUP BARRIE CHU Fisknr ol the Ontario dcpnrlment of Ind and crest new In an Ilrcrau aver Lake Slmm Sal urday appeallng over land Ipcakcr ln llshcrmtn clean rup Iho Ice on ha lake The plnne awonpcd low aver each plqsler mg 5700 Ice shin AA MEETS TORONTO CDHail lilo mambcrshlp oi lha Ontario branches oi Aicuhoiica Anony mans 3000 nnideniiiicd men and women wore ioid Saturday misiake to believe they can uraduaie irom ihcir alniua aa alcoholics Members landinz lho iwoday regional conference oi Ali were told Alcoholism ia disease and time no cure ior it But it can he arrested TAKES WALK STRATFORD CF Erlln Rule 22 oi Siraiiord walked 50 miles in 12 haura and 10 minuiea Saturday the beat iime oi 15 men and two woman who participated In flu cityl ilrli waikalhon TO BUILD DRYDDCK OTTAWA CHApproval of Iedoral mnalrucllon subsidy or $500000 floating drydock be hull he Clnndtln Vlckera Limited Shipylrd In Montreal has been announced by the Cnnadlan Morllim Com Inlsslon Th 537le drydnck wlll ho cnpahla o1 hundllnl the largest ocean going vessel usins the St Llwrencc Suwy hula an the lake CANADMNS FIND PLANE BOGQTA AWNo Cann FILION HONORED VMONTREAL CMGerm WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF FREE IIUNGARIANS BUDAPEST ANHungarys Communist regime min more of InHCommunlsls and freedom fllhler of tha 1956 revolution this week under an Imnesly Bu lha or the Iplrlma lender ol antl Communls resistance Jase Cnrdlnal Mlndszcnly 51H Ahmuded in diploma secrecy MONTREAL CmTwo pol ticlnm went in diurch Sunday night to Irlua Ahqu nuclear arms Jalm mmr LlhEral member the 1m Parliament or Manl rcal 5L Lawrenuvst Gram met Pralmor Gillard Nuw Demumlin Party and data In Mantra NolreDnme daGrace In the pulp of Jim Unlted Church durhu ovenan Icrvlcel Thsy had bun Invited by Rev Narman Rawaun the church mlnlsler to discus the nuclur Irma Issua hecausa ll Chrlsllnns we cannot dodue the Issues he day and um lhem over In people morally un Iblo Iolve them Mr hmlcr Inld arman Can ada wllh nuclear wlrhend lax nntl alrcrafl mlsdlc II no Jolnlnz uu nuclear cluht H0 nld Child 1an naked member of hu Wellern Illllnce lo lullill lu commllmcnu Thu Unlted Slnlcs already hu more lhnn 400 mlullos delmnl Ind Canndnl co rlbuA ï¬rm would be mull II In make mu difference he Inld SELL AIRFIELD HOHNCIIURCH Ennland cm Thu hmnu airfield here from uhlch leglu lighter Ice Douxlnl under law on many missions durtng Iha Sec ond Vnrld Vnr has he sold by publlc Incllon for £517000 1815000L WITIIDRAW OFFER CAMBRIDGE England AP Cambridga Unlveralty Saturday withdraw Ihu alter oi an hunor Iry degree to Lord Hallaham Britaina minister or Inlence liter laculty members nbiected ta hia recent criticism oi Amer lun education At faculty meeting originally called to cnnllrm the dema otter Sir Ivor Jenninla university vica chancellor aald ha wan with drawinl it hecluaa oi the has Ellty ol aanlor iaculty mam en NEGROES ARRESTED KNOXVILLE Tenn AP Whni helnn as an orderly ciai demonstration snowballed into shoving Pushing and ï¬ght in Saturday after mono oi Negroes began pickulinz mnvla houses Police orresled as per Ions including 32 Negroes Mn Glflord Id hue no defence against nuclear nunck In my case Ind Cnnndn dun not need them In cnnmbuls lo Ihe nuclear urcnzlh ha Vcsl tlon that Have way more than 350300000 in Int treasures dled Friday null TSHOMBE IS BACK LEOPOLDVILLE The Congo MP Molso Txhumbe has dealt himselt buck Into Comm lue pomlcs He Is on month Ionz hurnsturmlnx Ianr Kn tnnn Province to mund polit Ical fences HII emissarlzs In Leopoldvllle are dlckerlng with Central Congolese PremierCyn Illlel Adoull or key cabinet part Discuss ï¬rms In The Pulpit Vote lIBERAI Vote SNELGROVE One western diplomat In klrle make lhe appralsel Preeldent Sukarno ml Into shoollng war with Me laya Ind Brltaln would be disaster for western lnleresle In southeast Aslo The Unllod Stole would he forced In will draw ll llnanelal euppm whlch provides Sukarno with his only hope of myan non aligned lndoncsle would have nowhere to turn but to Ihe Communlm And they would make cerlnln lhn lhl prlce wasnt cheap NEW DELHI lndln Reulen Prlma Minister Nehru said sm luday lhnl Communist Chlnl Apparently In contemplnb lng lurlher luresslva Ic llon agnlnsl India the uma Ilme Ilmllar chum Against lndll were mud in Peklnl In Peking Chlneso Forclzn Minlner Marshal Chen Yl no cused India stepping up lu war preparations with Impe rinllst Ild he ollldnl New China nawl may reported Nehru laId Parllamem Ihal Communlst wncenlrnuon ha Mnd lbs 1qu of aclual cm lml In which the Chlnuu withdrew utter Ins wlnlerl lighting remained alranx nvnr He warned Indln must be pre pmd for any av¢nlunllly Meanwhile lndlln new pnpm qunud nulhurlmlva murcu laying the government plum In Increase nrmy Itrcnulh by 250000 Thu New Delhi Statesman Iald arm Ind equipment or Al new divlzlnn re carnan chleny 1mm Indlnl mlcrn Mmd 0n the Iurlaca Indoneslnl hlllor opmsltinn 11 lbs pm poscd Malaysia federallnn un der Malayln leadership mm llula morn than nasty algnqllgunrrel But lho Communists could bl lha wlnnm the cold war he ween Jakarta and Kuala Lum pururnl hpl Under lha Malyrla plan Malaya Slnglpoln Ind IhI Borneo terrltnrles Sanwak Brunul and North Barnes to he brouth loxclher by Ann ll In alranx anlICnmmnnlst buuer matchan Icmss th Soulh Chin Su All lha pro posed partner Ire or wm Brlllsh colonlu Britain In backinf he edernllan schemr mg wll gunning Ila dglcnger Nehru Iold Parllamenl his government has reliable lnlnn mallon Chlnese mop buildup In Tibet mm rand construcllon and Ihe conqu on Tibetan villager Ind rack anlmals by Chlncsa lorcu the dlspulud border Iran Vfllavwnrd lunches 017 com tempt dlsllusl and fear wlhln um nnkl Indoneslul rullni elite JAIL ARMS PANAMA MIJDr flobcrln Am lmmer ambassador to Drilnln and husband of nrlllh hulltrlna Dnmo Margo Fan eyn was Intsled and Mind Frldny on ordcr Iha culloms leparlmcnl Anlhurltlu uld the order arm from Inm lllnllnn ol the ulxun Vednu dny mo cum liquor re poncd Imuxglcd ann Innaml chums Mrs unnounvxd against him man MP Mahynln Indonesia President Suknmm shaking his goldUpped swagger allck vh ally spat out award at Mignon In 4th qunrlayalnce Nehru Suspects More Aggression Malaysia Bitter Word An llyuMld boy In Hum Ion wu drowntd In municlpal Iwimmlnn pool By THE CANADIAN PRESS Accldznll claimed 19 live In Canada over ha weekend all but one the in trafï¬c ml hlpl Canndinn Pm survey km pm locll limes Friday in midnight Sunflny Ihowed 0n llrio with eight intlilies seven In lrliiic and Quebec Ind Brit ish Coiumbil with our each The wrvcy doe nnl Include mtural deaths Industrial accl fenu known Iulcldes or slay nu Vllllnm Young 23 of Kitchener killed when car callldcd wllh hls Ilnppcd truck on Highway 401 near Preston elxhl mllca wulheast Kllch ncr lene Keith Colinn 19 of Slrulnllle Out and his zlri iriene Sharon Hamilton is of Slreeuville killed when ha car Conan wn drlvlnx hit hydro pole near Sicwarliown ll mile wuihwul oi Brnmplon Snlnrdm Halrn it Green nl Inn dnn 0nL klllrd when her cur collided wllh lhe locnmuilve 01 vuunm trnln nl Crumlln Ont inur mllu ml London Mn Elm Finch 43 Brlnllurd and Ronald Burl ID Lotkporl NY klllld when lhe Flnch and car drlven by Burl with lhrce olhrr museum in It collided le mllu em or Branllard lhlrd Nobuhlko UIhIM Ja pane Ambnmdor in Cm Ida wm lhh colorful parka when he visited wnllchone to lddreu conference on the Yukon resources Ha old Weekend Claims Ontario Lives Publllhld by Thl moo th tlbml Alntlfllm proven business udmlnlstrator who operates the Barrie Radio and TV Stations Ralph SNELGROVE ONTARIO DEAD SIMCOE NORTH ITS TIME FOR ACTION IAPRNESE ESKIMO For cu crashed lnlo thl hick ha collision Harold Ronald WHmn so Max 0nL killed when Um car he was drlvlnl 1m Highway 401 am Whitby Ronald Wesley Carter 11 sun Mr Ind Mn Cnr lnr Hamilton drowned whlln nwlmmlnl In lllmillonl munh lpnl pool wllh About so other children OTTAWA CPFHIIIY Clld well of Amprlor About 40 mllu Wu here Wu klllzd Saturdly when ho ml 70 he whlle worklnx on Defence Resurch Bond lnskalllllon nbnul mile mulhwul 01 Ol mwn He was riding in tabla drawn chair 1m when pulley brake Pulley Breaks Man Is Killed the condemn the Cmndn appears to be Ihc most refl able scum or Heady lup ply of mlnunl lmpom annn wlll need In meet the rennin menl la rapidly expand lng Industries CP eropholn mid 24HOUR SERVICE SALES and SERVICE EATING Eouw BOWENS Hrlllnl Ind Mr Candlllanlnl PA um Anlry unlun lenders Sunday turned down coal hoard pay ncrem alter And no data was set or Iurlher talk the strlke which hll parlllzed Francaa Itnleownud coal In duslry moved into ll 25m day the allure of tha negotiation was expected hm repercu Ilom In other branchu at llzed lnduslry and mvlces I1 Idy Mg by npnpdiq mikes Thu 8000 worker ha link natural in field anq In mulhwen France uld they would not mum to work he tero the mlnm But thay al éowsd more In lo be produced un PARIS ReuteraiSoma 000 Alrlklnz French coal mlnm today dug In long lruule wlh flho unyerngneql The mnln Issue In the labor dispute the Income In of workers In nationalized lndux trial In cnmnlred with privnla animalIna Aller ha breakdnwn ho mlnzrl mks Lean Dpflnsse of he CommunlsHed Miners Fed emlon urged the men to re Moron lhclr alriko In unity Lender ol the CalhoIIc and So clnllstled union also cnlled or uronw lrlke ucllon until our clllm are men Duilom uld ha mlnen wngos are 11 per can lower hm Ihou In private Industry However lho mlnerl had been prepmd to use an alumpen cent ncmn bill or Millions VParlI Eamon wérken wen lo meet to diam Whit action f9 over their pay discon Duilom was are 11 hm Ihou In Howevelj lho PERTH Australia Reuters alnllnl blonda Ilmuu stole the Hmrlllht from tho Queen Ind thu Duke Edlnhurlh win refeptlpn hgro lodny Piel Maxine Jamrs in mud hiondr oi the Auslrliin Army Womens Corps was an oi three corp member mined in open in door oi Ihu royal partys can when the Queen And her hurhnnd arrived lha modern naw Perth city council building The myal couplu were 15 mln ules lnle arriving from Iha part of Fraemlnlla 11 mile away where the ya ch Britannia docked earlier The atrdegrea hag go ha holler pl Maxine Just as royn cars Ip pmachcd she lllnled and all on her back In ran the June Iudlencc of lnvlgeq melt 240000 Miners Still Struggle With Govt Door Opener Paints For Queen FOOD MARKET l6 DUNlOP EAST Shé vlni curled but In BUEHLERS COOKING ONIONS CANADA NO STEAKS FLUFFS PORK BEANS LLLLLLLLLLLL SIRLOIN WING OR TBONH CAMPBELLS NEWPORT SPECIALS MON TUES WED EARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH 195 ll hold Ien than minute rushed back amld applause Ike her poul llon in time en car door 011 member royal housr The Quean omclllly opened the new enuncll bulldlnl un velllnl bran and grlnllu uculnlura wh ch Incorporate Ilnna rom ha old Wilerlao Bridge In London I00 CUBAN MONTREAL cmAmerica Crux Cubln Ambassador Canldn wu bond Frldny while dellveflnx Ipeech on Ihu Cuban revolution to Loyal Collexe Iludzuu Al on palm nnnnyed the lnlerrupunnl he shouted II you 10111 wnnl lo henr Whll Im Ilyllll Ill leava now or Illu all am In lnvlud guest Mlchnel Jnnlsko wnlked 46 mllu mm hll home Omi stun Mu Io meek Prime Minute Dlrlenbnker when ha pnld brie visit Leth brldgo Snlurday WIN photo 29° WALKS 45 MILES LB LOT 511 ISOZ TINS Call Beneficial to 59 cash double fasl Clean up Ian over bills take care of ex lpenses younameviL lhe talks Beneticlal ke to say Yes Call nowl BENEFICIAL FINANCE co CANADA BARRIE 15 mm 51PA $5531 ORILLIA 31 Mlulum mumnn Way Loan up lo $3000 Ind mom Your lam can holunwvad BARRIE 79c the ONE place to call for the minute you want 00