Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Mar 1963, p. 10

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1lech 7M nmll yum ll wu ndlu In the anm gun and aim munbfr fl inmiviua Lodnmim Ioor work In In while Innml ll nod trmuhlp duh far no yun III mum ol 1mm firing NA 790 luv lo parka ql luv mm Mr Henry wu 1mm Aux lm in lndlunl Iln runs In Mum County Ithlunn In m1 Ind In In um um nu mmkd In lnMVHII In lovmhlv he run Irma well ml lmnhly mtknlloul The denlh orrmml Nur rlmllr Mlxlllunn ol Willlnm Henry onuqu yml Ill nm III wlla WM 0m lnmwr MIMI llnnly lull And Im kn Mills hlmrne mmly Hrr hum In llw lulc llohul urdy an MiamiIo mumd Na In Hmhnl by wile Hm lurmcr lltnllllc Damn nan Mnnhnll of llnrrlo laugh Chmlnllu Mm Andrew Ilunmlnul ul Ithnvnle mm Mm Krnllrlll llctlhyi Hunl vllln Irzzy le ohm uy Elmvnlo mm hrolhcr IAL unr and aldeu Lhnrlnllo IN My Srluhyl And Mnuxln lMu Wnllrr Imer II Elmvm Trmmrnry rnlnmlmwnl wll In ElmII Cumlrry mum hmmll Irrvlce nr Oscar Archer Hlmvnln wu hold at Hm Wyclfllc Annllcnn Church Elmvnlr Mint Mr Archcr dlui nl lrndnngulxhrxlo irn crnl mum IIn wm ycm 0M Born In Earth In 19 Mr Ilural xnrnxe optman was the mu at nm ale Thomls nnd Surnh Hursl llnrrle He Is lunlvcd by hln wile lhv armrr Illtu Slslcr and by brolhnr Vullnm Hum Harrie and Mo mun Mrs E1th Kelly Harrlr nnd Mrs llulh Mark Winnlpck Mnnllohl hmml servlce or Lyall Hunt Kllchencr was held at lhe Snndmck hxnnrnl Home Ruchcncr on March Mr Hum was burlcd In the Mm nry Gardens Kilchrncr Thu April missionw Ind East er thanknflerlnz meeting will be held In Holly Church Then will maker And mam enm lnl mm Thurman and mum Roll all will be Biography missionary past or prmnt Mr Johnson fiend lhl met lag HOLLY SpecinIlThe Mari meeting or llnlly United Chuhch Woan was held ai ho hum oi Mrs Ii Graham Mrs Johnson vlceApresidenl pre sided Mrs ll Dow conduclcd the devotional period let ier was rend from Miss Beth Huddlulon oi Quito Ecuador Nincloen meran and on vlslior unswered Hie roll call which was An historical place in tha Blhlol Report im ziven from flu treasunr Choir awn hIVI bun pur chased Mrs Stinky 00k durga the dlizemhlq program nary Stain Seeker was 109d an djscumd calIducted lln dy Five ladle allendrd he at nual prcsbylerinl held Colllng wood Several Illended lhe World Day 01 Prayer It nxorn lan Unlledr Church Manbb said Alanna CiA alien Lucy when sh was six monlhsold calf Her present owners are Kempson and Sued igur Tempe Arizona This can ndianrbrcd caii who also wan reserve junior championship at he iilinois show last year is he daughter oi Rnsain Cilnlion yearo Hnlskc orgnally own ed hy Donald McNahh Slrond was recently lurked first prize Junior yearling us well as lunlor chnmplnn Hm Arhnna Ho sleln Show held at Phoenix Arizona During um evening many lucky draws were made and wlnners were Jack Johnston Mm Joe Quinlan Gordon 11li Choir Gowns Ordered By Holly UCW There was modern and old lyma danclng spat dance and win contest all the music 01 Jack Webslerls nrchestra The MS minus was won by twlslm Rick Lewls and Dornen Joins Spot dances were won by Mr and Mrsl Rumble Shells Thampsbn and Kathleen Fox Miss Mue Ferguson nnd Blll Wright Mls Joan Monkhuuso and Bob Davlcs STROUD Special Innlsul Chapter Order the Eastern Slur held ll annual St Pat rlcks dance In Slwud Commun Ry Hall Much 15 George Mul hulland wns canvenerlpr ha evenings aciMlILs Jack Web th was maslu ceremonies Strand Holstein Wins US Honors Annual St Patricks Dance Held By OBS At StroudHaIl sm WILLIAM IIENIW LYIALI nuns ARCHER OBITUARIES Funeral service was held from llnnlsvilln Mclhodisl Chunk wilh lulumeal In Wesllnwn Ccmulcry Member at the In dcpendcnt Order ul Odd Fel low wm pallhurm Tax conceuhns and In creased subsidies prnmise In pull Iha West nerlln film Indus try out the doldrums But much depends on lhc sucoss or allure Thmopcnny Opera production lnvolvlng cast at 5000 lnrludinz many lnlur nallonal um Julncd In 001 so yuu mnxague will be recorded In English anch and German BERLIN neulcm We Berlins ndinz movie Industry ls hoping to make bl coma back with musk Berta Brno Thmcqenny Opera wiurbe lhrhiguest armmos expensive llm made In Ger many since lhe Second World Wan Each convénrcrflwas asde to have her report ready or In next meeting Nu lellcr wllh plclurcs and school work were received from this Wls adopted chlld Kle Ping lhe leum told school and alrisums parties also the weather cmdlllou In her country Ahlnhduy in will go lo her shortly Mrs ll Campbell and M11 Wilfi pmductfixnfléos more than 390090 ppdycqr Financla support will ha sent to the Foundation hind 10¢ mcmher for the Adelaide Hood lcsn Home fund and 3555 to fill Northwcsl Territories branchu mud The member will be coI lecingfnr the gnucgr Soclcly Mrs Camemn Ills pmldem opened the meeting Minutes wen read by Mm Jame Pear nail contribullan of sum was sent to mental henith Ieller from Ms Trivar FVlo med dan was Md and discussed Airs Bell displayed pictures 01 Inqustrles In Banle Opera Film GUTHIUE Special The Inn 13 the food ladory of the nation lets keep Ihe assembly line walling was the motto at March mcellng Guthrie Wm mens Instllule Mm Bob Bell anrlcultum and Canadian Indus try convene had charge loe program The meeling was at Alls Gorgan Caldwell hume Will Remake For lhash who pre red game of progressive en hre it was pinde for this earlier pm oi line evznlnx Prim winnul hem were Mrs Joe Quinlan Mn Hcien Cundail Heather Euler and Lennox Black Mrs Alien McMillan Spccini ciasse and prizes or children were won by Elaine Robertson David Fraiick Lynn Fergusan and Bill Frailck The various £51512 wen donated by local iness iirms and individuals midnight alileiired In lhe basemenk where bullet lunch was served by convene Mrs Doris Roberlson and her com mltlea EELL® WI At Guthrie Sends Donations Manrim nunm In WHOMm mmm mm W17 11 to all In your mum lady IIIw moin In mm It um you wary flmlna and mm fill3 mumm mm armsom 233 BRADFORD ST ten Several women 1mm here lended the afternoon on sh Georges Anglican Church AL landple Thursday to hear Mrs mn Cnsselman speak Miss Lillian McKinky spent last week wlh Mrs John Robin son Eexdale Mrs Donald Caults Mldhurst vlsijlng Hug Gilbert 1ch Elwood Miller spent the week end Iwith the Glenn McCanns Dtlh In haprogram allowing slugsong was led by Mr and Mn Arnold Banting There was solo by Mrs Rachm and reading by Mrs McCann Mrs Harvzy nxrnbull won quilt made by lhe WA this wlnler not luck supper was served by Ihe WA members wilh he husbands pouring lea Many lurmer WA members and hus blnds were guests Rev Dew waxrreclor of the parish at lhe Ime WA on gngllmd 1n the communlly hall recent ly SI Georges WA marked lb blrlhdny Mm Hany Mc Cnfin lha first president was there to cut he lhreNlorcy birthday cake and read the min ules ho first Inaugural meet in March ID 1919 There were eight members and Mrs JFMIHcr the first secretary dreasurer was also pmsent for occasion Mrs McCann responding to toast In her honor spokn ol the pleasure she go from her WA service and moved vole of ap predation lo hose who havs carried on me work up to now By MRS ALLEN MILLER UTOPIA Drive it yourselfyoull agree NEVER BEFORE such DANGER IELD MOTORS lIMIIED 1h tender loving care of cred by Reyna Wing his gone long way In helpan heal bmken leg or Dachau St Bernard pup who ran aloul De gun to Bonanza on cnoflmQxacn Sunday Your Chanel Oldlmobfln Cndlllu SEND MD T0 ST BERNARD =7 £IilR0I car March dog spent uum hours on he op culling table and wound up with his cast Since then Reyna Lyeawld dnughlcr of Mr and Mrs David Wing Envoy and Clmrolol Trutk Dulcr Jackson erhlgan has taken over nursing dulies or her pet She has done he wnrk well or the cast to come all in about week AP Wircphoto Chock your local llxllng for channel and llmo PLAN HONEY PAY OTTAWA nibAh Agricul lural stnblllzauon heard any will mnke deficiency payment nineAtenlh cent pound on graded extracted honey sold by eligible producers during the PVT TN It you mun MI follow awfully the inmch on lbs back of ma Cullflule Payment Fem 104 which your mum is xeqnimi lo Riva you Whenmmch your nu birthdoy you mnolanxcr covered by your 11ml certificate Raider would within thirty any to keep insured Forms on nibble It hoapihls bmh ind Commission omen Whmyrm mambo Family premium mustba plid locum hmbud wife Ind eligible dependant mm mm omummmuumummn ONTARIO HOSPITAL mum COMMISSION mnBYonul strut aroma OntHo PHONE PA 66527 ammo HOSPITAL ENSURANCE REMINDERS of actlon to takn to keep Insured ImIll b1 lImunlh penud 1912 lhe board meal that has Jbsi1 llc average price mui by dams or whllc extracted hnncy dmin lied 126 cqms dd lJunv in 511A 19s 13

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