Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Mar 1963, p. 1

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um VATICAN CITY IAI Vallcnn lanIa Id lulu he 11w In II UnIlrII mm Imur llnvry Mm lAIII Ivr revMm mm In hvlnl wrlw th IIIhIn Ilve nlsrnhk mm at clvll Inflow le VIIIKInluwlIlmnI IIqu hudlnl III dual ml Mun Imm Mr Ilml mo rlmdun diluted IMIMI pruleulunal am not Imuleur houn mrn Invnlml KINGWTUN UIY plimmr mm Math nlllm XIII lcnl llanry Inlrmwllaln mully prllnn mu In nuly Inn rm Hun Ill MINI Aflrr heivi ulnhlml nl llw IIIFUIII Imlnlmp lrxlny lhwlium Mlllhml wnnIrn drrlmwl In hlerly llm Innmlnl mun MM In he knew Hm me only lnn mm lnrnh WASHINGTON MI Thu United 5er Ilmll ulll50ll0 In bowl IL vcmmmy ma nnnmmclvl lmlny flm mmounwnml nld Hm 11mg Inmmlintely IUMIAW INC II Flu lAlt An mulovcuvrr nurnl umhlux IIHI nullMlm wmnlln Inn MM lodny Ill lulm nhnm lune uuulnlrml nu mr Imu In llm Vurnl Inna In Muiru 111 Mm who mkrtl lhul me wlll MM llu Imus mum mun my wmllwm WI IIW RU Human hy llhflll lln lull relumnl nun nix Irrh Mulw Man Stabkcd In Prison Workshop Tho nllchIl dcnlh lull wn 11m man lhln will rise when hurlcd vlllnuu nm rxrn vultd In purlly Ihcmsclm There were morn Hum 200 lnjuud and 61000 loll hnmnlcsx In Ihc dls nnlcr Mon mm hull and man whlch now vnnl dmrl huh and mud um um Vatican uggesm Boxing Changes They carried lmnll house lemplc nnd the Hindu lrinlly ta lhn show and ond nacrlllccs Then my onlmd Ihc Saulh Pnclllc In wnlxh nwny lhclr nn9 Thu clcnnslng csllvnl lnku plum nmy I00 ycnrl The rol cnna cruplcd In lho middle Increasing lhe lcrvur devo lm wlm lwllcvo lhnt mluml dlmlm will pccur It may lnll Cubaqflyirlt Air Base In Jungle KLUNGKUNG null MP TInus nullnese flocked In he while beaches new today to cleanse lhcmxelve of tho slm lhey car may hnve unitred lhe gods ul lhn Axum volenno whlch erupted lnsl week klIllnn Almvsl 1500 plrscns 08 To Lend $398 Million To Brazil This momlng Mlss Kceler 71m the police sthon with lha British consul alter lhn police had taken statement from MI thuembnssy statement In Ilnanld she and friend Pnul Mnnn loll together lnr an un known dcsllnnllon In the Madrid arcn TM wns arranged by rlond pending hnr pnsslblu val unlnxy mum to the United Thu embassy Issued slam men about the 21ycurold red head It said Mlss Kcnler who disappeared sharlly before sho was to Inke lhe mad as pmsccutlan wllnoss In both don crlmlnal lrlal wen lo Spanish police station last night and asked In any there MADRID Haulers Model Christine Kcoler whose disap pearance from Brilaln racked the cnunlry may return Law don volunmily the mush em bassy said today Pious Balinese Cleanse Selves Emergency Rice Expected Soon Spring the time of mud dams along siren curbs These chlldren wnmod be sllghlly different they built snow Will Your No Model Reported To Be In Spanish Custody NEWS BRIEFS For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA 52414 The elephant qumher In call or the Businesl or Edlloflnl Dept PA 66537 Our Telephones YOUNG MENS FANCY TURNS TO MUD Thu United Sum hM nunrd In Irml ILA in Illmgumfl Emnrxency rlru Ihlpmrnln Mo rxpedrd Inmo tlmn lhll wnck but more no Indlcnllun whrn requeslul lxcllmplcrl nml mm nlnl vrucll or rcllcl wotk wlll urrhe They bound or nlr lrnnsporl lo cvncunlv ho Injund and hnmeltss and were ihncked when two lndnncslnn Mr Force lrnnspom ncw In 200 dcloznlns to ha 1th nnnunl luclllc Aron Tmch Assoclnllun conlmucu or nlghmrlnz Iour Tour were bannnd mound Ml Mung Cummunlcnllnm wllh Indo ncxinn cnpllnl Jnknnnnro rrlmlllvn and aid ll slow 1n luring ln Ivcn In nnlll mp lnl ncnpnmr 20 mllu nwny mnal pcoplo xlld nnl know whnl md hnppcmd Iluu Thry dld nnl appear loo concumrd This scusldo village has he camc one he most imporb nnl rescue centres Mllilnry unlls polite red cross and unv cmmcnl ochluI Inca ngnn llc task In pmvldinz load and nhcllnr DENIES REPORTS Brlllsh embnssy circles nnld Sundny ha Drillxh government had not asked for Miss Kcelcrs return to Londun Thu English glri was inund Sunday night al the Madrid apartment of an American busi nessman She said she let Lon don bacnuse of all ha lhing people were saying about me nnd which Ara not lruc Miss chlcr played curd ilh rcporlcrs and told them my modelling career lim Usually reliable sources said Miss Keeler may have zone to tho police to nvnid the attention repuriera and photographers but no oiiicinl explanation at her action was available An ernhassyALOi ial spid 5h 5lll Ifmdrxd and Eh British Eonsul had been In touch with or Klngdnm In Ihe coming days It said dam on Toronto Street abava Hillcrest School From the left Ernes Nuucr 204 To ronto SL Rusemary Nuuer v5 wlll pmmla 1112 Earllrr In In local nunr lmlnml nnmlnn had mlm nr an pkllnl hull du Ivy ur Mum The lulu ulll my Dun rr I0Ijn1 Although lmvl Snnwllrm will akllnn hp mlnrm wlll not nil nmknumn nl Kw lnn lllnre lha prlnmu mm mm NIMIMI lull llmw lhnt pllnl llnlph Floral nl San llnmo Cnlll mu hln pnunnur Iklun Kldwnn Ilnxxklyn NM hm Iurvlvrd Im onlvnl lam Sunday winn wmknno nmwrrlnu Um my nlnflon ler Inlulnl alr IIUNIKlN lllovllfllllnrm Mnrrmrl IIII Jaln Illl Innhand Inn Fuuwdnn II II leu Ill Inn mm Hum Wmlnruh ll mu mmuunml IIIm lmlny 11m pllurru wlll lly Hull ulnml alter wndny mu In lde mm In MunIn Wul Irman VAIfiUN LAKE YT CW March plum hem lnln Inounlnlll trrnln nrnr he Vu kenIlrlllsh nlumlvln harder hr dny lu nanh lur lwa wrmm whn may lunvn nurvlml llm crush nmnll nlrcrnll In he 01er wlldcmr 110 on céifld ii nu worn bl llar am Mn Mur rally The model and travelling companion nnmcd Paul Mnnn dumbed by her as racing motorist wcru tracked down in Madrid npnrtmtnl owncd by Florlda rcnl cslnlo ngcnt Richard ZIedmnnn Travelling was nmnll blundu wnmun Kim Proctor Idoulillcd an Auslmllnn phulogmphur Good mumlnl Mrs Murphy Inoking mu todpy Following qucsliuns ln thu linusu oi Common about ru mor concerning member ai Brilnlni Cnnscrvallva Agovcm mcnl War liinislcr John Pro iumo 40 declared in Parlia man Friday that while he was on friendly mm with Min Kceier lhm wns no impro prlely in their ncquniniuncc mm 10 mnmn Miss Keeler wns lrnccd to Mndrld from the llule Spanlsh consul villngo of Allen In tho southwest where she reported to huvo been llvlng Princess Meg Going To Alps She disappeared from London shortly before lhe recent Irlnl of John deecnmbe 30 West Indian Jallod for suvan yam for possessing Ilrenrm with mom to endanger life She was to hnva appeared as prnscculian witness against Edgcccmhc accused cl firing five plslol shots at tho dour he Ipmlian nparlgpan Ishedl The model said sha all nervous and would like to re main is Spam Search For Two Lost In Crash Pan Mininn 36 Grove St West and Steve Tierney of 27 Parkdnle Crescent Examiner Phnlus HERES ONE MIMulh lulhrr um bu lwon unmuully mlld or mud ul llw hm hm manlhl Irmpmlulrs Into dipped wrll lwlaw mu nn mernl mutton ll wu lbw lm only Ml llnmlllnn piloting Yu hm Flylnl ficrvku llxflllt wnu on mule lo Ihn Imme Mb Mun lulnlu Shook Dnvldmn In Mucky Mmmlnln lnnch whrn Am he wlrrlmw flle llnl much lnr llw min In Anmknm In rallnl on mmlly ml lmc HUI ol flrlnla uald flu almnll mum hlzh lrequvncy who Pqul null ml um helium Pmllppkts wllh mull mrvlvalfqullunenl anklnz on Hm wlnu lhn dawned nimnll unruly mnlnlml hm of HM IIIIRXeHlnv llnw nnl Ilrlffi llml dLInmwnrnl Fth on flight mm While mro lu Fm 5L Jnlm LC 11 lllzhl wru In hnw rnr vlul nlmlll mo milu In mulb unduly dlmllnn rum Wlullw hmn GREEN VS us Is mnsnrmmc Two pcmm wrrn mn In Um Mm bu mm nnl lnnwn wlwlhrr may wrm Flam and ha woman nm wmhnxo wn walled about 75 mllu munwnst ol hm by pllnl Chuck llnmlllon Ha planned In fly had In lhc nmn lmlny 1mm lh cummunlly 140 mllu numwa ol Hdmonlnn mp 51mm mnnmua null wn olihlcd on we Ildo ol n4ooonmmnr mountnln This report Inndcd by hcll coplcr In Ilny clearan nnd lrukked through mlck Jungle In no lhu factory hidden mm lho nlr by dense ollnge Tho lnctory at Dunn Mlnh Chnu mum palm lur guerril In coming down from Nath Vch Nam No ballnlloru ol pnrnlroop on Jumpcd In tho mm Sun dny umlur heavy muchlnoxun llrn from tho ground Slmnx wind Iwcp many purlHooper into juggle nnd elnhl were Inlfircd In the Jum Thu Junqu factory was well equipped lo muku arms II had generator heavy Industrial mums drflls muchlno presses vices amcllm and 30 lom ol copper and Iron Palm reached the spot 20 miles northeast this pmvln clnl capital Sunday in an opera llon hosed on inlarrnullnn Ivan by denclan TAY NINH South We Nam Reuters Soth Vietnamese troops have cnplurcd Communist guerrilla wcnpans Incinry protected lroni Mr 1an by underground tunnels near lho Cambodian border The weekend entry lntn the election conlcs Reglnnld Youd Social Credit cnndldnke In Welllnzton South brought to 1016 the number of men and women who already have com pleted nominallon lormnliucs or announced their Intention of Kunming This is the same number candidate as sought election in 1962 and In past elections there always have been number of luslvdny nominations to swell the total Mn Youds nnmlnutlon raised his partys Iota In 275 and them may be law more Social Credit nominees lndny The Progressive Conservative and Liberal havu lull slates 265 candidates the New Democra Canadian voters will have recon number of candidates from which to chase In the April 11 federal election unlch there are mom dropouts than there are late entries helme nomina tion close pm local slun daxd time today Viet Nam Troops Capture Red Base Expect Record Nomination Total By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bjrrl Ontario Cunnda Monday erch 251963 WI dont need my lemnl In whll Canaan Ihauld do nfler llml mun ol unit In lvm world um We all Mr mun and menial wt 49 1mm mumlulu nut to In lln uuly ommmu Immuum MIMI lmnl Appllll Inlet mle Mm Iml he mnllnued lrl ll film In clear lhul In lho Iral wnr far mler of II ur munllu rm mu In In cmlmly lhe pm la Um villuh lTnlnmnnwrnfll ul Nu unm Ml Ihnl III loo DONT NEED LEMON vo In Cunndn mull dmr mlm our own pnllclu lnr Can mln wlm mmdinn olrlccllvu In mlml In mid Lnlur In mMul wlwn sumo Mllmlu In In full In Ill what um would In nm lrIl you an uuuln wnn In lth mm lanl Ilmn llrlnm name Mr nullnm um lrl Ihnl elm Cnnndn doc not need my km mm olhcr rmlnlrlel on whnl nhould do In lhu pmcr vnllbn pram nnd rmdam us told therrlnu mm at nn ullmnlrd 1200 perm In Ihu Pinch Cnrk Illnh School nynmmum nml ndjolnlnn clnurmlm lln dld nvl mrnflnn Hm mug ulna by nnmu hut nfivpnnnlly rrmrnl In Imk Mltll puh llnhcd an nrllcln on um Cunn xllnn clrcllun Friday In re lrrrnl also In envllrr nrllrln rm hlm and Hm clcrllun ln Ncwmrrk muznxlno main nnl Inllnx llm nnmr baker hulghlmtd hll pro Cunn dlun lhrmo Saturday nlghl with An Mark Amerlcnn Mun nzlno or Mint ho MM wnx UK Kmlinn how Cnnmln nhould volo April It Thu operation was mounted wilhln 24 hours after Inlormnmn was received rum delcclon Vietnamese Mr Force planes hll lhu area with rocket and napalm bolero the paratrooper Jumped The guerrilla camp comlsled cl several hatched hula with long Inhle and benches mndu 01 tree limbs The troops found 15 booby trap In onu hut nm ncls some as deep as 20 loci dolled the camp mm were lhmo lllllu lnclorlu In all one ur rifles one or grenade and mo Inr mlncs Anolhur force landed mm 15 Unltnd State army hellcaplun In several wave and we col umn moved Into the area oven land armch persnnnel cur ricra Latest mpom sald these troops killed 25 guerrillas PCs and ND both have women cnndldnle nnd lecrnls and Social Credit have fix each There is one Cummunisl Mn Jeannette Prnfle In Montreal ochelnga and nn induncnqem Mrs xcvme The party leader all are en gaged In four wny conkesls PrImo IIIInlslcr DleIenbaker In Prlnnu Albert LIhcrnl Leader Pearson In Algomn EASI Soda Credit ChIeI Robert Thompson In 1ch Deer and Douglas NDP In BurnabyCm quillnm Uc Party has as Comrnunlsu 13 and Hdcpgndent 10 In 19627 the Conééivnllves niso entered full slate Lllr Sada Credit 230g There hns been sharp 1n crense this elecllun In the num ber of women candidate with 42 nominated so far There worn 21 1962 when Iva were eleclcd The record year or women was 1953 when 43 weru nomlnmcd Diefenbaker Attacks Article On Canada In US Magazine NDP Communists 12 3121 Iniependgnls 27 APINVClflZn Vans AM Afinzi Pldmchney in Veg In say that panle ml it depuly lull ml Cn nufiuo lnngbcc Imed gotten lnr firm mfln an Roda Cm III Il aly urnnull In the nilmum Ilr Thumplon ell In hm lur rln In lbla mam ma Uh gram lul hilt In an Ho nhl Irwlm um mnfnenre hero Hnlunlny nlihl lhll an prlmn mlnlnlrr ho vnuld mk the hut Imam mn lelc lnr hII cnlulnrlAncludlul mm mm the Cannennllvo Ind Ulwrnl pnrllul III mm men mm lhl Cum mom flu he derllnod lo nlma any wlenllll tnhlnel mlnllleuor lo My Ihnl wrlfulla would no nodl Cndll won It with gm jug Pullmana bl um WINNIIEO CPI finclnl Zndu Mmr Huber nmnm um Inf he has Ikrlolnn an Incl mind It hll purl runmu mm Hm Aw elec Ilnn wllh Um mml ltllll In lho Comlnnm mcnl ho Ink Sulurdny nlghl In Nnchvr ka llw end wcckl whlsllulufplnu cam pnlxn whlch look hm Illmuxh lhu uppcr 0nan Valley ens unlfnl Onlnrlo Edmonton ne nlnn nml Hm soullmrn mm Snaknlchcwnn and Miltrm ln clmllng Cnlunry In In 18 lodny Thu primo mlnlflcr MM lhnl lmvlnx bccn rnlml an Arm in Vcslcrn Canada ha wnnlcd in min Vulrm nml Mnrllimu rconuxulc Wlll In Hm IlMIII nrdl nclllovrd In Ccnlrnl Cun Thompson Chosen Skeleton Cabinet PRINCESS ANNE Md AP wsicriodsmifisense whose symptoms closely pawlch those of inieciiau monunuclensin has inieclcd more than half oi the 3500 resldann n1 nearby Dame Quarters Dr Everett Sullcr lho physicinn in tho small ensl nrn sham wmmuniiy of Water man or the Inst snvcn years cniicd ll Hm mos minus hing Ive ever seen never seen any ilincsv llko iii Some persony mlckcn ln Jnnunry um sllll loo weak to wurk Dr Sullcr sald Children mm lo get over lllo nllmenl In two or lluc weeks he bald but some lnlm lnnxcr Dr Suller sald lhu 51le health dcpnrlmenl has dolor mlncd um lhu dllcnu ls Mllher Ilslnn llu nul lnlecllous mononucleoall llm symplam lncluda dlnlneu heml nches and uewlvn nervous ness Dr Suller auld Odd Disease Strikes Half 01 Community Former cathemlght champ ion Dnvey Moore above has died ol brnln damage aufler ed In the ring last Thursday nlzhl when he lost his title lo Sugar Ramos In Los Angelcs See story on page AP Vlrcphoto FIGHTER DIES rim the OntHo LIN Ind Pom dean me out mm hm cl 84mm um mum of he Mm Clem up but Mn Americans apend sums on Iomlgn aId to am he politics that try However It appeared 1an nedy would pay close nlleullon In tho commlltnes View thereby hnrnldlng possible re trenchment In US arelgn aid help reduce this drain en el ficlnl old reserves The committee suggested the govemmcnl pay less attention possiblo warld crluckm and slop lrylng to do too much In tun many countries Counlrlc Ihouldnt ho helped ll all they would do Is encnur ago government owned plant In compelluon nxalnal prlvnlo onlcmrlso or ngllnlo or ex Canada doesnt loan money shn give it The 10 mnn committee headed by Gen Lucius Clay propuscd that tha total US aid progrum estimated at about 83300900900 or the current yearbe cut In tho future by $5000000W year or mm The one dtsseutcr AFLCID President George Manny re Jected lb View nrgulng that aid be Incrensed Instend 01 re duced to step up the light agnlnst world communism WASHINGTON CPiA spe cial committee established by President Kennedy has called on Canada and oiher indusuel lzed countries to increase their lorelgn aid program while he US reduees it own substan tially thus paying less heed to the vagaries oi ephemeral world opinion In Vancouver Externnl Ai iuirs Minister Green said the U5 committee report urging Cannda to spend more money on foreign aid appear to me to he nnother ense oi Ameri can trying to tell Canada what to do In an lntervlew his home ML Green sald he always wants to see more money spent on lorelgn ald hut It must all come lrnm the taxpayers pocket Kennedy Asks Canada For More Foreign Aid CLEAN UP THE GARBAGE No Moro Thln Par Copy16 Page rent Influ cann Shower tonight Clear and cool on Tuesday LowQonlzht 38 High tomorrow L9 For tmmnamm to page two Local Weather mm AM ha IlnMnt qu and mum Human hm mm ler mm obvlma by mum at whm ma MM mun tseu my on II WWI Canadlnn omclnl when told of the report estlmulcd that becausu austrrlty he Canudlnn economk asrlstnnco tolul this year dropped by about $7000 1mm last years $61 000000 Togelher wlh long term export loans the Conn dinn nid tolul would ba about $135000000 or lhe year roughly onelhlrd of one per cant the counlryr nannul productlon This would compare with about one per cent or the US Ind slixhlly more than one per cent or Frnncer tommlltca 01 he meoun try Orgunlwuun for Economic Cvopcmtlon and Development has asumnlcd one per cent of nnflonal producllnn value all goods and lervlcc pm duccdashauld be caunkryl lorcign nId goal Thus counlrlil Including Canada should be given due credit for what they have done an in in help llla lmproverlshed and ihe new countries bu only France is spending on as generally iavornbla term we are lhe cummllicu maln mined CANAQIANV MD nowN Clay said the committee did not want in name specific coun tries in critical way in the report also criticized Indanesia saying it shouldnt get any Western aid at nil nnies it puts its house in order Ireais for eign companies fairly and re irnins from international ad ventures The commmee said the 115 carrying 00 blg burden llaly had to be persuaded to open ll budget for mlgn nld Canada and Britain should in crease thelr ald volume and Britain West Germany Franc and Japan should ease lheIr ald terms promIallon of arelgn owned Investments In presenting the report Clay told press conference Canada has dune very little in pro viding economic assistance and dual should do more than hns tn help undnrdeveluped countries Llama nvAK

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