moUND SIMUUECOUNTY Slrnud hml many ltnm In play luring the Mann but hm rnml Dun Wlu and Dan anlncen Junior A1 lo yrn old Hugh Jackxnm 1041 nld Slmud Flslucrl NIH IZH yr uId made the lrip In lhh Lmlo NIH hockey acrlcs or I961 Is now history Many town and villngu hnd lenm aniond and word prqu due In an the lender nnd cunchu lhmuzhoul Onlnrin wlm run many hum of wmk Inln math wrck lrnlnlnz lhclr lmvx Friends imm his community culled at Thomas Funeral Home Allisinn in my respect In late Mrs iiitkey mnlher 01 Mrs Edwin Wson Frean dislricl drpuly rand mislrcss oi Dis No lhls ycm Mn Dickey made her homa with ML and Mrs Wilson flock Ind Rail Ranch Ivy Eastcm Star lricnds inin with other In offering hair nymnnlhy to bereaved nmlbn miw Hand In nxnln sup nlyinu past nmce whlle um Forguson on halivdnys Funeral service was to Jam Cumcmry Slrnud on Sun day To berenmd rclnflves the sympathy the communin tend The community was saddened Ihe weekend on hearing llle deth lllalllnnd Wlley former resident Mr Wiley born llnlly enme In 1914 tn North Ens 12 lot 12 Cnneesslon here he and lle wlle the arm or Edna Anders engage mixed lurmlnx and were or rrnny years beloved and re vmclrd mumbm ml the com mlnlly Mr Wiley was 79 MAITLAND WILEY brides cake in centre the able and complete sci sininicss slcci cooking utensils was presented in the bride and gram years Their mnny iriends in Ihis disirici inincd In wishing them many more your married happiness Mr Taylor employcd by llunlcrs Hatcheries No II lllghwny and met with serious accldcnt over your agu but all are delighted lhal he has been able In resume his dulles Congrnlulnlions In Mr and Mrs Alec Taylor who celebral ed lhrlr 40m wedding nnlver smy Friday Mr and Mrs Taylor were married Glas cow Smllnnd and mama to Can ada in 1523 They have me daughlcr Pearl Mr Melcnlfc or Srcclsvillr Mr and Mr Taylor spent the week end with Mr and Mrs mums and our sonS Duvld Bruce Burk and Cameron sur prise party was held by or mcr friemk and nelghbors at he Mckcalle home Saturday errning Almnm lellmy nr mum huuu nonm nu 04 up do All Mt umlul ll Ihl mm nqflurmanl mm ll mmlmln pllm ll mutual SERVICI nw lullan Cu lurku wllh ymlr CHECK THESE FEATURES In EMERGENCY KERVIFH FREE FURNACE CLEAN OUT KER HEATING EQUIPMENT INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT Lyndin Watson and Joan Ay ers ol lhe Junior choir sang duct communicants class is starting March and Work shop or lenders Ls being held In Burrie prcsbyterlul March ms wllh Miss Clnlra Halncs deno uncss as lender YEARS WED WITH YOUR INCLUDED in see some of Its members able to be In place again after bun with Illa flu Rev Bulls tank or sermon was Faith withcId or wlmdrawn PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The congregallnn ol Slmud Presbylcrlnn Chuth was glad he sympathy of the cam munlly Is amended to Mr and Mrs Lloyd mamman In the passing Mn CummInz sis ler Mrs Jones Mldhun and to Mr and Mn Nonnan Vlllnughhy on Ihe passlng of hrolheHnlaw Robert Stev ensan Misses Beverley Ayersl Reg Burlington and Janet Ay ersl Tomnlu spcnllhe weekend with lhelr paunls Mr and Mn lllelvllle Ayersl SUNOCU HEATING 01L CDNTHHCT By MR5 CAMPBELL The SAMEHNT Bo STBOUD vavd nlrrr wvu Ihln lnrhnlva Imlrl iunnm Hullng oll Conlrnd PA 824 flérl llix II patient In haspilnl Whilo shopping in one oi Enr rie siom last week Mrs Wil llnm Dnvis Aicnnn Bench oil down mp breaking her shoul dcr She will be conilnnd in 13min hnsnllni or mma me The second mlshnn was on Friday when Jnhn Gnuy Slmud all on the he Mrnklnu hls Mr Na in nlsn patient In Dana holplln The aympnihy lho tome munily oznon in Mr and Mn Kebncnlï¬iha lmby hay In In MrInnd Airs her the proud parents girl on Feb 15 In ACaurl nu 11min at and two duughtcrs an hula ormorly mo dc Juncirn Brazil spent nday with her mother at Glcnwmd Bcnrh Mrs Junk llunlnr and with her hmlhnr Tcd VISITORS Elghl we re Inn wen out In oniuy another cveA nlng nl cards Winners were Mrs Hnrwood Mary Lay nnn rim and me Thompson men llulchnsonlennnx Black and Marlin Glcnwood Bench Luriéh scrvEd by Flo Mulhol land and Mrs Gihhons Mr and Mrs Jack Thompson were In Sundcrlnnd Friday Icnding the Inncrnl lhe lnl lcr nunl Mrs Ernst Akislor Mr and Mrs Herb chksnn Owen Sound callnd on Mr and Mrs Jack Thompson Sunday afternnon My mum EUcunE Th sympulhy the commun Ily goes out In Mrs Hob Slov ensnn name In lho 105 her husband nlsu In Ihc Wlllnngh by In he Ioss III In brother Inlnw ATTEND FUNERAL Congrnlulzilinns In Slrnud In lermcdialc hockey learn in win ning the first game at he llnals with Lnrenn In an nverllme gnme with Dan Campbell smn Ina lhv winnlng goal The ncxl ane was Wednesday nlgM al Brnlon HOCKEY The lhnnkonnrlng mocking In be held on Aprll 16 with Joe Brown shgwlng piclums mlsslon work In Brut Thu pro gram presented by Mrs Campbell Mrs Brown and Mrs lluhbcn was on cx purlcllce and Work nf mission nrlcs Mr and Mrs Lloyd Slrn Chan In Brnxll The regular March Insolan St James United Church Wo men was held In the church hall wilh good nucndnncc The dates at the summer bake sales were nnnuunced Unit July 19 Unit July and In Aug spring tea and bake sale was planncd for April 27 lna coaches prnlscd the co operallnn and behaviour at the My during the year in practlsu Ind games By MRS BERT MULHOLLAN baon was lucldSalurday al noon alCannlnnlon and the Ihree coaches wok their mm back for It Over 500 buy llnod up lhe Arena and marched Io ho dlflenn church In the villnga when they were tend ered banquet Canningtoll on Friday for the playntln They met at opposl Hon and Don Wtce team came up with win In the morning but were put an In lhu after noon Unlqua pn uno team was the only girl In Llllln NHL play Knthy Fisher who played ton ward with great ablllty and made hit with thacmwd at Cannington It was encouraging to tho macho that su many parenla made lho early morning trip Cnnninxlnn and spent tho long day wnlchlnz piny LIMITED 1a In linan Her Hunlcr 1154 of Mali Vlclorll nlcr an bnhy 10 015 Al the local clubs mlxcd bon splel Salunlny Roly Cornerl rlnk was Hrs wllh Cyril Spenccs rink second and Jack Comlnble rlnk third SL Pains not an Frl dny evening nnd Severn new Tougher were received lnln he Archdeacon Road of Bar rle was In charge the Allen noun scrvlm at St Palera Anxll can Crxurckg Sunday and Mrs Jnck Shunuhnn not Cam urine Paterson ol Pholpslnn on he nrrlvnl son Royal Vicluria Hospital Bnrrle on Sundny ï¬rst prize at the farmers bonsplel hcldjl Drnmplnn and brought home Ihe tmphy 01mm on he rink were Mac Stewart Slewnrl ny MRS PROSSER Congratulauon In June Mnb Quarrle who passed Grade plgnofquenwilh honors Weekend and Sunday visitors wnh Mrs Pnnilt and bay were Mr and Mrs Marla For rill Mr and Mrs Blll Porrill Mr and Mrs Hector Porrm all of Tomnla Visiting Sunday at Earl Dale were John and Mary Dales Ron Lowe Terry and Michael dqn niiral Toronto Mr andVVMrs Ev Kï¬cshnw and Garry worn Sunday dlnncr lurs nrney Skoud Sunday vlsllon with Mr and Mrs Ernest Dnle mm Mr and Mrs Hunter and Robin Weson Mr and Mrs Dales John and Hgnlher 79mm Mr andMrs Junk Rumble and family were Snlurdny dinner guests with Mr and Mm Lloyd Palmerqg Maple Mlsirltrlien Emtimer spent the lnflTngonlo wth Irlcnds By MRS ERNEST DALES Mr and Mn Eric Wright Brian and Donnle Kneeshaw span day recently at Niagara Fnlls They mum that ma beauty of the greenhouse alone were wgnh tth STEELES CORNERS Mr andMIs Hardy and chlld Mldhursl vlsllcd Mr and Mrs CharlestHsmm on lho weekend Mr aha Mrs Gordon Mao MRS ERNEST CASION Mr and Mn Gemgo Slade mended the Spansmuns Show ilnjomg jogs week Mrs Stewart Vasey mm 31 Mr and Mrs Em Gaston rid hidospul Hall had Sunday school mm In tho hull Saturday swung Mrs Wilson Midland spent 91th 23sz Private Stock CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHIUKY vaamunImmumoqmm great whisldes 49 its own distinctive chamclcrlsch and then 1ng them In spccfal oak cashNow Adamslms mauled these 29 ran vllisklc lo create the supch flavour of Adams Private Stock So be sure to try this custom blend prcscnlcd in 1L1 crystal decanter at popular price CHURCHILL CRAIGHURST Iwun nay Wm 29 Years ago Adam distilled 19 great whlsldoa endl with ry am Herb wm fell one on the tchoal hm Sha suffered Irnclurns and will be pnllenl In Alllslon huspnal or name Mme Mr and Mrs Kentiv and baby of Tamnlo spent Sunday wllh Mrs Taylorl mother Mrs 123p Jerry Giovnnalla and fumlly of Thlsllckuwn spent Sunday with the Inllera parents Mr and Mn Eamon momlng last we xghu golï¬ng By MRSe GEORGE VICE Mrs Jnek Vorrnd who had been patient In Stevenson Memorial Huspllul Alllslan for week has been mnved ln5t Joiepha qspilg Tgmnln Mrs Baxter gave baby shownr Thursday cvcnlnl for hnby Blakcmnn evening was spent wllh Home and slnu lng Mny useful um were prev cnlcd lo the parents Lunch was served Mrs Quanl vlsllcd her slslnr Mrs Pnrkhurst at Niagara Falls NY Inst wck Tho Ladle Ald met at the home 01 Mrs nnxler wilh good auendnncn Dennis Curll sung solo Mm the business session sing song was held and lunch was served Mrs Chnppell will hold the next meal hug Congratulation In Mr and Mrs Vlllhlm Tmmbley an tho blnh of daughter March 15 at Rnynl Victoria Hospital Bah rle Ernie Baxter London and chlldmn vlslled his mother over he weekend By MRS QUANIZ Mr and Mrs Run Rum nl Bellevllle spam tho weekend wth Mr Em Mr Rune Court linxlur hns hecn vlsll Inn his nynfly In Tommo Monday ng saw lblc nl ouchm at ho Homo and School puny convened by Mrs John Donnelly and Gary the Fifth Llno Sdmol Wlnnlng the erm wen Ml Ken Gould rs Bush and Mrs Andy Grnlmm Burns Putt and Mr Messengale lane hand prlu was won by Burns who also won the mens grand prlxo lot the mlcs Mrs Burns and M11 Gould won um ladles grand prize or the series Thu and are grnlctul to all who helped lo make Ihelr pm lcs mes There will be no man parties unul urlhnr nollco Mn Gcflmdo Mannlng has The St Pnlrlcks supper Hu Unllcd Church on Friday ovgplng wn3alrly yell ngleqded Mr Endilra Anarow Graham visited tho lormura mother at Oshawg on Suqday Donald entertained tho euchn club on Salutdny evening Wln am Oh prizes were Wilma Don mull Bob Dcrmott and Jean lllllnck BELLE EWART TOTTENHHM Wo welcome Russell Klvmm lo the village Mr Klemnn hll moved Into the home owned by Ken Stewart Mrs Harvey Drury out again alter her recent opcnllon In Al ll hngpltal kuc We belie our local govern ment candidates running nfllco wauld do well to ah drlvn over hue mad and me the condition the people of mu dislrlcf have to qummd with Surely he pwpla this fly Met are entitled decent road olnvel on It all times tho mud has been in bud condlllun Im number your owing to ho banks 01 lbs mad being higher than lha fund bed Several complaint hive been made Barrie regard the mndlllon lhls road and all ovary year It hecymlgu wane By ROBBINS The son span of Saturday has pul lhe county 51mm mad almost lmpusslhle belwecn Ev ergl Ind Mansï¬eld Mr and Mrs Art Langman are vlslung their daughter and family Mr and Mn Lynn IL llnnwonh In Hamilton The Ruby lump of the Fed erallnn Agriculture will meet March 22 815 pm at the hum of Wilfmd and Benn Johnston EYE ng Invlgcd 1n attend Deepest ympnlhy L1 extend ed to Mr and Mrs Howud Flt cheu and family In the dam Mrs Fllcheus brnmer Man logi Emms By MRS BERNAL JOIINSIdN Thu Farm Forum met Mr nd Mn Ruben Kella with ll resent Alter llalmlnu to hl roudcast the topic Coopera v£ ldeaflwu drlrsmssed By MRS SAWYER The hall balm held Pa rlcks euchre party in the hull In Ollford Much Is wllh 10 cuchm Ian present Norman Davlsmn the door the other prim winner wort ndles Mrs Houston Mn Lmhy and Mn Cronnn men Owen Bell Am oId Meredllh and Sawyer FARM FORUM rï¬beuriï¬wm 333 m1 month or lhlu mason Frlends are glad to hear Rana Delaney cheery voice over lhe lulephunu Ilnce hi mum from vacation In Alllslon hospital Mrs Mcrvln Dale Debbie 01 Schumberg and Mn wm vial ed Sunday Ark Eden stroud wl rs Mn Ewan nr ry one has re lurncd from Vesum her home Sha was accompnnlcd hy her slsrle Stgnlyy Lindsay relurncd lo Tnmnla havlng are couple or wuks with her Vlslllnx wflh Mr and Mn Harvey Simpson lhn ormerl sister Mrs Thomas Vunnop Mypvlllel Alherlu EVERETT GILFOBD RUGBY Is flood lo see um some of tha Iln victims are nhle to be out nanln Butler heallh wish ed or all who are at present hqspilulhpq pr xhulvln ML and Mrs Angus Campbell attended the lunnrnl or Mr Miss Florence Irwin of Wm couvcr British Cniumbin and formerly oi Sirniiord Dntarln who has rclumed imm two year tour around the world was nest ol Miss Edith Greene in week 511nm comma Sprlng must be near at hand as tho ground hogs are am also two robin were seen last week In ï¬lmMon The Young Peoples Unlon lrlnlty Unllcd Church under the leadershlp Mrs Leonard Wan wero successful ngnln Ihl year In winning ï¬rst place In the Elm Drama Festival These ynnnl people have entered In tho nmnlo Conference Fesllval or March Mrs Fred Simpson will leave this wrek also or vncntlnn wllh Mr and Mrs John Simpson ll Bmcks Bench ML andMrs Ernest Mch cheun ammpnnled by their daughter and snninlnw Mr and Mrs Frank Park Barrie are luavlnz Inward Iho end of this week or threo wacks vaca tion In Florida MRS cm Mr and Mrs Vernon he were Kucsls Mr girl Munln Go of Harrie ay Evcrnl Fallon hnd success lul sale arm slack and Im plements March 18 The ï¬ne sun lhjny day mum in rceord al undance Donald Swlzer or Alllslnn spent part of last weekend at Jtnneus M035 10 14815 M035 EMMY Ifyguia Iouklng for mm join the many vanadium have discovered thoro rm to mm mm to enjoy Buckingham King an am of ml manual Buckingham 71 ll IncIII mum THORNTON Jen and Sum Sundoy uiiernoon llrL oi un deicrmined origin destroyed iim imuso owned by Mr Baxter Toronto and occupied by Mr and ivirs Fyle and lomlly The Fyies family were all away ni ihe lime and desplle eiloria oi llmmcn nnd nnlghboro Um house and content were com plete loss Mr and Mn Fyic and turnin are now living In Mrs Greens apartment Them were 11 lnblcs nl lhu cuchm Monday night Ladle prizes were won by Mrs ll Vesilnko Mrs Day and Mrs Gilmore menl Frank Mel lnw Ken Wesunka and Grace Elliot pinyin as man lucky lullles Marguerile Ramsay Mrs Robert Brown Mn ll Andrrwu Mrs William Reynolds Keilll Kneeshnw and Jack Ramsay Mr and Mrs Robqu mun er and baby daughter Tomnla vIslled Mr and Mrs Fred John 5103 Mth In Caldwell Guéhrle Inst 5m rainy IL nhd Mrs ElmenDungny and lumlly of Weston called on friends here recently en mule to vlslt relallvcs in Barrie TllF EMINB EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 21 196 For elderly and canvalcSA em pudenu Excellent momma for private or scmlprlvate and cold water in rooms R0515th ed Nurse In Illendanca STAYNER NURSING HOME 575mm our BOND HEAD MARSHALL km PHONE IN Ifyguia Iouklng for mm mm join the many vanadium who have discovered thoro more to um mm to enjoy In Buckingham King an real ll Dunlap El PA mm KitchenAiél PORIMELE DISHWASHER Now Avlllabla wllh klnudlu capacity for And Ouldad Anion wuh Ind FlmThru drying lhll mubl clulm dries tulalfluv Pamhln lnlcrlal and lid Doualawall construe don for cool qukl apemlon Gluminz whllo wilh chmoll menu Were fuming lhll Kllchanld ponlhle dllll wnher vainpriced mm KllchenMd for mry when every budm ROBINSON HARDWARE W©W SA